Might Be Jealous

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"Why are you so nervous?" Hoseok grumbled to himself as he made his way to the lobby to meet up with Jimin. He was just having breakfast with Jimin and his parents, no big deal. He'd had dinner with Jin and his parents plenty of times, so there was nothing to be nervous about.

But the way his palms were sweating, his body obviously didn't agree with his head.

"Hoseok-Hyung!" Jimin called, waving when he saw him.

He couldn't help but smile. Jimin was wearing a dark green sweater and a pair of black jeans, his hair meticulously placed as if he'd spent a lot of time on it. He must be excited about getting to see his parents.

"Are you ready to go? The restaurant is only a couple of blocks from here, so I thought it would be nice to walk there."


Jimin led the way, babbling excitedly about his parents to Hoseok as they walked.

"Sorry in advance," Jimin chuckled when they reached the restaurant. "They'll probably both hound you with questions."

"That's fine," he grinned. "That's why I came along, right?"

"Technically you're my Namjoon-Hyung breakfast date rebound," the blonde teased, punching him lightly on the arm before bounding inside.

He took a deep breath, smiling as he followed after him. Date. He'd called it a date.

Hoseok scolded himself for overthinking every little thing Jimin said. He was teasing him; it's not like he actually considered it a date. After that kiss comment, they'd very firmly not spoken about relationships at all—even teasingly—so he had written it off as Jimin being a flirty drunk and him being an infatuated idiot.

"Jimin!" He heard the happy squeal just in time to see a small woman wrap her arms around Jimin, squeezing him tightly.

He laughed, hugging her back just as tightly. "Hey mom!"

"We were so happy to hear about your trip," the woman smiled. She glanced behind Jimin and saw Hoseok then, her smile turning mischievous as she leaned in closer to her son, not-so-quietly whispering, "And who is your handsome friend?"

He tried holding back a laugh when Jimin's face turned red. "Namjoon-Hyung couldn't come. This is Jung Hoseok. He's our choreographer and dance instructor at the company."

A hand clamped down on his shoulder, and a man who looked a lot like an older, fuller-faced Jimin smiled at him. "It's nice to meet you, Hoseok. Thank you for taking care of our son."

He bowed, smiling. "He's not too troublesome."

"Hyung!" Jimin protested.

"Let's go to our table," Jimin's mother said, leading them towards the back of the restaurant.

"No way!" Jimin gasped, running forward when they neared their table and a tall man stood up, smiling brightly.

"Jimin-ssi!" The other man said, full-on hugging the blonde.

"I didn't know you were coming today! How have you been?" Jimin asked, smiling just as brightly back at the stranger.

"I've been well. Missing my surfing buddy," he chucked, ruffling Jimin's hair.

He swatted at the man's hand. "Come on, Hyung! Not my hair!"

It wasn't until they took their seats, Jimin between Hoseok and the stranger, that he noticed him. "And who's this?" He asked, looking at Hoseok.

"Oh!" Jimin said, as if he had also just realized Hoseok was there, much to his sudden annoyance. "This here is Yoo Chin-Hae. He and I have been friends since we were in elementary school. Chin-Hyung, this is—"

"Jung Hoseok. I'm Jimin's choreographer in Seoul," he answered for Jimin.

"Nice to meet you. I'm sure Jimin gives you a run for your money in rehearsals—his talent's incredible!"

"He's at the top of his group of the new trainees," he nodded.

Chin-Hae smiled, wrapping his arm around Jimin's shoulders. "Not surprising. My Jimin-ssi is the best dancer I know."

"Hyung," Jimin said, quietly, obviously embarrassed, but also smiling at the praise.

Hoseok felt his eyes narrow at the sudden affection, and he had to force his face back into a smile. "He's very good."

"Tell us about the company," Jimin's father said, saving him from having to look at the other man, his arm still draped over Jimin's shoulders with Jimin smiling at him.

He launched into his usual parental explanation of what it was the company did, and what his role was teaching them, in between ordering food and eating. He was impressed at how much the Parks knew about the kpop world. They seemed to have done their research to know as much as they could about the profession their son had chosen.

"Why did you go into teaching dance instead of performing?" Mr. Park asked.

"I still perform, just not as much as I used to. I like creating choreography for the groups."

"Maybe you and Jiminie can do a performance together," Mrs. Park smiled.

"Jiminie?" He snickered, looking at Jimin, who was hiding his face in his hands and groaning.

"Mom, for the love of God."

"It's cute," he chuckled, causing the flush on Jimin's face and neck to darken. "I might have to pick up that nickname."

"Wouldn't that be inappropriate as an instructor?"

He frowned at Chin-Hae, opening his mouth to retort when Jimin cut him off.

"The company doesn't enforce those titles," Jimin said. "They like us to all be close, and Hoseok-Hyung and I are friends."

"I'm so glad you've made friends in the company," Mrs. Park added, smiling warmly at Hoseok.

"You act like I don't have any friends," Jimin sighed.

"Of course you do. You've always been charismatic," Chin-Hae said.

Again, Jimin smiled at him, and again something in Hoseok's gut twisted uncomfortably.

"Well, dear, your father and I should be going. We both work this afternoon."

"We had plans to go surfing, anyways, so we should probably go too," the boy told her.

"It's on me," Hoseok said, taking the check as Mr. Park reached for it.

"Oh, we can't let you pay for us," he said, pulling out his wallet.

Hoseok held up his hand, smiling. "It's the least I can do. I was an uninvited guest, so please, allow me." He went to pay before they could protest.

Jimin was hugging that guy again when he met up with the others outside the restaurant.

"Jin-Hyung and Namjoon will be waiting on us," he said, loudly, feeling like the hug had gone on a little too long.

"Call me while you're still in town so we can hang out," Chin-Hae told Jimin.

Jimin gave him that smile again, the one that made Hoseok angry for some reason. "For sure! I've missed seeing you."

"Same for you, Jiminie," he chuckled, ruffling his hair.

"Thank you for having me," Hoseok bowed to Jimin's parents before grabbing his hand and dragging him back towards their hotel.


It was obvious that Chin-Hae liked Jimin, the way he was hanging all over him. He had made sure that everything he did was in view of Hoseok, too, which infuriated him.

"Hyung!" Jimin pulled his hand from his. "That hurts." He rubbed his hand, frowning.

"Sorry." He clenched and unclenched his hand behind his back—even his was a little sore from holding onto Jimin so tightly.

"What's wrong all of a sudden?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just think we should be getting back. Jin-Hyung wanted to go to the beach around ten, and it's already ten-thirty."

Jimin crossed his arms. "Hyung, you're a terrible liar. You were fine until..." he trailed off, a wicked smirk lighting up his face. "Are you jealous of Chin-Hyung, Hoseok-Hyung?"

He scoffed, turning and marching up the sidewalk. "Of course I'm not. Why would I be jealous of him?"

"Because he was being really friendly with me. You glared at him through most of breakfast."

"I just thought he was rude," he grumbled. "I have no reason to be jealous of him."

"Not even a little bit?" Jimin asked, walking backwards in front of him, still smirking.

He forced himself to frown and speed up, pushing passed the blonde. "No."

"That's good," Jimin chuckled, catching up to him as he said in a sing-song voice, "because I invited him to come surfing with us this afternoon."

"That's great," he ground out.

Jimin clicked his tongue. "You don't have to get so tense. I was joking, Hyung."

"I wasn't tense."

"So, you were jealous?"

"I wasn't jealous!" He snapped. "Why on Earth would I be jealous of Yoo Chin-Hae?"

"Because he likes me?"

"You know he likes you?"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Of course I do. He doesn't exactly hide it."

Hoseok frowned. "That's true."

"So," he grinned, "are you jealous because Chin-Hyung likes me?"

"That has nothing to do with me, so there's no reason for me to be jealous about it," he said, thankful they had reached the hotel so he could escape from this conversation.

"Yeah," Jimin said, quietly, "of course it doesn't. Thanks for coming with me today." With that, he turned down the hallway to go to the stairs, leaving Hoseok standing outside the elevators alone.

"That went well," he grumbled, trying hard not to think about that snarky Chin-Hae with his arm around Jimin. Even if he did like Jimin, it wasn't any of his business if Chin-Hae liked him too. They were childhood friends. He was just Jimin's instructor.

He sighed, unlocking his room. Like Chin-Hae had reminded him, he was Jimin's instructor at the company. He shouldn't be having these feelings towards one of his pupils.

Even if that pupil was Park Jimin. And even if that pupil made his entire body feel like it was buzzing whenever he laughed, or smiled, or bumped against him in the practice room—

He shook himself. "Get it together, Hoseok."


"What took you two so long?" Namjoon asked, finally seeing Jimin walking towards him on the beach.

"Sorry. Mom and dad kept talking to Hoseok-Hyung," Jimin told him.

He frowned. "What happened?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"You look down."

Jimin smiled at him, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Nothing happened, Hyung."


"There you are!" Jin shouted, running over to them as he got out of the water. Namjoon had been spending the hour they'd been at the beach so far trying not to stare at the way Jin's wet suit clung to him whenever he got out of the water. "Where's Hoseok?"

"I think he's still changing," Jimin said. "Did you already start surfing?"

"Just a bit. It took a while to rent out all of the surfboards for the group. I wasn't sure how many people were coming, so I just got ten boards."

"Hey, Hyung. Sorry I'm late!" Hoseok smiled as he joined them.

"Come on, Namjoon-Hyung," Jimin said, grabbing his hand, one of the longboards, and heading towards the water. "I promised to teach you."

Namjoon frowned, following after the obviously-angry blonde. "Jimin, are you sure nothing happened? You seem pretty mad at Hoseok."

Jimin was silent until they got in the water and were both sitting on the surfboard. "Chin-Hae-Hyung was at breakfast this morning."

"Your childhood friend?"

Jimin nodded. "And Hoseok-Hyung spent the morning glaring at him, but he won't admit he was jealous."

He chuckled. "Does anyone ever admit when they're jealous?"

"No, but he seemed so adamant about convincing himself he wasn't," the younger boy pouted. "He didn't have to try so hard."

"I still think you should just ask him out."

"Hyung, did you not hear what I just said? Even if Hoseok-Hyung likes me, he's trying to convince himself not to. Asking him out would just be stupid." When he chuckled again, Jimin glared at him. "Hyung, maybe you should take your own advice instead of making fun of me."

"I'm not making fun of you. I'm just saying—"

"I'm not asking Hoseok-Hyung out. Ever. End of discussion. If he wants to convince himself he doesn't like me, fine. I don't care."

His raised eyebrow seemed to hit a nerve, because Jimin shoved him off the board, paddling away as he sputtered in the water.

"You're not supposed to anger the person who's in charge of making sure you don't drown," Jin laughed, paddling up beside him and holding out his hand.

"If he wasn't so sensitive about things," he grumbled, holding onto the board.

"Did something happen between him and Hoseok?"

He sighed. "I wish they'd just make out already and get it over with."

Jin laughed. "I'm glad I'm not the only one rooting for them. Hoseok looked like he wanted to bury his head in the sand when Jimin drug you out here, so I got him to tell me what happened. I told him to stop being so stubborn."

"How'd he take it?"

"About the same as Jimin. That's why I ran away."

He sighed, climbing onto the board behind Jin. He realized—a bit too late—that his board was quite a bit smaller than his friend's, so he was practically flush against Jin's back. Without tipping them over, he attempted to scoot back farther. "Any chance you can take me back to shore?"

Jin nodded, silently turning the board and paddling back to shallow water with Namjoon's help.

"I thought you promised to teach the girls how to surf?" He asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"They showed up when we first got here, but they opted for spending the day in the city instead. The waves were a bit rough this morning, so I couldn't really teach them anything."

"How long have you known how to surf?"

"About ten years? I was around 16 when I learned, so just about ten years. My family used to visit the beach a lot every summer."

"I've only been to the beach a couple times, but I'd like to come more," he said, maneuvering off the board to get out of the water. He gasped when he spotted movement in the sand, and he rushed forward.

"What are you doing?" Jin asked, holding back laughter.

"It's a crab!" He held it up, knowing he was probably grinning like an idiot, but unable to stop it.

"There are crabs all over the place."

"The last time my family and I came to the beach, I wanted to catch one, but I wasn't ever able to," he said, moving his hands at the tiny crab crawled over his palms. "It's so cute."

When Jin laughed, he looked up at him. "What's so funny?"

"This Namjoon is so different from the serious one I see in rehearsals. It's just a funny comparison, thinking about you rapping and then watching you crouched down talking to a crab like it's a baby."

"I'm not talking to it like it's a baby. And that's just my stage persona."

Jin sat on the sand next to him, watching him silently. Finally unable to handle it, he looked at Jin. "What?"

"Nothing, I'm watching the crab." They were quiet again for a moment before Jin sighed. "I really don't know much about you."

"Of course you don't. You're my manager, and I've only been at the company a couple months."

"I think that might be why we have so many misunderstandings," Jin sighed.


"Let's fix it, then. Tell me more about this Kim Namjoon, the one who likes the beach and tiny crabs."

"How about you start?"

"Alright. I have one older brother who works in the finances office of our company with our father. I grew up in a suburb on the outskirts of Seoul, since my mom doesn't care for living in the city. I have two sugar gliders." He smiled at Namjoon. "You?"

"You already have some of that information about me from all the paperwork I filled out," he sighed, thinking. "I have a younger sister who's in college. Unlike me, she's going to have a real career as a doctor," he chuckled.

"Performing is a real career."

"Maybe for now. But you can't perform forever."

"What do you want to do when you stop performing?"

"Produce. I don't think I'll ever stop writing songs and producing them--it just might have to be for other artists when I get too old," he chuckled. "I don't have to ask what your plans are. I'm guessing you'll stay right where you're at until you and your wife retire to some villa on an island."

Jin actually laughed at that, and the squeaky noise he made while laughing had Namjoon laughing too. "I have to find someone to marry me before I can do that," he finally said.

"I'm sure there are plenty volunteers."

"There are," Jin smirked, and Namjoon rolled his eyes, "but none that I'm interested in. If my father has his way about it, I'll join him and my brother in the financial branch and leave my managing position."

"Think you will?"

He shook his head. "Like I told you when you signed on, I love what I do. Managing idols is my passion, so I don't see myself ever leaving unless something big happens to force me to."

"Let's hope that never happens."

Jin smiled. "Yeah."

"Jin-Oppa!" A group of girls came running over to them, holding surfboards. "Are you busy now?"

"We'd like you to teach us!"

"I'm sorry," Jin said, giving them what Namjoon assumed was one of his most charming smiles, "I just promised Namjoon I'd help him."

"We can go together."

"I don't think that would be a good idea," Jin sighed, dramatically, as he got to his feet. "This guy is clumsy, and I would hate for any of you to get hurt."

Namjoon cursed at him as the girls swooned about him being so thoughtful.

"Shall we go?" Jin asked, looking down at him as he begged for help with his eyes.

"I don't think I'm ready to start learning yet," he replied, smiling at Jin as he got to his feet. "The girls seem like they really want to learn, you all should go have fun."

"I hate you," Jin mouthed as the girls grabbed his arms and drug him towards the water.

"I don't think I've ever witnessed such a betrayal in my entire life," Hoseok chuckled, walking over to him. "You know Hyung is going to punish you for that."

"He'll be fine," he snorted. "I'm sure he's used to being surrounded by girls. He seems to handle them all pretty well."

"Don't sound so jealous."

"I'm not jealous of Jin. Having that many girls around all the time would be exhausting."

"I don't think it's Jin you're jealous of."

He frowned at the dancer. "So I'm jealous of the girls?" He scoffed.

Hoseok shrugged. "If that's what you think I mean, then I guess so."

"Shouldn't you be worrying about making up with Jimin?" He grumbled, trying to change the subject.

"I don't think I have anything I need to make up for," Hoseok frowned.

"You know, Jimin's a really good guy. It wouldn't be the end of the world to admit you like him." He knew Jimin would kill him if he knew Namjoon was talking to the other man about this, but he had already opened the door. "He likes you too, you know."

"I'm your instructor."


He sighed. "I really shouldn't talking with you about this. I already told Jin-Hyung to drop it, so you should do the same."

"The difference here is that Hyung is your friend—I'm not. I'm on Jimin's side in all of this."

Hoseok grinned at him. "And what does that mean?"

"It means I'm the one who has to deal with him being all grumpy whenever you piss him off. Jimin's stubborn when he knows he's right about something, so he's not going to let this thing with Chin-Hae go. Which means he's going to be grumpy until you just admit you're jealous. It's not like you're admitting defeat by doing it."

"Maybe, but it doesn't change the fact that some might see it as inappropriate to date one of my students."

"No one said anything about dating," Namjoon smirked, laughing when Hoseok's ears turned scarlet and he cursed at him.

"I'm going to surf," he mumbled, grabbing his board and going to the water.

"I should be a matchmaker," he chuckled, laying down on the sand.


Thanks for sticking around this long! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I promise they'll all get their shit together eventually. They just need time. Because they're idiots. The most wonderful idiots. X'D

Feel free to leave a comment to let me know what you think so far--I love reading them! And feel free to vote/follow if you enjoyed it, too! ^_^

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