What's Wrong? (Mia and Dylan)

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"Shadowing that doctor was so cool!" My friend Amanda told me. We just got back from a little job shadowing field trip we went on with our school. Unfortunately, it was only for half of the school day so we still have to go to some of our classes. We're currently walking towards our AP Government class. "Yeah it was. I think I want to be a pediatrician just like her." I admitted and Amanda smiled. "Mia!" I heard someone yell my name. I look towards the sound and see Baxter, one of Dylan's friend's, running towards me. I frowned at the urgency in his voice as he approached me. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Thank God you're back! Dylan has been in a bad mood all day!" He said admitted. "Dylan?" I asked and he nodded. Dylan is one of the happiest people I know. Why would he be in a bad mood? "He's not talking to anyone. Even the teacher's are worried." Baxter said as we continued walking towards Government. We all have Government together, including Dylan. "I figured since you're so important to Dylan, you would be able to help." Baxter said, making me look away and blush. I know Dylan cares about me but hearing someone say I'm important to him makes me feel all warm inside. 

We arrive at our Government classroom. My classmates are all socializing and minding their own business but I see Dylan sitting at our usual table with his head down on the desk as if he's crying. I've only ever seen him like this a couple of times in our entire lives. Something must be wrong. "Do you know what's wrong with him?" Mrs. Ginger asked. Mrs. Ginger is my favorite teacher and basically everyone else's also. She's more like a friend than a teacher if I'm being honest, even though she's a pretty strict teacher. "I'm about to try and find out." I told her. I walked up to Dylan and stood next to him and bent my head down to his level. "Hey Dylan." I said softly. There was a pause and then he said "Mia?" His voice sounded broken and it broke my heart. Something is definitely wrong. "Yeah it's me. What's going on? Everyone is worried about you, especially me." I admitted. He sighed but didn't say anything. "That's the most he's talked all day." Baxter said loudly. I turned around and glared at him while everyone else shushed him. "Sorry." he whispered. "Dylan, you know you can tell me anything." I told him but no response. "I care about you so much. It hurts me to see you like this." I said. I still didn't get a response but he did do something else I wasn't expecting. He lifted his head up a little, wrapped his arms around my waist, had me sit in his lap, and buried his face into my belly. I blushed at how close we were and then started stroking his head. "Whatever it is Dylan, you're going to be okay." I said. 

Now I know for a fact that what happens next will shock everyone. It certainly shocked me. 

Dylan, out of nowhere, started squeezing my sides with his hands and nibbling my belly. I squealed immediately. "Dylan!"  I screamed, trying to push him away but he just held onto me tighter and continued. "What's going on?" Mrs. Ginger asked. "He's tickling me!" I giggled out. "I told you Mia would make him feel better." Baxter said as Dylan started nibbling on my bellybutton. "AH! Mrs Ginger make him stop!" I giggled harder. I felt Dylan chuckle against my belly which made me feel better but it still tickled like crazy. "I'm sorry Mia. This is the happiest I've seen him all day. I'm just going to put on a movie for the class and let you handle it yourself." Mrs. Ginger said with a smile, before walking to her desk. Then, I feel Dylan start raising my shirt up so that he would be nibbling my bare stomach. "NO!" I squealed as I tried to keep my shirt pulled down and I heard Dylan laugh. "Dylan this isn't funny!" I squealed as he continued to try to raise up my shirt. He stopped nibbling my belly only to blow a huge raspberry, making me squeal and let go of the shirt. He then raise up my shirt and started nibbling on it, making me giggle even harder! "DYLAN!" I screamed. This is when I realized he wasn't really talking. He was just laughing and teasing me with tickles. "Dylan please talk to me!" I giggled. That's when he finally slowed down, now only squeezing my sides a little and nuzzling my belly with his nose. "My parents are getting a divorce." He whispered only loud enough for me to hear. Even though I was giggling, my heart dropped. "You want to leave the classroom to talk about it?" I giggled and he nodded. I tried to get up but he still had me trapped in his arms. "Dylan I have to get up in order for us to leave." I giggled. He sighed before letting me go. 

We let Mrs. Ginger know where we were going and we left the classroom, sitting right outside the door and talked. After I talked to him, you could see a difference in his mood almost instantly. So I asked him "Why didn't you just talk to one of your guy friends? They couldn't cheer you up?" "Well that's easy. They're not Mia." Dylan said with a shrug. "So just because my name is Mia I can cheer you up?" I teased and he rolled his eyes before saying "You know exactly why you cheer me up." I blushed and said "Do I though?" He smirked and said "I'll give you a hint." Then he started squeezing my sides yet again. "Tickling cheers you up?" I giggled, pushing his hands away. "Nope." He said, now squeezing my thigh. "Quit it! Just tell me!" I giggled and he smiled and stopped. I knew whatever he was about to say he truly meant because he started blushing. "Your smile and giggles always cheer me up." I blushed before taking his hand in mine and kissing it. "You do the same for me." I smiled.  

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