P. Pan

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"Do you want to play a game?"

Peter Pan

Peter Pan


Robbie Kay

Unknown- looks around 18 years old



Pan has many powers, not all of them are known. Yet the ones that are known are teleportation and plant control.

Peter Pan, better known as Pan, is not the most normal boy you will ever meet. Actually, he isn't a boy at all. He's a dark sorcerer and he behaves just like you would expect him to. He's merciless, no matter how much people beg or cry, no matter how sad their story is, he won't care. He is ambitious, always wanting more than he has, and he is determined. Nothing comes between him and his goal. If so, he will merciless eliminate anything that comes into his way. As guardian of the prison he is always guarded. Many of the prisoners have tried to escape before, none succeeded of course, but its his responsibility to get them back in. Some of them have tried to manipulate him so he would give they the keys and free them, this is one of the reasons why he doesn't trust easily. He will always be skeptic of people, not believing that they have true intentions.

Pan has a strange obsession with 'games'. His games are mostly just for his amusement. He lets prisoners play these games, giving them impossible tasks and if they succeed they will be freed, if not they will have to stay in prison another 100 years. Sadly no one succeeded. This is also a way he tries to trick people, if they play his games and they fail, they will end up in his prison, their lives now his. He's a known trickster, never believe a word he says because he will most likely be lying or playing a word trick on you. Pan looks like he is 18, this makes many people under estimate him, believing he is no danger. He is very intelligent and thinks usually before he acts. He isn't the one who acts on emotions and actually seems like he doesn't feel them. Other than amusement and his taunting look he barely shows emotion.

To his prisoners he can be slightly more emotional, not afraid to get angry when they annoying him or try to escape, which they always fail in. It might seems like he doesn't have a heart but nothing is less true. Pan can feel, he can love, hate and be angry as much as everyone else. He is just very good at hiding those emotions. One of the few moments you can see those human emotions is when he is around Wendy. He has a soft spot for her, often visiting her and giving her gifts, or just talking with her so push the boredom away. He is protective over his loved ones, or the ones he actually cares about. No one touches them and lives. Pan isn't afraid to use violence to protect those he loves. He think there isn't a better way to use magic than to use it for those you care about.

Peter Pan, more commonly know and prefers to be called Pan, is an immortal creature that has roamed this earth for longer than anyone can remember. He was born in a time long before human civilisation. His mother was a forest nymph, seducing men who came past, drowning those she didn't found attractive enough to have her fun with. His father was one of the men she had seduced, unknown to Pan and forgotten by his mother. Nymphs usually get daughters, getting a son was very rare and most of those babies were abandoned, left to die so they wouldn't trouble their mothers. Nymphs are very selfish creatures, most of them are. Pan's mother couldn't get it over her heart to leave her baby and raised him.

The older Pan got, the more his mother started to worry. Pan was not like the others children of nymphs, not even the other sons. He had a dark magic inside him and the grew stronger. Pan was no aware of any of this, the young boy still played with the other nymphs and listened to his mother like she was a goddess. Things went wrong when Pan became a teenager. He fell in love for the first time and it ended badly, the nymph he loved cheated on him, leaving him heart broken. When he discovered he thought he would die of pain. Full of pain he screamed, and his magic broke free. Dark magic that killed half of the nymphs. His father had been a demon, a very powerful one. His legacy was this dark magic inside the son he never knew he had. After seeing the death and destruction he caused Pan left, he couldn't bare the guilt of what he had done.

Centuries later the humans started to take over, taking control of the world and slaughtering many magical beings on the way. Not Pan, he was way too power to be end by their hands, but he lost his family. He had kept his eyes on his mother and the other nymphs, making sure they were safe over the past centuries. Yet he could not safe them from the humans. He was too late, they were all killed. When he stood at the side of the forest, seeing how they bodies had turned in trees as happens to all nymphs who die, he cried for the last time. After that he didn't allow himself to feel anymore, not after he knew how much it hurt to feel. He started to roam around the world, spreading terror where he went. Years later the kings of the human kingdoms agreed that Pan was too dangerous, so they made him a deal. He would become the guardian of a prison called Neverland. He was allowed to do all horror heart desired, as long it would be to prisoners and no one else. Not seeing why he would refuse, Pan agreed with the deal.

❀love interests❀
Wendy. Jasmine. Belle. Ariel

"There are no kings in never land.....just me"

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