23: empty room

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"It's beating again!"

"Her heart is beating again!"

"It's coming back."

Sunoo widened his eyes and let out a big relief when Chaewol was safe. The doctor hugged each other as they were so happy to save her from dying. Sunoo couldn't help but cry in happiness. Taeyoung and Saebyeol were surprised too and got so emotional to see Sunoo. They immediately hugged him and comforted him, sharing the happiness.

"Thank you."

"Thank you for coming back to me."

He stared at Chaewol and smiled.


Day 11


After school has ended, Sunoo went straight to the hospital by taking a taxi. He couldn't wait to meet Chaewol today. He was so excited as he was hoping for the girl to wake up and smile when her eyes meet his later.

He wants to give the girl and warm hug.

He wants to pat her head, brush her hair, and stroke her cheeks.

He wants to take this chance,

to make her feel special and do everything she wants to.

As soon as the taxi stopped him nearby, he quickly got off and went into the hospital.
He walked through the hallway with excitement and stopped on his way when Saebyeol was there, standing at the balcony while enjoying the scenery.

She smiled when her eyes met him.

He smiled too,

"Sunoo, you are here." She said softly and approached him.


"It's okay, Sunoo. Don't continue your words."
She chuckled, "I know the reason you are here."

Sunoo lowered his head,
"I'm sorry."

Saebyeol laughed and patted his shoulder,
"Sunoo, it's okay."

"You don't need to be sorry."

"I love you and I do."

"But Sunoo, we are not meant to be together."

"I could see that."

"So, don't be sorry."

"I wish for this to happen, Kim Sunoo."

"From the first time, I saw you with Chaewol,"

"I could see the potential in both of you."

"Your eyes when you saw her."

"It was so obvious."

"Funny how I realize it before you do."

"I was waiting for you to realize everything."

"And now, it happens."

Saebyeol hugged him for the last time and patted his back,
"Thank you for coming into my life."

"Our chapter end here. Please continue this book with her."

They chuckled.

Saebyeol broke the hug and lifted her head to see his eyes.

"Have you already decided your answer, Kim Sunoo?"

Sunoo didn't hesitate and nodded,

"Good." She replied and patted his shoulder,

"Go to your moon." She added more causing him to chuckle.

"Say to Chaewol that I miss her so much!"

"I can't wait to spend my time with her."

"And read a comic with her."

"I heard that she loves to go to the playground."

"Tell her to bring me there too, okay?"

She chuckled.

"I love Chaewol likes my sibling."

"So, be careful."

"I will kill you if you hurt her again."

Sunoo shook his head, "Don't worry, Saebyeol."

"Thank you for everything, Lee Saebyeol. It was great to meet you."

"Take care of yourself."

"Have a great day."He patted her head and bid her goodbye before leaving.

Saebyeol was just watching him with a smile on her face. As he has gone from her sight, she wiped off the tears that she held and took a step toward her room.

She stopped on her way when she spotted Taeyoung who was holding a bouquet on his arm. She looked at him in confusion and smiled, wiping off her tears to pretend that she was good.

"Are you going to meet Chaewol too?" She asked him while holding her sobs.

Taeyoung nodded.

He approached her,

"But I want to meet you first." He spoke up and handed the bouquet to her. Saebyeol stared at him and was surprised when he gently stroke her cheeks, wiped off the tears from her cheeks.

"Don't cry."

"Let's go to a warm place."

Saebyeol chuckled and nodded.


Sunoo knocked on the door and with a smile, he opened the door to see Chaewol. His smile slowly faded away when she still wasn't waking up from her unconsciousness. He looked at the wires on her body and approached her before holding her hand tightly.

Her hand was cold,

and pale.

it was getting thinner.

like she hasn't eaten for a long time.

His eyes glued at her, stared at every bruise on her body which he had no idea where did it come from.

He gently reached his hand to her hair, brushed it softly with his eyes fixed on her.

Soon after that, he leaned his face closer to her ear,
"Wake up, Chaewol."

"You should wake up and play with me at the playground."

"Caecae miss you a lot. She always waits for you at the playground."

"I wish I could bring her here for you."

"But it's okay."

"I'll wait for you to wake up."

"And after that, let's play with Caecae at the playground."

"You hear me, right?"

"I'll wait for you."


Day 10


   Sunoo stood next to her bed, staring at Chaewol who didn't give any response to waking up. It's been two days since she lost her consciousness but it already feels so long to Sunoo.

It feels so different to not listen to her voice for a day.

"How can I live happily without listening to your voice, calling me from the playground?"

"It's like a part of my life and losing it makes me feel so empty."

"I wish I appreciate you earlier."

"I wish I appreciate every moment of us earlier."

"I wish I could hear your voice calling me from the playground again."

"This time, I will not get sick of it anymore."

"Can you wake up, Chaewol?"

"My moon, your sunshine is here for you."

"And will always be there for you."

"So, please wake up."

"And hold my hand tighter, let's live happily from now on."


Day 9


     "The police has found Mr.Chihoo, the uncle of Chaewol. He accidentally revealed the truth about what he did to Chaewol to the police when he was drunk."

"He was abusing her and stealing her money. The last time he did to Chaewol was choking her just because defend herself from the drunk man."

"He admitted everything he did and now, he will be in the process get what he deserves to."

"Chaewol will never see him anymore after this. Don't worry. She might be so traumatized when she wakes up. So, please give her comfort as much as you can."

Taeyoung said to Sunoo.

Sunoo nodded,  "I was glad that everything goes well. I will take care of Chaewol as much as I can. There's nothing need to get worried about anymore."

Saebyeol interrupted,
"How is Chaewol? Does she wake up from
her unconsciousness yet?"

Sunoo fixed his eyes on Saebyeol and shook his head, "Let her take a rest first. I will tell you once she wakes up, okay?"

Saebyeol grinned and nodded.

"I will go first. Take care." Sunoo spoke up and bid them goodbye before heading to Chaewol's room.

He went into the room and approached her bed before holding her hand again,

"I miss you, my moon."


Day 7


The next two days, Sunoo finally got a chance to go to the hospital again. He was so busy with his school works and basketball training. He didn't want to attend the training so much because he still wants to look after Chaewol but since he was the leader of the team and also was the one the coach put high hope on, he couldn't miss them and join the training until late at night.

He just wished for Chaewol to be alright when he was not around.

He walked through the path with a few comics with him as a way to entertain Chaewol just if she wakes up. He walked past the Saebyeol's room and smiled when he heard Taeyoung and Saebyeol were talking to each other.

Indeed, he never feels any envious anymore.

he was happy for her,

to find her happiness who will brighten her day and help her at her lowest.

Knock Knock

He opened the door and widened his eyes when the room was empty.

He took a glance at the number of the room,
and couldn't believe that it was the right room.
It was Chaewol's room, where he always went and spent his time to.

He knows that it was her room.

her scent was still here,

he approached the bed,

taking the white roses on the bed.

he shook his head in disbelief again.

"What the fuck is going on?"

He touched the empty bed,

bit his lips when he felt so hurt again.

"What are you doing here?"  A nurse came toward him causing him to turn his body to look at her.

He brushed his hair out of his face,
"Why.. why is this room so empty?"

"Where's the patient here?"

He asked her nervously.

The nurse avoided his gaze and sighed as she was nervous to tell him the truth.

"Tell me--"

"I'm sorry." The nurse said.

"The patient has passed away yesterday."


thank you for reading this book! it almost reaches the end🥺🥺 I can't believe this... it feels so fast... I still remember the moment I have writer block and keep rewriting this book 🤣 I was so glad to grow up with you guys here~we are like a sibling at this point 😗😗

anyway! we have reached almost 50k reads and 10k votes in a month 🤣👍🏻 good job everyone! thank you so much for this December gift 😍
I hope you guys enjoy this!! lots of love from me to you! I love you! don't forget to vote and leave your comments😝 have a great day everyone!

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