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The Wiltshires all gathered at the table. Alexander followed Lord Wiltshire. "M'lord, the boys and I found a waltz song. It's a bit old, but we revised it, and made some improvements-" The girls clamored to see his work. When one tried to snatch it, the other fought for it. Alexander held it over his head keeping it from the wild twins.

"Give it here, handsome!"
"Let me have it, Alex!"
"No it's mine!"
"Let go!"
"Give me that!"

Lord Wiltshire whipped it from his upheld hand. "I'll take it." He said calmly diffusing the situation. He looked over the improved piece. It was perfectly restored, and the improvements really made it look like a masterpiece. "Oh my! Mozart would be impressed! You boys restored this?! I simply must play this at the party! I'll be the talk of the town!" Pierre bit his lip to keep from saying that the Wiltshires balls were already the stuff of legend. It sometimes even scared off his dear Hedwig. Not that either of them were able to avoid giving into the chaos. Even they have fallen victim to the Wiltshire madness.

At the table the twins sat next to their beloved Alexander. Every time he tried to eat the girls beat him to it. They took turns feeding him, causing total embarrassment. Pierre was enjoying the show. Sure he was here to help Alexander, but gosh be damned if he didn't find Alexander's humiliation the best part of this whole experience. When he looked at Murphy, the staff man chuckled at how his girlfriend's master felt embarrassed. As the tea was poured Pierre drank like he was a camel. The elderly couple wondered if he felt dehydrated.

Suddenly Pierre shot up. "Uhh, I need to use the restroom." He said jogging toward the closest bathroom. He waited till he closed the door behind himself, and opened the nearby window. Using his assassin skills, he leaped out the window and scaled the manor wall. He crept along till he reached a row of windows. He checked the rooms. Some of their servants were reading books, napping or doing something else. He snuck trying to go unnoticed by them. There was only one empty staff member room. He had his target. Using a lock pick, he opened the window, shaking the whole time. Once inside, he looked around. If Pierre were secret important letters, where would he be?

He looked to the ground, and saw a locked chest. It was locked up and the rusty lock couldn't be broken. It would make too much noise. He checked a nearby nightstand, and in a drawer, there was the key. He rushed over, opened the chest, and inside were some random belongings, but to the left, a stack of small envelopes. He took one from the bottom and slipped it in his jacket, then counted the rest. Once he counted them, he closed the chest relocked it, and put the key back closing the nightstand. He then stealthily made his way back into the bathroom, quick as a flash.

Once he calmed his breathing from the sneaking, he walked back to the table as the girls were trying to pressure Alex into drinking some wine to loosen up. They were obviously trying to get him relaxed. Thank heavens Alexander was offering him a grand distraction. Otherwise they would have asked why he took so long using the restroom. It was getting a bit sad, so he offered some release to even out their mercy. "I apologize my ladies, but Alexander will not be spending the night." They both looked down as they shared a disappointed "Awww." Their British dreamboat patted their shoulder in a sincere apology for both of them. Murphy almost felt sorry for them, but at least Alexander couldn't have any opportunity to snoop in his room. Little did he know Alexander wasn't the one he should worry about.

After the tea time, the two young bachelors left on horseback leading off to their homes. Murphy ran up to Alexander. "Before you go, send this letter to Diana. I want to make sure she gets it." He said handing it to Alexander. He raised an eyebrow, and nodded. The two boys then trotted off to the road. They walked their mares along, and Pierre waited till they were far from the house. Alexander turned to him. "What did you find!"  He asked. Pierre responded. "There's a chest on the right wall of the room. A key in the nightstand opens it. In the lower left hand corner were twenty love letters. I took one for reference. They all looked exactly like this one. We'll need to make replacement ones, that are blank. At the party we'll swap them all." He said handing him the love letter." Alexander was quite impressed.

"So..." Pierre motioned to the envelope Murphy gave him. "What does that say?" Alexander rolled his eyes opening it up. "Dear Diana, I'm very sorry but I will have to fulfill my staff duties at the Wiltshires ball, if you could reject the boys for the night, and help with our workload, you get a special treat to taste later." Alexander sneered. "I have an idea what he has in mind. Just let me file this letter right now." He crumpled it up, and tossed it in a nearby pond. Pierre looked behind them not expecting that. "Alexander. That was for her. No matter how raunchy it may be." The older Brit sighed. "The maid can't read anyways. It would be pointless. So, what will we need to perform the swap anyways?" Alexander asked. Pierre grinned. "We'll need matching outfits, masks, and a ton of Murphy's attention." He tipped his hat. "Leave your outfit to me. We'll pull this off just right." She said having fun reliving some old skills he had when he was alive.

At the fork in the road, they split leading Alexander back to Reginald Manor.


"For the last time, it was nothing serious. We were just having a moment of fun." Benjamin explained, as James was scrubbing the spot where they stood. Diana's cheeks were still red. James splashed the scrubber back in the bucket. "Whatever it was, it happened in my room, and in my clothes!" He growled. "Forget it, I'll just burn them later." He said tossing the bucket water out the window. "Still I can't blame her. If I was dating Murphy I would probably find sex appeal in somebody else too. I would sooner date a pile of manure than date Murphy." He stopped. "Does this mean you tire of him?"

Diana looked down. "I feel like I do." Benjamin clarified. "Murphy's apparently been harsh on Diana, and is trying to convince her to hate us. I think she is in need of a new start." He said rubbing her back. "Yes, and I don't want to hate you guys. You changed since the accident, and I like you all now. I like the way you talk, and how you all like tea, and feel uncomfortable around modern technology, and how you all dress like the Quaker Oats guy on the oatmeal box. I love you all!" James looked at her and smiled. "God! To think we were about to axe a little thing like you. We will do everything in our part to make sure he never steps foot in this house ever again."

Just then Alexander walked through the front door. He looked to make sure everybody was in their usual place. Thomas was of course looking for something to read in the library, care free as usual. However James and Benjamin were outside James' room chatting. That was off. In any case, he needed to see his second in command. He walked up the stairs, seeing Diana strangely in a pair of breeches and a ruffle shirt. He raised an eyebrow, and gestured Benjamin to follow him to the drawing room.

Benjamin sat and before Alexander could recall his news, Benjamin wanted to go first. "Can I expel some information on you, Alex?" The younger man nodded. "Very well. Proceed." He sighed. "A lot happened while you were out. Did you know Diana likes to dress up in our clothes when we aren't around?" Alexander raised his eyebrows and chuckled. "Really? Well the lady lived in a time wear trousers are unisex. It makes sense to go back to better times." Then Benjamin got a bit softer. "Well we talked and we kissed... again." The younger man was annoyed. "I told you not to do that." He said using his index finger to press Benjamin's nose. He held his face. "It was just kissing. Nothing serious. Just s little fun. In my defense she kissed me."

The one in black was surprised. "Truly? Even though Murphy is her gentleman caller?" Benjamin braced for Alexander's fury. " That was what I was building up to. I know for a fact Diana is desiring to leave Murphy." This perked Alexander's ears. He was happy to hear this. The clouds of his future seemed to disappear. "If she does it after the party, I'll be thrilled! We all will I'm sure, but why? I thought they were happy." He said confused. Benjamin huffed. "Okay, I'll need you to breathe and stay calm for this next part. Murphy has been... rough on Diana." Alexander looked confused. "He's been talking with his hands?" He tried. Alexander still wasn't getting the hint. "Oh for God's sake. Murphy is abusing Diana."


The boom was followed by the banging of doors being swung wide open. It caught the whole house's attention. Alexander marched toward Diana, who started backing up. He took her arm that wasn't previously broken, and lifted the sleeve. His eyes bulged seeing a bruise that was fading. He let her go heading toward a weapons closet.


He grabbed the sharpest axe he had and marched toward the door. "Where are you going, your lordship?!" Diana asked. Alexander's instability made her scared. "To eradicate that scum covered vermin out of our lives." He snarled. Benjamin ran over and before Alexander could turn the handle, he lifted his up off his feet. "Benjamin let me go!" He ordered. Benjamin didn't let go. "Alexander this is NOT an intelligent way to approach this." He pinned him to the ground. "Just breathe, alright? We'll keep him out of the house, and Diana will be safe I promise." He snarled as Benjamin led him back to his room.

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