" Did someone say fireworks? "

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Kasper Dean Rochester


21th of December




Froy Gutierrez


Kasper is a disaster. At the first sight he seems very different from what he actually is. He seems to be intimidating, cold and calculated. His sharp eyes and cold look can break even the bravest of men. That is, until he decides to open his mouth. The things that come out of his mouth ruin the whole dangerous pirate picture. He is not cold, calculating or intimidating in the slightest. He is just a dumbass. One who flirts with every human available. He once flirted with a dog, it was a joke but his friends never let him forget it He isn't that smart, at least not book smart. And he isn't the strongest pirate on the ship either, though he is one of the few strong enough to hold his captain back when they get really pissed. However, he has his own talents. Kasper is a people guy. He can read people more easily than he can read books. He knows when people are lying, when they are telling the truth or when they are uncomfortable. He can do two things with this information. One of them is to use this information to his advantage. He can manipulate people, make them believe what he wants them to believe. Make them trust him like no other. Or, he can do nothing with the information and go on with his life. Which is what he normally does. He might know that you are uncomfortable or that his opinions aren't needed, but he won't give a fuck. He honestly does what he wants. He has zero, absolutely zero impulse control. He knows this, and once again, doesn't care. He can be serious, but those occasions are rare and short. He is outgoing and love to make new friends, though the change is huge that he will leave them after an evening of fun. He isn't a trustworthy guy, not unless you know him really well. Only those truly close to him can trust him. The rest? Well they just have to pray he doesn't think it's funny to betray them. This guy has one motivation, having fun. He doesn't think about power or money, he just wanna have fun with his mates. Nothing more nothing less.

Kasper was troublemaker from the moment he was born. His mother, a nomad woman, had it difficult giving birth. The birth was long and painful, and took place on the longest night of the year. Kasper' mother screamed in pain, her wails of pain were heard Miles from the nomad camp. She almost died during the birth, but at the sunrise, she could hold her baby boy in her hands. Kasper was quick to stop crying, instead he laughing and giggling. His mother's heart warmed at the sight. But her happiness didn't last for long. The nomads beloved the new born baby to bring bad luck. He born not only born on the longest night of the year, but he also almost caused his mother's death. Plus his eyes, bright blue and very different from his mother's warm brown ones, were said to be cursed. You see, nomads aren't normal people. They are believed to be blessed by the gods, and posses paranormal abilities. They could only keep these abilities would they stay in their gods favour. One child wasn't risked the ire of the gods, so they had to abandon him.

The nomads aren't cruel people and it broke their heart to leave Kasper behind. However, the couldn't risk to take him with them. Not with the bad luck he was supposed to bring. So instead he was left with his father, a shoemaker who has fallen deeply in love with the nomad woman even though they could never be together. Kasper grew up with his loving father. The man was deaf but didn't let that hold him back from raising his son the best he could. He was the best father Kasper could have wanted. He was very patient, especially when his son was causing trouble again. Only softly scowling him and, if he was really pissed, forcing him to work in the shop for a few days. Kasper was a trouble magnet. A young child, raised by a shoemaker with magical talent in his veins, he was bound to get into trouble. He often caused small fires with his spells, or brought bad luck to those who had wronged him.

Nothing could go well, not even his love life. He was 16 when he met her, a barmaid. She was gorgeous, sweet and simply perfect. He fell in love with her. He would often pass by, give her gifts and take her around the city. He believed her to be the woman he wanted to marry. His heart was full of love. Love that easily disappeared when he caught her in bed with a knight. He didn't say anything, did not confront her. Instead he walked away, silently leaving them behind. He went to the docks, looking for trouble. And trouble he got. He doesn't remember the night, but when he woke up he was on a pirate ship. Two boys, one with blonde hair and the other with brown standing over him and betting how long he would last on the ship. That was the moment he met his best friends. He stayed on that very pirate ship, finally finding a place he could call home. A place where his talents, blowing stuff up, were appreciated. His magical talent only made him more wanted by the crew, mages were rare and his talent for fire spells was almost unmatched. His father was surprisingly supportive of his sons new job. He honestly just wanted Kasper to be happy and if needed to blow people up for that, so be it.

—Second in command of the black Ruby, a well known pirate ship that has been terrorising the seas for decades. He's the childhood friend of the current captain, and very close to him. His captain is also known as the pirate prince, and has several ships under his control. Kasper is second in command of the whole fleet.
—He is a pyromaniac. He likes to set things on fire and watch them burn. He also likes up blow things up. It's very worrying and most people think he is insane because of it. He is not sadistic like they think, he just enjoys watching fire burn.
—He is a crew member of
—He is in charge of the cannons on the pirate ship and it is honestly his dream job.
—His one true weakness are fireworks. He loves watching them. He has been obsessed with it since he was a child. When he was little he would sneak out and watch the fireworks until deep in the night. If you ever want to distract him, fireworks are the way to go.
—He is the type to throw everything, including money, right overboard. He has zero impulse control, and it has happened more than once that he threw the crews money to the sharks. No, they were not happy with him that night.
—He has broken more bones than anyone else on the ship. He has probably broken every bone in his body, yet somehow he is still alive. He is the type of guys to walk in a fight with no weapon or jump from a building because he can. Except he can't. So he will break all his bones and is forced to stay in bed for the next two weeks.
—Very talented in fire spells. Unmatched by anyone else.

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