[ hotpot / bakugou katsuki x reader ]

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oneshot: bakugou katsuki x psychic! reader

notes: there are minor spoilers up to the latest chapter [tbh it's just new characters and dorms] there are two (2) references to other series, tell me if you get them!! also this was a birthday gift to myself lmao i love bakugou and i'm gay for psychics.


word count: 2746


Bakugou scratched the back of his neck, wondering what ingredients were best for a quick hotpot. He picked up some crab meat, beef, and some noodles. Aizawa had sent him out to go buy ingredients, while Toshinori and the other students prepared the soup base.

He sighed in frustration, they'd probably mess it up. He didn't know how they were gonna mess it up, but someone was going to mess it up. He should've made Izuku do it or something.

His shopping basket was filled with meats and other various items once he was done. He quickly did the math and estimated that he had a couple dollars left after he deducted the cost of the groceries from the money Aizawa gave him.

He smiled triumphantly, as he reached for the last bag of spicy chips. They were centimeters before the bag flew up and zipped away down the aisle. Confused, he turned his head to see that the bag of chips landed safely into a [hair color] girl's hands. You placed it in your shopping basket before your [eye color] eyes met his angry red ones.

You gave him a sly smile before walking off. It set Bakugou off, big time. He marched angrily down the aisle, looking for the [Hair color] girl again, before you crossed paths at the candy aisle.

"Hey! You!" He yelled, getting your attention. "Oi, what do you want?" You asked, irritated, before dropping some ramune candy into your basket. "Damn bastard—those were my chips!" He yelled at you, stomping towards you.

"And? They're in my shopping basket, so they're my chips," You told him.

He went to reach for the chips, but they floated up, up, and away into the air. "Try to get it," You challenged with a smirk. You could've swore you heard a growl from him. He placed his arms down by his side and jumped, using his quirk as boost. He grabbed the bag of chips, but remained in the air.

"You know, you're pretty desperate for those chips. It's scary~" You said mockingly, twirling your finger around. The bag of chips mimicking your actions. The man behind the cashier looked up from his magazine, only to see an angry blonde spew curse word after curse word as he flew around on a bag of chips.

The cashier of the small store could only watch in fear, but mustered up the courage to speak. "N-no quirks in the store please!" He squeaked. You and Bakugou both turned to face him. Bakugou's grip slipped from the bag of chips and he fell onto the floor.

"Now, if you don't mind, i'm gonna pay for my chips now," You huffed, walking away to the cash register. The little bag of chips floating behind you. Bakugou mumbled something under his breath, as he went to grab his fallen basket.

The cashier gave you a frightened farewell as you left the store. Bakugou placed his items down to be ringed up soon after. "Y-your total will be $31.52," The cashier wavering voice said. "Tch, why are you so scared?" He asked.

The cashier looked to the left, then to the right, before looking back at it.

"Don't you know? She's obviously a psychic."

⇨ ⇨⇨

Bakugou walked back to the dorms, the cold wind blowing against his face.

Psychic. Psychic. Psychic, he thought, those crazy ass fuckers who exorcise ghosts?

Psychics were rare to come by, even before quirks existed. At one point you had wandered from his thoughts eventually, but you just found your way back in again.

Maybe he could tell everyone of the psychic he met at the small store. He'd never see you again, so it really didn't matter if he got permission or not.

He thought back to how powerful your powers were; you had used the bag of chips to swing him around, but didn't damage the chips. You barely lifted a finger either.

He chuckled to himself softly, he'd love to fight someone of your caliber. He would truly be the best if he beat a psychic. The closest he could get to a psychic was someone with a gravity manipulating quirk—but he had already fought against Uraraka.

Uraraka could only make thing go up and down, not move them of her free will like you.

Your face that bore a sly smile popped back into his mind. He growled, little explosions coming off of his fingers, but they died quickly because of the cold winds. He picked up his pace, eager to go back to the dorms and the warm air.

Bakugou thought back to the time a psychic had risen to fame with his videos of ghost exorcisms, Mogami Keiji was it? He was a famous psychic until he committed suicide. After that, psychics stayed on the downlow again.

He arrived at U.A.'s gate where Aizawa was waiting for him. "Finally," Aizawa told him, taking the bags from him. "Tch. It's not my fault some crazy psychic chick tried to pick a fight with me," Bakugou complained.

"A psychic, you say?" Aizawa asked him. "Yeah. We fought over a bag of chips," He replied. They arrived to the door of the dorms before Aizawa could respond. Bakugou opened the door and let himself in, embracing the warm air that hit him once he walked in.

"Oh, Bakugou-kun is back!" Mina pointed out. All of the students who weren't cooking greeted him. "Hey, Kacchan!" Izuku greeted. Bakugou simply rolled his eyes, "Oi, what are you doing?"

"We're getting a new student! They delivered their boxes early, so we decided to put them in their room," Kirishima answered. Uraraka tapped the four boxes lightly before they floated, then Izuku and Kirishima grabbed them and left.

"A new student?" He questioned. "Mhm, I heard it's a beautiful girl~" Aoyama said.

"A pretty girl?!" Mineta exclaimed. "How come you didn't tell us before?!" Kaminari yelled. "You never asked," Aoyama said, sparkles appearing around him. Bakugou wasn't sure how he could do that, but it blinded him nonetheless.

"I heard that she had a powerful quirk," Ojiro commented. "Someone told me that she could beat Bakugou!" Hagakure added on. A tick mark formed on Bakugou's forehead, causing Hagakure to squeal in horror. "I'M SORRY!"

"All Might, can you confirm any of this?!" Iida yelled. Toshinori placed a hand on chin, pondering whether or not to tell them. "I'll wait for everyone to find out themselves," He answered with a smile. Iida, Kaminari, and Mineta all fell down to the floor in agony.

"It'd be nice to have another female student here, one with a powerful quirk nonetheless," Momo said with a sigh. "Yeah. Finally, a break from all these guys," Jirou said.

Bakugou left to the kitchen without a word, thinking about the new student. Many questions ran through his mind, but they'd all be solved with time.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

You walked through the front gates of the famed school of heroes; U.A. High. It sucked that you had to join during the second school year, but you were still excited to be there. At the front gates, an animal which you could only assume was a bear was waiting for you.

"Hello, [Name]-chan! It's an honor to have someone like you come to our school," He said with a wave. Three other students waited besides him; a girl with light blue hair, a tall blond boy with a wide smile, and a nervous looking boy with black hair.

"These young heroes were the former Big Three," Principal Nezu said, gesturing to the three people behind him.

"Hiya! I'm Nejire Hadou!" The long haired girl greeted.

"The name's Mirio Togata!" The tall blond said, pointing to himself.

"I'm, uh, Tamaki Amajiki. . ." The shy one said.

"Hi. It's an honor to be here and all, but why did you call me out so late?" You questioned curiously. Principal Nezu looked like he was going to answer, but Mirio answered first. "Class 1-A is making a hotpot to kickoff the new year!" He answered you with a smile.

"Really? That sounds amazing!" You said, you were quite hungry after all. Suddenly, Nejire grabbed your hands, examining them. "Wow! A real psychic, this is my first time meeting one! Tell me, is that your quirk?" She asked you curiously.

"No, it actually isn't. I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but every woman in my family has some sort of psychic power, even before the time of quirks," You told her. "How cool! What's your quirk?" She pestered. "Uh, it's actually just healing quickly," You answered sheepishly.

You looked over to Mirio to see that he was looking at you with amazement, "That's incredible, I'm sure you'll be a great hero with abilities like that! What do you think, Tamaki?"

Tamaki looked up from the ground, gave you a thumbs up, before facing his head down again. "Don't worry about him. He's just shy," Nejire told you, grabbing you by the shoulders. The rest of the walk to the dorms was just Nejire questioning you and your psychic abilities.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

"Bakugou, what's up with you?" Sero asked him. "Yeah, you seem more pissed than usual," Kirishima added on, slightly worried. "Do you really want to know?" He asked, giving them a glare.

"Katsuki-kun, it's not good to leave your feelings to build up inside you!" Uraraka exclaimed.


"Young Bakugou," Toshinori spoke, "Calm down and tell us what happened."

Bakugou mumbled something to himself, something along the lines of 'stupid fucking psychic', before telling his tale. "I was at the store, you know, getting the ingredients and shit, and I had a few dollars left over. So I went to get the last bag, but then some girl ripped it from my hands and we fought over those damn chips for awhile. She ended up getting the chips and it fucking pissed me off."

The room stayed silent for a moment, each trying to take in this information. "You're upset over chips?" Todoroki asked him, slightly confused. They all laughed at him, only triggering the boy even more. "NO! I'M UPSET AT THE DUMB BITCH WHO TOOK THE CHIPS!" Bakugou yelled.

"I'm pretty sure everyone is starving, when do we eat?" Tsuyu asked. "We're still waiting for our guests to arrive," Aizawa answered her. She let out a sad ribbit, before a knock came from the door. "That's them." Aizawa walked to the door, letting five people inside.

"Hello, everyone! It's me, Principal Nezu with the Big Three and your new student!" Principal Nezu said with a big smile and a wave. Everyone instantly got up and bombarded them, eager to see the new student.


Toshinori smiled at his children before bringing the three hotpot bowls out to the table, using chopsticks to drop in some thin slices of beef. He then split the noodles evenly into enough bowls for everyone.

Bakugou managed to push himself to the front of the crowd, then your eyes met. He'd remember those [eye color] eyes from anywhere, especially since it had been less than hour since he last saw them.

"IT'S YOU—THE POTATO CHIP STEALING BASTARD!" He yelled before he was hit on the head. "Oi, don't talk to your new classmate like that," Aizawa warned. "NEW CLASSMATE?!" Bakugou was hit again soon after that.

"Go ahead and introduce yourself, if you wish to, young [Name]," Toshinori told you once everyone had situated themselves them at the table. "I'm [Name] [Last Name], daughter of the famous space hero; Lance McClain. I'm a psychic, I use psychokinesis to be exact. My quirk is healing almost instantaneously."

"Good enough for me, let's eat," Aizawa said. Everyone dug into the food quickly, you were lucky to be at the table with Mirio, Tamaki, Nejire, Kirishima, Bakugou, Ochako, Tsuyu, and Izuku.

Kirishima was trying to strike up a conversation with the now pro-hero Tamaki Amajiki and Nejire, Ochako and Tsuyu ate to their heart's content, while Izuku and Mirio spoke to one another. You would've eaten if it weren't for the boy across from you glaring at you intently.

"You know, you look cute when you're mad," You told Bakugou, throwing him off guard. You saw his cheeks light up slightly, before his glare returned. You let out a soft laugh. You took some meat from the hotpot on the table and ate it.

"This is good!" You exclaimed, quickly taking another piece, "Here have some!"

Next thing Bakugou knew was that there was a pair of chopsticks holding a piece of beef prodding his lips. He grabbed the chopsticks angrily and stuck the piece of meat into his mouth and chewed. It was good of course, he had prepared it after all.

"You really do have psychic powers! How strong are they, you didn't even lift a hand!" Nejire asked you, gaining the attention of the others. "I don't know the extent of my powers. Sorry, Nejire," You answered her truthfully.

Bakugou let out a snort, "You want to be a hero, but you don't know even know the extent of your damn powers? Pathetic," He scoffed. You shot him a glare, "At least I'm not the one who go beat in the middle of a grocery store."

Nejire had the rest of the girl had to hold back their laughs, as Bakugou looked away in defeat.

He looked at you from the corner of his eye, taking this moment to examine you for a potential weakness. In the end, he couldn't stray his eyes away from your facial features.

Your [Hair length], [Hair color] was tied back into a cute ponytail to prevent it from falling into your food. Your [eye color] eyes shimmered in delight with every bite of your food. And your mouth curled into a smile when you spoke.

Bakugou would never admit it, but you were pretty cute. He slapped his cheeks, you had only known one another for less than a day and he could already feel himself being pulled towards you.

You stared at him questioningly after he slapped his cheeks. He noticed your confused stare, then angrily grabbed something from the hotpot. You felt yourself smile unconsciously, he was pretty angry and adorable.

"N-Not to be rude or anything, Mirio-san, but haven't you guys graduated already? Why are you guys here?" Izuku asked the blond boy.

Mirio paused for a moment, "We have graduated, but we came back to cheer your guys on! It's your second year, after all. Things only get tougher." Tamaki and Nejire nodded in approval.

"That sounds worrying. . ." You pointed out.

"And scary. . ." Uraraka pitched in.

"Sounds manly!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Psh-h. I can take it, but can you, Deku?" Bakugou said as some sort of challenge. "Of course I can, Kacchan!" Izuku said, a newfound determination in his voice.

You smiled lightly, you were going to enjoy your time at the famous school of heroes and their rambunctious class 1-A. But there was something you needed to take care of first.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

A big majority of the students had left early since they were tired. You didn't blame them, as it was around 11 PM by now.

"Farewell, everyone. We must get going!" Mirio said. Everyone who was left waved the former Big Three and their bear principal goodbye. You stayed behind until everyone but Bakugou left, you had some unfinished business.

"Bakugou," You spoke, the room empty besides you and him. He rose an eyebrow, "What now, psychic girl?" You let out a deep sigh, restraining yourself.

"I think we got off at the wrong foot, let's start over. I mean, we fought over a bag of chips after all." You stuck out your hand, an expectant look in your face. Bakugou stared at your hand for a moment, before he gave you a firm handshake.

"This is cliche, but I'm [Name] [Last Name]: a psychic with a healing quirk."

"Bakugou Katsuki, the future #1 hero. Remember my name, because you'll be hearing it a lot."

You sighed, "It's late. We should go to sleep." You tried to pull your hand away from his, but he held a firm grip on it.

You looked back at your hand, then at his bright red eyes. "I don't want to let go. . ." You heard him mumbled softly. You smiled at him.

"Then don't."

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