The Rich Asshole

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"Stop moping," Yoongi mumbled from the stool beside his at the bar, sliding him another beer. "It was one bad review. That's going to happen."

"It wasn't just a bad review," Namjoon complained before downing half of his beer. "It was a bad review from a scouting agency."

"Well, they're idiots," Yoongi told him, matter-of-factly. "You're a great rapper, and your lyrics are awesome. That company doesn't know what it's talking about."

"They're the ones who tried to scout you," he frowned at his Hyung.

"But I turned them down."

"Because you're an idiot."

"Because I knew they'd make me do things their way, not my way. Which means you wouldn't have been able to write songs as you have been, either. Think of it as a blessing that you don't have to waste your time on them."

"That really doesn't make me feel any better." Namjoon finished his drink, ordering what he thought was his sixth beer of the night. Honestly, he hadn't really been keeping track.

Yoongi didn't say anything else, silently sipping at his own drink while he guzzled down another beer.

After about an hour, all of the binging had begun to catch up to him, and he was feeling a lot better, his mind focused more on trying to convince Yoongi to dance with him than his bad review.

"Sit down, you drunk idiot," Yoongi sighed. "You're going to knock someone out if you keep waving your arms like that."

"Dance with me, Hyung," Namjoon pleaded, pulling on his arm.

"Dance with someone else."

He wrapped his arms around the smaller man's middle, resting his chin on his shoulder. "But I want to dance with y-you." Oh shit. Were his words slurring? He couldn't be that drunk after just a few beers. Then again, he hadn't really kept track of how many he drank. Was it only a few? More?

"Jin-Oppa!" Came a loud giggle from the other side of the bar, catching Namjoon's attention. "You're so handsome. Dance with me!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm just here for a short business meeting." The voice belonged to a tall man in a ridiculously expensive-looking suit. His dark hair was combed over, his bangs laying across his forehead in a way that reminded him of a kpop singer. Everything about him screamed money. It pissed Namjoon off to no end.

He found himself eavesdropping when another man sat next to him, who he immediately recognized as the choreographer for several large scouting agencies, Jung Hoseok.

"Any luck this afternoon?" Hoseok asked the rich guy.

"I only watched a few performances, but they were all disappointing. One of the rappers was incredibly good-looking, but his skill was lacking," the rich guy said. "His name was Nam-something-or-other. My father has high standards for his company, so just looks aren't going to cut it. We need people with actual talent."

"Namjoon!" Yoongi grabbed his arm, shaking his head firmly. "It's not worth it."

He realized he had begun rounding the bar, making his way towards that rich asshole and Hoseok. So he's the one who wrote that review. And that prick isn't even a real talent scout, he's just the spoiled son of the CEO.

"You heard what he said," Namjoon snapped, attempting to shake off the other man. "He's the asshole who wrote that review, calling me 'a talent-less mockery of modern rap'! I'm going to show him how talentless I am when I knock his rich ass on the floor—"

"It's not worth it," Yoongi repeated. "Look at him. He doesn't care that you're pissed, and he probably has a security guard close enough to get to you before you can get to him."

"Let go, Hyung," Namjoon growled, shoving Yoongi away and continuing his angry approach.

Fortunately for him — or, rather, unfortunately for him — the rich asshole didn't have a bodyguard. Before Namjoon's alcohol-soaked brain could think of the consequences of what he was doing, he had grabbed the rich asshole's shoulder, spun him around, and decked him. Or, tried to deck him. Namjoon had pulled on his shoulder a bit too hard, and he had basically spun him around enough that his fist met a rather broad — and hard — shoulder.

They both hit the ground with the force of Namjoon's sloppy punch, and he realized too late that the rich asshole was bigger than he appeared while sitting, and he was now pinned underneath him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He snapped, glaring down at Namjoon with dark brown eyes, his full lips pulled into a deep scowl. Oh shit. He's really hot.

"You're one to talk about talentless," Namjoon snapped back, refusing to be taken in by his good looks. "You're just a spoiled rich boy riding on the back of daddy's success."

"OOOOOOK, Namjoon, time to go." Suddenly Yoongi was there, pulling him up off the floor and away from the still shell-shocked man who had been laying on top of him. He realized Hoseok had pulled him off Namjoon so Yoongi could struggle to help him stand.

"I'm not finished!" Namjoon protested, even as Yoongi managed to drag him away. He cursed at curious on-lookers who had gathered to watch, and his Hyung snapped at him to shut up.

"You're going to get us both kicked out of this bar, and I'm going to kick your ass if that happens. This is the only bar in the city that I can stand," Yoongi sounded annoyed now, and even drunk Namjoon knew that meant to shut up and do as his Hyung said. So, he allowed himself to be half-drug half-carried from the bar and into the cold winter air outside.


"What the hell was that about?" Hoseok asked, incredulous, as he helped Jin off the dirty bar floor.

Jin shook his head, still staring after the two men now exiting the bar.

"Should we go after them, get their names?" Hoseok was frowning at the door where Jin had watched them disappear.



"Kim Namjoon," Jin told his friend before bursting into laughter.

"I think he knocked something loose when he punched you," Hoseok joked, smirking at him.

"That was the good-looking rapper I told you about earlier," Jin said, finally managing to stop laughing. "The one I wrote in my review was 'a talentless mockery of modern rap'."

"No wonder he punched you," Hoseok grimaced. "That's a bit harsh."

"Probably," Jin admitted, running a hand through his hair as he returned to his seat at the bar. "I had a bad day at the office, so I was in a bad mood when I went out to do my reviews."

"You know better than to do that," his maknae frowned. "What happened at the office?"

"I got into an argument with my father," he sighed.

"He's still trying to get you to take that position at the main branch?"

He nodded, sighing again. His father owned a large talent agency that had several branches dedicated to different aspects of the business. The main branch handled management of the entire company, and Jin found it all incredibly boring. It was mostly dealing with profit margins and marketing, which he wasn't a fan of.

He was content where he was, at the side branch training new idols in Seoul. He liked working as a talent scout and idol group manager, but his father continuously tried convincing him his "talents" were wasted where he was.

"Here," Hoseok said, sliding him a beer.

"Thanks, Hobi-ssi," Jin chuckled, clinking his beer with Hoseok's.

"Is your shoulder alright?"

Jin rubbed the spot Namjoon had sloppily hit with his fist — because that was definitely not a punch. "It's a little sore, but it will be fine by tomorrow, I'm sure."

"Take it easy, anyways," Hoseok told him.

He smiled, nodding. "So, how did your audition-watching go? Find any good recruits?"

"A few. One in particular has a lot of potential. He's trained more in contemporary than hip-hop styles, but he seems like a quick learner."

"You sound impressed with him already."

"He has a lot of potential."

"And he's good-looking."

It wasn't a question, but Hoseok nodded. "Of course he is. We're scouting idols, Hyung."

Jin snorted, elbowing him in the side. "I know that. So what's his name? I'll have to keep an eye on him if you're so impressed."

"Park Jimin," Hoseok answered, and Jin smirked at how quickly the name had come to him. Sensing his amusement, Hoseok cleared his throat and frowned.

"Back to Kim Namjoon—"

Jin scowled, taking several gulps of his beer.

"—was he really that bad, or do you think you should re-watch the audition videos when you're in a better mood?"

"I hate when you ask me a question that's actually telling me to do something," Jin grumbled. "I'll re-watch the auditions tonight. After what happened earlier, I'm not sure he'd accept a contract even if I decided to offer him one."

"It never hurts to try."

Jin rubbed his shoulder dramatically. "It might!"


"What if I go to jail?"

Yoongi burst into laughter, and Namjoon shot him a glare. "I'm being serious, Yoongi-Hyung! That was Kim Seokjin that I tried to punch yesterday! He could have me sent to prison for the rest of my life if he wanted to!"

Yoongi continued to laugh, not offering any help to Namjoon's crisis. After several long minutes—and Namjoon cursing at the older man under his breath—Yoongi stopped laughing and wiped at his teary eyes.

"You aren't going to prison, Joonie. If he wanted you arrested, you'd already be in jail."

"Maybe that's true," he sighed. "But now I've screwed over any chance I had at getting an audition with any other companies. He probably put me on some talent agency blacklist."

"That's more likely," Yoongi agreed. He laughed when Namjoon groaned, and patted him on the back. "I'm kidding. You'll be fine. Seokjin has probably forgotten all about you by now."

"Thanks," Namjoon scoffed, rolling his eyes. "That makes me feel so much better."

"Good," he chuckled. "Now get out of my apartment. I'm meeting up with Jimin in an hour, and I haven't had a chance to shower because I had to take care of some drunk idiot all night."

"Didn't Jimin audition yesterday, too?"

Yoongi nodded. "He said he wanted to tell me the results in person. I'm guessing it went well, otherwise I probably would have been taking care of two drunk idiots last night."

"I apologized for acting like an idiot."

"You did, but you were still an idiot," Yoongi smirked. "Go home and take a shower. You still smell like booze and self-loathing. I'll call you later." And with that, Yoongi was shutting the door behind him, leaving him standing in the cold.

With the alcohol out of his system, he realized that his hoodie was definitely not warm enough for March. He shoved his hands in his pockets and headed for the main street, hoping to catch a taxi so he could avoid frostbite.

As he stood along the street, his frozen hand held out attempting to stop one of the many taxis seemingly ignoring him as they zoomed by, a black car pulled up directly in front of him.

"Hey!" Namjoon snapped. "Can't you see I'm standing here?!"

"Kim Namjoon. Nice to see you again." He nearly groaned aloud when the window rolled down and Kim Seokjin smiled out at him. "Get in. I'll give you a ride."

"I'd rather get frostbite," he fumed, starting to walk away.

"I think you want to hear me out. It could affect your entire career."

Cursing, he turned around and pulled open the passenger door, sitting heavily in the seat before slamming it closed. "I'm listening."

Seokjin smiled, pulling out into the street. "Where to?"

Namjoon gave him his address, mumbling curses under his breath. What are you doing in Kim Seokjin's car? This is asking for trouble. This asshole thinks you're talentless, remember? Now he was pissed off all over again. So much so he nearly missed Seokjin's next words.

"I'm sorry about that review."

"You're what?" He stared at him, incredulous. Did Kim Seokjin just apologize to him? Oh shit. Maybe he is going to send me to prison.

"I was in a bad mood during the auditions yesterday, and I vented that towards you in my review. It was unprofessional, and I'm sorry."

"It was a dick thing to do," he grumbled.

Seokjin nodded. "It was. Which is why I'm here. I listened to the recording of your audition again, and I would like to offer you a contract. It would be on a trainee basis, of course," he continued as Namjoon gaped at him, "and I can't guarantee your debut, but I can offer you a spot in our program."

"You're serious?"

Seokjin nodded again.

"Even after what happened at the bar?"

Seokjin chuckled. "A friend told me I probably deserved that after the review I made about you, so I can forget about it if you agree to join our program."

"And if I don't?"

He shrugged, but Namjoon understood the message. If he didn't accept, Seokjin wouldn't just be letting it go.

Cursing to himself, he stuck out his hand. "Fine. When do I sign the papers?"

Seokjin smiled, shaking his hand. "I'll meet you at the trainee building tomorrow morning. My office is on the third floor, last door to the right."

They were silent the rest of the drive. It wasn't until Namjoon was getting out of the car that Seokjin leaned over and smirked at him. "See you tomorrow, Namjoon."

AHHH!! After, like, over a year, I'm finally back! I'll continue updating my FT fan fics soon, but for now, I hope you enjoy this Namjin/JiHope fic! BTS has pretty much taken over my entire life, so welcome to my hell, lol.

As always, thank you so much for checking out my fan fiction! I hope you enjoyed it! 

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