Chapter 12: The Nightmare

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"Come on, let's get him all fixed up so we can get out of here," he urged her.

"Okay, sure," she said quietly before following him back into Cherrygrove.


He felt it seep on the top of his head. The brown dye sliding down the front of his face, stinging the corner of his eyes as he clenched them shut.

"No one will ever take you seriously with that green hair, why do you have to struggle?" The cold voice whispered in his ear. "You can't be an embarrassment when you take over as the head of the company. Your father and I work so hard to keep our reputation, you're not going to ruin it," she hissed. A young Drew tried to stop the tears from squeezing out of his clenched eyes.

And then the other time. Dragged back home.

"After everything we've done for you! You still chose to disrespect us! We have to immediately get your lessons started again, you've missed so much in this childish rebellion. I won't let you ruin our family!" She scolded. A burning sting on the cheek from the hit, and then a submersion underwater before the dye and the scissors. Brown hair fell to the floor.

He slowly opened his eyes. Something wet was on his cheek. That's when he realized that Cyndaquil had broken out of its ball and layed in his hair, drooling on his face.

"Ugh," he grunted before wiping it off with his hand and then wiping his hand on his shorts. Cyndaquil woke up, startled at the loss of his pillow. He grabbed his pokeball from his backpack and returned Cyndaquil. Over the past few days, Cyndaquil had proven to be quite a challenge to manage, but Drew was patient, and he would eventually follow his training.

He sighed before unzipping the tent and stepping out. The dying embers of the fire were a dull orange, almost dead. He looked over at May's tent. No sign of life from there. He walked to a nearby stream they had crossed to set up camp. Kneeling at the bank, he cupped the water in his hands, splashing on his face. The memory of the dye over his head still fresh in his mind as the water slid down his face.

He opened his eyes to see the coordinator Drew Hayden, the person he wanted and chose to be. No one else could decide for him. The trademark thick and fluffy green hair with emerald eyes and a cocky smirk. But a wave on the surface of the water showed a ghost of the past. Dull green eyes and a buzzed brown, with a sullen deep frown. It was washed away with another wave.

The sound of twigs snapping behind him sent his head whirling around, perceptive green eyes scanned the area before he let in a held breath and relaxed. How long would he have to live looking over his shoulder and anxious every moment of the day just to live the way he wanted to? He looked back at the water, but saw something in the water before a hand was on his shoulder. He jerked around grabbing the wrist of the person and accidentally pulled them down on top of him, his grip intact.

"Ow! Let go jerk!" A familiar voice snapped at him. He let go quickly and let out a sigh of relief as May scrambled off of him, a deep glare setting in at him.

"What the heck was that for!" She hissed at him.

"You startled me! I was prepared to take you out! So, is stalking a new hobby of yours?" He said. Her glare intensified.

"I was coming to see if you were alright, Cyndaquil sat on my face until I woke up and I saw you weren't in your tent. I came here to look for you! Clearly you're fine though, your attitude is back to normal," she glowered.

"Ugh! I returned Cyndaquil before I left! You need to stop breaking out of your pokeball! You cause enough trouble with it," he scolded as he noticed the Pokemon was in May's arms.

"Cyn Cyn!" It protested.

"Anyways, are you okay?" May asked him, a more caring tone taking over her previous annoyance.

"I'll be fine," he brushed her off.

"But you're not right now?" She inquired.

"It's nothing," he tried to brush her off again.

"Nothing's got you staring in the water and attacking me," she said sarcastically and raised her eyebrows at him.

"Right," he said coldly standing up and walking past her.

"Stop trying to be all tough! If you need to talk to someone, I know we're not super close, but we are going to spend a lot of time together. We need to understand each other so we can work together, but you're going to have to put in effort too," she said walking after him.

"You don't need to concern yourself with this, it's no big deal," he said, his voice raising slightly.

"Just thought it was a big deal when you weren't looking so happy and proceeded to almost kill me!" She exclaimed. He stopped abruptly. That was an exaggeration, but what about the underlying truth to it? Technically she could be in danger with him around, but at the same time, whatever danger that her mom was so worried about. When he thought about it, he figured she was safer with him than on her own, but it was too late anyways, they were already assigned as partners.

"Just shut up," he sighed quietly.

"What was that?" May asked, shocked.

"I said shut up!" He exclaimed angrily. He watched as May's cheeks puffed up and her eyes got a little watery.

"My bad for actually trying to be your friend. With that attitude it's no wonder you have so few of them," she said before ramming her shoulder into his and stomping off to her tent. He sighed deeply before trudging back to his own tent where Cyndaquil sat patiently for him.

"You're a traitor, you know that?" Drew said as he laid down and threw his arm over his eyes. He had made her mad, but he was still mad himself. He wasn't sure why he was because he knew she was only trying to help, but it was like he went on lockdown mode whenever this topic was brought to the light. He felt that he owed it to her to tell her, but he was still holding it back.

Not that he hated her or anything, but this was something that nobody knew about him and it was for the better anyways. It's a miracle it's managed to stay quiet for the past two years. Though it was only a matter of time before things would get worse for him. He had to enjoy what he could and not drag May into it. That was his final decision. Still, he couldn't fall asleep, tossing and turning restlessly. He could feel his stomach eating away at his insides in guilt. He knew he had to apologize to May.

He shamefully made his way to her tent and he unzipped the flap until he saw her tangled up with her blankets with her Skitty and Eevee curled up next to her head. She was dead asleep. It must have been just the way the moonlight shown on her cheeks that made it sparkle. If he admitted to himself that they were drying tears reflecting the light, he would have to force himself to wake her up. A soft smile took over his face before he realized it. She looked so peaceful. He decided he deserved to let his guilt swallow him up for the night and he would apologize to her in the morning.



So, there was Drew's point of view. I honestly think this chapter is pretty bad, but I knew I wanted to hint at something. Unlike most of my stories, I actually have a list of major plot points and things that I want to happen in the story. She's going to be a long one XD. So I actually go into the chapter blind most of the time but I have the main ideas in mind, so I just hope this works on the timeline.

I can honestly say, I think May and Drew's relationship improved over the course of the show, so in this story they don't bicker as much, but they actually get into a little more mature fights, cause they're also aged up. May is 15 and Drew is 16. May left home when she was 13, so one year in Hoenn, one year in Kanto. And Drew left a year before she did. Anyways, until next time,


P.S. I'm posting this a lot earlier because I'm going to be gone today; Sunday, so I won't be able to post later, I don't want to have to worry about it because I'll be home late and don't want to risk not posting this earlier just in case. And by earlier, it's 12:21 am Sunday XD

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