Please say yes

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I don't own pokemon

May Maple glared at her daily annoyance.

Of course, he just had to end up at the same table as her. And of course, he just had to tease her and make fun of her every second of the day he was near her. And that was a lot.

Seriously, May was starting to suspect that he went out of his way to run into her so he could tease her.

He was so annoying, with all of his stupid nicknames and snide remarks every time she made even the slightest slip up in anything.

"Mrs. Maple? Could you please demonstrate this problem on the board?" The teacher called. May stood up, only to trip over one of the legs of her chair.

As expected, Drew smirked. "Sorry, but you might want to go to a much lower level class. This is for big kids, not little children who can't even walk yet. Besides you have to be smart to get in this class, so you certainly don't belong here."

But none the less, he offered her a hand to help her up. May, however, disregarded the gesture and simply slapped his hand away before getting up and successfully making it to the board.

Drew's face fell as she walked right past him.


"May! Why'd you just brush Drew aside like that in math!?!?" Dawn demanded to know. "He looked so disappointed that it wasn't even funny!"

I rolled my eyes. "He would have no reason to be disappointed. Besides, he was being a jerk."

"Then he offered to help you up!" She argued.

"He's still a jerk. I can't stand how he's supposed to be this perfect, smart, super cute, super athletic basketball star. I just can't stand how he acts like... Like... Like however he wants! What do his fangirls see in that jerk?!?!"

"What do you see in that jerk?" Dawn questioned smugly.

"W-w-what?." May gasped, cheeks turning red.

"Oh, please." Dawn said, throwing in a hand gesture for emphasis. "We both know that you've been crushing on him big time for, like, the past four years."

"Don't remind me... I hate that I like him every second of the day... I just hate it! I hate how he messes with my emotions with those pretty red roses. I hate how he's supposed to be all Mr. Popular, and how he teases me 24/7. Besides... It's not like he would ever like me back. See ya, Dawn." She turned into her classroom.

After she was gone, Dawn shook her head. "You don't hate that you like him, May. You hate the fact that you've convinced yourself that he could never like you back. *sigh* If you would only stop being so dense and realize that he's crazy about you..."

She shook her head once again before speed walking to her own class.

"'Ello, October." Drew greeted, a smirk claiming his rightful place on Drew's face.

"Go die in a hole." Was May's only response before taking her seat and forcing herself to look at the board and not even sneak one like peek at Drew.

If she had, however, she would have seen the sadness and disappointment that she had so easily caused in his heart.

'Come on May, you can do it.' She told herself. 'You've like this stupid boy for four years. It's about time that you move on and get over him. Besides, you've liked him so long that this stupid crush is bound to just go away soon, and then you'll never have to think about him again.'

However, two seats back and one to the left, Drew was only half paying attention to the teacher, just enough so that he wouldn't get in trouble for not listening.

What am I going to do? Drew mentally groaned. Every day I'm stalked by almost the entire female population of the school. As if that wasn't bad enough, the one girl that I like seems to hate me...

He sighed.

I hate how I tease her every second I see her. But if I don't, my face turns beet red whenever she comes within ten feet of me, a-a-a-and I-I-I st-stutter on e-every w-w-word...

Even she wouldn't be dense enough not to see that I like her...

But there is no way she could fall for me that way! I mean, I would be acting like one of my fangirls, and I hate them!

He clenched his fists beneath the table. That's it. I've had enough. I'm tired of being stuck in the hate zone. Not the friendzone, not the rivalzone, (A/N BWT, Rivalzoned is a one shot by LoveAllPokemon, it's one of my faves and I suggest you check it out) but the hate zone.

I'm... I'm going to ask her out after class. He decided. I'm sick of just being that annoying background character in her life.


"Hey, May." Said girl turned to the owner of the voice as she spun the combination on her locker.

"What is it Drew." She replied as calmly as possible.

"I... Um..." Drew internally slapped himself. Come on, dude. Don't choke now...

May watched patiently as the poor boy fumbled over his words.

"I... Er... W-Would you like to go to that new Esperr's cafe with me? Like... On a date?" He asked, hopeful tone in his words.

May's brain took a second to process this. Did Drew... Really just ask me on a date? I guess there's only one answer...

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to refuse your offer." She told him before hurrying on to her next class.

Drew stood at his locker, heart shattered into a hundred thousand little tiny pieces all across the floor.

He quickly sniffled and wiped his eyes on his shirt sleeve to hide the tears of rejection quickly forming in his eyes.

In the next class, science, May happened to sit right behind Drew while Dawn sat next to him.

Huh? May thought around half way through class. Did Drew get enough sleep last night night? He keeps rubbing his eyes... May wondered.

Dawn, however, had a better view of his face, and raised the truth - Drew was trying to hide the fact that he was crying.

"What happened?" She whispered ever so softly. He pretended like he didn't hear her.

Dawn decided not to pry, so she just settled on discreetly handing him a tissue, which he reluctantly accepted.


"May!! What happened!!! You just seem so out of it..." Dawn said, trying her hardest to get May's attention during lunch.

"Huh? Oh... Well... The thing is... Well, Drew asked me out right before science..."

"OH MY GOSH THAT'S AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!! May, why are you so down!?!? You've liked him for like ever!!!!!!!!" She squealed.

"It's because I turned him down. And before you say anything, I don't want to talk about it." May said stiffly.

"Why?" Dawn asked in a whinny voice, well aware of her friend's pain.

"I just said that I don't want to talk about it." May said miserably.

"Speaking of the Grasshead, where is he?" Dawn wondered, scanning the cafeteria for the mop of green hair.

"Can we please not talk about anything of the subject."


Once again, Drew stopped me before I could leave my locker.

"Pease say yes, May. I want you to be my girlfriend. Please."

"I-" No. I won't give in to him. "No. I already told you that."

"Fine. I get the message that you hate me. I just-" his voice cracked. "Just forget I said anything..."


"FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M THROUGH WITH YOU, STUPID HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" May threw her pencil across the room in triumph.

However, the pencil landed lightly on the ground and the whole room was still and peaceful instead of a torrent of rage, which seriously irked her because it did nothing to let out her anger.

Screaming, she picked up the stupid thing once again and repeated the process of throwing it across the room only to get the same results of tranquility. In her room anyway.

All of the calmness was making her even more angry. It made her mad how it could just stand there like usual like nothing was wrong. It made her mad that the whole world wasn't just as mad as she was.

You're the cause of this, Drew Hayden. You have no idea how much I hate you right now. A lot. It's... It's just as much as I like you. ...A lot.

Why do you do this to me? Why? Why me?

Caroline cautiously opened my door to find May collapsed on her bed.

She sighed. "What did Drew do this time?" She asked. "Drama." Was May's only answer.

"What did he do?" She demanded.

"He asked me to that new Esperr's cafe with him. But... I turned him down. Then later he asked me again, and I said no again." May explained, well aware that she was not be getting out of this.

"Why did you turn him down? If it's because of all of the teasing, that probably won't be as bad. You could just tell him that you thought it over and that you would go with him, or-" She spouted quickly, knowing how much this would hurt May.

"That's not why I said no. It's because he doesn't like me."

Caroline stared at her. "May, he just asked you to go on a date with him. Twice. What makes you think he doesn't like you?"

"Since our school doesn't have a football team, which I still don't get, we have a basketball team. Drew is on that team, and the fact that he doesn't have a girlfriend is bad for his reputation. All of the cheerleaders are dating one of his team mates except for Christy, but the only one who likes her is her."

Caroline gave a soft smile. "Yeah, I've heard about Christy."

So then he chose someone who people might consider 'cute' or 'they look so cute together'. He's just going to ditch me as soon as he finds someone cuter. I don't want to just be 'that girl I dumped back in high school- what was her name again?'"

May's shoulders drooped.

"May... Have you ever even considered that he asked you out because he likes you just as much as you like him?" She asked her gently.

"I gave up on that years ago, Mom."

"Just talk to him, May. If it means anything, from what I've seen and heard, he does genuinely like you."

Could he really actually like me? May wondered. No. Don't get your hopes up.


"Oh!! And he misses the shot!! I think it's safe to say that Drew has not been on his best game today!!!" The commentator roared. "I mean, really, what is up? Usually he's the teams star player, and- oh I'm sorry, while I was ranting, one of Drew's team mates, Ash, has taken the ball and has dribbled down the field- court- I don't even know. I'm calling it a fiourt, and, and, HE MAKES A THREE POINTER!!!!!!!!! WAY TO GO ASH!!!!!!!!!! And that, folks, is how it's done."

The entire crown sweatdropped. There was a commotion as the USUAL commentator kicked one of the students out of the little booth, presumably the one who had taken over the game commentary.

"Am I the only one who thinks that looks like Scatter?" Asked the person next to May.

May and Dawn watched as Drew was pulled to the sidelines.

"I wonder was going on?" May half asked Dawn, have thought aloud. Dawn shrugged. "I think it's because he's playing with a broken heart." She decided.

May rolled her eyes. "You think everything is emotionally connected. Besides, why would he be broken hearted?"

"May! How dense can you get!! He's practically in love with you, and you turned him down!! Twice!!! Don't worry, you only shattered him!!! Of course he's emotionally unstable right now!!!!!!" She all but shrieked.

"Dawn, I've already gone over this with you. He. Doesn't. Like. Me." She told Dawn.

"Sure." Dawn snorted. "And my favorite color isn't pink."

"But your favorite color is pink." May stated, confused.


"Hey... May..." Drew said quietly.

"Oh... Hi Drew. I wasn't expecting to run into you an the way home from school." May said, trying to avoid any awkward topics.

"May... I will only ask you one more time before I stop pestering you about it. Will you go out with me? Please. Just one date. Please say yes..." He said, all teasing and confidence gone from his voice.

It almost pained her how powerless he sounded. Maybe I should... No. He's only going to leave you. She thought, forcing herself to one again push away from him.

"Why don't you just go ask Brianna or someone? May asked, trying to keep the sadness out of her tone.

"Why would I ask Brianna!!!" He practically yelled, rather shocked. "May, what-"

"This is just a joke. Go find someone who thinks it's funny..." She refused to look at Drew. She would not let him know how close she was to tears.

"You... You think that I'm just joking with you?" His voice was barley more than a whisper. "You... You think that I'm just looking for a girlfriend? I-"

"Drew, just stop. Please. It's not like..." She struggled to find the words.

"May, even if you said yes, I would never just leave you. Even if you can except it or not... I love you, May. Even if you don't feel the same way... I wouldn't blame you. I've always teased you. It was just to hide how I felt about you."

Could he... Actually love me?

"I'm not just going to turn around and ask some other random person that I feel nothing for. I just..." He trailed off unable to go on.

"This is where I need to turn to get to my house..." There was silence for a moment.

"See ya, Drew." She said before walking to face him.

She handed him a small piece of paper. "Huh? He asked, looking at her. She smiled before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He stood there, red in the face, physically incapable of moving, watching her walk away.

He looked down at the paper bit.

On the top half, it had a string of numbers before reading: I don't have anything on Saturday. Do you?


Drew's heart pounded in his chest. Please, please, say yes, he thought.

In response, May squealed and tackled him to the ground. "YES!!!!!!!" She screamed.

So far this was the best moment on my life, Drew decided as he slipped the ring on his now fiancé's finger.


A new one shot!

...I have no idea where I got the idea for this, but here you go.

Like it?

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