Ch-16 [Mutual Understanding]

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Jungkook was astonished to see an unexpected person at his door.

“I am sorry, but I need to come. Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep. Sorry for disturbing you, Jungkook,” you said, and by your facial expressions, anyone could tell how sorry you were.

“No, it's okay. I was doing some office work. Do you need something?” he replied.

“No, actually, I came to give you an answer. Can we talk?” Frowning a little, he nodded his head as soon as you asked.

“Okay, then come inside,” he invited you.

“Umm... Can we talk in the garden instead? Or on the terrace? Or just here?” You were fidgeting with your fingers, and Jungkook understood you were nervous about entering his room yet.

“Alright, let's go to the garden then.” Saying that, he started leading the way, and you tailed behind him.

There's a fountain in the middle of the garden and a bench just beside it to enjoy the fountain view. Jungkook sat there and also signaled for you to sit.

“What do you want to tell me?” he asked after you sat beside him. 

“First of all, I am sorry again for disturbing you late at night. But I can't sleep like this. Though it's not that important, still....” Leaving the main topic, you were blabbering about your concerns, but you froze as soon as Jungkook put his hand on yours. 

“Y/N, you can tell me. You don't have to hesitate that much. It's okay if I can't solve every problem you have. But I can be a good listener.” He gently squeezed your hand to reassure you. Smiling sweetly, you nodded. 

“Actually, this morning, ummm... when I told you all about going home and you asked why I wanted to... So the reason is I don't want to break your family rules, Jungkook. I don't want everyone to break the rituals for me. Maybe we are all educated, but there is no harm in giving the rituals priority sometimes, right?” You tried to explain as best as you could. 

But Jungkook frowned upon hearing you. “Rituals? Rules? Umm, can you explain the rituals you're exactly talking about?” he asked.

“Your home rituals before marriage, Jungkook. You don't know?” you said, more like trying to make him remember. But seeing a huge frown on his forehead, you understood that he didn't remember.

“Ofo, Jungkook... That soon-to-be bride can't stay at her in-laws' house. She can't even come. Come on, how can you not know?” You explained, but his response was otherwise.

“Mom said this to you?” he asked, making you shocked, and you immediately shook your head.

“Then?” he asked again. 
“Umm, I just heard,” you said nervously.

“For God's sake, Yn, you're not in good health, and about rituals—forget it. Mom didn't say anything, which means there's nothing like this. Moreover, health is our first priority. I hope, as a doctor, you can understand this at least,” he burst out.

“Jung-Kook,” you whispered, hearing his shouting.

"Yn, I don't know who the hell told you these things, but trust me, there are no such rules or rituals like this in our house. Even both of my sisters-in-law stayed right here in our house one week before the marriage, especially Mi-Hi noona. She stayed at least one month before the marriage.” Hearing his outburst, you frowned deeply.

You were lost in your thoughts about why the hell Mi-Hi lied to you. She doesn't like you or something. But you came back to reality, feeling a light shake on your shoulder.

“I am sorry,” Jungkook apologized.

“Huh!?” You were still in a trance, but Jungkook didn't repeat his words.

“Oh, I am sorry too, Jungkook. Sorry for saying nonsensical things and wasting your time.” Saying that, you bowed. But Jungkook quickly held you by your shoulders.

“What are you doing, Yn? Why are you bowing? You felt sorry, and you expressed it, and that's enough. You don't need to bow. At least don't bow in front of your life partner,” he said.

Sometimes his words feel so soothing, and sometimes they're harsher than the truth. You looked deeply into his eyes, and so did Jungkook. None of your eyes were blinking.

“Ayehoo, lovebirds.”

You both quickly parted ways upon hearing the voice. It was Hyun, who came to the garden with his wife to spend a little quality time. Otherwise, her sister always sticks to her like gum.

“Hyung?! Do you need something?” Jungkook asked in his usual casual tone.

“Why? Can't I come into the garden? Oops, sorry! I wouldn't have come here if I knew that you both were here. We also spent our pre-wedding time in this house in different places, right, jagi?” He questioned Mi-Hi, and in reply, she nodded with a sweet smile, as if she hadn't told you anything.

You raised an eyebrow, and it became clear that you would have to deal with her after coming into this house. Jungkook noticed your behavior but kept silent.

“Okay, Jungkook, let's go. I am sleepy now. I have to wake up early and go to college. Good night, oppa. Good night, unnie.”You said goodbye to Jungkook, then bid goodnight to Huyn and Mi-Hi and headed towards your room.

“Good night,” said Jungkook as he also headed towards his room. But your words took his sleep away. Who could tell you those things, and what was the person's purpose? Because you can't do anything on your own. He stayed awake and kept staring at the ceiling.

Time skips to morning...

Jungkook's mom was in the kitchen, as she thought to make breakfast by herself for her children. So you and Eun-Ae were helping her.

“Yn, I want to ask you something that you have to answer honestly, okay?” Jungkook's mom asked, and you nodded immediately. Just then, Jungkook entered the kitchen to call Yn, being ready for the office, without being noticed by anyone. But hearing his mom talking, he didn't want to interrupt and waited for her to finish.

“Yn, after marriage, do you want to live with us or live separately?” Hearing this, not only yours but also Jungkook's and Eun-Ae's ears perked up.

But everyone panicked upon hearing a muffled sob. “Hey, hey, Yn. Why are you crying, dear? Did I say something wrong? You don't want to stay with us? It's okay; I will tell Jungkook.” Jungkook's mom rubbed your back to comfort you.

But Jungkook's gaze burned; in no way he was leaving his mom. He was about to step in the middle but stopped after hearing your words.

“You also want to send me away, Eomma?” You couldn't hold back and burst into more tears. “Am I this unlucky that everyone hates me?” You were hiccuping now, but Jungkook's mom hugged you tightly.

“Shhh!!! Baby, I am sorry. I am sorry for saying that. No one hates you, hmm? Everyone loves our sweet Yn. I won't say it again. I got it; my daughter wants to stay with her mother. Shhh!!! Stop crying. It's okay... There, there.” She was trying her best to make you stop, but feeling this warmth for the first time, you burst into more tears.

Eun-Ae also rubbed your back to soothe you. Jungkook smiled a little and went out of there, giving you three space.

On the way to the dining hall, he saw Jimin coming toward the kitchen. Jungkook quickly put his hand on his shoulder to stop him, making him look at Jungkook.

“It would be better if you don't go there,” Jungkook said. “Why, bro?” Jimin asked.

“Don't ask too many questions. You won't be able to enter even if you go. Can't you see I am coming from there only?” Jungkook said, feeling a little frustrated; he didn't want anyone else to see you crying, as it would embarrass you.

“Gosh, I was just going to meet my wifey.” Jimin walked away, sulking, while Jungkook shook his head and followed him.

Everyone was having breakfast a little early because of you, except for Mi-Hi, Mi-Cha, and Hyun. They were still in their room, maybe sleeping. So no one disturbed them.

“Okay, Yn, we should go now,” Jungkook said as everyone finished their breakfast, making you nod.

“Is everyone done with breakfast? Without me? I wanted to have breakfast with Jungkook,” Mi-Cha said while coming downstairs, making everyone frown.


A/N: Here's the next chapter 😉. Tell me how it is, okay?

And do you like JK's character here? What about YN and the others? Tell me about your feelings without hesitation, okay?

The next chapter will be a little late, but I will still try to update quickly.

I don't know what's wrong with my leg; my pinky toe is hurting a lot, and I can't even walk smoothly 😭😭😭. Don't ask about college... It's another thing...

Well, good night, and stay safe and healthy. Drink a lot of water.

Love you a lot ❤️❤️❤️.

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