26: playground 2100

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Day 3


Knock Knock

    Sunoo went into the room with a small plate in his hand and approached Chaewol who was still sleeping peacefully. He put the tray on the small table next to his bed and woke the girl from her sleeping by lying next to her, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder before tucking her into his embrace. He reached his hand to her hair, patted it causing her to mumble in her sleeping.

"Good morning."He whispered and chuckled as she was still mumbling. "Have a breakfast. I need to go to the basketball training with Taeyoung."

"Can I go with you?" She asked with her eyes still shut. "Just stay here, okay? I will bring you to the matchday tomorrow. I can't wait to see your reaction." Chaewol smiled as she respond and continue sleeping.

Sunoo poked the girl's nose before placing a kiss on her cheeks,
"Have a good sleep."

As he was about to continue, Chaewol already fell asleep without having the breakfast that he made. Sunoo just smiled and kissed the girl's hand as a goodbye.

He walked to the door and took a glance at her for the last time before he went to the training.
Deeply in his heart, he was so worried about her. He doesn't want to leave her alone and just want to stay with her all day long but sadly, he was too busy with his studying and training.
So, he just wished for her to be alright when he wasn't around and asked for his mother to look after her no matter what happens.


"I'm home," Sunoo spoke as soon as he entered the house. Mrs.Kim approached him with a sweet smile and greeted him who looks so exhausted after a few hours of training and studying.

"Is this for Chaewol?" Mrs.Kim asked Sunoo excitedly. He nodded and showed the plastic snacks and drinks that he bought from the convenience store earlier.

"How is Chaewol?" 

Mrs.Kim looked down,
"I think she is still sick, Sunoo. She didn't go out of the room. Every time I asked her to eat, she just gave a short answer and slept longer."

"Her body is getting thinner. I was so worried about her. She refused to eat, Sunoo. You should ask her to have dinner later. Maybe she will listen to you."

Sunoo nodded, "Everything will be okay, mom. I will bring her to the hospital tomorrow."

"How about the surgery, Sunoo? Will she be done it?"

"She will be done the surgery and everything will be good after that. Let's just pray for her to get recovered quickly."

Sunoo added more,
"I'm going to take a shower and meet her. Don't worry, okay?"

Mrs.Kim sighed and nodded before going to the kitchen to serve the food that she has just cooked for Chaewol and Sunoo.


After a few minutes of taking a shower and getting ready to go to the bed, Sunoo went into the room and met Chaewol who was lying on the bed while gasping for breathing. He immediately went to the girl and gave her medicine to calm her down. Chaewol put the medicine away, just drinking plain water and wrapping a blanket around her body to warm her body.

"You should eat the medicine, Chaewol."

Chaewol shook her head and finally got to breathe properly, "It's not working. I heard it from the doctor..."

"But you still--"

Chaewol shut her eyes, trying to take asleep as she was so exhausted and sick. Her head was spinning and her vision was blurry. Her body was also shivering even though the heater already turned on.

"It's spinning. Everything around me is spinning and my heart is beating so fast right now."

Sunoo unwrapped the snack that he bought earlier and gave it to her.
Chaewol shook her head, refused to eat but Sunoo didn't listen and put the girl closer to him, helping her to lean the body against the bed and handing the food to her again.

"I will be sad if you refuse to eat."

"Do you want to see me hurting too?"

Chaewol shook her head and ate the food while Sunoo was offering more food to her.

"Let's go to the hospital tomorrow."

"No... They hate me. The doctor... the nurse... they don't want to fight for me..." Chaewol muttered.

"I will bring you to the private hospital." He added more.

"But I want to see your match, Sunoo." She replied and pouted her lips, begging him to bring her to the match too. So, she could see him playing on an important day.

"Chaewol, I'm helping you to get recovered.."

Chaewol nodded and leaned her head on his shoulder while locking his arm with hers.
"I know..."

"I'm happy that you want to help me."

"But Sunoo, not tomorrow."

"I want to see you playing basketball and enjoy our day together. Let's buy some decorations for your birthday too."

"It's two days before your birthday and I want to celebrate it with you for the first time in my life."

"I was waiting for this for a long time, Sunoo. Every year, every June comes, I am always excited about your birthday. I want to celebrate it with you so much. I have been dreaming of this for so long and I honestly didn't expect to have this kind of chance with you."

"So, can we enjoy our day and celebrate your birthday together?"

Sunoo fixed his eyes on her and pulled the girl closer by interlocking his finger with hers.
"Alright but promise me one thing, Chaewol."

"Don't forget to eat, okay? my mother is always here for you. She has been waiting for you to have dinner with her for so long. She is so worried about you."

"Let's enjoy our day together in these 2 days."

"And after that, let's go to the hospital and get your treatment done."

Chaewol nodded excitedly,
"Does your mother still downstairs?"

"Yes. She is in the living room. Why? Do you want to eat with her?"

She hummed and smiled. Sunoo couldn't help but chuckle to see her cuteness.

"That's my love." He pinched her cheeks and they walked out of the living room together.


Day 2


     "Chaewol!" Taeyoung approached Chaewol who was with Sunoo happily and reached his hand to pat her head but Sunoo quickly slapped his hand away and brought the girl closer to him causing Chaewol to chuckle.

"Hello, Taeyoung. Why isn't Saebyeol with you?"

Taeyoung sighed, "She needed to have a treatment."

Sunoo got pissed off,
"You dare to touch my love when your girlfriend is not here."

Taeyoung gasped, "I can't believe Sunoo say this..."

Chaewol chuckled and interlocked her fingers with Sunoo, "You should go, Sunoo. I will watch the game from the audience seat."

Sunoo nodded and patted the girl's head.
"Wish me luck."

"I believe in you, Sunoo." Chaewol bid him goodbye and went to the audience seat while Sunoo was just watching her leaving with a sweet smile on his face. Taeyoung caught him and smiled as he was happy for his friend.

Sunoo looks so bright these days. It's been a long time since he didn't seen the sincere smile.
So, he was so happy for Sunoo to be able to meet his true love.

"Let's go and do the best for Chaewol," Taeyoung spoke up.

Sunoo glared at him and left his friend behind.


Chaewol sat in the front, watching Sunoo who got into the court with his teammates. Everyone was cheering louder when he greeted the other teams Sunoo brought his teammates closer, gathering in the middle to give some supportive words to each other before the game starts.

He went to his position and smiled at Chaewol who was waving her hand to him, looking so proud to see him there.

"You're so cool." She said to him loudly making him chuckle.


"How's the game? Do I look cool?" Sunoo excitedly asked Chaewol who was waiting for him outside the changing room. Chaewol turned her body facing him and clapped her hand, so happy as his team won the match.

"You always look cool." She held his hand tightly and walked out of the building together.


Day 1


"Hello, princess." Sunoo reached his hand to Chaewol, waiting for her to hold it causing her to smile like a tamed puppy.

"You look so beautiful today. Are you ready to go out with me?"

Chaewol held his hand, "What do you mean by beautiful? I look so sick and pale."

Sunoo shook his head,
"You're beautiful. Always beautiful and ethereal to me."

He bends his body to her height,
"Let's buy the birthday decoration and have dinner as a way to congratulate me on winning yesterday."

She nodded, "Let's go to the playground too."


  "It's 9 pm," Sunoo muttered and fixed his eyes on the playground. He took a glance at Chaewol who was so excited to go to the playground. To Chaewol, the playground was like a home and heaven. Like every time she came to this place, she felt nothing other than calmness and happiness.

Chaewol climbed on the slide carefully and faced the street where Sunoo always walked past to. "It's 9 pm and he will walk past the playground." Chaewol chuckled at her words and looked at Sunoo who was laughing at her.

"It's 9 pm and she will always call for me from the playground."

Chaewol grinned,
"Kim Sunoo!"

"Kim Sunoo!"

"Do you want to watch the fireworks with me? There will be a fireworks show this weekend."

"Sunoo, wait for me!"

Chaewol sat on the slide, "I miss this."

"I miss reading comics here. I miss writing my diary. I miss everything."

"I miss CaeCae." She smiled.

Sunoo climbed on the slide too and sat next to Chaewol who looks so happy.

"I always wait for you at the playground every 9 pm, Sunoo. I always run to you every time I see you walk past the playground. No matter how bad my day was, how unlucky my day was, those things immediately faded away when I saw you."

"You're like a medicine to me. You're my lifesaver."

"I didn't expect we will turn this way."

"I never regretted loving and waiting for you."

"Thank you for coming to me."

"And make my life better."

Sunoo wrapped his arm around her,
"Thank you for always waiting for me at the playground. Thank you for coming into my life and making my day better."

Chaewol tilted her head to see him and smiled when their eyes met.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too."

"Let's spend our night decorating your house and invite Taeyoung and Saebyeol to come tomorrow. I'm so excited to celebrate your birthday." She continued and was surprised when he kissed her on the lips.

He broke it and fixed his eyes on her,
"Everything for you, love." He turned her body facing him and held her shoulder before leaning his lips closer to her again.

He reached his hand to the nape of her neck and gently placed his lips on her. Chaewol was surprised but after splits of seconds, she started to enjoy the moment. She shut her eyes and kissed him back while wrapping her arm around his neck.

"I hope this night will last long."

"Just for us." He whispered to her and rest his head on her shoulder.


Day 0


"Happy birthday, Kim Sunoo!" Taeyoung went into the house with Saebyeol happily and gave a warm hug to Sunoo who looks so surprised to see both of them who was wearing the couple sets clothes.

"Thank you but so dumb for what?" Sunoo complained and laughed along with them.

They went to the table and ate the food that Mrs.Kim made while waiting for Chaewol to go downstairs.

"Where is Chaewol? I'm so excited to see her."
Saebyeol asked Sunoo excitedly.

"She will come soon. She is still in the room."

"What is she doing?" Saebyeol got off the chair and was about to go upstairs but Taeyoung quickly stopped her by holding her hand.

"She will wear something beautiful tonight for him. It's a surprise! that's why she doesn't go downstairs yet."

Sunoo chuckled. "My girlfriend is already beautiful."

"Let's just wait for her."


A few minutes past but she still didn't go downstairs. Saebyeol and Taeyoung started to get a weird feeling about her. They looked at Sunoo who looks so blank and asked for him to go to Chaewol.

"Sunoo, I think--"

Sunoo stood up and faced them,
"Don't worry. Everything will be okay. She is just preparing for herself."

Saebyeol shook her head,
"What if--"

Sunoo took a glance at the clock and realized it was 5 minutes before 9 pm. He immediately went to the room and opened it without knocking on the door first.

He sighed when she wasn't in the room. He quickly walked out of the house, leaving Taeyoung and Saebyeol speechless.

He rode his bike to the playground and quickly took off the key when he saw her sitting on the slide, just remaining silent and zoning out for the whole time.

"Jung Chaewol! You should tell me that you went out!" Sunoo climbed on the slide and put the girl closer to him.

Chaewol remained silent and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Chaewol, you're so cold..." Sunoo took off his jacket and wrapped it around her, trying to warm her body. Chaewol coughed and patted her chest.

"Oh my god... Chaewol... your face..." He looked at her pale face and cupped it, stroking her cheeks.

Chaewol nodded and smiled.
"I look so sick... right?"

Sunoo didn't want to admit it, so he was just shaking his head.

His heart broke apart seeing her this way.

"Chaewol, oh god. My love."

"Chaewol, everything will be alright. Let's go to the hospital."

Sunoo held her hand and was about to carry her but she refused, just staying on the slide and putting him closer to her.

"It's okay, Sunoo."

"Chaewol, dear. This is wrong. You should go to the hospital. Let's have a treatment."

Chaewol refused again and leaned her head on his shoulder, holding his hand tightly.

"Sunoo, my love, and my sunshine."

"Happy birthday." She chuckled.

"Don't worry, Sunoo. I'm okay." She added more but Sunoo refused to believe it when she kept gasping for breathing.



"Thank you for being the sunshine of my life."

"Thank you for everything."

"My sunshine."

"My sunshine."

"My sunshine."

"Don't worry. I will be alright." She kept on comforting him even though she knew that she can be alright at this point.

She patted her chest and breath properly.

"Sunoo, don't cry..."

Sunoo wiped his tears and shook his head,
"I'm not crying."

He held the girl's hand tighter.

"I'm okay, Sunoo." She chuckled.

"Chaewol, my moon."

"I love you so much."

"This is the happiest birthday for me."

"I will never forget the moment you came into my life."

"Thank you so much."

"My moon, your sunshine loves you more than you thought."

"Your sunshine is here to be with you forever."

"So, please be strong, and let's go to the hospital."

"My moon, I love you."

"My moon, let's go to the hospital."

"My moon, let's be together until the end of the world."

"Chaewol, let's go. I'm begging you.."

"Let's go to the hospital."

Chaewol remained silent.

"Chaewol, reply to me please."

"Let's go to the hospital.

Chaewol let go of her hand from him slowly,

"Happy birthday, my sunshine."

"I love you, okay?"

"I will be alright. I will be alright."

Sunoo kissed her forehead and held her hand again, but this time. she didn't hold it back anymore.

"Chaewol, I love you too."

At the same time, Taeyoung called for Sunoo on the phone.

Sunoo wiped his tears, holding his sobs and answering the call.

"Hey, did you meet Chaewol?"

"How is she?"

"She is good, right?"

Sunoo stay silent and couldn't hold his sobs.

"Sunoo, why...?"

"Time of death."

"June 24, 2021."



"Jung Chaewol."

the end

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