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"Hey my name is Harper, you must be the girl?" the same red- brown hair girl from this morning introduced herself.

"Yeah," I nodded, "My name is Jordan."

"Well there'll be a party at my house on Friday, you should come."

"Sure, why not. Just gotta tell me the time and place," I sat down.

I groaned when I saw who entered the classroom, that James guy and Dan. All of the girls started to fixed their hair and bat their eyes at them even Harper waved at Dan.

"That's the mystery girl I was telling you about," James elbowed the guy tilting his head at me.

Dan  looked at me and smirked before coming over to where I was sitting, "so we meet again."

"Yes, the horror," I grumbled.

"Admit it, you think I'm hot."

"Cocky much, I'm not one of your bimbos that falls over you though," I snapped.

"Oh, but soon you will babe, I always get what I want," he winked, "and I want you"

"In your dreams," I scoffed.

"I'll make you fall for me-" he watched my book, "Jordan, cute name by the way."

I rolled my eyes as the teacher entered.

"Class, the person next to you will be your partner for the rest of this semester and no complaining," she said immediately, Harper didn't look too happy.

"See fate is on my side this time sweetheart," Dan grinned.

"Daniel, who's the girl next to you? I haven't seen her before," the teacher frowned. 

I stood up, "My name is Jordan Walker, I moved here a couple of week ago from New York and if any of you guys think you'd have a chance of dating me, think again," I said boldly and watched Daniel with a glare.

"Don't worry, give her till next two weeks," James added.

"I highly doubt that James, you see I'm very hard to catch," I smirked and sat down.

"Well Dan will definitely catch you princess, he always gets what he wants," James assures me.


"Hey, you're Jordan right?" A platinum blonde hair girl asked while Maya and another girl with black/ brown hair and big curls stood next to her.

"Um, yeah," I shut my locker.

"We're here to warn you. Daniel is bad news I suggest you be careful around him and I'm Madison by the way, this is Maya and Carmella," she introduced the other two girls to me.

"Oh trust me, I'm not into Daniel, he's a dickhead."

"I'm hurt babe, is that what you telling people about me now?" Daniel pouted behind me and I saw Maya looked away.

I turned around, "Don't call me that and please leave now," I demanded.

"You don't like when I call you babe, babe?" he smirked.

"If you'll keep calling me that. It just gotta be one more time, I'll kick you where the sun doesn't shine," I threatened.

"Wow, we haven't been on a date yet and you already feisty. Leave that for the bedroom hun," He grinned and I groaned.

"Get lost Johnson!" Madison snapped.

"Maddie you looking great," Daniel grinned.

"Why don't you go back to whatever hole you crawl out from and take Harper with you," she snapped.

"Is that how you talk to your best friend Maddie?" He fake gasped.

"In your dreams and don't call me Maddie," she glared at him.

"Whatever you say darling, anyway I'm here for Jordan," he placed his arm over my shoulder.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Harper's request, we can't have you ending up in the wrong crowd and by wrong crowd means with wanna be's"

"Excuse me?" Madison snapped.

Daniel ignored her, "Let's go, our group is dying for another hot girl"

I removed his hand, "Sorry, but I already found my group."

"Seriously them? Your reputation will drop so quick before you can blink your eyes."

"Whatever Daniel, I can't stand Harper glaring at me every time I'm around her, it's obvious she's in love with you," I said.

He laughed, "Harper? In love with me? She's as bad as me when it come to relationships, she doesn't settle down for more than a week or two. You think I wanna fall into that trap as well?"

"I'm not coming, I don't need fake friends like her."

Madison smiled as he left, "that's how its done," she nodded.

Daniel P.O.V.

Jordan was really different from all the other girls I have ever slept with. She was confident, bold, hot no doubt and will be tough to catch; but I'm Daniel Johnson, a guy who gets what he wants.

 I think I just found  the prefect girl who I'm going to make fall in love with me, date for a while then dump her once I get what I want from her.

Get ready Jordan, because once I get hold of you there's no letting go. Let's see how long you can keep this bold attitude up.


Short chapter I know.

Daniel is really confident huh?

Don't forget to vote if you want more chapters.

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