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commands and charts!!


0 - 0 Herbs
1 - 0-2 Herbs
2 - 0-3 Herbs
3 - 2-4 Herbs
4 - 3-5 Herbs
5 - 3-6 Herbs

0 - 0%
1 - 20%
2 - 40%
3- 60%
4 - 80%
5 - 100%

0 - 0 Prey
1 - 0-1 Prey
2 - 0-2 Prey
3 - 1-2 Prey
4 - 1-3 Prey
5 - 2-4 Prey

0 - 0 Damage
1 - 10-20 Damage
2 - 10-30 Damage
3 - 20-40 Damage
4 - 30-50 Damage
5 - 40-60 Damage

FORAGING (Warrior Ver.)
1 - 1-3 Sticks
2 - 2-5 Sticks
3 - 3-7 Sticks
4 - 4-8 Sticks
5 - 5-10 Sticks

.5, 1: acquaintances
1.5, 2: new friends
2.5, 3: close friends
3.5, 4: best friends
4.5, 5: mates / crushes

0 - Cannot Heal Anything
1 - Can Heal Coughs and Slight Injuries ( takes 3 herbs )
2 - Can Heal Whitecough, Slight Injuries, Bellyaches and Sore throats ( takes 5 herbs )
3 - Can Heal Greencough, moderate injuries, bee stings, and rat bites ( takes 7 herbs )
4 - Can Heal Severe Injuries ( Takes 8 Herbs )
5 - Can heal poisoning, snake bites, broken limbs, and almost anything ( takes 10 herbs )

Coughs turn into Whitecough, Whitecough turns to Greencough, and Greencough turns to Deathcough, and Deathcough is unhealable

Slight injuries turn to moderate injuries, moderate injuries turn to severe injuries, and severe injuries result in death if not healed that day

The only exception are the ones in the level 5 Healing column, in which all of those need to be healed the day that they occur, or the victim with perish. You can't go multiple days with snake bites, poisoning or a broken limb

If you heal a severe injury, it will turn to a moderate injury. If you heal a moderate injury, it will turn to a slight injury, if you heal a slight injury, the cat will be healed.

thanks rose ;D

Constellation (Leader);

/force [cat] and [cat] to be mates (signs must be compatible!)

Galaxy (Deputy);

/request [cat] and [cat] as forced mates (must be compatible and get leader's permission!)

Star Guiders (Med. Cats);

/visit Space Stone with... (do this every 6 moons with other medicine cats. if there are no others just say /visit space stone)

/share prophecy (i will DM you the prophecy, if you want to share it with the group, send me this in private)

/heal (injured cat)

Star Soldiers (Warriors);

/request to become mates with [cat]

Queens ;


Kits ;


regular commands:

/bond with... (will strengthen relationships by .5)

/train {hunting, battle, foraging or gathering skill} with... (cat name)

/forage alone/with...

/gather alone/with...

/hunt alone/with....

/patrol alone/with...

/don't eat (be last to eat)

/breed with... (only with ur mate(s)
50% chance of breeding being successful

/search for kits with... (lgbt+ couples)

/rank up to (warrior/medicine) apprentice (new name)

/rank up to warrior/medicine cat (new name)

/evacuate, only used in an emergency

/defend, only used during an attack

/build den with...

special commands:
/attempt murder on [cat]
this command should speak for itself but it cant so i'm speaking for it. this command will give the cat a chance to murder a different cat. if you want to do this, DM it to me so no one knows that you are, yaknow, murdering people.

chance of success
- GALAXY: 20%
- QUEENS: 40%
-your own: 90%
-someone else's: 20%

/ask (cat) to become secret mates
secret mates are forbidden, but if you really want to have a secret mate then go ahead. your request CAN be rejected, and they can also rat you out if they please! however it can also be accepted and you can be caught with your secret mate.

/ask (cat) to be secret mentor
if you are a virgo and don't want to be a Star Guider, you are allowed to ask someone to mentor you in the ways of a Star Soldier. Fighting, Hunting, Gathering, you can learn all of that. It will not be updated in public stats, and I will message you AND your mentor the stats. However, it does take energy to train with them. This is also a sin and will result in punishment if you are caught.

/kidnap (cat)
/steal (what you want to steal)
this is a sin and does have punishment if you are caught. so my word of advice: DON'T GET CAUGHT. you can steal herbs, prey, sticks, anything you want.

this can only happen after an attack on the clan. if a cat gets kidnapped by a rouge, cats can journey to find the cat.

Bonding Chart;

.5, 1: acquaintances
1.5, 2: new friends
2.5, 3: close friends
3.5, 4: best friends
4.5, 5: mates / crushes

AIR AND EARTH SIGNS: most compatible
WATER AND FIRE SIGNS: most compatible

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