D. Lawson

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Daphne Marcella Lawson
𝙥𝙝𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙚:
Carolina Porqueddu

Daphne is a beautiful young woman with half long platinum blonde hair that just ends under her shoulders. She has a very pale skin, which is why she tends to stay out of the sun, and gets burned very easily. She has ice blue eyes surrounded by long dark lashes. Daphne stands at a hight from 5'4 but often seems a little taller because of the heels she's wearing most of the time.
Daphne has been shielded away from the true world her whole life. She doesn't know how cruel and twisted the world is. She sees good in everyone, or at least tries to. She isn't innocent, more in a way naive. That people can truly want to hurt her or anyone is something she has a hard time copying with. Though naive and unknowing of the world, Daphne isn't dumb. She easily picks stuff up and loves learning. If she had a choice she would travel the world, be far away from her loving but over protective family. Daphne has a rebellious nature and loves to do things she isn't supposed to do, causing mischief wherever she goes. She tries to obey the rules but believes that from time to time it's fine to break the rules. After all, what kind of adventure would life be if you always follow the rules? Daphne wants to have adventure so badly, she wants her life to be exciting, not boring and already decided for her. She knows how to behave like a real lady though. She had been trained to be a perfect princess and knows how to be polite in anyway. When she's out in public she often is much more soft spoken and elegant than she is with her trusted ones

This princess is good at reading people. She is easily effected by their behaviour and this makes her good at reading them. She's also charming and often easily liked. Daphne is also intelligent and not afraid to speak her opinion.
Naive and easily yo manipulate. Though good at reading people she's not aware of their evil intentions and will quickly believe what you tell her. Not physically very strong and afraid to be left alone. Daphne is not a very strong woman and some people might easily walk over her.
𝙛𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮/𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥:
Carter Lawson- 72 year old father. Daphne and her father had a good relationship until his head 5 years ago. Her father was a friendly man who loved his family very much and took good care of them. He was also very overprotective and refused to let his daughter leave the palace, this caused for some tension between the two of them. Still Daphne loved him very much and still misses him till this day.
Amelia Lawson- 66 year old mother. Amelia is a good Queen but a cold mother. She wanted only the best of her children, but this made her a very strict mother. She would sooner scowl at them than give them the love they desired. Soon Daphne started to distance herself from the woman. They reconnected after the kings death and ever since they have been close
Ivar Lawson- older brother. Daphne's older brother by 10 years. He was planned, she was not. Yet they always have been close. Ivar was almost as protective as their father was and when he became king when he 26th she still wasn't allowed to leave the safety from the castle. This put a small restrain on their relationship. Still they love each other very much and are often seen teasing each other and laughing together.

𝙠𝙚𝙮 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨:
Broke her leg- She broke her leg by falling out an tree at the age of 7.

First kiss- Had her first, and only kiss, at the age of 12 with a stable boy.

Death of father- Lost her father at the age of 16. He was an old king and died in his sick bed. He had gotten a sickness there wasn't a cure for and slowly died from the inside. He was surrounded by his family and it was a peaceful death. Still it hurt very much and Daphne carries always the pain of losing her dear father with her.

coronation of brother- attended the coronation of her brother at the age of 16, 6 weeks after her father's death.
𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢:
Daphne comes from the kingdom of Kelper. It's a small kingdom that lays at the coast. It's has a very rich culture and the people are known for being kind and caring. Though being small Kelper is rich because of their trading and the gems that lay underneath their precious kingdom.
𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙨:
Daphne is deathly allergic for nuts.

𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮 𝙚𝙭𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚:

Princess Daphne really loved the gardens. They were a perfect place to be, quiet, empty and gorgeous. It was her save heaven. The one place she came to relax. At this very moment she was reading a book, her eyes glued to the paper. She was taken away to a world far away. Far away from her problems and worries. Once a while she would push some of her snow white hair behind her ear, an action she usually made when she was lost in thoughts. A few strands had managed to escape from her simple braid but she was too lazy to make a new one. Especially when she was reading such an exciting chapter. She was completely in peace.."PRINCESS DAPHNE!" a loud voice boomed through the otherwise quiet garden. A furious male stormed in the garden, followed by a calmer male who seemed to have trouble holding back his laugher. He was panting and his hands were clenched to fists, his head was red and the veins in his neck were popping out. If he would get more angry his veins would pop. Daphne could barely hold her laugher. She was never have guessed that the governor would look so funny when he was mad. She bit her bottom lip as she watched the noble storm towards her place in the garden. Hiding her amusement at his furious state, she closed her book and laid it down on the bench beside her. Gracefully like a princes was expected to be she stood up from the ivory bench when he neared her. "Governor Gerald." She bowed her head slightly, a polite smile playing around her lips. "Is there anything I can help you with?" The governor stopped a few steps away from her, still burning with anger. If she didn't know better she would think he was going to attack her. "Help me? Like you haven't done enough!" Daphne gave him her most innocent look. It was hard considering she had to hold back her laugher the whole time. Seeing that the male who had followed the governor had the same problem didn't really made it any easier. Her brother gave her a stern look, or at least tried while holding back his laughed. 'Do not mess this up.' She almost rolled her eyes. She wasn't a fool, she perfectly well how to handle a man like the governor. "I fail to understand you, My Lord. Please explain what you mean." Polite words, exactly like her mother had taught her. It was working the governor up. "You rejected my proposal! How dares a girl like you to behave that way!." So that was why he was mad at her. This man kept surprising her. Didn't he know that she was to be married to someone else? Daphne shook her head gently. This man had too much pride. "My Lord, I apologise for hurting you but I am already promised to another." She bowed her head slightly at him. "If you would excuse me, I have other things to do." End of conversation. She left the governor standing there, walking away gracefully. Her brother followed close behind, a look of amusement in his dark eyes. The princess could never fail to amuse him. She was so polite and polished yet if you looked closer you could see through the cracks of her mask. Like how her fist clenched, hidden in her silk gown, or how her eyes narrowed in annoyance. The princess was certainly not happy with her engagement, but she hadn't a choice in this matter. She had very little choice when in came to her marriage. That was how things were when you was royalty..Just before she excited the garden she looked over her shoulder. The governor was still standing where she left him, fuming with anger. She gave him a cold smile. "And governor? Next time make sure to bow before addressing me. I'm the princess, you do well to remember that." He opened his mouth to shout at her, insult her and belittle her, but the look in her eyes blue eyes shut him up. There was a threat in her glare. One deathly enough for him to keep his mouth shut and keep calm. Sometimes it was hard to remember that she was not just some beautiful lady, but also the princess. The most powerful woman in the kingdom. Daphne didn't give him a change to react, with raised chin and a straight back she left the garden.

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