C. Digrasa

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[ q u o t e ] "don't be afraid. You have seen nothing yet."

[ n a m e ] Caio Digrasa

[ n i c k n a m e ] Ca. My lord

[ a g e ] 26

[ f a c e c l a i m ] daniel illescas

[ s e x u a l i t y ] Bisexual
[ g e n d e r ] Male
[ s p e c i e s ] Human
[ p o w e r s ] None
[ p e r s o n a l i t y ] Caio is the oldest legitimate son of a very powerful lord and it makes him quite a special Male. Caio is very charming, manipulation people into his bidding. He is confident in everything he does, knowing he will do it good anyway, or he thinks so. Sadly this arrogance also results him in being very flirty and sometimes annoying. He sees himself as above others, especially slaves and will not hesitate to punish them when he thinks they show any sign of disrespect

Caio is a selfish guy who doesn't really care about other people, they don't matter to him. He only had a few real friends, the only ones he cares about, and those are the ones he trust. Caio is known to keep grudges, making sure you pay with you either hurt him or any of his loved ones. Caio is the type, doesn't forgive and doesn't forget. He will make your life a living hell for the smallest of reasons, only because he can. He likes having the control. He's a sadist who is known for enjoying other people's pain,

[ b a c k s t o r y ] Caio was the heir of a powerful duke. Born as first child of the duke and his wife so he enjoyed his whole childhood from the riches they had. Both loved him and saw him as a gift of god. This is because Caio's mother wasn't able to get children before and his birth was a miracle. What no one knows is that she went to a witch for a trade, she would be able to get children, and the witch would get her husbands soul. Caio's father was a cruel man who only cared for his heir, his wife and daughter didn't matter to him.

It wasn't long after Caio's 15th birthday that his father died. He inherited everything, the estate, the money, the title. This drove the 15 year old boy a little crazy, he was not used to having the much power and not able to really control himself with it. He even banned his own mother, who was almost as power hungry as he was. She wanted to have more power for herself, so Caio banned her. She was send to a mansion somewhere far away and only allowed to visitors on holidays.

[ o t h e r ] a cruel slave owner.

[ q u o t e ] "You aren't worth looking at me."

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