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Sorry guys for late update.... i was so busy due to my exams and some other reasons i hope you all understand...
But now I'm back 😊
Shower your Love💕

Happy reading ❤️


Juhi: I'll make sure you and Neil will broke up!!!!!

Neil: Avni I'll drive you at home!

Avni: No I'm fine its okay I can handle my self!

Neil: Okay see you at home!😊😊

Avni: Bye see you!!!😊😊😊😊

As Avni enter the car Neil kissed her before she drive and close the door, after he kissed Avni, he hold her hands and say
"I love you" and then he close the door and Avni drive away............

While Avni was driving someone called her and it was Juhi and she try to answer but then after she got her phone and pick up the call she look at the front of the car and she saw a truck 🚛 they are about to crash together Avni was trying to apply brakes of the car but the car brakes was not working someone intentionally jam the brakes and she was accidentally hit by a truck meanwhile someone's car was coming too and he crash his car to Avni's car , the man that was driving was Rishabh with Juhi.................

Avni got into an accident and Rishabh and Juhi saw her and they brought her in the hospital...

Rishab: Avni, wake up Avni!

Juhi: Let's go to the different hospital!

Rishab: But why another hospital!

Juhi: If something happened to Avni Neil will blame you, do you want that happened?

Rishab: Fine let's go!!!!!!!

At the hospital..............

Rishab: Doc.! Nurse!

Doctor: Nurse let's go to Emergency room!

Rishab: Avni you will be fine nothing will happened with you 🥺!

Juhi: 😠

Rishab: Oh now what will we do!

Juhi: We will wait her!

Rishab: What if something happened with her???

Juhi: Rishab you are doctor right so what if Avni was your patient you be nervous!

Rishab: Maybe I don't know!

After a few minutes the doctors was go out and tell what happened...........

Rishab: Doc what happened to Avni is she fine?

Doctor: Sir she is fine but she lost her memory! we do our best to bring back her memories but it's not working...


Juhi: She lost her memory (😈😁)!

Doctor: But you can go in her room after we put her at her room, excuse me!

Rishab: She has an amnesia, Juhi what will we do?

Juhi: I have an Idea!

Rishab: What is it?

Juhi:What if I'll tell them that Avni was missing then you take care of her and tell her you're her boyfriend!

Rishab: Juhi but I, how , I mean this is cheating 😟 I can't cheat her!

Juhi: Rishab this is your chance to show Avni that you are the best boyfriend than that Neil!

Rishab: Okay I'll do it!

Juhi: Okay! You have to go to the different country okay just stay with Avni and also change her name, what name do you want?

Rishab: Why do I have to?

Juhi: Just give me her name!

Rishab: umm 🤔 Ananya

Juhi: Okay Ananya!

Rishab: Let's go to her room!

At the room..............

Avni was already awake!!!!!

Avni: Who are you where am I?

Rishab: Um Av, I mean Ananya I'm your boyfriend Rishab!

(Author:Mujhe haasi aa rahi hai I don't know why🤭🤭 boyfriend aurr yeh😂😂)

Avni/Ananya: I have a boyfriend???🙄

Juhi: Yes you have!

Avni: How about you who are you?

Juhi: Well I'm Juhi your best friend!

Avni: Okay but how I am here?

Rishab: Because you got into an accident and you lost all your memories, and you don't remember us!

Avni: Okay where do I live?

Juhi: In your boyfriend's condo!

Rishab: Oh yeah with me!

Avni: Okay can we go home now?

Juhi: We will wait until the doctor tell us to go home and if it's okay then we go home!

Meanwhile Neil was cooking at his condo waiting for Avni to come back home then he was calling her but she don't answer it then he went at Avni's condo but only Riya was in there.................

Neil: Riya did you see Avni?

Riya: Oh sorry but no anyway why are you asking me?

Neil: She was not at home yet and its getting late, and I wonder if where is she and I'm getting worried about her!

Riya: What if we go to the hospital what if she was there!

Neil: Yeah good idea let's go!

Back at the hospital where Avni is..............

Rishab: Let's go babe we have to go we have a flight tomorrow!

Avni: What tomorrow?

Juhi: Ananya I'm sorry but you need to go quickly with your boyfriend because here at New York we have a lots of problems so go with your boyfriend!

Avni: But how about you are you not coming with us?

Juhi: Sorry but I can handle my problems here so I'm not!

Avni: Okay bye!

Juhi: Bye!

Rishab: Juhi I can't do this!

Juhi: You can do this....do you want that Avni I mean Ananya is mad at you?

Rishab: No!

Juhi: Then do it I'm going to watch Neil then you watch Avni I mean Ananya I always forgot😑

Neil: Avni, Avni!

Ali: Oh bro why are you here where is Avni?

Riya: That's why we are here to search for Avni!

Mitali: Why is Avn.....what missinggg?😨

Neil: Yes so we are trying to find her!

David sir: Oh Neil why are you here its getting late where is Avni?

Ali: Sir they are searching for Avni!

David: Why is she missing?

Neil: Sir when I was cooking our food at my condo I was calling her but she was not answered my calls and now its getting late I was so worried about her!

David: Okay but where is her?

Riya: Sir let's search for her!

David: Okay I'll help you guys.......

After 24 hours later they are still finding Avni then Rishab text David that he will sign a resigned to his work as a doctor he need to go to London because of her sister!

Juhi go at the hospital and everyone was asking if she saw Avni and she said no then she saw Neil and she went to him............

Juhi: Neil what is going on where is Avni?

(Author: haa haa jaise toh tujhe pata hi nyi hai😒😒)

Neil: She was missing for a whole day and I was so worried she don't even go home yesterday so I need to find her asap!

As Rishab and Avni was going at London Avni was fallen asleep and she dream about Neil and she woke up and ask Rishab of he knows Neil................

Avni: Rishab did you know who is Neil and Avni?

Rishab ask nervously......

Rishab: Oh umm why are you asking?

Avni/Ananya: Nothing I just dream of him and in my dreams he was searching for Avni and I don't know who is Avni and even Neil so I just ask you who is Avni and Neil?

Rishab: Well um I don't know who are they maybe it's just a dream its not true!

Avni: Okay!

Rishab: it's so late just take sleep okay!

Avni: Okay!

Rishab: uff🥵 bach gaya

Thanks for reading 🙏🏻

And i hope you all are fine....🥺

Just stay at home, don't go outside unless necessary..



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