Tinystar(Tinyheart, Tinypaw, Tiny)

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(Sorry, I can't add the one white paw without it looking weird)

That day I met Tigerpaw. That was that was the day I became an apprentice of the wild warrior cats. I had been beaten around, sure, but that only made me more determined. Bluefur led me to her camp. Cats hissed and threw a fit but I sure showed them. Soon, I was leader. The tiniest but proudest leader Thunderclan ever had. I never forgot that fight with Rusty, aka Firepaw but Bloodclan, his clan, called him Fire. We lined up on the edge of Thunderclan territory, all clans ready. Before I knew it I was in the middle of battle. Whitestorm died, my poor deputy. Then I soon died, but I had something he didn't, 9 lives. Well, now 8 but.... never mind that. I took his one life and claimed victory and of course I had many other adventures but that's a story for another day.

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