Chapter 2

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Hoshi stared at the mountain of gifts, her eyes wide in alarm. "Do you like them?"Regef asks smiling at her. She opened one of the gifts, finding an expensive looking dress inside one. "These are nice..."Hoshi mutters. "I can have them burned.."Regef says sending a chill down her spine. He grabbed her arms, smiling down at her. "You're mine now, so whatever you want it's yours, just name it"Regef says. "I wanna see Edel, I promised him a picnic"Hoshi requests. "Edel Lindberg..."Regef says. That little brat has the attention he wanted...that wasn't fair. How long has she known about Edel, how long have they been meeting each other. Why did that brat get to have Hoshi but she shied away from him. Since yesterday Hoshi has been running from him whenever he made scenarios where they could run into each other and have a conversation with one another.

He's the only one allowed to touch her, to love her, to have all of her attention, to give her gifts and spend time with her, not some illegitimate child. "Hoshi." Hoshi looked up, having thought this might happen, since she's heard about the prince's dangerous tantrums. That was the one thing she wanted to avoid at all costs. She screamed, a vase shattering against the wall beside her, Regef trembling angrily. "Why do you wanna see him?!"Regef demands glaring at her, burning rage visible in his eyes. She trembled, her back pressed against the wall as he stepped closer to her, fear gripping her in a near chokehold. "I'm sorry!"Hoshi cried making him freeze. Regef stared at her, then placed a hand on her cheek, making her flinch. "I didn't mean to scare you, forgive me"Regef mutters. He hugged her, Hoshi stiffening. "C-Can I go see Edel?"Hoshi asks hesitantly. "Of course"Regef smiled. She turned to leave, but he gripped her tight. "Be safe"Regef smiled.

She nodded, then turned and bolted out of the room, fearing for her life. She grabbed the basket, hurrying to leave the palace. She ran out of the palace, hair flying behind her as she rushed to meet Edel. Regef walked out after her, watching her run. "She's a runner, might have to keep an eye on her"Regef chuckled looking amused. Having Hoshi around him might actually be more fun than he imagined. The potential crowned princess of the kingdom, his future wife and possible mother to their children. "What would the little rascals look like"Regef chuckled turning away to walk back inside, getting ready for his plan. A cloaked figure peeked out from behind a tree, looking at Regef, before chasing after Hoshi. They reached up, lowering the hood, Charles hurrying after his sister quickly.

"HOSHI!!" Hoshi held her arms out, beaming as Edel hugged her. "I saw the prince touch you! Rumors said he took you away to the palace!"Edel yells angrily. "He did..."Hoshi sighed. "WHAT!! HE CAN'T DO THAT!! HE'LL MAKE YOU STOP VISITING ME!!"Edel cried looking shocked. She knew that, she knew Regef must not like Edel, since that would be someone who'd take the throne with possible help from the emperor himself. She could see it, she feel it, when Regef got angry at her for mentioning the child. "If that does happen, Edel...I want you to know that I love you so much, you're the best person I could've asked to be friends with"Hoshi smiled tears falling down her cheeks. Edel trembled, then hugged her silently. It wasn't fair but fate could be cruel, if Regef did start forbidding her from seeing Edel that would actually break her completely. She loved this child like a brother, and being separated from him would be a nightmare.

Edel bit into his sandwich, Hoshi laughing as she used a napkin to wipe the strawberry jam away. "Cookies!"Hoshi beamed holding the bag out to him. "Cookies!"Edel gasped as she handed him the bag. She smiled, watching the boy eat the chocolate chip cookies, giggling a little. She looked up, noticing the sun was going down. "I gotta go!"Hoshi gasped. She stopped, then reached into the basket. "Here, for you"Hoshi smiled holding out a snowflake broach. "For me"Edel stared. "Yes..a-and if one day Regef forbids me from seeing you, just know I'm always thinking about you"Hoshi smiled. She attached it to his sleeve, Edel looking at it stunned. "LADY HOSHI!! PRINCE REGEF CALLED FOR YOU TO RETURN!" She looked at the guard, Edel looking worried. "Edel! If I don't come back, promise me you'll grow into a healthy and strong man!"Hoshi pleaded falling to her knees.

"I will! I promise!"Edel nods. The guards grabbed her, Edel staring with wide eyes as they dragged her away. He gritted his teeth, watching them take her away from him. Of course Regef called her back, he wouldn't wanna be far from the person he took from a noble household without care, so he sent the guards to reinforce the order no doubt. Hoshi, the only person besides his mother who cared about him, the person he was never gonna get to see again after today because of a royal's selfishness. "One day I'll free Hoshi! I'll become big and strong to protect her from anyone who wishes her harm"Edel promised Hoshi's desperate expression flashing in his mind. He got to his feet, touching the broach on his sleeve, silently pleading with Hoshi to hang in there for a few years until he was older. He turned, hurrying away quickly, narrowing his eyes.

Jannon quickly led Hoshi to the prince's room, throwing the doors open. Regef laid in bed, his shirt off, covered in bandages. "YOUR HIGHNESS!"Hoshi gasped hurrying over to him startled. Regef opened his eyes, looking at her, then raised a trembling hand. "Hoshi..I thought you ran away..."Regef says reaching for her. She grasped his hand, looking disbelieving that he managed to injure himself like this. "What happened?"Hoshi asks. "I injured myself worrying about you, Lady Hoshi"Regef responds. She perked up stunned, feeling guilty now. He had worried about her while she was out, a natural thing that would happen since almost everyone knows since the prince has made some enemies in the past and present. Maybe she doubted him a bit too much, because of the way people spoke about him around her. "How was your visit?"Regef asks suddenly. " went well"Hoshi says surprised he asked that question. "That's good"Regef smiled.

She stared down at him, gently touching his bandages concerned. "I'll be better in no time"Regef reassured. "I hope so..."Hoshi sighed brushing her hair back, still worrying for the male. "Will you nurse me back to health?"Regef asks. She touched his arm, then nodded and turned away but he grabbed her wrist. "Just...stay with me, where I can see you"Regef smiled. "Oh..okay"Hoshi blinked surprised. She sat beside him, holding the prince's hand, getting a small smile from him. "Thank you"Regef says placing his hand on her cheek. She flinched, feeling her face heat up alarmed. Regef chuckled, smiling at her amused. He got her, she fell for it, showing himself injured to her lowered her guard. She wasn't going to see Edel, not as long as he faked pain and asked her to stay with him, even if he had to put this to an end at some point. He had other ways to make her stay with him and show him affectionate.

He has her trapped.

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