Chapter 14. The Festival begins.

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We finally arrived to the UA Stadium, where the festival is held. A lot of people was waiting there, salutating and cheering us like celebrities. Some of our classmates were doing stupid poses, like Denki or Mineta.

Others were ignoring the crowd, like Shoto, Shoji or me.

And then we have some like Ochako or Momo, that were uncomfortable.

Momo:"C-can we speed up? I don't like being the center of attention..."

Y/N:"They are not looking at you, they are looking at me."


I grin, ignoring her comment.

Midnight guided us towards our rest room, where all the Class A students will wait till everything is ready.

Midnight alredy told us we all have our personal rooms, but, for now, we will wait here.

All of us were either nervous, or anxious. Momo was sitting on a chair, stressed out. I walked to her, and sit on a chair next to her.

Y/N:"Hey, you weren't like this a minute ago. What's wrong?"

Momo:"H-Huh? It's nothing, I'm okay. I just need to focus, that's all."

Y/N:"Okay, but remember, we are partners, so if anything's wrong, talk to me-"


I get up, and face Eijira. She had a serious face, determination on her eyes. Did I do something wrong?

Eijira:"Once we are out there, I'm going all out against you. Don't you dare go soft on me just because I'm your girl now!"

She had an adorable pout on her face. Wait, I realised, under her hero suit, I can see...

Y/N:"You are wearing the bra I like?"

Eijira blushed, all the confidence she had dissapearing in a second.

Eijira:"O-oh... y-yeah, just, you know, I-I wanted to give you a su- Wait! That's not the point! Just..."

Y/N:"I'll put on a good show, don't worry."

Eijira:"You better! I'm gonna give it my all for the bet!"


Suddenly, the comms went on. A very loud and energetic voice can be heared.

Present Mic:"C'mon kids, everything's ready! Go out, go out!"

We all exited the waiting room along side our respective partner. Ochako went to find her partner. I've heard she has a brain wash quirk. Gotta be careful.

We enter the stadium's grounds. A lot of people were there, cheering us. More and more students joined us. We were like, at least, 300 students.

Midnight appeared, a mic on her hand, and started talking.

Midnight:"Welcome! To the U.A. Sports Festival! Today, I, Midnight, the 18 rated hero will be presenting the festival for those in the stadium, and those who are watching it on their homes!"

Midnight:"I'm not alone tho, since another two pro heros will be commenting along side me! Present Mic, and Eraser Head!"

The crowd gives them an applause, while cheering, excited for the event.

Midnight:"Before we begin, we want our top student to give some words to everyone. So, please, give some cheers foooor... Y/N L/N!"

I went to her, everyone clapping their hands when hearing my name. Midnight gave me the mic, patiently waiting for my words.

Okay, here we go...

Y/N:"My dream... is to become the number one hero. I don't know if I'm going to eventually do it... or not... but what the future holds for me is irrelevant now, since I came here to show everyone what I'm made of, and to give all of you a spectacle. So, please, enjoy it"

Everyone cheers at my words, hype rising up. I pass the mic to Midnight, who patted my back. Before I can go, she whispered some... "encouraging" words.

Midnight:"If you win... I'll give you an..."spectacle" tonight~"


I made my way back to Momo, who gave me a thumbs up.

Midnight:"Okay, so, let's start with the show!"

Some type of... big, fortune wheel? Appears in the middle of the scenario. Huh?

Midnight:"Like all years, we begin with two random challenges to test the student's skills. This year, however, is special, since now the students participate in duos!"

Midnight:"Depending on the test, the rules may change, so, let's see what the first test is!"

The wheel starts to spin by itself. After some seconds, it lands on a word.


Midnight:"Ooooh, I like this one people! Juggernaut, a game of survival! The rules are simple, one crown will appear in the middle of the stadium. The students must grab it, and put it on their heads to start taking points. If you get knocked out, your partner does, or you are scored below the 100° student in the scoreboard, you are eliminated!"

So, we basicly have to beat 200 students, or get the crown. Cool.

Midnight:"You get one point by knocking out a student. If you get the crown, and survive till the end with the crown, you will be placed in number one position no matter what many points you have! All students will recieve some watches to keep track of their points, and the scoreboard!"

Some people, dressed in U.A uniforms starts to enter the stadium. They give everyone a watch. Momo and I grab one, and put it on our wrists.

Midnight:"After 40 minutes has passed, the game will end, so, good luck to all of you!"

Suddenly, in mid of the stadium, the ground opens, a big city appearing. That is our playground.

Midnight:"Students! Get ready, the game will begin in 10 minutes! The crown will be somewhere in the city! Good luck~"

Momo:"Okay, you have a plan?"

Y/N:"Yes. Find the crown. Hide. Win."

Momo:"How do we find it?"

Y/N:"Can you create a metal detector?"

Momo:"Like those things in the movies to detect land mines? Yeah, I can."

Y/N:"Good. You create that while latching onto me. I'll use the explosions to move around the city. You find the crown."

Momo:"Got it."

Momo creates the device, and stays close to me.

Momo:"What do we do once we find it?"

Y/N:"We enter a building, and defend ourselves. Let's store our energy for the latter tests."

Momo:"Seems like a plan. Okay, let's do this."

Midnight:"The game will begin in 10 seconds!"




Momo mounts my back.






Momo:"You are really comfortable..."


Y/N:"Uhh, I think there's no time for that!"


Momo:"Just wanted to let you know."




Midnight:"The game is on!"

I open my palms, boosting myself towards the city. Momo starts looking around through the device, looking for any signs of the crown.

The students starts going towards the city. I can see some of them fighting outside of it, knocking each other out, trying to get the points by fighting.

Others entered the city along side us, looking for the crown. I looked behind me to see Katsuki, with Jiro on her back, doing the same as us.


She stopped mid air to fire some explosions at me. I dodged them by making a turn, getting on a different street.

Momo:"Geez, and she is suppose to be your girlfriend... I would never say that to you, just-"

Y/N:"To let me know, I know."

In front of us, one of the buildings exploded. A kid with a fire quirk aimed his fire at us. I quickly dodged the fire, going to the right. He keeps throwing his fire at him, so I have to go in circles around him.

Y/N:"Momo, need a hand over here!"

Momo:"Got it!"

She created a smoke grenade, and threw it at him. The smoke provided us cover. I used this chance to escape, returning my flight. Katsuki appeared again, determined to get me.


Jiro:"S-Shouldn't be looking for the-"


Holy shit...

Y/N:"Okay, I'm getting tired of this..."

Momo:"Y/N, I got something! I know where the crown is!"

Y/N:"Guide me!"

Momo started giving me directions. I followed them, while I dodged Katsuki's attacks. I need a plan to get her off of me.

After making another turn, I see a building on ruins. Alredy? Jesus... Wait, that's what I need!

I shot some explosions to the last pillars of the building, making it collapse behind me.

Y/N:"That will give us time."

Momo:"In front of us! Inside that building!"

Y/N:"Okay, brace for impact!"

Momo hugged me with all her strength, hiding her head on my back. I crashed through a window, landing on my feet.

Y/N:"That was cool."

Momo:"I... don't wanna do that again."

Y/N:"Back to business, Momo, guide me towards the crown!"

Momo nodded, exploring the building with me. After going up some stairs, we entered what seems a dormitory. It was filled with gold fake jewelry. In middle of it, a big red table, with a crown.

I went to it and grabbed it, putting it on my head.

Y/N:"Hail to the king, baby."

Momo smirked.

Momo:"Once we win this tournament, I will do more than kneeling~"

I blushed, realising what she meant.

Y/N:"W-whatever. Well, we got the crown, good news is, the rest of the people don't know!"



Momo:"Is this a joke?"

Y/N:"Plan B. Let's go to the roof. If someone sees, we fight them, and leave the building."

Momo:"Got it!"

Momo and I leave the room, ready to go up those stairs again. Sadly, luck wasn't on our side today.

Eijira was waiting on the stairs. She was smirking.

Eijira:"Where do you think your going?"

Momo:"Crap. She is alone tho! We can beat her!"

No. Who's Eijira's partner?


I turned around, just in time to see Iida full sprinting at us. He was really fast. I grabbed Momo and jumped to the crown room, barely dodging Iida's kick.

Iida:"Almost got them!"

Momo:"Thank you, Y/N!"

I pass the crown to Momo.

Y/N:"Momo, time to shine! Create a cannon!"

Momo:"What?! I'm going to need a lot of time for that!"

I exploded the entrance, making it impossible for Iida to enter.

Y/N:"Now is your chance! Do it!"

Momo opens her shirt, not realising I can see her... well...

They are big, that I tell ya...

I start hearing someone punching the debris I made. Eijira was making a path for Iida.

Y/N:"C'mon, Momo..."

Momo:"Almost done..."

I need to give her some time tho.

Y/N:"Okay, close your eyes."

She did as told. Once Eijira made it through, I created a Flashbang, and exploded it. None of them had enough time to react, and got blinded.



Momo fired the cannon, the big ball hitting Eijira's stomach, launching her through the bulding. I kicked Iida's chest, and exploded him, launching him the same way Eijira went.

Y/N:"Good work! Let's get out of here!"

I grabbed Momo's hand and followed the hole Eijira made with the cannonball. She pretty much cutted the building in half.

I can see the outside alredy. I looked down the hole to see both Iida and Eijira recovering from the attacks.

Y/N:"Momo, grab unto me, we are evacuating!"

Momo:"Got it!"

Momo got on my back again. I start making explosions, boosting ourselves out of there.

We were on a street, flying through an alleyway... is it just me, or the air is getting...


Momo:"That was close... Iida almost got us."

Y/N:"But he didn't now is-"

???:"Our chance!"

I looked up to see Izuki placing her fingers like a gun?

I instinctively dodged to the side. Izuki fired some type of big shoot. She broke the ground when the "bullet" impacted it. That coulda have really hurted us.

Izuki was falling to the ground, but Shoto appeared, and grabbed her just in time. Before I can escape, she made a wall behind her, and behind us.

We are trapped with them.

I land on the ground, Momo besides me.

Momo:"Can't run away from this one, huh?"

Y/N:"Yeah, we are gonna get dirty here."

Izuki:"S-sorry Todoroki, I failed..."

Shoto:"No, you did good. Now, Y/N, I'm going to show you..."

Shoto lights up in flames. Oh, this is gonna be fun.

How good I am.

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