The Night WWE Got Nasty And Bloody.

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"Becky Lynch has the Dis-Arm-Her locked in and Rhonda has nowhere to go." Cole said as the Raw Women's Championship Triple Threat match was coming to a close.
"And Charlotte is out cold on the outside. So there is no way Rhonda can try and hold the Raw Women's Championship now." Graves said as Rhonda's hand slowly lowered to the mat and not a second later she finally tapped. After Becky celebrated a bit 'Sabotage' by the Beastie Boys came over the speakers and out from the crowd came a man no one has seen in six years came from the crowd and slid into the ring. It was 'The Nasty Boyce' himself Daniel Boyce. With an old school nightstick that was given to him by Big Boss Man when Daniel was part of the Indie's and Boss Man was a visiting legend. But that wasn't the noticeable change. The noticeable change was the cold unemotional look on his face. He stowed the nightstick and pulled from a sheath on the back of his denim jacket was a battered and bloodied old fashioned Louisville Slugger. He swung it around a few times and approached Rhonda who was still cradling her arm. Placed his right foot on her neck and leaned down. He said something to her that made her face go from mad to scared. He then commenced to wail on Rousey. He didn't let up at all. The security and referees were petrified of even attempting to make him stop. He finally stopped long enough to swing the bat harshly and hard enough to knock her unconscious. He then walked past the referees, trainers, security, medics and made his way up the ramp accompanied by Charlotte and Becky Lynch.
When he reached the back he was greeted by people who were shocked to see him at least, some however were very happy to see him. One of which was Naomi. But when she tried to walk up to him, she was pulled back by Johnathan Fatu her husband.

I noticed Trinity cringing under the force Fatu was gripping her wrist I tried to walk over to her and help her. But Rousey's husband Travis Browne got in front of me. "Who do you think you are? You can't just walk into the ring and batter my wife." I got bored of his whining real fast and pulled my nightstick and slammed the point of the handle in his throat. He tried to hit me only for me to catch his left hand and jam the handle of the nightstick repeatedly into his armpit until I heard the satisfying snap of bone which to me meant I separated his shoulder and I delivered one more shot shattering the shoulder blade.
"A. I don't care what I'm allowed to do or not, but then again your wife has been doing the same damn thing. It just finally caught up with her. B. See all assembled or in attendance, they respect me because I earned my place here. Your wife slept her way into the top position." He looked down a bit. I slid the point of the nightstick under his neck. "Look at me while I'm talking to you boy. You and your wife questioned the business I love. Has done nothing but tear down the legacies of who came before her ass. So consider this a warning. You or that joke you call a wife ever come back here or to any affiliate of WWE. I'm going to have a nice meal. Made from your liver and your wife's heart." The look of terror on his face was priceless as I licked my lips. I stowed my nightstick and pulled the Slugger. "Say goodnight Gracie." I brought it down hard on the back of Browne's head knocking him out.
"You wouldn't eat someones liver or heart." Charlotte said.
"I know but he doesn't."
"You are one crazy man." Becky giggled.
I continued to where Trinity was and found Joshua Fatu.
"Josh." I looked around. "Where's John?"
He should be in his and Trinity's locker room."
"Thanks." I said.
"Believe me Daniel. I don't condone or have any part of what he's doing to Trinity."
"Josh. I believe you, because if I didn't you'd be seeing this lodged into the side of your head." I held up the bat. Then just ran down the hall. "Trinity! Trinity if you can hear me call out!"
I then heard a muffled scream and kicked the door of a locker room I heard a struggle going on in and found John holding Trinity against the wall. "Get out of here howley." He said.
"I will if you let her go." I said as I stowed the bat.
"And if I don't?"
"Then this room will run with blood. Yours." He let her go and she ran behind me. I clutched the nightstick handle, ready for anything. "Now Trinity we are going to back out of the room and I want you to go to a friends room tonight when you get to the hotel. Got it?" She nodded as we backed away to the door slowly. Trinity ran to Nia and Tamina's locker room. I let go of the handle of the nightstick and started to walk away.
Until John said, "This isn't over. By the way. What happened to that Puerto Rican hottie you were with. What was her name, Maria? Carolina? Oh yeah. Selena. Man she was a fine piece of ass. Wish I had her myself." I turned around and ran at and speared him into the door siding then pushed him into the room, closed the door after walking in, locked it. Then turned to John.
"You know, I was wondering if I'd get to enjoy something tonight." I pulled my nightstick and said as I smiled, "I'll try to not enjoy this. Too much."
Close to an hour later...
I walked out of Johns and Trinity's locker room wiping blood from my hands and the nightstick off with John's shirt. Then Josh walked into the room and found his brother in extremely bad shape.

I on the other hand was talking with Big E and the rest of The New Day along with Seth Rollins. When Trinity came up. "Daniel. Can we talk?"
"Sure. See ya guys." I followed her to a quiet place of the arena. "What can I do for you?"
"I was wondering if you would be my bodyguard?" She asked.
"No." I said sternly.
"Simple. You see that beautiful blonde over there?" I pointed to Mandy Rose. Trinity nodded. "If you want my services as a bodyguard. Bury the hatchet. With Mandy Rose."
"But she was seducing my husband."
"Yeah. The same one I rescued you from. And as memory serves you singled her out when she was part of Tough Enough jumping down her throat every five seconds and acting like you were better than her. I seem to remember someone who had a hard time transitioning from cheerleading to wrestling. I just consider her seducing John as well deserved pay back."
"No T. No ifs ands or buts. Make peace with Mandy or forget about securing my services as a bodyguard. That's it." I left her in that spot.

"Ready to go Daniel?" Daria asked as she and Mandy were walking out of catering with their bags. I nodded and smiled.
"Thank you girls for putting me up for the night."
"Hey. No problem. Anyone that beat the hell out of Rousey and her husband like that deserves special treatment." Mandy smiled as she slid under my left arm and held my hand with hers.

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