Chapter Four

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The Monster wants to play a game
The same one he played when we were still sane
You've got the wrong woman this time
I don't go into life blind
I'll make you think you're gonna win
But we'll see who's on top in the endThe Lane Gang

When I reach the top of the stairs my phone lights up in my hand. I unlock it to find a text from Jasper.

Jazz: If you need me, I'm here.

For a few seconds I simply stare at the words. To most people it would be a simple statement of support from a friend. But knowing Jasper the way I do it means so much more. He doesn't get attached to anyone outside of his small circle. It took me four years of relentless pursuit to finally get him into bed. That's all it was supposed to be, sex. I'd get him out of my system and stop wanting him every second of every day.

Boy, did it backfire. When my life isn't falling apart around me, he's all I think about. That's dangerous, for both of us.

Jazz made the rules clear up front and I agreed. We're just friends, with benefits. Nothing more, ever. At the time it was exactly what I needed. What I wanted. Relationships are definitely not on my radar. Since leaving home my focus has been on music and school. Success is my priority, not a man. And especially not a Grammy award-winning rock star who has millions of screaming fans at his beck and call..

Right now, I don't know how to respond to Jazz, so I slide my phone into my pocket and continue on my search of Asshole Supreme aka David Masterson.

Angry voices echo throughout the hall as I near his office. I lighten my steps and inch closer hoping to eavesdrop.

"Calliope will never agree to it." My brother's voice sounds angry and strong. He never talks back to our father.

"She'll agree to anything I ask if she wants to see her mother while she's still alive. And you will help me convince her, or you will not see another penny from me."

A lump forms in my throat and my nails dig into my palms. How can a human being be so hateful? As soon as I stepped foot on the plane headed to Maine, I knew my father had an agenda. I also knew he was somehow manipulating my older brother, his minion, to get me here.

"She won't give in without a fight." Reed happens to be right about that. I'd never accept any terms my father offered without fighting him on it. He could come to me and say, "Here's a pony." And I would refuse it. I'm not a monster, I don't hate ponies, but growing up with that man as my male role model taught me that no one gives you anything without expecting something in return. Knowing my father, it would be a pony that was trained to shit in all my favorite shoes.

Footsteps approach from inside the office so I step out of the shadows and walk through the door like I just got here. Reed's looking over his shoulder and almost bumps into me. Surprise flashes in his eyes and his cheeks redden in embarrassment. Yes, little brother, I heard your conversation. I hope he gets the message from my eyes. When we were younger and closer we used to be able to communicate simply through eye contact. Most of the time it ended in giggles while the people around us rolled their eyes in frustration.

Reed wasn't always an asshole. At one time, he was my best friend. We did everything together from tennis lessons to playing down by the lake when mom and dad were arguing. He was the first person I shared my secrets with. We both dreamt of someday running away together and having a life away from David Masterson.

That's why I'm sad for Reed, even though I shouldn't be. I always wanted more for him. Growing up, I felt responsible for him even though he was older. Mostly because he didn't have the backbone to stand up to our father. Once upon a time Reed was soft and loving, always showing kindness to those weaker and less fortunate than him. I pray that little boy still exists inside him because things are only going to get worse, not better.

Reed steps to the side to go around me and I can't help myself, I reach out and ruffle his hair. He looks at me with annoyance and flinches away from my touch.

"If you two are finished roughhousing you can move out of the doorway. I have a meeting in fifteen minutes."

Roughhousing? Anytime we touched each other as kids we were always accused of "roughhousing." A smile tugs at my lips, I can imagine what my father would think if he was around the boys of Dark Rain for five minutes. They can't go an hour without one of them hitting, pushing, poking, or kicking the other for fun.

"Wipe the smile off your face, Calliope. I expect you to be here when I return so that we can discuss some important issues regarding your mother's care."

The smile does leave my face, but not because he ordered it. Well, maybe because he ordered it, I hate his demanding ways. But then it returns. Maybe I can throw him off his game while I work out some details. "Of course, I'll be here."

If I wasn't looking for it, I would have missed it. His steps falter, causing my grin to grow larger. The fact that my agreement surprised him will carry me through until our next meeting.

"Good. I have a proposition for you."

I don't tell him where he can shove his proposition as he walks out the door. Instead, I take out my phone and send a quick text back to Jasper.

Me: I'm not coming home.

My heart drops into my stomach as soon as I press send. Why does it hurt so much not tell him what's going on? Since meeting him four years ago Jazz has been a permanent fixture in my life. We have so much fun together when he's not touring and when he is we text daily and send each other inappropriate memes. We have the same twisted sense of humor.

I am going to handle this situation on my own, like I always do. I'd never drag my friends into the mess that is my family.

With that in mind I walk back up the stairs to my mother's room, and crawl into bed with her. She smiles as I lay down beside her and grabs my hand. I'm going to soak up every second of time with her while I figure out how to save us all.

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