06: tell me not to give up

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day: 25

bright moon


    "Why is Chaewol absent today?"

The teacher asked the student curiously before starting the lesson. Taeyoung took a glance at Sunoo, giving a sign to him to answer the question since no one minded the teacher.
Sunoo was just shaking his head, "I don't know too." he replied and continue finishing his work.

"Is she sick? you should visit her then."

"You're always pushing me to go to her."
Sunoo spoke up and pushed Taeyoung from leaning his body closer to him.

"Cherish the moment that you have now, Sunoo."

Sunoo glared at his friend, "Why did you keep repeating that statement?"

"For fun."

Sunoo was about to speak again but he stopped when the teacher approached his table and placed something on it. Sunoo looked at it blankly and shut his eyes when Taeyoung started to tease him more.

"Can you send this work to Chaewol? Tell her to hand the work when she comes to school again."

Sunoo went silent, didn't give any response because he kept thinking about how to face Chaewol after this. He knows her too well- he knows that she would be so loud after seeing him come to her house. She will drag him to the living room and prepare a lot of food for him.

I need to get prepared...

"Alright, Mr.Jiu."He finally spoke up and put the work on his bag.


"Sunoo, just stay from sick people like me."

"You should stop using the excuse to break up with me."

"I don't love you anymore--"

"I still want to take care of you."

"You got sick. You need to attend a lot of treatments and appointments. So, let me take care of you until you get cured."

"There's no way I could cure of this, Sunoo."

"Stop talking like that, girl. I don't like it."

"Sunoo, please..."

"I will visit you tomorrow okay? Don't be too hard on yourself. Everything will be okay."

"Be strong, Saebyeol."

"I can't wait to see you."

Sunoo ended the call when he finally arrived at Chaewol's house after thirty minutes of taking the bus from his academy to her neighborhood. The academy ended late than usual, it was supposed to be finished at 9 pm but now was already almost 11 pm. So, he hopes she still wasn't sleeping. Sunoo took a deep breath, prepared himself before seeing her.

He knocked on the door.
but no response.

He knocked on the door again,
and no response.

"Jung Chaewol?"

"Jung Chaewol, it's me."

"Are you home?"

He knocked on the door for the last time and still, he didn't get any response. Sunoo leaned his head on the door, thinking what should he do as he started to feel so strange when she still wasn't home at this time.

He then sighed, "Playground."

He quickly ran to the playground, ignoring the fact that he was so exhausted today. He ran as fast as he could and immediately went to the playground just to search for that noisy girl.
He looked at the slide, the place where she always lay her body on but she wasn't there.

he looked at her favorite swing, and she also wasn't there.

"Jung Chaewol, where are you?" He ran around the playground and asked some people who spent their time there but they also didn't know
where she has been.

He took out his phone, called for her again and again while searching for her. He went to the playground again and approached the slide.

Sunoo immediately ended the call when he saw her there, sleeping inside the slide while hugging her comic on her embrace. He fixed his eyes on her and cursed at how stupid she was for being here at this time.

"Chaewol, you're a girl. You might get kidnapped for sleeping here alone." He shook her body to wake her up.

"Chaewol, why do you always find trouble? You should be at home."

"Wake up, Chaewol."

He grabbed her body and shut his mouth when she was having a hard time breathing. "Hey, what's wrong with you? Did you get sick?"

"Chaewol, wake up."He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her out from the slide. Without minding about others, he put the girl on his lap and cupped her face.

"Chaewol." Sunoo took off his jacket and wrapped it around her body to warm her body.
He tucked the girl into his embrace, hugging her tightly.

"Sunoo..."He stopped and slowly let go of the hug when she finally woke up. He fixed his eyes on her, still wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Chaewol showed him a bare smile with her pale face and reached her hand to his shoulder while he was just watching her move.

"Sunoo. you're here."

"I was waiting for you for a long time."She muttered weakly and rest her head on his shoulder, slowly hugging him again.

"Why did you wait for me, Chaewol? I told you to stop waiting for me, right?"

"Something bad might happen to you if you keep doing this."He continued, just let her rest on his embrace.

"I miss you a lot. The only time I could see you is when you walk past the playground every time your academy ends."

"So, that's why I was here."

"I didn't expect I will fall asleep there."

"But It's okay. I was glad that I'm here. I was glad that I didn't give up and go home."

"Waiting for you is not worthless, Sunoo. You're with me now. I'm so happy that I'm in your embrace."

"I finally feel good again."She let out a deep breath and hugged him tighter.

"How I wish I could stay like this with you forever."

Sunoo was just listening to her in silence and stayed in that position without minding the number of glances he got from the elders.

"Sunoo, tell me not to give up please."

"Why..?"He asked her in a whispering tone.

"Tell me, Sunoo."

"Tell me not to give up no matter what happens in my life."

Sunoo was hesitated at first but later then he patted her back, "Whatever you're facing right now, don't give up."

She broke into tears and nodded.

"I like you, Sunoo."

"Remember that."

"I will wait for you until the end of my life."

Sunoo just hummed in response and patted her back gently to comfort her from crying in front of others.

"There are 24 days left before your birthday."

"I hope we can celebrate it together this time."


How's this chapter everyone? I hope you guys like it <3 thank you so much for reading my book! Don't forget to vote and leave your comments. 💓🙆🏻‍♀️

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