《ch.27: Ignoring?》

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×dashi's pov×
"This sounds a little far-fetched, Peso..." I said...

×??????'s pov×
I snuck by the team to barnacles room... he looked at me as I entered...

He didn't recognize me... I gave him the 'forgotten' French fries... he thanked me and left...

×Barnacles's pov×
Why did he take it to me? Normally customers had to go back to get the forgotten items if they really wanted them....

I continued the game I was playing as I ate...

I went to the kitchen to throw away the trash... I saw Kwazii and... Peso!? He was alive! "Peso... I thought you were dead!" I said...

"I'm not dead, but Barnacles, Someone is-" Peso started...

Kwazii interrupted him... "it's not important.." Kwazii said...

I sighed... and walked Past...

I was starting to feel weird...

×peso's pov×
I looked at Kwazii... and went to the medical bay...

I managed to save Shellington...

×Paani's pov×
I came to the octopod... Peso was there...

×Shellington's pov×
I woke up two days later... Paani was there, he hugged me...

Peso told us what he knew... I believed him when he said barnacles was in danger...

But how could the crew blame barnacles for my poisoning?

×Kwazii's pov×
I sighed... barnacles had been acting werid for the past two days...

What was going on with him?

×Shellington's pov×
I went to talk to Barnacles... I was kind of worried... but Barnacles wouldn't listen to me... when I tried to tell him what Peso told me..

He thought Peso was pranking him...

×3rd person×
Barnacles started to get dizzy, leaning on a wall for support..

×Kwazii's pov×
"Barnacles?" I said... I went over to him... "are you Okay...?" I asked.... he looked at me...

We took him to the medical bay...

Peso was Busy, Barnacles got up... "Barnacles, wait!" I called...

Barnacles looked at me but left...

Shellington called after him and went after him... I did too..

We couldn't find him...

×Shellington's pov×
We searched for Barnacles for a while... but we didn't find him....

After a while Dashi called me to the launch bay... I saw Tweak working on some gups, Dashi looking at some maps...

Barnacles was sitting at the pool looking at the water.... I went over to him.... "hey.... cap-..... barnacles... are you okay...?" I asked.... "I'm fine..." he said....

I sighed...

×Dashi's pov×
I went over to check on them... "everything alright over here?" I asked... Shellington looked at me... Barnacles got up but lost his balance falling into the pool...

"Captain?" I said... I haven't called him that in a while.... "Barnacles?" Shellington said as he helped him out of the pool...

Barnacles walked away, I followed...

He went to his room....

×Kwazii's pov×
The next day... Barnacles was the last to awaken, he wasn't even awake.... normally he was the first or second awake...

Dashi went to check on him...

×Dashi's pov×
I opened Barnacles's door, he was still asleep "Barnacles?" I said....

He looked at me... "what time Is it?" He asked... "are you okay?" I asked.... "I'm fine..?" He said...

I sighed before leaving the room...

×Shellington's pov×
A while later, Barnacles did get up... I looked at him...

×Kwazii's pov×
I came down the octo-hatch, and saw barnacles near the pool...

I went to talk to him... He walked away...

I followed him... I wanted to talk... he went back to the launch bay... where was he going?

He Tripped and fell into the launch bay...

Hitting the gup-B during the fall...

×Dashi's pov×
Kwazii helped barnacles out of the pool...

Me and Tweak took him to the medical bay....

Peso was Busy... again...

Tweak went to get him...

Barnacles stopped her.... "leave it... he's busy..." Barnacles said, before leaving...

I sighed....

×Tweak's pov×
I went after Barnacles... He went towards the kitchen, Kwazii noticed and followed....

"Captain!" Kwazii called... Barnacles looked at Kwazii.... he sighed as he got some water "Capt.." I started.... he turned to leave...

"Don't call me that.. you know I was Demoted..." Barnacles said...

He continued to walk away...


Barnacles collapsed...

Kwazii went over to check on him...

Then went to get Peso, who came moments later....

"He's been poisoned..." Peso said...

We took him to the medical bay...

×Shellington's pov×
We gathered outside the medical bay... after a few hours Peso came out "he's stable... but we don't have a cure..." Peso said Kwazii looked down... "If I-we had listened sooner..." Kwazii said... Tweak and Dashi looked away...

I partly glared at them before leaving the Octopod...

I crashed the gup-C... now I was stuck on an Island...

I sighed...

×Paani's pov×
I saw an crashed gup... and beside it...

"Shellington?" I said....

Shellington looked at me... "what are you doing here?" I asked...

"I drove away from the octopod for a bit..." Shellington said.. I sat beside him...

Shellington explained...

×Kwazii's pov×
Paani came to the octopod with Shellington....

×Peso's pov×
A few days had past since we found out about Barnacles's poisoning... we had the cure stuff, but I still needed to make it....

I saw Paani talking with Shellington and Kwazii.....

Kwazii went over to Barnacles.... Shellington followed...

×Kwazii's pov×
I looked at Barnacles... "Captain I'm sorry...." I said.... I looked at the monitors, hearing a slight beeping sound...

"Peso?" I said, he came over with the cure....

"He'll be fine..." Peso said...

I sighed...

×Shellington's pov×
A few weeks past.... we tried to talk to Barnacles, But it seemed as if he was ignoring us.

I looked at Kwazii, he looked at Barnacles, he looked down.. "why won't he listen to us?" Kwazii asked...

"Probably cause this team is full of idiots?" I said sarcastically to cheer him up "is that supposed to be a joke? Cause it wasn't funny" Kwazii growled... "I was trying to help..." I said...

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