Bonus Chapter: The Dating Talk Part Two (Kai)

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  I sat and waited patiently for Isla to be ready for the dance. We had been dating for a little bit now but even with that time line I glanced nervously to see her Pops and her Aunt staring me down from the kitchen. Though I have been over at her house more than I can count, I hadn't been alone with her family that long. I turned back around and jumped when I saw Leif dangerously stomping his action figures around. With a clatter he made his little superhero knock over the fire ninja.

  "Ready." Isla said in a bland voice, probably still annoyed Cecilia forced her to come.

  I gasped when I saw how beautifully she looked. She wore a deep red dress. It was simple with a halter top and her curly hair in a side pony. She rolled her eyes at my expression as she grabbed her bag. I quickly went to follow her out of the apartment when her father stopped me.

  "You go ahead Isla, I just want to talk with Kai." I tried not to look scared as I attempted to telepathically tell Isla not to leave me alone with them.

Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.

  "Yeah, sure." She said unconcerned as she rummaged around in the bag for her phone. Pops took me by the shoulders and started to steer me away as I gave her a look of betrayal over my shoulder. Isla smirked and gave a little wave before leaving and slamming the door shut.

  I reluctantly sat back on the couch, hoping and praying that he would only smile and then send me off. I peeked at him. He definitely wasn't smiling. Maybe this is what Jay feels like.

  "So," Pops stared at me. Arms crossed with an intimidating expression. "You're name is Kai Smith correct?" Her Aunt came over, placing a cheese tray on the table before stabbing the knife through the mozzarella. When I glanced up at her she smiled sweetly and sat.

"Uh...yeah. That's me." I summoned up all my confidence.

  "I recall Isla talking about you a lot before." He continued. "I believe she was complaining about you bothering her?"

  I snorted. "Bothering her? Pfft. No..." I paused when I saw the look in his eye. I swallowed. "No sir."

  He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Are you sure?'

  "I mean...I'm a teenage boy. It's sort of what we do." I said uncomfortably.

Helen aggressively cut a slice of cheese and passed it to me. "Try again."

  "I guess...I was just trying to get her attention? I sort of liked her for awhile and the best way to sort of get her to even look at me was to annoy her?" The words came out shaky and as a question. Seriously, where's cool Kai when you need him?

  Leif slid in, eyes never leaving mine as he took the cheese and bit into it. "Why do you deserve to be with my sister?" His young high pitched voice seemed like an odd combination with threatening tone.

  "Because....we need each other? She's helped me...I've helped her... Sure, we fight from time to time but that's just part of the fun. She's this light in my life and I wouldn't trade this for the world." I replied, surprising myself with the honest words.

  They all exchanged looks.

  I shifted. Wondering if I could bolt if they attacked me. Where's my phone...will I need to call 9-1-1?

  Pops suddenly smiled. "You're not a bad kid, Kai."

  I blinked. "Wait what?"

  Aunt Helen laughed and led me to the door. "You can go now sweetie, thank you for talking."

  Leif cheered and flew his action figures around. "Come play later!"

  I stumbled into the hall as they smiled from the door, scarily the exact opposite from before.

  "Have fun!" Helen called.

  Then her face grew dark. "But if you hurt her we'll make your death look like an accident." I just processed the words with bewilderment when she smiled once more and slammed the door in my face. I walked to the car in a daze and sat down as Isla texted Cecilia we were on our way to pick her up.

She glanced at me. "You good?"

"You good?" I imitated in a high pitched voice. "Are you serious? You just threw me out to the lions and I'm supposed to be good with that?"

  Isla shrugged. "Yup, now we're gonna be late so you can rant about while I tune it out on the way." Then she turned forward and started the car.

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