Is This Even Revenge? Part 1

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Author's Note - This chapter was inspired by lilmochii_95's comment on my last chapter. I just put a little twist to it. I hope you all enjoy!

Addison's POV

"So you have the plan down?" I whispered to Alaina. "Yep. Let's do this." She said back. We were both in the kitchen at Alaina's house, walking into the living room to meet up with our boyfriends. Ryder and I are spending the weekend at Alaina and Aiden's house. In other news, today is the day we finally get our revenge. "We're back!" Alaina said as we joined the boys on the couch. We both sat in between the two boys, Ryder being to my left and Aiden being to Alaina's right. "So what should we do today?" Ryder asked. And this is where it begins. "Maybe we should show them that trick we saw Alaina." I told Alaina. "What trick?" Aiden asked. "Oh yeah! We're going to show you two an amazing magic trick." Alaina said. "Oh really?" Aiden said, not looking convinced that it would work. That's exactly where we want him. "What? You don't think we could do it?" I asked. "Nope." Ryder said, smirking at me. This made my stomach flip because I started thinking about how much he's going to tickle me once this revenge is over. Well, you only live once. "Then let's make a deal then. If we successfully do this magic trick, you both owe each of us 10 dollars." I said with a smirk. Initially we were going to say that if we can do it, they can't tickle us anymore but they would never agree to that. "And if you can't do it?" Aiden asked. "Then we owe each of you 10 dollars." I told them. "And you have to let us tickle you two all day." Ryder added. "Fine!" I said. "Fine!" Ryder and Aiden both said. "Ok so what's the trick?" Aiden asked. "We need both of you to lie down on the floor facing upwards." Alaina explained and they did as they were told. "Now, lift your hands above your head." I said and they did. "You aren't allowed to move your arms until we say the magic word. If you do, you automatically owe us double the money. " I said, trying really hard to hide my smirk. "So what's the trick anyways?" Ryder asked and I kneeled down next to him and Alaina kneeled down next to Aiden. "We found a way to make you laugh without saying anything." Alaina said. "Oh really?" Ryder and Aiden both said suspiciously. I couldn't help but giggle. "And what's the magic word that we have to wait for you to say?" Aiden asked. "Revenge!" Alaina said right before I attacked Ryder's belly and sides and Alaina did the same to Aiden. Only one small little problem. They're...they're not ticklish. "You have got to be kidding me!" I whined as I tried tickling his armpits, feet, stomach, everything! "THEY'RE NOT TICKLISH!" Alaina and I both exclaimed. Ryder and Aiden just laid there, smirking at us. "Give us one moment." I said as I got up and pulled Alaina up as well. "This is bad. This is really really bad." I told her. "This is going to tickle so much!" Alaina said as she started. "On the bright side, we still have their hands up in place. They still can't move. Maybe we can do something else so that this isn't a complete waste of a plan." I said. "We could just pour a bucket of water on them." Alaina said. "But we would have to clean that up." I told her. "Not if they tickle us to death first." She reminded me and I raised my eyebrow at her. "Fine. What should we do then?" She asked. "Get a head start?" I suggested. "What do you mean?" She asked. "We could just leave them here without saying the magic word." I suggested. Alaina smiled showing she approved of my idea. "Go get your keys." I told her and she rushed off. I looked back at the smug boys and said "Don't be so smug. We still have a plan. You still can't move unless you want to pay up." I told them. "We haven't moved and we don't have to. We just have to wait for you to slip up." Aiden said. "Then you'll be all mine." Ryder said. "And trust me, you won't ever want to get revenge on me after what I have planned for you." Ryder teased, making me blush. "Alaina! Hurry up!" I yelled right before she rushed in with her keys and both of our phones. "Bye!" I said, smirking and rushing out of the door with Alaina. "What?" Aiden and Ryder both said. "She said bye! We're leaving." Alaina said right before she slammed the door behind us. "Run!" I squealed before we both ran to the car. You know how when you're trying to get away from someone, everything is harder to do? Like opening a car door? "Just open it!" Alaina squealed. She was already in the car. "I'm trying!" I yelled back, struggling to do a normally easy task, right as Aiden and Ryder barged out of the house. "Shoot!" I said right as I finally successfully opened the car door, entered, and slammed it shut. "DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!" I giggled and she started the car before speeding out of the driveway. I rolled down the window and yelled "YOU OWE US EACH 20 BUCKS!" right before we drove off. To be continued. 

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