Christmas Special

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Christmas special :)


The trail of misty fog followed the high-school boys. Crunching noises from the snow underneath their sneakers as they left their mark on the busy Christmas streets. Being blinded by the bright fairy lights all around them. Jolly Christmas music could be heard from miles away due to the high blasting bass radios.

"Jesus, it's freezing out here. Who thought it was a good idea again?" Hajime whined as he felt his socks growing wet due to a hole in his shoe. Whilst the other shoe was dry as a desert.

Everyone averted their eyes from Hajime and whistled as they stopped for Nagito who was buying a fresh batch of roasted chestnuts.

"Don't know about you Hajime but this is once a year, it's better than being locked up... right?" Makoto who randomly spoke out loud. All of the older boys quickly adverted their gaze from Makoto.

"I wanted to watch the Christmas specials," Kokichi murmured.

"I was planning to wrap up in my blanket and eat," Nagito said as he popped a chestnut in his mouth. Screaming in the next second.

"I just want to sit next to the fire where it's warm, not like how cold it is out here. I swear its the artic out here" Hajime stated.

"I don't like socializing..." Shuichi admitted, then everyone's gaze turned to Shuichi. Kokichi whacked him on the back and grinned. "I know you love us," Everyone chuckled as they kept walking forward. They were going to a Christmas market, everyone knew it was expensive to buy there but it was for the spirit. And escape from home.

"Wait." Hajime suddenly stopped in the park, everyone on their feet stopped and looked at Hajime curious what his mouth was gonna bring out. "Why was Makoto here?" Suddenly everyone looked at each other, Makoto wasn't here.

"Maybe he's out with some friend and spotted us and talked?" Shuichi suggested, "he hit us hard though with that question." Everyone nodded, Makoto was smart, too smart. Hajime sighed and continued to walk to the market. He was in front as if he was the leader.

During the long tedious walk, it started to snow, heavy. Which caused Kokichi and Nagito to secretly make a batch of snowballs so then later in the walk they shoot it at the people in front of them. They smirked cheek to cheek as they giggled. Kokichi then walked Nagito on the back to keep quiet, which only got Nagito to laugh louder and louder.

The two curious people in the front looked behind them to see both boys with a stone-cold face as they walked. Their hands behind their backs as if there were butlers. They had such a straight back, at one point Kokichi played with his non-existence mustache. Hajime thought it looked funny so he snapped a photo.

Once they finally arrived at the Christmas market they were greeted with bright colors of buttercup yellow, crimson red, Christmas green, and warm welcoming colors. The smell of the area was like baked goods from crepes to roasted chestnuts, the young children screaming to sit on Santas lap.

Whack, Hajime felt an ice-cold feeling on his. He screamed like a girl clutching on his neck, the snow slowly slid down his back due to the nice warmth his body was providing. Making Hajime still scream and he patted the snow all the way down to his pants. In the end Hajime was wet on his back, he looked back at Nagito and Kokichi. He gave them a death glare, and motion of 'im going to cut your neck off'.

"AHHAHAHAHHAHAH" Hjaime heard two high pitched laughter, looking down he saw two teenage boys laughing at him. They had to be in 6th grade, they were short. Hajime then glared at them with harsh eyes as they spoke.

"You're such a baby, that high-pitched scream." They were running their mouths at him.

He did a grabbing sign for two snowballs. Nagito politely handed over Hajime two perfectly shaped snowballs.

"Merry Christmas," Hajime roughly said to the boys and shoved snow down their backs, after a few seconds they both reacted. They screamed these balls were special. Nagito covered them with water and let it freeze. These were basically ice-balls.

Shuichi, Hajime, Nagito and Kokichi quickly rushed away as both boys started to call for their moms to tell the high-schoolers off. Even though it was their fault, they picked the fight. Once they were far away Shuichi burst out with laughter, "You shou-should've seen their faces! Their expression was as if you were gonna murder them with pure mass murder."

Kokichi then intimidated the scene that had just happened. "MOMMY!!! MOMMY!!!" And Kokichi went full out with his role, he became snotty and tears gushed down his face. He fell down onto his knees hitting the snow, making the soft snow turn into rock-solid snow. Shuichi then joined in as the mother.

"Oh sweetheart. What happened?" Gently petting Kokichi on the back as he sobbed and chocked out his next words.

"Som-some h-h-highschoolers shoved snow into my sh-shirt." Kokcihi whined and clutched onto Shuichi as Shuichi gasped.

"Sweetheart! Let's find these rude men and knock them down into their graves!"

"Mommy, don't. They're too strong for your Karen skills."

"No one can beat a Karen you hear me buttercups! Let's report this to the police!" Shuichi picked up Kokichi and ran into the bushes. They waited then walked out and bowed. Hajime and Nagito clapped for the wonderful performance.

Walking into the Christmas market they ate, they laughed, they ran around, spent their money and in the end. They all wanted to sit on Santas lap so they walked up to one at a time. Nagito went first.

"Hello, young little boy, what do wish for Christmas?" Santa wheezed as Nagito who was around 180 cm tall.

"I want hope, I want all despair gone. Maybe in that process I'd love some freshly baked bagels." Nagito glared into his eyes, then turned to Hajime and the rest of his friends and smiled. He hopped off.

Next was Shuichi.

"Hello! Any wishes for Christmas?" Santa cried on the inside as Shuichi gently sat on unlike Nagito who just sat on with full force.

"I want my hat back. I lost it... one of my friends who died sister snatched it." Shuichi looked into the camera and left. By now Santa is confused... and when he looked up he saw the next victim. He had to be 179 cm.

"Merry Christmas boy, anything you want for Christmas?" Santa shifted a bit away due to the spikey hair.

"I want, hmmm. Oh, i know!" Hajime smiled.

"I want all of the monokubs exclusives." Santas' eyes bulged out and smiled for the camera.

Last but not least, Kokichi. We went full force. He asked for what he wanted for Christmas. He told Nagito to film because he was gonna do something special. During the 'photo' Kokichi touched the stomach and squeezed it. Then he pulled out the stuff and told everyone to run as fast as Bolt.

It took a while for the group of people to render what had happened. Once they realized they bolted away. Laughing, with joy.


merry Christmas :)

sorry, it's bad, i haven't written in a while, but i have re-written another story. I promise ill get back to this story.

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