Chapter 6: Planet Sized Feast

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Here we see Ragyo standing in a room where she keeps the Primordial Life Fiber and sees that it's becoming active earlier than expected.

Ragyo: " Odd, it hasn't become active for quite some time. I wonder what that means, the earth is not ready for consumption yet."

Later on, we see Ryuko and Mako at school as they then see life fibers going up into the sky.

Ryuko: "What is happening?"

Mako: " I don't know."*looks closer* Woah, those look like life fibers."

Ryuko: " That's impossible, I thought they're supposed to be dormant."

Senketsu: "So did I."

Ryuko: " So how are they active?"

Senketsu: "If I have to guess, a living planet for breakfast. I thought they were extinct."

Ryuko: " Well the only living planet around here is..."*realizes*"(Y/N)!"

Meanwhile, we see you and Mantis wake up and we see you put on your robes and you grab some coffee and when you head outside you see Verosika and her crew looking up at the sky.

Mantis: "Verosika what's going on?"

Verosika: "Have (Y/N) changed the sky red?"

(Y/N): "What? What are you talking about?"

Kiki: "The sky is turning red, look."

You then look up to the sky and you see life fibers surrounding your whole planet.

(Y/N): "Uh Mantis, what's causing this?"

Mantis: "It's the life fibers, they it seems they're gonna devour you sire!"

(Y/N): "What!?"

You then try to use your energy to break free from the life fibers but to no avail. Meanwhile, we see Satsuki, Nui, and Ragyo gather the whole school as they all saw what was happening.

Ragyo: "(Y/N) the Living Planet is in trouble and he needs our help!"

Nui: " What's happening?"

Satsuki: "The Primordial Life Fiber has turned its teeth to (Y/N) and they're gonna devour him!"

Nui: " Oh no! What do we do?!"

???: "Let us deal with it."

Everyone then turns to see a portal opening and the superhero girls and supervillain girls come out of the portal.

Nui: " And who are you supposed to be?"

Diana: "Friends of (Y/N) and we have come here just in time."

Ryuko: "You girls can help us save (Y/N) from being breakfast?"

Babs: "Breakfast?"

Ragyo: "The Life Fibers are gonna eat (Y/N) if we don't do anything about it. We can stop them by destroying the Primordial Life Fiber."

Nui: " And how do we do that?"

Jessica: "Leave it to me."

Later, we see you trying everything to break out of the hold of the life fibers as you then see a hole being punched through and you see a green light coming to you. You see the green light to reveal they are the superhero girls, supervillain girls, Ragyo, Nui, Satsuki, Ryuko. We then see Ryuko smacking Nui in the back of the head.

Ryuko: "That's for killing my dad!"

Nui: "Sorry, mom told me to do it."

Senketsu: "Ryuko, we better suit up in case something else happens."

Ryuko: " Alright."

We then see Ragyo, Ryuko, and Satsuki synchronize with their Kamuis as you and the others see how revealing their new forms are.

(Y/N): "Wow...uh you two are showing a lot of skin."

Ragyo: "We'll talk about this later, right now we need to deal with the Primordial Life Fiber."

Nui: "I know where it is, it's in the South Pole!"

(Y/N): "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"*looks up to the sky*"Excuse me! You're biting my butt!"

Karen: " You mean we have to...."

Nui: " Yes."

Kara: " Aw come on! Why does it have to be the butt?!"

Later, we see the girls at the South Pole and they were a bit disturbed by the fact they had to go to the South Pole.

Kara: " This is all kinds of wrong."

(Y/N): "People always aim for my butt, it happens to me a lot."

Diana: " Why would they do that?"

(Y/N): "Beats me."

Ryuko: "Less talk, more action!"

We see the girls pull out their weapons and they then fight off the Primordial Life Fiber eating you as Ryuko absorbs large chunks of the life fibers around your planet and then uses it to transform into her final form.

Ryuko: "Alright let's save this planet from them."

Karen: "And (Y/N) too."

We then see Ryuko put her scissor blades together and prepare her attack.

Ryuko: "Soften that thing up so I can cut it down to size."

Kara: "Gotcha!"

Before the girls can do anything we see Ragyo attacking the Primordial Life Fiber all by herself and Nui was worried about how much power her Kamui gained.

Nui: "Uh oh."

Kara: "What's wrong?"

Nui: "Ragyo is getting all of her power from her Kamui, she's sacrificing her morality and humanity to gain greater power."

Babs: " Is that bad?"

Nui: " Only if you don't want her going crazy, I know that because I made her that outfit."

You then fly up to her as she then weakened the Primordial Life Fiber and she turns to you.

(Y/N): " You okay?"

Ragyo: "No, I am not okay until this thing is dead!!!!!!"

You then send a jolt of electricity in her body and knock her out as you then hold her in your arms in a bridal style.

Kara: " Dude is she-"

(Y/N): " Don't worry she's unconscious. Ryuko, do your thing."

Ryuko: "Alright!"

Ryuko then uses the fiber lost technique to destroy the Primordial Life Fiber with one swing as all the other life fibers scatter and head back to Earth.

(Y/N): "Nice one Ryuko."

Ryuko: "You're welcome pal."

Later on, we see the portal expanding wide enough for your planet body as we see Ragyo wake up.

Ragyo: " Ugh, what happened?"

(Y/N): " I had to knock you out so you won't go crazy."

Ragyo: "Oh thank you."

(Y/N): "You're welcome and let's head to my universe for a while, it's been awhile since I was home."

Ragyo: " And where is your universe?"

(Y/N): "Through the first planet-sized portal."

You then move your planet through the portal and then you are back to your universe. Later, we see you and Ragyo at Themyscira in a hot tub with Hippolayta.

Ragyo: " Ah, this is nice but I thought you Amazons were primitive and not technological based."

Hippolyta: "The burning coal is keeping this warm at just the right temperature."

(Y/N): "It's true, they use coal and fire to heat up their hot tubs."

Ragyo: " Oh primitive hot tub now I get it."

Hippolyta: "And I see you have grown close to (Y/N)."

Ragyo: *one arm hugs you and your face touches her boob*"Indeed, he's an amazing boy and I got him to dress up like a proper lady."

(Y/N): "She put fake breasts on me."

Hippolyta: " I see, and why would you do that to him?"

Ragyo: "He's a curious boy and I like to see him in a dress. He was beautiful in a lovely ballroom gown."

Hippolyta: " True, though he is welcome either way."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Ragyo: "So, is there a way we can both share him?"

Hippolyta: "Hmm, well we could share him since he is our beloved."

???: "Then you wouldn't mind us sharing him to."

Both Ragyo and Hippolyta turned to see Verosika and the other succubi wearing swimsuits and coming into the hot tub.

Verosika: "He helped us out and gave us a home, so we figured he can love us too. Sexually and emotionally."

Apple: "Yep."

Hippolyta: " So we are all in agreement."

Apple: " Sure, we all gonna share planet boy here~."

Coco: " Yep and succubi like us like to share."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, I read that in a book that Mantis told me to read."

Verosika: "Speaking of your bug friend, do you want to add her to your harem?"

(Y/N): " That's up to her, not me."

Mantis: "As much as I love to, I can't because (Y/N) is like a brother to me."

Verosika: " Oh gotcha, it would be kinda weird to bang your own sibling."

Milky: "Speaking from experience, I banged my brother one time."

Hippolyta: " Why in Hera would you have intercourse with your male sibling?"

Milky: "It's not his fault that he was horny, puberty for succubi and incubi is like a bunch of humans in heat having an orgy in a building as big as a casino."

Hippolyta: " Great Hera, apologies for asking."

Milky: "It's okay, it feels good to get that off of my chest."

Coco: "I still can't believe that (Y/N)'s planet got into another universe."

(Y/N): "Me neither, I didn't even know that was possible."

Ragyo: "Let's not dwell on that now, let's focus on relaxing with our boyfriend."

Hippolyta: "Agreed. What should be the next activity with him?"

(Y/N): "I can try the dress again?"

Coco: " Nah, we already did that, hmm how about we take him to the Lust Ring of Hell?"

Milky: "Uh humans can't go beyond the Pride Ring, remember Coco."

Coco: " Oh crap you're right."

(Y/N): "Well I was learning how to cross into different universes several centuries back. I know a certain 'only' child of Odin and God of Thunder who throws the most epic parties ever."

Mantis: " You mean the one with the horns?"

(Y/N): "No Mantis, you're thinking of Loki, I'm talking about Thor."

Mantis: " Oh right."

Coco: " Thor?"

(Y/N): "Well long story short, Loki was adopted by Odin and raised him alongside Thor, but the universe that I'm talking about Loki was raised with his people and Thor was an only child. Which means he's a party dude in that universe."

Kiki: " Wow, since when did you become an expert on alternate realities?"

(Y/N): "Well it all started in the morning, about 3000 years ago, when I realized I have a gas giant planet sister, an ugly one too."*shivers*"That image of her in my head has given me nightmares for a millennium, trust me she's not a pretty sight. I got a picture to prove it."

Coco: " Oh come on how bad can it be?"

You then show the girls the picture of your gas giant planet sister as they were horrified from what they saw.

Hippolyta: " Great Hera! What is that monstrosity?!?"

Kiki: "I need to bleach my eyes!"

Coco: " Dude, what the-I think I need to see an eye doctor!"

Ragyo: "Put it away!"

Verosika: " Why?! Just why?!"

You then put the picture away.

Verosika: *cries* " I think I'm gonna have nightmares."

(Y/N): "So... let's head to the party then right girls? Maybe you might drink enough alcohol to forget that image."

Ragyo: "Yes, anything to get it out of our heads!"

Later, back on your planet, we see you set up everything for the trip to the home of the alternate Thor.

(Y/N): "Alright everyone, buckle up back there and hold on to your molecules! Cause we're gonna blast off!"

We then see your planet fire a beam of energy to make a portal to the alternate universe and you move your planet into the portal. We later see your planet into the other universe and you take your ship to head down to Earth and when you land the ship we see you and girls come out the ship and see that you all arrived in Las Vegas.

(Y/N): "Did we miss the party?"*realizes*"Oh that's right, we got here before Thor did."

Ragyo: " So how do we know what this alternate Thor looks like?"

(Y/N): *sees the bifrost coming*"Here he comes!"

When the bifrost lands at Las Vegas, you and the girls see asgardians such as Sif, Fendral, Hogun, Volstagg, and finally Thor Odinson.

???(Party Thor): *in a loud echo voice*"Citizens of Midgard, your dull lives are about to come to an end."

Hippolyta: *pulls out her sword* "You said he is a party dude!"

(Y/N): "Let him finish."

???(Party Thor): "Prepare yourselves..."*comes out of the Bifrost*"....For the Party Prince!"

(Y/N): "Yep there it is. You can put the sword away, Hippolyta."

Hippolyta: *puts her sword away*"I see."

(Y/N): "I like to call him Party Thor, he throws the best parties."

Later, we see you and the girls dancing in Las Vegas as Ragyo then notice that aliens from other planets are coming to the party too.

Ragyo: "I see the whole galaxy is here."

Party Thor: "Welcome! Welcome, friends. Enjoy the night!"

(Y/N): "Thanks for coming here, Party Thor."

Party Thor: *hugs you*"Thunder hug."*hands you a large cup of Asgardian ale*"Here, have a drink. It never runs out. You try to drink it all, but you can't because it's magic!"

(Y/N): "Asgardian ale, I haven't had this stuff since Bor was king."*drinks the whole thing*"And it's just like how I remembered!"

Hippolyta: " Is this alcoholic?"

(Y/N): "Well I'm way over 21 in human years, so yeah it is!"*grabs a mug*"Try some Hippolyta."

Verosika: "Alright planet boy, the last thing we need is a living planet having a hangover."

Meanwhile, we see two scientists named Jane Foster and Darcy Lewis were observing the party and thought the Earth was invaded by aliens.

Darcy: "Hollywood movies did not prepare me for this. Shouldn't there be more lasers? Probing? A flying cow?"

Jane: "According to my data, the first extraterrestrial to arrive was..."*sees her tablet directing her attention to you*"Him?"

Darcy: " Uh who is that? He doesn't look like E.T."

Jane: "Yeah he's very skinny for a space alien, I'm gonna make first contact."

Darcy: "I'm pretty sure the whole strip beat you to that."

Jane: "Either way, we're gonna get answers."

We see Jane walk up to you and she sees you drank 500 barrels of Asgardian Ale.

(Y/N): "Aw man."*hiccups*"That was-"*hiccups*"-awesome!"

Jane: "Excuse me sir, I need to ask you a few questions."

(Y/N): *hiccups*"You came to the right-"*hiccups*"-planet. Good night."

You then fall backwards onto the ground and pass out as the girls saw you on the ground.

Mantis: " Oh my, it must be time for his nap." *To Darcy and Jane* " I'm so sorry he's usually not like this I'll take him back home."

Darcy: " Oh uh, okay." *gives Mantis her number* " When he wakes up and gets over his hangover can you tell him to call this number?"

Mantis: " Sure."

We then see Mantis drag you into the ship and into a bed and put a blanket on you as she joins too.

Next: Chapter 7: Biggest Party in the Galaxy

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