Chapter 4

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Hoshi hummed, fixing the flowers in a vase, Regef smiling as he watched her. He sat up, the blanket falling down to his waist. "Can I have a flower?"Regef asks getting her attention. She brought a yellow rose over, smiling as she handed it to him. He placed the flower in her hair, making her perk up. "There, that's perfect"Regef chuckles. She giggled and walked away, looking out the room window at the garden. It had been a little over two months since she's come here. Regef had gotten better and started showing her around, making sure she knew where to go and where to not go, even showering her in gifts. She was careful with her words, knowing he'd probably threaten to have the person behind the gifts he bought hunted down and killed instantly. "Do you wanna go outside?"Regef asks standing up, looking out the window with her. "Yes, I wanted to go into the town..."Hoshi responds. "I don't think I'd be able to go with you if that was the case"Regef chuckles.

"I'm gonna be busy with some stuff, so sadly I wouldn't be able to go out with you." She looked back out the window, feeling his hand twirl her hair around his finger before pressing a kiss to it. "You can go though"Regef offers. She looked up at him surprised, getting a smile of amusement in return. "I'm not gonna keep you locked up in my room, you have the complete right to go outside"Regef chuckles. He boops her nose and turned away. "Take a guard with you though, I'd feel more inclined to let you go if you take one with you"Regef says looking back at her. "Y-Yes! Thank you!"Hoshi beamed. She hugged him, surprising the prince. "Thank you Regef!!"Hoshi beams. She ran off, calling for a few maids. "Is that a good idea"Jannon asks walking over to him. "She's not gonna run, I'd find her easily....besides this is the next part of my plan"Regef chuckles sitting in a chair. "Hoshi is gonna become more dependent on me after today." Jannon stared at him, wondering what he was planning to do this time after harming himself to make Hoshi care for him.


Hoshi beamed, stepping out of the carriage, her eyes sparkling as she looked around. It been so long since she's really visited the shops. She'd usually go to the garden then return to Regef and watch him do paperwork which bored her to no end. He always offered for her to stay in the garden all day but she would decline, telling him she enjoys time in the garden for a short amount or else she'd get too bored with the current flowers. She enjoyed time with Regef as well but being outside truly made her happy and free. "Oh over there!"Hoshi beamed lifting her dress as she hurried over to a store filled with desserts. She quickly headed inside, beaming at the baker. "Ten chocolate filled croissants please!"Hoshi smiled her eyes sparkling. She waited patiently, humming a soft tune causing a few men to look at her a bit flustered. Her guard stepped in front of her, making her perk up surprised unable to see his glare directed at the staring men, forcing them all to look in different directions.

"Here you go." Hoshi smiled, taking the bag, gently hugging it to her chest. Her guard took out a pouch, surprising her as he dropped it on the counter. Her mouth opened to protest but he shot her a friendly smile, making her feel a little guilty as the two of them left the shop. "Thank you for that.."Hoshi says grabbing his arm. "No problem." He smiled down at her, continuing to walk at her side. Hoshi pulled him around to different shops, smiling wide. He carried a few of her bags, dropping them off in the carriage when they passed by it to free his hands as she hurried to buy Regef a thank you gift for letting her come outside. Hands grabbed her, pulling her into the darkness as her eyes widened, a blade against her throat "Lady Hoshi"Her guard calls looking up. He froze, finding her gone, causing his eyes to widen. "L-LADY HOSHI??!" He whipped around worriedly, scanning the eyes frantically for the missing lady. Hoshi glanced up, a muscular man with a bandanna covering half of his face standing there. "You'll sell for a lot a money"The man chuckles.

The man stiffened, dropping the knife and fell to his knees gripping his side. She fell to her knees startled, and quickly scrambled away, turning around when she was far enough. She stared with wide eyes, Regef standing there wearing a cloak that covered his hair. He smiled at her look of shock, lowering his sword slightly. "This wasn't-"The man starts grabbing the males leg. He kicked the man in the jaw, knocking him over then turned his gaze to her. "Are you alright, Hoshi, I had a bad feeling so I snuck out to follow you?!"Regef demands hurrying over. He kneeled down, perking up when she hugged him. "I was...terrified"Hoshi mutters trembling. He smiled and hugged her, patting the small of her back. "I know, it's gonna be okay now"Regef chuckles placing a hand on her cheek. He took her hands in his and pulled her to her feet. "You're not hurt anywhere are you?"Regef asks. "N-no, I'm fine, thanks to you"Hoshi answers. He smiled and led her away, doing his best to squash the smug smirk on his face.

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