03| Mizu Academī

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A week had fluttered by quickly, just as fast as the flap of a hummingbird's wing. Mizu Academī's exams were about to take place.

Unlike the most popular hero school in Japan, U.A., who created individual heroes in a span of three years, Mizu created teams of heroes. Mizu only housed eight classes, seven hero teams of ten and one support team of eight for a total of seventy-eight students, which was less than one-third of the students that attended U.A.. There was also the fact that Mizu only grabbed students once every three years. Another thing that differed was that Mizu Academī accepted students with less than adequate Quirks.

This is where the terms Pillars and Powerhouses came from. Pillars were people with Quirks who have powers such as healing or tracking or even distraction. Which is where the name 'Pillar' came to mind. They support the team such as a pillar would support a structure. Powerhouses were people with strong Quirks in general, which is why they were given that name. Together, Pillars and Powerhouses come together to create a strong, solid team in order to complete missions and rescues as a whole.

After all, one person cannot achieve something a team of ten can accomplish.

If U.A. was the absolute best at creating heroes, Mizu was the absolute best at creating hero teams.

Tomohiro had graduated from Mizu. His first choice was U.A. but, he had not gained enough points during the entrance exam despite the fact that he rallied up rescue points. Either way, he failed. Shiketsu was another option but it was his least preferred school so he settled for Mizu after some bribery from his friends.

His original team of ten had split into two teams of five after a disagreement with his vice leader, Stormcaster at age twenty, two years after they all graduated. Tomohiro was left with four members of his original classmates: Phantom, Puppeteer, Charm, and Genesis. However, Genesis unexpectedly broke away from the team. She quit hero work without an explanation before disappearing without a trace. They tried to search for her but she was never found.

Anyway, that is enough about the past. Looking back did nothing good anyway. There is an exam that a certain trio has to take anyway.

At the current moment, Akihiko was in the middle of a dilemma.

Sunlight filtered through the thin light blue curtains draped over the window. It hit certain objects, brightening them while leaving the casts of shadows behind. Multicolored crystals littered the wooden desk pushed against the lavender colored wall, sheets of tedious math homework coating the surface as well. Different kinds of shoes were scattered on the carpet while the cherry blanket nearly touched it.

A scowl had found itself on Akihiko's face, tired lines drawn over his forehead. His bare feet sunk into the softness of the beige carpet, one hand resting on the frame while the other dropped to his side. Periwinkle eyes trailed up to the bundle hidden underneath a sprawl of blankets atop of the mattress.

"Nami, get up," Akihiko grumbled underneath his breath. One of the few things they both despised was waking up early. However, Akihiko still made the effort to wake up somewhat early. Tanami on the other hand had to be jolted awake. Most of the time, Shishi would attack her on Tomohiro's command to wake her up but the hero had grudgingly left at four in the morning for work.

So he was left with the unnecessary task of awakening his twin. Even though he spoke, the lump did not move. His eyes narrowed and the urge to hit his sister with a pillow popped into his mind. Then, another idea materialized. It was cruel but, he would not hesitate to do it.

"Get up or I am letting the water run in the bathtub and I will not hesitate to toss you in there."

Not even a second had gone by before the covers went flying and a wide awake Tanami emerged. "I'm awake! I don't need to be thrown into the bathtub!"

"About time." the crystal-haired boy mumbled. He adjusted the cuff of his charcoal blazer. Akihiko had already put on his school uniform and looked pleasantly okay. His expression was still coated with sleep. "Now, get dressed."

Tanami rubbed the side of her head and stuck her lavender tongue out at his direction in a playful manner. He waved a hand nonchalantly and strode out of the room, closing the door in the process. Skittering down the steps at a brisk pace, the scenery of the living room and kitchen took over his eyesight.

Since Tomohiro was picky when it came to furniture and colors, mostly everything they owned consisted of white, beige, cream, or differing shades of brown. You would think that there would be a splash of black and greys but no. A beige sofa was pressed up against the white wall, a few potted plants littering the corners of the room, and a caramel rug was placed in the center. A television was displayed atop of the wooden stand near the front door.

The kitchen was fairly normal, with a small wooden table in the center of the white tiled floors. Cabinets were made of mahogany, stove and fridge an eggshell color as they were placed up against the wall. Small appliances were showcased neatly on the counter.

Akihiko's nose scrunched up in disgust. Seated in one of the four chairs circling the round table was Kagemi. He was fully dressed in his school uniform, brown bag hanging on the chair from the strap. One of his elbows was propped and his cheek was pressed against his palm. He stared blankly at the bowl of cereal he was eating out of. His onyx eyes shifted momentarily before they flashed with disgust.

"What are you doing in my house?! How did you even get in here?" Akihiko exclaimed in a mixture of disbelief and annoyance. He leaned onto the nearby wall, tucking his hands into his pant's pockets. A scowl was beginning to form on his lips.

Kagemi shrugged his shoulders while scooping a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. "Tomohiro gave me a key. I didn't feel like waiting outside."

Then, the glasses-wearing boy gestured to the counter with his spoon. "Also, your toaster is filled with ink."

The crystal-haired boy walked over to the counter. His face contorted into one of frustration at the sight of black liquid clinging to the appliance. Akihiko sighed, opened a drawer, and pulled out a white rag. He began to clean the gunk off hesitantly. "I think a normal dog would be better than Shishi sometimes. Too bad we cannot since Tomo is allergic to dog fur, so I suppose it is not that bad. It needs to stop getting into electronics though. And two, why do you have a key to my house? I do not want you here."

Kagemi snorted in response. He dropped the spoon in the empty bowl and it cluttered. "Because my parents are never home? And I didn't feel like waiting outside for you two. I could age three years by the time Nami finishes getting dressed let alone wake up."

Pulling away from the toaster, Akihiko blinked in surprise. "This is the most normal conversation we have ever had that I momentarily forgot how much I despise you."

"Aki-kun, the feeling is mutual. It would be nice to continue this chit-chat but frankly, I could care less about you." Kagemi replied with a forced smile. Standing up, the white-and-black-haired boy stalked over to the sink to wash his bowl and spoon. Water began to flow downward as he picked up a sponge soaked with bubbles.

"I really was hoping you would choke on that cereal." Akihiko grumbled, turning the toaster upside down. A plop of ink slammed onto the counter and the boy grimaced.

A feminine voice fluttered downstairs in an agitated tone. "Both of you shut it! It's too early for you two to be at each other's throats!"

"Oh," Kagemi hummed in surprise as he dried the bowl with a towel. "Nami's awake early for once? Have the heavens been turned upside down?"

An angry noise was emitted from upstairs followed by the slam of a foot hitting the side of the bed. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't pummel you with a pillow!"

"A pillow? If you wanted to pummel me, choose something that can actually cause physical damage!" the onyx-eyed boy replied with a chuckle filled with mirth. "Nami, I'm disappointed in your choice of weapon!"

A frustrated groan left Tanami's lips. "I hope you and Akihiko get paired up and fail!"

With that response floating around the atmosphere, both boys suddenly glared at each other before returning to whatever they were doing. Upstairs, Tanami was busy putting on her school uniform and throwing stuff in her bag such as an extra pair of clothes.

"Stupid Kagemi, stupid Akihiko," she grumbled while rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Always have to ruin a perfectly good morning. The birds are chirping jubilantly outside and I'm stuck with two hyenas trying to rip each other's limbs off."

On her desk, her phone vibrated aganist the firm surface. It irritating clambered on it, chiming as a message was received. Tanami clicked her tongue. Who would text her, the only numbers she had were the two downstairs, Tomohiro's, and a few heroes. She was certain Tomohiro would not be sending her a text when he should be working.

"Huh?" The female twin picked up the electronic. Turning it on and swiping the screen, she clicked on the message. "What's this?"

Unknown number

Daidai, are you ready? If you aren't, stop listing your cons- actually stop making a pro and con list and get to my house. If you're going to drag me to that school at least do it when I'm still slightly interested.

She read it quickly before shrugging her shoulders. "Eh, probably a wrong number. I should at least inform them."


Uh hey! I'm not the person you intended to send this message to! It's the wrong number.

Her phone chimed not even five seconds later.

Unknown number



Sorry, I just got a new phone and messed up the final digit. I meant to message my friend.


No problem! My name is Tanami Mochizuki! What's yours?

Unknown number


You're just gonna casually state your full name to a stranger over text? You're not very intelligent are you?

The girl scoffed in shock. Her heel slammed into the carpet in response. She was being insulted over text. Text! That was just rude.


Hey!!! I'm just trying to be a nice person, random stranger I don't know! I just thought you might be a change of pace from my idiotic friend and brother downstairs!

Unknown number


Seems valid, I guess. A lot of people are dumb. You might fall into that category. Not that I care much anyway. I'll give you my name, I guess. I don't care. You can call me Shimi, it's a nickname. Everyone calls me that.


Really? I give you my name and you give me your nickname?

Unknown number

I could care less what people call me. I have a first and last name and a nickname for a reason. And two, for all I know is that you could be like forty.


I'm fourteen!

"Nami! Hurry up!" Akihiko's calm yet strict voice echoed. She could hear the impatient steps coming from the duo.

"I'm going, I'm going!" She yelled. She quickly sent a message in return before shoving it in her pocket. She then proceeded to run down the steps, feet thumping with each footfall.


I got to go. I'll talk to you later. This is not over!


Yeah, yeah. Whatever.


The walk to Mizu was longer than expected. Despite it being nearly seven in the morning, the streets were bustling with lively citizens. Children and teenagers alike strolled down the sidewalk, showcasing their respective uniforms while conversing about random topics with their friends. Business men shuffled to their respective destinations, sporting pressed business attires while holding their phones to their ears.

The feeling of joy blew into the trio as the wind playfully ruffled their hair as a sign of good fortune. As fast as it came, the breeze pushed itself away, swooping downward to pick up a few stray cherry blossom leaves. With a wispy wave, the wind left, off to give someone else a playful tickle.

"If we do get in, this is going to be a long walk to Mizu," Tanami mumbled, tugging at one of her hair crystals. For some odd reason, her phone felt heavy in her leather bag.

"Perhaps we could convince Tomo to teach us how to drive." Akihiko suggested. His periwinkle eyes had trailed away to see a pigeon begin to peck at a piece of bread.

Kagemi adjusted his glasses before waving a hand in the air. "Please, Tomohiro wouldn't do such a thing. He probably predicted that you would crash. Didn't you two give him quite a fright at the hospital when you were five."

Both twins reluctantly agreed. Despite the fact that Tanami only witnessed the strange woman with bright eyes and ghostly apparitions, it still scared her to this day. That woman was never found nor did they ever find a registration of that Quirk. She only hoped that she would never cross paths with that woman again.

Gripping the sides of her plaid skirt, Tanami took a deep breath before focusing on the asphalt ahead of her. The two boys walking beside her said no more, opting to glance every once and a while at the people they passed by. Their footsteps fell into a quiet rhythm, hitting the sidewalk with a light thump as the citizens around them grew thinner.

Minutes had passed before they were soon walking alongside groups of middle schoolers their age. Each one brandished a different uniform, whether it came from a prestigious school or one not that well known, they all radiated the same feeling: anxiousness and a tad bit of pride, some more than others. Stepping inside the metal gates, the three allowed their eyesight to wander up to the high school.

Mizu Academī appeared to be an old fashioned school at front. The building itself was five stories high, painted in a beige hue with rows of rectangular windows with golden arches. The entrance was a light blue door framed with silver. Ten feet above it was a large clock with Roman numbers and fancy obsidian hands pointing at the current time. In a smaller circle were seven symbols that consisted of the first letters of the Greek alphabet. Above the clock was a glass dome that shined like diamonds with the sunlight hitting it.

Without uttering a single word, Akihiko, Tanami, and Kagemi stepped inside the building. The lobby of the school parted into eight hallways. Directly in the center was a grand staircase made of oak trailing upward to the upper floors. Their shoes squeaked against the pristine pearl tiles as they inspected the morning light streaming into the school from the windows. Various students scurried down one of the corridors, some with mutant quirks such as a girl with black butterfly wings with a hint of dark blue and patches of white at the ends.

Kagemi subconsciously gestured in that direction. "I suppose that is the way we have to go."

"Let's go, then," Akihiko muttered before walking ahead.

"Hey!" Tanami yelled before chasing after her brother. "Don't just go ahead!"

The first hour ticked by with the frustrating feeling of the written exam. Once they finished, they were informed to go into a large auditorium. Slipping into the leather seats with exhaustion tainting their fourteen-year-old features, the trio lightly tossed their bags on the floor. They slumped onto the big slab of wood that circled around the row they were. Before they could even utter a tired complaint, the center of the spacious area brightened from the fluorescent light.

A woman with light brown skin stepped into the spotlight, the glare illuminating her dark blue eyes. She wore a black dress with gold trimmings running across the sleeves, collar, the ends of the frills, and the middle. Crimson flowers, possibly red spider lilies, decorated the skirt. Obsidian leggings hugged her legs while her feet adorned the same colored footwear known as geta. The straps were a golden color.

Her lips were tugged into a frown, hands placed respectively in front of her as her fingers latched onto each other. Atop of her violet locks was a golden crown made of pieces of auric diamond shapes. Two pieces of dangling diamonds hung from two pieces of halcyon wire on the crown.

"Listen up, children!" the woman boomed in a commanding voice. If you were not listening beforehand, you were wide awake now from the fierceness of her tone. "If you are not aware, I am Empress, the Commanding Hero, and the explainer for Mizu Academī's Tag Team Exam!"

Kagemi's nose wrinkled but his interested was piqued. "Empress? She's ranked number twenty in the rankings. She is a skilled hero but,"

"It may sound ill-mannered, however, I hope she does not become our teacher if we happen to pass. Although, her Quirk is suitable to control her class." Akihiko commented.

"Never agree with me again."

"I was not trying to."

"I will crystallize your mouths shut if your jaws do not screw shut."

Empress was part of Metallic's, or better known to the three teengers as Kohei, hero team as a Pillar. Her Quirk was known as Queen's Command. By saying a command, she has the ability to control anyone around her in a hundred-and-fifty feet radius. The person who hears her will feel compelled to act on her behalf. Her Quirk will fail if she says too many orders or if she is seen as a tyrant by the person she is controlling. Empress' Quirk is exceptionally helpful if used in the right manner.

"As it is obviously stated in the name, one Pillar and one Powerhouse will be placed together in a facility with a certain disaster zone. These zones will include fire, earthquake, flood, tornado, and lightning. Your partner and yourself will venture into the disaster site and rescue the single person trapped inside. The difficulty will seem to be less than adequate however-" her voice cut off. A screen flickered to life behind her revealing eight facilities designed to fit the different zones.

"One hero, a teacher at this school will be inside acting as a villain. Do not fret, the teacher you are assigned will not fight you at their full strength. They will be the ones to determine your final scores. Since there are only eight teachers in Mizu, besides the principal and the nurse, teams will have to wait until it is their turn. There are a total of two-hundred-fifty-six paired teams taking these exams. The time limit will be twenty minutes. Ten to prepare beforehand and ten to complete the exam.

"A sheet of paper will appear on your desk. You must head to the certain zone you are assigned. The zones are labeled as Theta, Iota, Kappa, Iambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron. You will not know what exact disaster you will have until it is your turn. Your paper will inform you of where you need to go to meet your partner. A specific location. Exchange your assigned Pillar or Powerhouse with someone else and you will be suspended from the exam. Remember, only seventy-eight students can make it into this school. There are five-hundred-and-twelve students here today. I wish you the best of luck."

With that, Empress stepped back. The light turned off as she retreated to who knows where.

Out of nowhere, a slip of paper presented itself on every student's desk. Akihiko, Tanami, and Kagemi each picked up their sheets of paper to read the information.

Applicant: Akihiko Mochizuki
Partner (Pillar): Shinsha Hitomi
Zone: Nu
Meeting place: In the far corner near the fifth vending machine
Team: 34

Applicant: Tanami Mochizuki
Partner (Pillar): Yoshimi Ikeda
Zone: Omicron
Meeting place: By the left exit
Team: 31

Tanami's eyebrows furrowed. No, it can't be the same person who texted me, can it? It's a coincidence that their name happens to have Shimi in it.

"Who did you get paired up with Kage?" Akihiko questioned. His eyes were narrowed, as if he was waiting for Kagemi's annoyed tone to answer.

"Some girl named Mei Cho. I'm in zone Iota." Kagemi responded while shooting a glare.

The male twin rolled his shoulders before his lips quirked to reveal a slight frown. "Looks like they do not pair people from the same school."

"Good! That means you two have a lesser chance of failing!" the crystal-haired female smiled while pumping both arms in the air.

"Hah? Did you say something, Nami?"

"I cannot hear you sister, you must be too short to be heard."

Tanami resisted the urge to stab them with a crystal.

✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧


By the left exit... exit, exit, exit, exit!" Tanami muttered in a continuous mantra. She maneuvered around students who were already adorned in exercise clothes. A good amount of fourteen-year-old littered the zone she was in, some still searching while others talked with their partners. The girl was in a waiting room of sorts. It sported a few cafes, a couple of vending machines, and multiple sofas across the icy tiles. The windows were old fashioned, rectangular with arches just like the front of the school.

She tugged at the sleeve of her grey sweatshirt while the slight thump of her white athletic shoes hit the sleek floor. The female nearly collided into a girl with sleek boysenberry hair and piercing purple eyes.

Instantaneously, Tanami's muscles tensed. It was not due to being frightened or intimidated but because it was instinct. Her fists curled and she found herself preparing to take a swing if needed. Her stance widened slightly as she eyed the girl glaring at her.

The purple-eyed girl's lips twisted into a scowl as she placed a hand on her hip. She only wore a navy sports bra, black leggings, and violet sneakers. A haughty and prideful aura surrounded the dark skinned female as she held her head high. With a voice glazed with spite, she said, "watch it, you lusterless rock."

The other teen's tone rubbed the crystal the wrong way. For one, she was not a rock. She was clearly human with fiberglass and crystallized hair. Stomping her foot to show her presence, Tanami responded with more spite. "How about you shut your mouth, dear, it would do you some good as no one wants to hear you talk let alone run your trap."

Tanami sauntered away before the girl could respond. Maybe hanging around Akihiko and Kagemi twenty-four-seven had its perks.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, she reached the left exit. Leaning against the wall beside the door was a boy who was taller than her by at least four inches even if he was slumped. His brown hair was pulled back into a bun with locks poking out. Strands of hair fell in between his eyes and framed his face, the ends of it colored an aquaish-green hue. His aqua eyes stared mildly interested at his phone screen. He was fiddling his thumbs which either meant he was texting rapidly or playing a game.

"Excuse me?" Tanami inquired.

"Hmm?" the boy's head tilted upward, the sound of a victorious melody drifting out of the phone's speaker. His eyes scanned her form before shrugging and turning back to his screen.

Taking in a deep breath, the female placed her hands in front of her. "Are you Yoshimi Ikeda?"

"Huh?" he hummed before nodding listlessly. "Oh... yeah. Tanami, correct?"

"First name basis?" Tanami tilted her head awkwardly. It was normal to call her by her first name but that was when both her and her brother introduced themselves. It was odd to be called by her first name right off the bat. "We barely met?"

Ikeda sighed in disappointment before shoving his phone in the pocket of his sweatpants. Walking up to her, her brushed a stray strand of her from his eyes."In person. We've only met in person."

"I don't understand."

"Let me clear it up, Tanami. I believe I informed you to call me Shimi." the boy stated. With an amused curl of his lips, he then decided to flick her forehead. Then, with a deadpan expression, he awaited her response with little enthusiasm.

It took two seconds before realization dawned on her. Staring at him with wide periwinkle eyes, the girl raised both her hands to her forehead. "You're the person who texted me in the morning?!" she sputtered in surprise.

"By accident." Shimi confirmed with a hum soon after. He leaned back on the beige wall, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his dark green sweater.

A few seconds ticked by with an odd silence flickering between them. If someone told Tanami that the guy in front of her wanted to be a hero, his expression and sluggish body movements did not show it. He seemed less than thrilled to be where he was. "If I may ask, Shimi, why are you taking the exam. You seemed less than excited about it over text and how you carry yourself now."

Yoshimi shrugged and closed his eyes briefly. "It seemed interesting enough. Plus, my friend dragged me here. He's registered as a Pillar too. I don't really care if I pass or not though. I can do other things."

"You... joined the exam because it seemed interesting?" The answer Tanami received left her baffled. All the heroes she met always had one solid answer. It might range from saving people or just for the fame, but they always had a reason as to why they wanted to be a hero. Yoshimi was just doing it because it seemed mildly interesting and because his friend dragged him here. It was a peculiar case that she could not wrap her head around. Tanami kind of just stayed staring at him while fiddling her fingers.

"Well, yeah. Why else?" Yoshimi replied, tucking a strand of dual-colored hair behind his ear.

"I don't know, perhaps, let's say, saving people?" Tanami suggested with a bit of irk tainting her words. She honestly had no clue how to go about this conversation.

The male teenager rolled his eyes and puffed out a huff of air. He did not seem to like the continuing of this topic. "My Quirk isn't suitable for that type of work. I am a Pillar, not a Powerhouse. You're the one that does the dirty work and the saving."

"Fine but-" Tanami shut her mouth. There was no use in trying to force someone else to understand something they do not care about. "What's your Quirk?"

"My Quirk is called Gamer. In my eyes, everything is designed like a video game." Yoshimi started.

"See this? I can make small screens to present to others. This is what I see."

Spreading his fingers, an aqua light flashed out to create a rectangular screen. Like the screen of a video game, it showed Yoshimi's point of view. He turned to face Tanami and her face showed up on the screen. There were also different pieces of information displaying on the corners related to the female crystal.

"I can scan a person and be able to tell what their age, gender, first name is, and their Quirk once they've used it once. It shows me the date, time, my objective, the place where I am, and a mini map out of the corner of my eye. Also how much health myself and a person has. If their health bar goes all the way to zero, that means they died. I also have a small inventory."

Widening the screen, Yoshimi jabbed his hand in and retracted a water bottle to showcase. Once he did that, he placed it back inside and it disappeared.

"It holds up fifteen items that weigh forty pounds individually. I can make and craft items but that takes more energy."

If anything, Tanami looked at the boy in awe. The Quirk he had was exceptionally helpful if used in the right way. Yoshimi was perfect for support and the Pillar status he had at the moment was a perfect example of that.

The girl looked at the screen, specifically the mini map. Lines creased her forehead. "Hey," she said, "what do those lights mean?"

Yoshimi clicked on it and it widened. It was circular and showed a bunch of tiny green dots that would move at times. "Oh, they show people. Green is good or friendly. Yellow is a citizen or stranger. Orange is injured and red is villain or enemy."

"Wow, you are a Pillar."

"Well, yeah. What's your quirk, Tanami?"

Tanami stood up straight. Spreading her palm flat, she allowed the soft light to leave her skin. In a instant, a glittering piece of jagged jade materialized in her hand. It bobbed up and down softly, waiting to be used. Yoshimi gazed at it with a tad bit more interest but the gleam in his eye faded quickly. "Sugar Crystallization is my Quirk. I can create crystals of any hardness and density depending on how much sugar is in my body."

The brown-and-aqua-haired boy scrunched his nose up in disgust. "I give you an entire explanation and you give me two sentences?"

The female crystal laughed awkwardly. Unsure of what to say, she said something that she should not have. "Uh, my arms crack and bleed when I use it too much."

"I shouldn't have complained."


"Uhhh, h-hi! Are you Akihiko Mochizuki?" Akihiko blinked, staring down at the girl awkwardly standing in front of him. He had arrived at the meeting spot first so he decided to wait around with his hands shoved into his black sweatpants.

The girl in front of him had roundish crimson hair that looked more like gummy molded together than actual hair. Her eyes were wide and roundish which showed her ruby eyes. Her skin was a bit bright and shiny which complemented her slightly tan complexion. She was dressed in purple leggings, a grey shirt, and burgundy shoes. She was skittish, like a frightened feline put in a cage of wolves. In fact, she was small and short. Smaller than Tanami by at least a foot.

"Yes, call me Akihiko. You are Shinsha Hitomi, correct." he responded with a quick nod.

"W-wha-, why first name basis?" She yelped. She tugged on one of her squishy hair pieces.

"My twin sister is taking the test in a different zone, however, we have grown accustomed to introducing ourselves by our first names as to not get confused." Akihiko explained with a raise of his hand.

"O-oh..." Hitomi stuttered while thinking over the information she just received. "I'm your Pillar then! My quirk is Gummy. My entire body is made of, well, I'm a gummy! I can be squished and stretched to an extent. My hair can be pulled off and be eaten. I know my Quirk could probably be a Powe- why are you looking at me that way?!"

The male twin snapped out of his thinking and chuckled softly. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh, uh, your Quirk actually compliments my sister's. She can create crystals depending on how much sugar is in her body. My Quirk is Reflective Crystallization. I can create crystals by extracting glass or the reflective surfaces of a mirror."

Hitomi nodded rapidly with a determined expression. "Right! I'll try my best to be a good support!"

"I will try and support you as well. You may be a Pillar but even a Powerhouse has to lean on its Pillar and likewise."

✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧

Author's note:

This chapter ended up being 2000 words longer than I expected. Anyway, I might change the update schedule since I start school next week. Yeah its gonna be online but I have four Ap classes. It depends on how busy I get.

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