1K Bonus: I Miss You

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  Takes place during Covid-19 at the same time of my pandemic short I made for Musically Me. So, after the Ninjago movie. Meaning, identities are revealed and Garm is a good guy.

  All things considered Kai thought that his relationship between Isla and him was going pretty well. It had some rough edges from arguments he barely recalled what they were about. Probably from someone doing something stupid (Kai) and the other blowing things out of proportion (Isla) but all and all Kai would consider this mutual dating to be a success. It was definitely a new experience. Kai has never been in a long term relationship that stayed long term and wasn't embarrassingly his family.

  But Kai found himself going the extra mile. Isla would go to her locker and find cheesy romantic gifts like a rose or mini teddy bear. Notes would find their way into her pockets and bedroom. Small flirtatious texts would be sent through out the day. Though Isla was generally a simple person who didn't like all the fuss sometimes Kai would catch a small smile whenever she found a box of chocolates in her desk.

  But suddenly the pandemic hit. Kai found himself acting like the typical love deprived teenager when he suddenly began to feel the gaping hole in his daily schedule that Isla filled. Luckily Kai and Nya weren't alone during this time. The whole ninja team had joined in the bubble and the Smith's were now residing in the monastery.

  Kai frowned when he opened the fridge to find nothing but cake.

  "Guys, we're going to have to do another grocery run this week!" Kai yelled.

  Lloyd looked up from where he was scouring over some mech blueprints. "I thought we all agreed one per week? We need to set-"

  "An example, I know. If you have an issue with it, next time make sure Cole doesn't do the shopping." Kai retorted.

  "Hey!" Cole said offended as his thumbs moved furiously on his game console. With a blast he blew up the car Jay's character was trying to get to. "The rest of the food is stuffed in the vegetable drawers. Those are all from Siena. I think she's going a little stir crazy. She keeps one making me cakes, not that I'm complaining but it's getting to be an unusual amount in the minimum of five cakes per day."

  Nya chuckled. "She probably misses you." Cole instantly perked up.

  "You think?" But then he screeched in injustice as Jay took the moment to raid his base.

  Kai shut the fridge door. Did Isla miss him? He subconsciously shook his head, answering that question. Isla wasn't a clingy person. She tended to be very independent and didn't act overly dramatic at all about seeing him during their FaceTimes. Then again Isla wasn't a very dramatic person and tended to keep her emotions under wraps. Kai knew he missed her though. He missed her small smile that would peak from her frown. Her brown eyes would roll whenever he told a cheesy pun. Her curly brown hair she would restrain in a red scarf. The dry sarcastic tongue she used often, or the rare genuine passion she would display only with the few people she trusted.

  "Kai, just call her." Nya yelled from the couch. Kai tried to hide his embarrassment. Was it that obvious?

  "I-I....I don't know what you're talking about." Kai said smoothly as he could, moving to lean against the table but his hand slipped and he crashed to the floor.

  The ninja snickered at his demise.

Huffing, Kai fled to his room, shutting the door before going his phone. He took it out and quickly jabbed the familiar face. The profile picture was one he sneaked of her on a date. He had taken her to a horror movie in hopes of scaring her so he could be the cliché hero but unfortunately she only found them invigorating. A beautiful smile on her face as she watched the scene unfold. Kai had taken the picture in between screams.....that were not hisIt rang for awhile before the words scrawled on the screen changed to connecting and a small ping sang through as her face appeared on the little device.

  "Hey Jerk-face." Isla greeted him. From the perspective he could see that Isla was on the coffee table drawing with Leif.

  "Kai!" Leif said excitedly. He giddily held up a piece of paper. A giant red scribble in the middle of it. The kid had been delighted to learn that his sister's  "special boy friend" was the Fire Ninja. "Look! I drew you!"

  Kai laughed. "Nice buddy! What did you draw, Babe?"

  Isla took the page in one hand and flipped it up. "The Water ninja." Kai gasped dramatically, hands flying to his heart as he fell backwards into his bed.

  "How could you?" His eyes shone with accusation. "I've never felt such betrayal!"

  Isla snorted. "Chillax, I also drew you." She turned the drawing over displaying a much better and stronger character.

  Kai squinted at it. "Are those antennae?"

  Isla quickly dropped the paper. "Okay little Ninja, why don't you go do something in your room? Maybe ask Dad or Aunt Helen to hang up our pictures."

  Leif nodded and picked them both up. Kai strained to see what suspiciously looked like a tail. Isla smiled innocently as Leif stumbled away. But glanced back to call over her shoulder.

  "Don't forget to tell him to put the Water Ninja on the outside!" She called shamelessly. Kai's jaw dropped. Isla turned back around, the smile dropping as she seemed to notice that Kai's playful facade was slipping.

  "Hey? What is it? If it's about the drawing the frowny-face a little overkill." Isla commented an eyebrow raised.
  "It's stupid...." Kai drew out.


  "I guess....I just miss you." Kai admitted. He avoided eye contact but peeked a little at her when she fell quiet.

  "Kai..." Isla paused. "I miss you too." Isla was always an honest person who didn't use the common words of lovers affection lightly like "I love you", "you're the best person in the universe", "I'm so lucky to have you" or even "I miss you." But here she was. The words placed carefully on her tongue and gently spoken so it slipped into Kai's ears.

  Kai knew he was probably grinning like a dummy, that Isla was rolling her eyes at him, and trying to pretend like she was exasperated but he knew there was a small twinkle in her eye and a special smile that was just for him.

authors note

So, I had a very different idea at first for this special. One that I will post in the upcoming section of Manuscript, a behind the scenes to all of my stories. Where I'll also reveal what movie character inspired Isla. I will tell you that I originally had this bonus about Kai going out of his way to try and scare Isla so that he could act all macho and stuff. But I lost interest some way through and it didn't totally flow well.

Anyway, I already have a section in Manuscript for my Cole X Oc, Musically Me if anyone's interested.

Also, I've been wondering about this for awhile and it's sort of off topic but is Kai and Skylor official?  I know that it's official that they're love interests and that they like each other and they're a step farther then Lloyd and Akita or Cole and Vania but I can't help but be confused if they are officially dating or in that stage that's super painful. You know, the one after they kissed but they don't know their status so when people ask what they are they always hesitate and humiliate themselves? And the unspoken rule that they can't start seeing anyone even though they aren't technically official and if one does try and see another person the other will freak out? Anywho, please answer that question for me. I'm anxiously awaiting.

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

P.S if you have any questions about Playing With Fire I'd love to use them for the behind the scenes section in Manuscript.

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