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Ah, the beautiful sea shone out, reaching across the horizon and further. The odd dolphin dipping in and out of the water with its family. They sure do look happy, if only you were that happy, with everything that's been going on in your life. It's been a wreckage, it sure has, your family look down on you, your school hate you, even your pets hate you.

You wish you could leave this world. Maybe... or at least move somewhere you feel safe. Gosh, it would be lovely to become a fish, not a predator, neither prey for another animal to feast upon.

But, You're being feasted upon slowly, people draining you of your confidence, your bravery, and patience. You act self-conscious, you act impatient. You act like a freak, like very one else calls you. Maybe they're right, maybe you are going crazy.

However, little did You know, the struggles marine life have to endure. Humans, throwing their wrappers, their crisp packets, their sweets anywhere they wish, completely oblivious to the damage they are causing.

That one wrapper you accidentally drop, that one bottle lid that you can't be bothered to pick up, could take a life. Just picking up that one thing, could save a life. But it's not like anyone wants to do that.

All they want to do is walk away, being the lazy, overpowering humans they are...

Why can't we help them? Is everyone lazy? It's like a disease. Spreading, causing other people to turn bad, drop cigarettes on the floor, using the world as their garbage bin. But, You haven't been affected yet, not quite yet, although I'm afraid I will catch it. It's very contagious, very dangerous.

But You will fight, fight for the animals struggling, suffering in their own homes that are meant for safety, their family, getting caught up in plastic bags, slowly and painfully suffocating to their deaths.

Being part of the the marine life is just going to send you to your deathbed...

You need to help them, the dolphins swimming out there,somewhere in the distance. They seem peaceful and majestic, but when they go back under that massive blanket of water, they risk everything they ever had. Dodging cans, bags, and bottles. It's like a minefield, you never know when you're going to get caught up in it.

Maybe, hopefully, there are some people out there, freeing some animals of this pain, releasing them from tangled bags. Hopefully... it's true, some people out there are generous. Some people are caring enough to spend their time looking after these marine animals.

You can't stand it, being a kid and all.

You can't do anything to help. Maybe just put up a few posters... no... they would just be ripped down... starting a club would be useless...

Maybe, when you're older, I can help them. Do something good...

Maybe... just maybe...

This is all you think, as you look out to the wide ocean.

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