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Hajime and Nagito had been talking to each other until their train came. Talking in a very relaxed way, making Nagito feel very comfortable. They hopped into the train and groaned when they saw that there were no seats and it was packed with people.

The train was very hot due to all of the bodies. But luckily it had sections making some areas more cooler then the others. They didn't speak at all, their mouths were zipped shut wanting to respect people space. 

After a few stops it was Nagitos stop, but the main problem was that he was on the other side of the door he had to exit through. Pushing and squeezing through the mass amount of people he finally makes it through.

The train was slowing down, the pace going slower and slower each second. It finally got to a stop and Nagito looked back to Hajime and gave him a small wave and tried to open the door. It didnt budge, the driver must've forgotten to activate it. And this caused confusion in the other carts on the train. 

Seconds later the train leaves and Nagito is still on, and he didn't get off his stop. After a while he decided to get off the other stop and take the train back. But only some trains are running and it would take too long. Paranoia entered his mind taking it all over not allowing his brain to work correctly. 

(A/N: My throat is killing me and its 23:35 - woke up at 5:27 and god, its killing me even more.)

He looks back to Hajime to see a worried look on his face, Nagito turned his head away from Hajime and clutches the railing on the side. Taking deep breaths not wanting to start tearing up from worry. Feeling so nauseous, taking more deep breaths to lesson the sick feeling.

A few minutes later the doors open and Nagito gets out as quickly as possible moving away from the doors to let others in and out. Going down to his knees he feels like gagging and throwing up but he hates throwing up. Taking quicker deep breaths. 

One, two, three, four. The train leaves  Chattering sounds from people around him. Nagito took one last deep breath and got up to his feet, he had one problem now. How was he gonna get home on time.

He could take the train so Nagito walked to the other side of the platform seeing that it would come in 15 minutes. Which isnt bad so all of the paranoia washed away and he was relieved. He heard some sort of choir going on upstairs. Being curious he slowly walked to the door and opened it, and took one step at a time going up the stairs. 

And he was met with a large crowd, food and drinks. Singing were from three different people, there was a sign explaining it all. 

"A re-opening?" Nagito talked out loud, but this station had been open for so long. Nagito thought to himself confused, passengers trying to exit the place whilst struggling. As well as the ones who wanted to come in. 

People were blocking their way not caring at all, having smiles on their face as they enjoyed the event. The workers there didnt seem happy at all, plain faces as they held candy in a bowl. There were also drinks on a plastic table. Rows of orange juice boxes and Nagito remembers how Hajime told him that his favorite drink was orange juice. 

Sighing Nagito pushed through the crowd to get back to the platform for the train. As soon as he got there he heard a message.

"A, E, and C trains will arrive 20 minutes later. There was a accident with a person on a train track at XXXX station. B trains will be normal time, with the strike happening they will come fewer as well. The Bx wont be running today. Have a great day everyone," And the voice shut off.

Another one? Why does it always happen at XXXX station?  Nagito thought to himself as rummaged through his pocket to find his phone and clicked on the "Departures" app, which told him all of the information he needed. 

Scrolling through he sees that the train should be arriving in 5 minutes, it'll be jam packed though. Huffing Nagito shoves his phone back into his pocket and waits. Looking at all of the green plants around him, it was spring. Flowers will be blooming, but the bees will come out. 

Sure they're good for the ECO system but they're terrifying. Also if you dont let them sting you they'll live longer. Which is good because bumble bees are becoming endangered animals, it was first announced in 2017. Without bees humanity would crash down, they hep make coffee, oranges, apples, avocados, and our life would probably slowly die.

Nagito doesn't even realise that the train was arriving, time flies by fast these days. He walks to the side of the door letting the passengers out and afterwards he lets himself in. Not deciding to go anywhere he just stands in front of the door hoping that he would be able to go home now.

He could feel stares on his hair, not many people have white hair these days so he must stand out with white fluffy hair. Slowly white hair will become a hair trend. 

"XXXX" They announced his stop, if it was a very popular stop they would go on about keeping an eye on your luggage and dont forget about them. Moving his hand to the button which opens the door, hoping that it would flash green once the train comes to a stop.

The green color flashes and Nagito gets out of the trains desperately, happy that he can finally go home with no trouble. Walking to the exit of his station he checks his card out and it makes a ding sound, confirming that its been checked out. 

Walking down the stairs as his feet makes contact with the steps which make a echoing sound of clicks. Speed walking down the stairs Nagito opens the door and is met by many bikes parked and many cyclist. 

Maybe i should start cycling, its spring. Its good weather. He thought to himself as he started to walk home on the side walk.


hope you guys are enjoying the easter break. early update because why not, (because im bored and i still have a cold)

Dont you think its terrifying when someone takes your phone and starts swiping through the apps and im just hoping that they dont get to the reading section because... im terrified. 

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