Masks and madness

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The boys were all in separate rooms, and enjoying a peaceful afternoon. The leader of the house was in front of the sitting room fireplace reading his book. Outside a few rumbles of thunder started growling in the distance. As if on instinct he heard the soft pitter patter of the little red head's feet echoing off the marble floor. Diana sprinted in his direction. When he turned around she pounced into his arms burying her face in his chest. He grinned rubbing her back. This was not very fair, and he knew it. She always wanted to curl up to somebody, and she knew he would never deny her. It was his nasty way of taking advantage of every storm and he wasn't even ashamed of it. He shared the big soft blanket, and sat with her on the couch. As they sat he looked down. "Did you die of hypothermia?" He held her hand. "You... never told me how you died." She looked up at him, and blinked. "No, but some of my homeless friends did." He nodded. "You've never told me how you died. Is it embarrassing?" He felt her take his hand in both of hers. "Maybe some day I'll tell you." Diana didn't tell anybody exactly how she died, and figured she would hold onto that at least for a year or two.

She played with the hem of his coat, and looked at a sack on the side of the couch. "What's in here?" She took the bag looking inside. There were a number of masks. Some were basic masks. Others were the flashiest masks she had ever seen. "Those my dear, are the masks for the ball." He dumped the masks out of the bag onto the table in front of him. There were all kinds each one different colors. He pulled one out of the pile. It was purple with gold decoration. "This is always my favorite. Of course..." He pulled a green one out. "...I do like to change it up from time to time." He held the green one up to his face. When she looked through them, she saw that every mask had one of a matching color scheme, but they looked different. "These are all pairs. Each pair has one round and one wing shaped." Some of the winged ones even had feathers and jewels attached.

"That's because they are for couples." Said Benjamin

Benjamin walked in, seeing they were rummaging through the collection of masks. Thomas and James were right behind him, seeing the pile. James burst through the door frame. "Oooh! Look at this dazzling blue color! This would be so beautiful on Lady Victoria!" He said impishly holding the blue one up to see how he would look in his own. Alexander laughed at the boys rummaging through the masks to see what they could find. He handed Diana the purple one taking his own. "I take it we will make quite the date, wouldn't you agree Diana?" He smiled at his maid, as she looked down at her own mask. Benjamin leaned into the boys. "How predictable." He muttered. The boys snickered obviously siding with the tallest member of the house. Alexander's eyes clicked red. "Excuse me, but I haven't heard any of you scoundrels asking her to the ball."

At this the boys completely countered. "Well that wouldn't be the case, given your overly restrictive rules. Because of your damn rules, we can't get close to her, or have any fun around her." James convicted pointing an angry finger at the leader. Benjamin agreed. "He's right Alexander. You smother her! She needs a chance to breathe." The seething veteran took a deep breath, and exhaled. "Fine! If you two are so eager to for her, let the lady decide." He said pointing to her. Diana looked at the three boys. Alexander crossed his arms confidently. Benjamin shook his head subliminally messaging her not to take the obvious choice, and James held up praying hands for a chance, clearly wanting to take her for one night. Meanwhile Thomas watched holding a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. He simply shrugged to her. "Well the choice is yours, Diana. Do you pick idiot number one, two, or three?" He asked looking at three bachelors.

Suddenly Thomas stiffened when felt her take his arm. "Thomas? Would you please take me to the ball?" The golden man 's face glowed rose gold from the overwhelming shock of having a woman on his arm. This was a sensation he hadn't felt for centuries. The other three boys boys were derailed. The least romantic person in the house now had a lovely lady holding his elbow. "Thomas?.... I need an answer." He eventually snapped back to reality. "Yes... yes, I will." He face lit up in overwhelming delight. He hugged her tightly as she wrapped her legs around him. He spun her around, enjoying the woman that made his night. He sat her back down as they both started looking through the masks trying to find what would suit them best. Meanwhile James was trying to analyze what just happened. Benjamin actually laughed in surprise. God! Was there ever a dull moment in this house? As for Alexander he felt himself bubbling with jealousy. If steam could come out of his nostrils it would've. He locked his jaw when the loudest clap out thunder echoed his frustration.

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