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Sorry for late update 😬 as i was busy.. Long Chappy ahead👇👇👇

Happy reading 😊


After 6 years they met again as a doctors and Neil said.........

Neil: Avni it's me Neil!

Avni: Neil, oh um anyways let's go!

Riya: let's go guys we are going to tour you to the hospital!

Neil: Wait before we start excuse us!

Juhi: But Neil!

Riya: Um Juhi let's give them a time to talk!


At the stairs....

Neil: Avni wait, Avni!

Avnu: Neil stop shouting!

Neil: Sorry!

Avni: Now what do you want.... what do you want to talk about!

Neil: Avni I just want to ask you!

Avni: What do you want to ask??

Neil: You said before that when we don't remember each other we have a sign then why do you don't recognize me before?

Avni: Because I forget all of our past!

Neil: And I want to ask you this questions, why do you leave me at Mumbai and went at Canada without telling me your plans and also without saying goodbye to me!

Avni: Because we don't have to talk anymore and I have no more time, if I don't get at Canada maybe I'm dead now I need to go there for my surgery!

Neil: Then why didn't your mom tell me your plans?!

Avni: Because I tell her to not to tell you my plans, because I know you will not agree!

Neil: You know my opinion why do to you still do it?

Avni: Because when I don't do it I will die!

Neil: No I mean why don't you come back there at Mumbai?

Avni: Because at the Canada was a lot of memories for my mom that place was the place when my dad and my mom met and I want to make her happy but how can I do that of I'm with you, well anyway that was the past let's just forget the past and focus in the present..... past is past, present is present okay can you just be happy for what my decision are..I have my own choice..

Neil: Sorry!😓

Avni: Now can we start the tour now?!

Neil: Okay!

As their conversation end Avni go back at the roof top and call Riya and Juhi as they are going to the different rooms they are just focus in their work after they tour Neil and Juhi they have a quick break...............

Avni: Okay guys let's have a quick break!

Rishab: Avni!

Avni: Yes Sir!!

Rishab: Avni don't be silly just call me Rishab!

Avni: Okay Rishab!

Rishab: Can we have some dinner later?

Avni: Sure!

Rishab: Okay see you I'll pick you at 10:00pm okay!

Avni: Okay!

Riya: Oh you'll having a dinner with Rishab Sir!!

Avni: Shh!🤫 Riya when someone hears you!

Riya: Sorry!

At the front of the hospital.........

Rishab: Avni!

Avni: Oh you r so early!

Rishab: 😊😊😊😊

Avni and Rishab was ridding at the car and Neil saw them...

Neil: Who is that bastard man😠 he was to annoying for Avni!

Juhu: Neil do you want a dinner?

Neil: Um sure!

Juhi: Okay let's go to my car!

At the restaurant....

Avni: Wow this foods are delicious!

Rishab: Oh of course I know you will love it!

Juhi: Oh look theirs Avni and Rishab let's go and sit with them!

Neil: Oh no!

Juhi: Hi guys!

Rishab: Oh hi are you have some dinner too?

Juhi: Yes he is Neil!

Rishab: Nice to meet you Neil!

Avni: Oh come and sit with us!

Neil: no..no thanks!

Juhi: What no let's sit with them sit there, I'll be back!

Neil: Umm!

Rishab: So Neil... Riya told me that you and Avni met before when you too are high school, am I right?

Neil: Yes we are and she is my old best friend and we are very close to each other!

Rishab: Tell me about your friendship!

Neil: Well we work as a team together and we share secrets!

Rishab: Like what?

Neil: Like our life well her father died like that and her relatives never know that news!

Rishab: Oh I see!

Avni: Well Rishab excuse me I need to go to the comfort room!

Rishab: Sure!

At the counter..........

Juhi: Okay so please put the food at that table!

Staff: Table what mam?

Juhi: Table 3

Staff: Okay mam!

At the comfort room.........

Juhi: Oh Avni your here?!

Avni: Juhi why do you keep following me!

Juhi: Well I didn't follow you here well it's just a coincidence!

Avni: Do you think that I will believe you after everything happened before why do tell Neil that I don't tell you what is my plans?!

Juhi: You why?

Avni: Ahh what kind of question is that, hey why do you think I'm asking you, it's because I don't know and Now I'm asking because I want to know so answer me why do tell him that I don't tell you my plans?!!!

Juhi: You want truth then I'll give you my true answer it's because I want Neil to be mad at you but I was wrong he doesn't get mad at you and feelings is not change for you he still love and it's hurt for me to accept the truth that after all this years he still love you and nothing change for his love for you!

Avni: That's why!

Juhi: Yes that's why!

Avni: Then why don't you tell Karan to love you and try to pleased his heart well we never ever gonna teach our heart wants so don't you dare blame me for what he wants and for what he feels for me!

Juhi: Why I'm not gonna blame you if you and him never met maybe his mind....

Avni: Juhi I don't tell him to love me and always remember that, excuse me!!!!

At the table....

Avni: Rishab I'm done let's go home!

Rishab: Why what happened?

Avni: I'm not feeling well...

Rishab: Oh okay let's go... see you tomorrow Neil!

Neil: See you.... get well soon Avni!

Avni: Let's go!

As Avni and Rishab left Juhi went back at the table.................

Juhi: Neil where are they?

Neil: They already leave and I have a strong feeling😠... what did you do to Avni?

Juhi: Neil I just went at the comfort room!!

Neil: Avni also went there, so what did you do?

Juhi: Nothing!

Neil: Juhi I know you so tell me the truth...

Juhu: I don't do anything wrong, nothing wrong happened between me and Avni!

Neil: That's true😠 sorry I have to leave!

Juhi: Wait Neil, Neil!!!! Oh it's all ruined because of you! Its all ruined because of you Avni I'll make sure you'll pay for this!!!!!!!!!!!

At the car...............

Rishab: Avni what happened?

Avni: Nothing happened well anyway can we please not to talk about what happened to our dinner?

Rishab: Sure!

At the taxi.................

As Neil call a taxi he call his best friend and ask to come with him at the bar...............

Neil: Hello

Ali: Oh bro why did you call me do you need something?

Neil: Yes can you come at the bar with me?

Ali: Why is there any problems bro?

Neil: Just do what I say!

Ali: Okay I'll come!

At the bar...................

Ali: So what happened?

Neil: My life was so bad I want to be with Avni but chuhi keeps following and ruined everything!

Ali: So what do you want to do?

Neil: Well I don't know, but you know what Avni and I has a same situation!

Ali: What do you mean by that?

Neil: Well that doctor named Rishab also called as Rishab Sir, was always following and also always with Avni I just want to be with her that's all I want!

Ali: I understand you bro so maybe it's better to move on to your past with Avni!

Neil: Ali you don't understand me you don't know how much I love her!

Ali: Bro I understand you and I know what you feels I also feel that when me and Mitali have a little couple fight I mean a lot of people have also a couple fight you know so my opinion was to move on to Bella I think maybe what if she was already move on, on you what if he already forget about you about you past and about the past that you and her make before so my suggestion was to move on!

Neil: Ali I think your right I might the only one who was still not yet move on thanks bro!

Ali: Your welcome bro always remember I was always there for you and at your side me and my wife Mitali!

Neil: Thanks bro!

A few minutes Neil was sent at the sofa of the bar..............

Ali: Bro let's go home neil your already over drunk let's go home!

Neil: Oh Avni, Avni!🥺 Avniii

Ali: Let's go we have a work tomorrow!

Neil: Wait I'll just call my girlfriend!

Ali: What who, who is your girlfriend?

Neil: Oh sorry my future girlfriend, I'll just call her!

Ali: Bro come on Mitali was waiting me at our house come on its late!

Neil: Okay just go, I'll just call her!

Ali: Neil I won't leave you here you're over drunk and its late you don't have a car with I'll drive you home!

Neil: Oh I was so lucky I have a friend like you thanks bro, oh here she answer, hello!

Juhi: Oh Seb why do you call me?

Neil: Oh I just call you because I miss you!

Juhi: Really you missed me?!😀😀😌😊☺️☺️

Neil: Yes Avni I miss you I love you Avni I will always!

Juhi: Oh 😢😢😢😭😭 Neil are you drunk? I'm not Avni I'm Juhi!

Neil: Oh sorry Chuhi I was just wrong number!

Juhi: neil it's juhi not Chuhi

Neil: ohhk Chuhi Ali its not Avnu it's Chuhi! Sorry Chuhi wrong number I will just call Avni, bye!!!!!!

Juhi: 😥😥😥😥😭😭😭😭

Ali: Bro let's go!

Neil: Sorry bro this is my last I'll just call Avni (ring......)

Avni: Hello who is this sorry I don't know who is the owner of this number?🙄

Neil: Hi Avni it's me Neil!

Avni: Oh Neil are you drunk?

Ali: Oh bro come on give me that phone!

Neil: Oh bro I'm not yet done talking to Avni!

Ali: Hello Avni!

Avni: Oh Ali what is wrong with Neil?

Ali: It's a long story he was just over drunk!

Avni: Why?? is he has a big problem?

Ali: Yes and it's you, you are the reason why he was drunk Avni I'm stuck here I need to go home immediately because Mitali was waiting for me!

Avni: Oh sorry I'll just go there don't worry I know his address!!!

Ali: Thanks Avni!

Avni: Bye!

As Avni ended the call she immediately went at the bar.........

Neil: Bro why did you end up the call I need to speak to her!

Ali: Neil Avni is coming and take you home!!

Neil: Oh really Avni aa rahi h😀 oh I'm so tired!😵

A few minutes past Avni was already arrived at the bar........

Avni: Neil! Ali you can go but can you help me to put him at my car?

Ali: Oh sure let's go!

Neil: Hi Avni!

At the parking lot........

Avni: Thanks for helping me to brought him at my car!

Ali: Your welcome!

Neil: Hey bro don't you dare flirt with Avni I mean to my future girlfriend!

Avni: Neil he is not flirting with me he has already has a wife and she was waiting for him at there house so don't you dare treat him like that he was here because of you okay!
Anyway Ali you can go now I can handle this!

Ali: Okay thanks Avni see you tomorrow, bye!

Neil: Bye bro!

Ali: Bye Neil!

At the car.....

Neil: So Avni how are you?

Avni: Neil why are you drunk?

Neil: It's because of you I mean have you already move on, on me to our past that we make, do you still love me?

Avni: Neil you are really over drunk!

Plzz do votes share nd comments

Tell me how it was???

Thank u for reading 🙏🙏🙏

We're still not over yesterday and again this shock. Wth is happening?? All i know is their loss has left a deep impact on us and they will surely be missed...😢💔😔
Rip sir🙏🙏😔

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