10- Mia's hostage-

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*sigh* THIS IS GONNA BE THE TIME WHEN KAYLA IS GONNA DIE NOOOOOOO *cries* I HAVE MADE THE KAYLA DOLL AND THAT IS THE WORST TIME TO DO THAT BECAUSE KD IS GONNA WATCH HER OWN ORIGINAL CHARACTER  DYING- well I have to add in more details and what is the new problem- so this chapter is about Mia finally having hostage and having new troubles along her way and knew her big mistake, she has to live with it...one way or another welp W A R N I N G S time-

A,so why everytime I write down the name "Bella" it always reminded me of "HATE"

WARNING: this chapter contains:

SO MUCH BLOOD-/ gore/ suffer/ torture/ deaths/ AND many and many more bloody ETC ETC *shoves the word ETC on your face* ETC- so if you are not comfortable with these topics or- stuff then you may leave my story- BUT! IF YOU ARE- enjoy reading because chapter 11- it's gonna get dark and deep- SO ENJOY READIN

Bella (oh mah god-) POV:

As I shot this experiment's arm the blood seemed..weak..what I meant is it was bright gray and felt cold to look at me, the experiment's blood was usually dark black but now it's gray...as I let it go the experiment scream to the top of there lungs while I had to get the remote until the experiment finally stopped. 

I put it away as I look at him breathing heavily and crying. I know why since he is currently 5 years old and I know kids these days don't like shots buy I wonder why aren't they strong anymore? I mean I do give them so many muscle diseases and many injury's in the muscles, it's not that bad...right?

As I walked back I always hear him sniffing and crying out loud, I put the blood into some tube and looked at him, I saw him using his puppy eyes but instead I rolled my eyes and get Olivia to take the guards and take "care" of them, I will let you guys guess what the guards are gonna do. As I looked at the blood examples I knew these experiments are getting weaker everyday all because I am just adding diseases into there body by giving them shots filled with horrible infections that has the chances that might killed the experiments, including my remote.

I looked at the time when the 5 year old came into the base and be an experiment, I looked at his blood and it was dark black and I pulled out the tube of the presence, I seen the blood bar it was bright gray. I knew by this he was getting weaker and this is a huge problem when we have to make sure that the experiments are safe for scientists are using and many more stuff that important.

As I walked out of the lab I walked by some cages across the hallway, I always hear people screaming and crying in fear though I do understand- the only thing I don't care is about people's pain. I walked by Mia's cage and saw her crying and being thrown into the cage, I stop and looked at Mia's eyes, I saw her eyes filled with tears and crying in fear, I looked at her until she finally looked at me, I Immediately smiled and rolled my eyes which made Mia knew that I don't care about her pain, sanity, and how many diseases she gain. 

I walked off while Mia knew she should stop crying, the door immediately shut as I hear so much scratching noises and yelling and screaming on the other side on Mia's door, I walked off covering my ears by the dramatic act that Mia is going through.

I went into Olivia's office and seen her talking to someone that I don't recognize before, the door was open wide, she seemed..nice? I guess y'all can say that..I knocked the door until Olivia immediately looked at me.

"Oh, hi Bella, so people are coming to this planet and now they wanna join the scientist."

"Oh, we'll, is she exactly a scientist?"

"I mean I guess, I saw her records and her *MEDICAL DEGREE (that meme doesn't have)* and many more and so she seem to be acceptable I guess, meet uhhh- what is your name?"

"Oh, it's Aurora-"

"AURORA- sorry for yelling- anyways may you leave for a second-"

As  "Aurora" leave I immediately look at Olivia with a death stare, she looked at me in confusion.

"What- what? Bella-"

"You know what-"


Olivia pauses and looked at Aurora, I turned around and saw Aurora doing something? I walked around the corner and saw Aurora playing with Subject Larissa, I immediately ran towards her and pushed Aurora away and pulled out the remote and pointed towards Larissa with a death stare. I saw Larissa hissing and standing back as her wings spear around knowing that she is furious.

"Touch her and your dead"


"Guards, get her to her cage while I need to speak to Ms Ford here."

I said still pushing Aurora away from Subject Larissa, we have lost so many scientists and guards and janitors due to these subjects, I don't wanna lose another one..since I have watch so many people being killed like the time when Mia have killed the janitor...I have taken care of Mia after that...(you don't wanna know what Bella have done to Mia after when she was freed and being pulled back to the base- trust me-)

As the guards immediately picked up subject Larissa and thrown her into the cage violently I stayed calm as if I deal with that every day which I do, I saw Aurora's face and it was furious.


I immediately covered her mouth and told the guards to shut the door, as the guards left I immediately grabbed Aurora in furious and saw Aurora's face, I brought her to my lab since I need to talk to her...now..I put her to a chair and looked dead at her.

"Listen to me..Aurora.I know your new here but you won't make it alive if you will are continue to being acting like this...you see *starts walking around the chair where Aurora is* These species are...dangerous including this planet and so..we have and gonna to make them suffer so they won't get in the way of making us rich and many more. We are humans, we have thumbs we have discovered so much technology and so many more and these species? These species are useless and they are very dangerous so, we have to stop them from stopping our way and these species are stupid at this point and so- we have to make so much tubes and many more by using the most virus stuff onto the experiments so we know what is safe and what's not? You get what I am saying? So, you better get comfortable with this whether you like it not"

I said stopping and pulling down the chair making her laying down and looking at me in fear. I let go of the chair making Aurora almost falling off, I left the room not caring about other peoples health but myself.

I don't care...

I walked past Mia's cage and I knew Mia is strong enough to take care of the diseases that I have gave to her, but what about her dear sister Kayla? If she is not strong enough...I have a good idea how it would end for Kayla, but we need to fix about Mia's skull I guess..

Alright guards...get subject Mia and get her to the medical room or some shit that Olivia have named it now...

YESSSSS BABY- I am currently leaving my house to go to the airport :<

Mia's POV:

I kept scratching the door to be let freed and kept screaming to let me out but yet...they didn't, I checked my stomach by putting my hand slowly so near to my stomach and I immediately moved my hand and feedback with a whimper, I saw a huge scratch went almost across my whole stomach, making me crying in pain, the horrible sting became more powerful and painful making me crying out loud, I saw the black blood spreading around my fur making me feel so uncomfortable.

I laid  there crying so loud and so hard as if I was gonna throw out my organs or my vocal cords. I kept groaning and crying as if I couldn't stop, I need to get used to it since I have experience worse when it comes with the fights I had to do, today I had to fight an angel and it looks like it's my bad day- everyday is a bad day- actually everyday is the worse day OH MY LIFE- since it's been 6 months for being here.

I needed to get used to it since it's not like everyday is gonna be the day where Bella becomes light at least- I looked at the huge scratch and my stomach is filled with blood and it was very hard to look at, it felt like I can't do anything about my skull and my stomach, I tried to calm myself down but the horrible stings kept stinging so hard.

I have to stay...positive...I need to stay happy..I have to- not need to I have to stay positive as if I am not in so much pain right now...I have to smile as if I am happy right now, I weakly smile as if my stomach is currently dying right now, I have to smile as if..I am not slowly dying right now...I slowly tried to crawl and tried to ignore the pain but..it was too hard to do that.

I slowly crawled and nailed onto the door still trying to get by the horrible pain, I made it to the window while my stomach kept bothering me horribly, I saw Bella rushing past by and I immediately heard"

 hissing and screaming. Is everything all happening in one day? Why?

After a few hours later while I was laying on the floor crying in pain, I felt a door open, I weakly saw the door open with no card to swipe, I weakly tried to get up even though it still hurts. I finally did it and rushed out of the  door still hugging my stomach in pain. I rushed and darted out of there trying to ignore the horrible pain ever in my life.

As I darted through the hallway I have seen so many guards and new scientist walking around, as I was about to run on the right  I saw the guards throwing in a subject in there cage, I felt bad but I just wanna get out of here. I stand near to the wall until someone bumped into me.


"Oh, I am so sorry ma'a-"

As we made eye contact, she was about to scream until there was a janitors closet and I heard a guard coming in, I wrapped my tentacles around her body and pushed her to the janitors closet, I locked the door and covered her mouth with my other tentacles, as I heard the guard walking past the janitors closet to where I am and this new..scientist? 

I immediately thrown her across the small space room and saw her hitting her head very hard (DAT IS AURORA-), I slowly walked near her and if she tried to fight back I will kill here right here right now with no hesitation. I wrapped my tentacles again but this time I am not gonna throw her again I am here to make sure she doesn't leave. I wanna make sure she doesn't leave so I can get answers and how to get out of here and take off my shock collar.

I kneel down while my other tentacles are still covering her mouth, I gave her a death stare and slowly letting go of her mouth.

"Listen to me you little shit, you either give me answers or I will do this the hard way, and warning you won't make it out...alive"

I can feel her shaking in fear while I didn't care, I gave her death stares.

"Now tell me, where.is.the.lab.."


I immediately pulled up my tentacles and I was getting serious. I snarled and thrown her across the room, until I heard Bella walking near to the closet, I turned around in fear is Bella heard that but instead she didn't, I immediately ran over to the scientist and wrapped my tentacles around her body and her mouth, the new scientist made muffled screaming noises and getting Bella's attention.

"OI, is anyone in there?"

I heard Bella's muffled noises, I looked at the door then looked at the scientist.

"If she comes into this room I will kill your and hit you with my tentacles right in your stomach  I swear TO FUCKING GOD!"

I whispered in a serious tone, making sure she doesn't make a noise as my warning was very serious, I heard Bella screaming and seeing my cage was open leaving me a good timing for this, I heard Bella dashing and running away from the door leaving me to leave, I wrapped my tentacles around her body very tight but not tight enough to kill her and I immediately ran out of there.

I heard Bella pointing and screaming my name to stop but I didn't want to I just kept running, I turned around and the moment I did I saw Bella turning on the shock collar, I immediately whimpered in pain as my huge stomach scratch become so painful. I couldn't stop I had to run until I am out of Bella's remote towards me.

I immensely rushed out of the room and finally got a breath from not being shocked by my collar. I saw the exit door until a guard immediately went in my way, I thought I would have escape, I turned around and saw another guard right behind me. I immediately kneel down my hostage and put a huge knife right at her neck.

"Get one step near me and I will knife her head off and I don't care what would you do..."


I immediately grabbed her face and scratched it very hard, if she talked I will do so much worse then that.


"We have subject Mia but she seems to have a hostage..huh.."

I immediately slowly put the knife on her neck and it started bleeding and saw her crying in fear, I am not playing for this type of shit I wanna get out of here. One of them grab a gun and I immediately put my tentacles and wrap around his wrist and twisted it very hard, I heard him screamed so loud as I smiled.

I put the knife way further through her neck, I immediately let go and thrown the guard towards the wall and brought the scientist with me. I immediately rushed through the door until I had to crack a code until I had enough and break the door by my own hands, my hands bleed badly and it hurt so bad.

I only causes a little crack that lead it to the outside but then I finally got Out of there and darted away. I kept running and running as the breezing cold wind gone past my face, I was so cold and by the scientist's face she was warm and SOO confused, I rolled my eyes until I made it though the winds into the trees as the guards went around looking for me.

I covered her mouth and I stayed quiet.

I had finally escape for the 5th time...

DIS WAS RUSHED I DON'T GIVE A SHIT- I am so tired and had the motivation to write chapter 10- BUT STILL KAYLA IS GONNA DIE BY BEING KILLED BY MIA but I have changes and put MIA IS GONNA ACCIDENTALLY KILL KAYLA BY STARVATION AND EVEN EAT HER OWN SISTER- oh my god this story is so horrible AND SAD- anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter this took me 3 days since OF MOTIVATION LOST AND ART SHIT SO I HOPE YOU LOVE IT- since I have the motivation to do this SO BE GRATEFUL-

Word count ISSSSS: 2711 WORDS OH MAH GAH I HAVE MADE ANOTHER HUGE CHAPTER yep and I have should have done- 


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