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A/N - I dont know US currency very well so ill be using DKK. But i will be transferring DKK to US. (ive just lived with DKK for most of my life)
Messy chapter

His father walks into the kitchen looking around for something. Something that he expects to see in the kitchen, going through all of the draws Nagito stares at his father with hatred in his eyes.

His father bends down where Nagito cant see him and starts to rummage through a door and says "Ah, found it," Hearing rustles of a plastic container with something inside. Kind of like, pills?

After a bit of thinking Nagito finally knows what his father had found. Slamming his hands onto the table. Shaking.

"So you still take these pills. You still haven't grown out of it. This is where all of our money goes to waste," His father says walking over to the table Nagito was shaking with fear. His father grasps both of his cheeks with one hand.

Nagito didnt want to spare another glance at his father so he closed his eyes.

"You scared? Do you need more pills? Do you need more SSRIs? (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)" (also im not gonna name a brand)

Nagito tries to shake his head as a answer.

"These pills can coast us on a average of 258.91kr to 491.26kr a month. (for the US - 39 dollars, 74 dollars.)" His father forces more facts becoming more mad at his only son. "You bring us so much unlucky events. Where did all of your luck go to? You won us a lottery when you were being kidnapped when you were younger."

He lets go of Nagito and slams the pills on the table. Half of the pills were missing from the container. His father looks for money in his pocket and when he found around 150kr. (22,56 dollars)

He told Nagito to get some alcohol. And what ever remains get something for himself.

(A/N: You can buy alcohol/beer in Denmark when your 16)

Nagito nods his head and grabs the money and walks over to his room to collect his jacket with was lying on top of his keyboard. Slipping on his winter jacket because it was cooler when the sun wasn't up.

Walking back to the living room he saw that his father had already gotten comfortable by sitting on their couch and watching TV. Ignoring his father he walks to the front door seeing his white sneakers and slipped them on.

Putting his pale hand onto the door knob and was greeted by grey color of the apartment stair wells. Stepping outside and closing the door behind and and started to walk down the stairs. They lived on the third floor so it wasn't to many stairs. Carefully looking at his feet move fast and holding onto the railing in case he fell by accident.

Reaching the bottom he walks out to the streets and starts making his way over to the street where theres shops on every side. He had his eyes set Netto, because it was cheaper then the other shops around.


After a small 5 minute walk Nagito finally gets to all of the shops and he sees the yellow store with the dog as their icon. He starts making his way over to the shop walking slowly. Wanting to waste time to stay away from his father longer and enjoy the trees. But its wasnt sunny.

Entering the small shop he avoids looking at the cashier who looks very emo in Nagitos eyes. Black/Blue dark hair with long eyelashes and pale skin. His hair was covering a bit of his eyes.

Nagito walked past the bakery part that he didnt notice full was that there was a sale for bagels. He kept walking until he reached the drinking section and saw a packet which had 6 beers. And the price was 86,31kr. (13 dollars)

That means if i buy this ill have 63.69kr (9.59 dollars) left. Thats good, because i smelt some bagels.

Nagito picked it up and went back to the bakery section and his nose was correct. There were bagels. Of course they didn't look to fresh but bagels are bagels. He put the packet of beer onto the floor and grabbed a bag from the bottom and inflated it up.

Grabbing the tongs and put 4 bagels seeing that 4 bagels would've been 24kr (3.62 dollars), so then Nagito grabbed another bag and put another 4 bagels inside. In total now he had 15.69kr (2.36 dollars) left and decided not to buy anything else.

Grabbing his two bags of bagels and the 6-pack of beers Nagito quietly walked to the cashier. Silently waiting for them to scan the items so Nagito could leave quickly.

"That'll be 134.31kr (20.23 dollars), please," They spoke making eye contact. Nagito searched in his pocket pulling out a 100kr and a 50kr, handing it over to the boy.

"Can i also see your license or something to prove your age?" Emo kid spoke and Nagito searched in his other pocket for his id card (health card) and showed it to the emo kid. He nodded. Opening the change section grabbing a 10kr coin and 5 kr.

(im not gonna bother with the øre)

The boy gave him his change which was 15.69kr (2.36 dollars). And asked if he wanted the receipt but Nagito shook his head and bidding goodbye to the emo kid.

When he was outside he sighed with relief. At least this time he didnt forget about his id card. It would've been very awkward if he did again. Walking on the right side of the pavement Nagito took out a bagel and started to munch on its delicious flavor.

"im really hopeful for this." He told himself as he got to the middle of the bagel. It was soft in the inside. Maybe Nagito was wrong about these not being fresh.

Have a great week.
IMPORTANT!: there won't be any update next week because of school. (No electronics for 5 days, and I wanna rewatch Banana Fish)

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