20: i love you

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     "Saebyeol has been feeling so down lately. We heard that her parents left her alone here and moved to Switzerland. That's why she couldn't stop crying."

Sunoo sighed and took a glance at Saebyeol who was crying so hard. She grabbed the pillow, throwing it away and hurting herself by pulling her hair causing the nurses to run towards her and calm her by giving her an injection. Saebyeol stopped crying as her eyes got so sleepy.

She then fell on the bed, sleeping with tears still rolling on her cheeks.

"I am glad that you are with her, Sunoo. She has no one else other than you. So, please come here often and take care of her."

"Saebyeol needs you. She told us how much you means to her. She told us how much she loves you. She told us everything."

Sunoo was surprised and continued listening to the doctor, "Saebyeol doesn't want you to live with a sick person. That's why she keeps rejecting you, but deep in her heart, you are the only one in her heart. She appreciates you so much. She is so thankful to you."

"Saebyeol wants to give up on her life because she wants to rest. She already accepts everything now. She just wants to let go of everything."

Sunoo lowered his head as he understood everything now. He finally got why did Saebyeol turn this way and now, he felt so guilty for ignoring her call earlier. He brushed his hair out of his face and bowed to the doctor as tried to comfort him.

"I hope you could stay longer with her."

"You're the only hope. You will be the reason she keeps on living."

The doctor left the place, leaving Sunoo with Saebyeol.

Sunoo approached Saebyeol and gently held her hand while telling her that he was sorry for everything he has done to her. He brushed her hair, gently stroking her cheeks.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry ..." He muttered to her.

"I'm sorry, Saebyeol..."


  "Do you go to work?"

Chaewol widened her eyes when her uncle approached her at the entrance door of her house. She immediately pushed him away, heading towards her room but he stopped her by holding her arm harshly before taking off the mascot head. Chaewol was shaking when he could feel that he will do something bad to her. She shook her head, telling him to let go of her but he didn't listen, still looked at him with a heartless gaze.

Chaewol held her pocket tight as she didn't want him to take the purse again.

"What are you hiding? You know what to do, right?"

Chaewol begged him,
"Please no..."

"I was working so hard for this..."

"I was so exhausted from standing at the street for a long time."

Chaewol raised her voice to him with tears rolled on her cheeks,
"I was doing everything just to get the money."

"I was dancing in the street like a stupid. I was just doing what they asked me to. I was doing all of the stupid tasks to earn the money."

"So please.... please don't do this to me."

"I'm your uncle. I was taking care of--"

Chaewol lost her temper and pushed him away from her causing him to fall on the ground,

"Stop claiming yourself as my uncle! All you did was drink and bring girls to the house. You were using all of the money that my parents gave to me for the useless thing. You never used it on me!"

"I was so hurting. It was killing me!"

"I want to use the money for my surgery! I want to live! I want to live!"

"I want to live happily and enjoy my life!"

"I want to live." She broke into tears and quickly took a step away when her uncle was losing his temper. He ran towards her, pulling her collars with his eyes fixed on her angrily.

Chaewol coughed as she choked on breathing.

"Who are you to raise your voice to me?"
He held her stronger.

"Who are you?" He let go of her collar and suddenly grabbed her neck causing her to choke on air again. Chaewol lifted her head on the ceiling, keep trying to take his hand off away from her while screaming for help.

"Do you want to see your parents, Chaewol?"

Chaewol widened her eyes,
"No... no.. please..." She begged for him to stop.

He ignored her, holding her aggressively.


Chaewol was out of breathing as she suddenly got a panic attack. The pain in her chest was slowly killing her causing her to lift her head to the ceiling again.

she took a short breath, letting it out.

repeating the same thing to help her from choking.

but she still couldn't breathe properly.

and end up

lost her consciousness.


     "I'm sorry for bothering you, Sunoo."

Saebyeol spoke as soon as she woke up from her deep sleeping. She fixed her eyes on Sunoo who was sleeping by sitting next to her and resting his head on the bed. Sunoo slowly opened his eyes when he heard her voice. He immediately lifted her head to see Saebyeol and stood up, checking her if she was good.

"Saebyeol, how are you now?"

Saebyeol smiled, "I'm good again. Thanks to you."

Sunoo let out a relief, "Why didn't you tell me the truth, Saebyeol? You should tell me everything. Don't hide anything from me anymore."

Saebyeol sighed, "Did Dr.Song tell you this?"

"It doesn't matter at all. I just want you to be honest with me. I just want you to tell me everything."

"So, we could go through this together."

"I will make sure you will live happily again."

Saebyeol smiled at Sunoo,
"I love you, Kim Sunoo. I'm so sorry for keeping this a secret. I'm sorry for everything."

"I love you. I fall hard for you when you come to me at my lowest. You have done everything to me to keep me with you. At first, I refuse to believe my feeling. I don't want to fall so hard on you again, especially in this condition of mine."

"Do you remember the day we were kissing under the fireworks?"

"I still remember the day you got mad at me."

"You were so mad at me because I told you that the kiss was nothing."

"I can feel how disappointed you on me that night. I understand the reason you keep ignoring my call these days.

"It's my fault."

"But Sunoo,"

"The truth is..."

"I love it so much. The things that happens that night were so magical and beautiful. I love it so much. It is the best moment in my life, Kim Sunoo."

"So, I'm sorry for making you mad."

"I love you so much."

Sunoo showed her a warm smile,
"Thank you for being honest to me. Thank you for telling me this. Don't hide anything from me anymore, okay?"

Saebyeol chuckled and nodded.

"Sunoo." She spoke up again.

"Have you already decided your answer?"

Sunoo raised his eyebrows in confusion and lowered his head when he got what she means.

"Saebyeol, I --"

He hesitated,

He paused and sighed,
"Saebyeol, I'm--"

Saebyeol smiled,
"You haven't decided yet."

"I want you to think more and choose wisely."

"Follow your heart, Sunoo."

"Remember the one who makes your heartbeat so fast every time you see them. Remember the one who makes you feel so scared to lose. Remember the one who gives you so much care and love."

" Remember the one who makes you couldn't stop thinking of them."

"Why, Saebyeol? Why didn't you want to know my answer?" He asked her curiously but she was just smiling.

"To give you chance. To make you realize everything before it's too late."

"I'm helping you, Sunoo."

"So, believe your heart."

"Is it only me who makes you feel that way?"

Sunoo remained silent.

Saebyeol chuckled and looked at the sky through the huge window of her room.
"Who's the one who crosses your mind every time you look at the star?"

Sunoo looked at the star too,

"Your name means stars. I can't help but think of you every time I saw the stars."

They chuckled.
Saebyeol pointed her finger at the moon,

"How about the moon? Does anyone cross your mind every time you look at the moon?"

Sunoo didn't respond as he was too amazed to see the moon.

The moonshine was so bright tonight. It's like the moon was smiling at him.

He chuckled again.

"Yes but I don't know who was the person who keeps playing on my mind."

Saebyeol smiled,
"Chaewol means bright moon."

"You must be thinking of her too."

Sunoo took a glance at Saebyeol and changed the topic.

"But where's Chaewol, Sunoo?"

"I miss her so much."

"She hasn't replied to my texts."

"Is she okay?"

Sunoo took out his phone,
"Do you want to meet her?"

Saebyeol nodded happily.

"I will tell about you to her and bring her to you."

Saebyeol took out her phone to call for Chaewol. Sunoo went closer to the huge window, enjoying the night scenery while giving her space to talk to Chaewol.

Saebyeol called for her but she didn't respond.

"Should I ask Taeyoung to call for her? They are a little bit close to each other."

Sunoo took a glance at Saebyeol,
"Are they?"

Saebyeol smiled when Taeyoung answered her.

"Let me go out for a while," Sunoo spoke to Saebyeol and walked out of the room to buy a cup of coffee for himself as he wanted to stay late tonight.

"I'm going to meet Chaewol to give her some food. It's been a long time since we haven't talk. So, that's why I went to her house today." - Taeyoung

"Don't hang up the call yet. I want to talk to her so much."

"Alright. I just arrived at her house-- ops."

"Why? Why do you seem so shocked?"

"The door wasn't locking. It's opening widely. The house is dark. What's going on here?"

"Are you sure that you're going to her house?"

"Yes. I know where her house was. Wait---"

"Does anyone here?"


"Switch on the light, Taeyoung."


"Oh my god--"

"Why? What's happening?"

Taeyoung switched the call to the video call and quickly showed what he saw to Saebyeol.

Saebyeol widened her eyes and gasped.

"Why... why... why is Chaewol laying there...?"

"What's happening to Chaewol?"

"Oh my god.. no..."

Taeyoung immediately approached Chaewol and shook her body.

She didn't give any response.

Saebyeol started to tear up,
"Why didn't she wake up, Taeyoung?"

"Oh my god. Her skin was so pale."

"Oh my god.. no.."

She cried and told Taeyoung to wake Chaewol from her sleeping.


"I'm trying, Saebyeol!"

"Chaewol, wake up."

"Chaewol, do you hear me?"

"Jung Chaewol, why are you so cold?"

"Chaewol, please give a response."

"Chaewol, open your eyes."

He put the phone away and put Chaewol on his lap, trying to listen to her heartbeat.

He was freaking out.

"Saebyeol... I think..."

"What, Taeyoung?"


"Her heart is not beating..."


"Chaewol is...."


Thank you for reading! I don't have so many things to say, but I hope you are having a great day! <33 don't forget to vote and comment!

** [playground 2100] will be updated on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 8 pm (MYT)!

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