Chapter 10: Cherrygrove City

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"No, you're not, but that doesn't mean you're not a jerk!" She said, sticking her tongue out at him that playfully.

"Okay, I may be just a bit of a jerk," he admitted with a laugh.


The shores of Cherrygrove City had been visible for just a little bit. May was standing on the deck, watching as they crept closer to the region she had grown up in. A sudden gust of wind whipped her hair back as pink petals flew past her face. It was springtime, and all the cherry blossom trees were in full bloom.

When they finally were let off the boat, May sighed in content as she landed back on solid ground for the first time in four days. She breathed in the sweet smell of the flowers and trees as she took in all their colors.

"Wow, this place is beautiful," Drew said suddenly, surprising her.

"Yeah, I know right? I love the springtime. It's so lively and colorful, and it smells so nice!" May sighed happily as she fell into step next to her arrogant rival turned arrogant friend.

"Fitting for a girl named after a spring month," Drew commented smugly.

"Tch, whatever Grasshead! Well, what's your favorite season then?" She huffed, crossing her arms as the finally made it to the end of the docks.

"Fall," he replied matter-of-factly. May smirked.

"Hmph, fitting for a guy like you to like a season where a lot of things die," she teased.

"What's that supposed to mean? That I hate nature? That I'm heartless?" He inquired, turning his head to look at her. She grinned widely.

"Ha! You said it, not me!" She cackled. He frowned and narrowed his eyes at her.

"For your information, I like the fall because I like the colors and the cool weather," he informed her.

"Uh-huh, you just keep telling yourself that," she said as they walked into the Pokemon Center, the automatic doors opening for them. There was a small line at the front desk so they joined it. The lobby was full of trainers though as the league and contests for this year were just starting up. Many would set out, but most wouldn't make it far before giving up and going home. However, May and Drew were not going to give up. They were going to win the Johto Grand Festival. Soon enough, it was their turn at the counter.

"Hello and welcome to the Pokemon Center! How may I be of help to you today?" Nurse Joy chimed happily.

"We'd like to register for the Johto contest pass please," Drew replied politely.

"So you two are partners?" She asked.

"Yes," May said.

"Alright, I need you both to scan your trainer cards on the screen," Nurse Joy instructed as she pointed to the screen. Drew scanned his card and May followed in suit after. There was the sound of a printer booting up before Nurse Joy disappeared under the desk to come back up with two contest passes.

"Thank you very much," Drew nodded at her.

"Of course, good luck and be careful out there. Make sure to take your Pokemon to the Pokemon Center whenever they need healed up!" Nurse Joy said sweetly.

"Thank you very much," May said. The two of them then left the Pokemon Center and stopped to examine their new passes.

"Hey look! Drew!" May exclaimed.

"What?" He asked as he moved closer to her, tilting his head down to see her card.

"Look, it says you're my partner on here!" She pointed out.

"Wow. I didn't think they would do that," Drew said, impressed. He looked at his own card, and sure enough, in a small box in the corner on the back side, it stated that May Maple was his registered partner.

"Agck! No! Stop! Come... ugh.. back!" A frazzled voice said as a man in a lab coat with short brown hair and glasses, put his hands on his knees and leaned forward, sucking in huge gasps of breath. That's when they saw what he was chasing. A small little rodent Pokemon with blazes on its back. The Pokemon let out a mischievous laugh before it shot their way. May squealed as it weaved around her feet before trying to do the same to Drew. However Drew was ready and he caught the lively Pokemon as it tried to go in between his legs. The Pokemon let out a squeal of shock and surprise and began to struggle, but Drew held him tight.

"I've never seen this Pokemon before, do you know what it is?" Drew asked her.

"Yeah! It's a Cyndaquil! It's the fire type starter for Johto. It sure is lively though," May laughed as the Cyndaquil gave up with its struggling, but let out a squeak of protest.

"Thank you both so much!" The man in the lab coat and glasses said as he walked up to them, clearly exhausted.

"Is this your Cyndaquil?" Drew asked him.

"Yes, he's very energetic, and while he is lovable, sometimes, he's too into running around to listen to trainers orders. As a starter Pokemon, that's not really a good trait, so I've been keeping him at my lab, hoping he'll eventually calm down. He got out though earlier and I had to chase him down all the way here from Newbark," the man explained. May frowned, the poor Cyndaquil.

"Lab? That explains the coat, you must be a professor?" Drew inquired.

"Indeed I am! My name is Professor Elm. I study friendship between people and Pokemon and how it affects the Pokemon," Professor Elm introduced himself.

"I'm Drew, and this is May, we're both Coordinators from the Hoenn region," Drew said.

"Though I am originally from Violet City here. I can't believe you had to chase Cyndaquil all the way from Newbark to here through the woods!" May exclaimed.

"Yes, he's been getting a little tough to handle for me, I don't really know what to do with him," The professor sighed exasperatedly. The Cyndaquil let out a shrill cry, letting everyone know it was still there. Professor Elm took out a pokeball. The Cyndaquil squealed in protest but got caught in the red beam and returned back. He sighed as it clicked and put the pokeball in his pocket.

"Thank you so much for your help, I'm sorry to be a bother," He said apologetically.

"No it's fine! Happy we could help!" May smiled brightly.

"I hope you can find a trainer that understands it and can work with it," Drew said.

"Thank you both. Yeah, I hope so too. At this rate though Cyndaquil is really wearing me out and I'm not sure how much longer I can take this. Anyways, good luck on your travels!" He said as he smiled and waved goodbye. May and Drew went on their way, but they decided to stay and sightsee in Cherrygrove. About an hour after the encounter with the professor and Cyndaquil, they heard screams and shouts. They turned the corner to see two women dressed in black with the red R on their shirt.

"It's Team Rocket!" Drew exclaimed. The women were running away from an Officer Jenny in hot pursuit.

"Look!" May said pointing at one of the women. She was carrying a cage with a Pokemon inside. It was squealing and crying.

"It's Cyndaquil!" Drew exclaimed.

"We have to go help!" May said as she started to take off. Drew grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She fell back into his chest.

"Hey!" She shouted as he let go and she turned around and pushed him back.

"That's Officer Jenny's job, we shouldn't interfere," Drew said logically.

"You're right," May sighed. "I still want to help though!" She said, frustrated and clenching her fists. He laid a sympathetic hand on her shoulder.

"I do too," he sighed. They watched as the grunts and Jenny ran by. Jenny had her heels in her hands as she ran after them, but unfortunately, she tripped and took a nasty fall. The women laughed in victory.

"Come on!" Drew exclaimed, grabbing her wrist again and dragged her along. They ran up to Officer Jenny. May started to bend down to help her up, but Jenny reached up and slapped her hand away.

"Please, go after them! I'll catch up!" She ordered them. The two nodded before running after the grunts as they caught the sight of them turning the corner.



Uh oh, Team Rocket strikes again! Hope you all enjoyed this! I'm actually finishing this Tuesday heheheh, but I only had a few paragraphs to complete, it was practically done so, whatever. I will still keep on schedule so don't worry. This is why I finish the next chapter before I post the previous one. But, it really helped when I was first writing because I decided to change a couple things, and I had a few inconsistencies that I had to fix! So this way of writing I would say is pretty efficient for me.

Anyways, I'll see you guys next week for the next chapter. I hope you're liking the Team Rocket stuff because this is definitely not the last time you will be seeing them, PLOT! XD also, I realized that maybe Jenny wouldn't have done that, but I'm not sure what to do to help move it in the direction I want. Anyways,

Until next time


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