Chapter 18. Ice V.S. Explosions

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After calming Ochako down, we went to see how the other matches went. Katsuki, and the rest of my harem weren't too thrilled with the idea of another girl joining, but they let it be.

The first match, was Sato and Mina against Eijira and Iida. Basicly, it was the prototype team, against the perfect team.

Sato's strength doesn't compare to Eijira's. Same thing happens to Mina, she can't keep up with Iida. Sato and Mina couldn't find any weak spot on them, so, they eventually got overwhelmed, loosing the match.

Tokoyami and Tsuyu faced against Shoto and Izuki, probably, their worst match up. Shoto just needed to keep making flames to counter the both of them. Tokoyami's dark shadow couldn't do anything, and Tsuyu can't stop him.

Izuki easily took both of them down. Still, those two managed to put up a fight, giving Izuki a little bit of trouble. They both went down tho. Izuki and Shoto won.

Then, we have Sero and Shoji against Katsuki and Jiro. Let's just say, Katsuki wiped the floor with the two of them. Katsuki alone was too much trouble for the duo, Jiro just had to use her jacks to stun them for a bit, and it was over.

Currently, the 5 remaining teams were waiting to see who will be selected as the champion.

Midnight:"Congratulations to the 10 of you! You managed to made it far! Now, in order to select the champion team, we evaluated the performance of both members on the duo during the games, and the games. That being said, we choosed Momo Yaoyorozu, and Y/N L/N as the champions of U.A!"

Well, this is both good, and bad. We skip two fights, straight to the finals. The bad thing is, U.A selected us as their finalists. If we loose... it will be rather embarrassing.

Momo couldn't care less about that, since she hugged me as tight as she can, happy to see we were doing so good.

Midnight:"Now, we still have another 4 teams, and only one of you can fight the champions. So, let's see, who the first two teams will fight, shall we?"

The big screen shows the next teams.

Midnight:"Oh, my! A rather... interesting one!"

Katsuki Bakugou and Kyoka Jiro, against Izuki Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki.

Both teams looked at each other. Jiro was serious, determined to win. Katsuki had anger on her eyes, looking straight at Izuki. Izuki was... nervous, but, I know she will give everything that she has. Shoto was serious, alredy making a plan.

Midnight:"You 4 better get ready, the match will soon comence!"

Katsuki and Jiro go to the left door, not saying anything. Shoto and Izuki to the left one, talking between each other.

Momo:"This looks bad... Katsuki is going to kill poor Izuki."

Y/N:"She won't."


Y/N:"She won't hold back, but she won't underestimate her like the last time those two fought."

And, with that, I retreated, the other 2 teams and Momo following me.

Eijira:"Ojiro, I suppose you will be our opponent. I won't go easy on you!"

Ojiro:"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Iida:"Y/N! Momo! Even if you 2 are our class representants, once we made it to the finals, I will defeat you!"

Momo:"Try as you might. I will win, and reclaim the ultimate price."


Y/N:"N-nothing... she is just saying nonsense..."


We made it to the seats, and patiently waited for the match to begin. Denki and Mineta were there. Mineta was crying about something.

Mineta:"I lost my chance! I'll never get her now!"

Y/N:"What chance?"

Mineta got a spook, his face completely pale.

Denki:"Oh, he wants to smash Momo."


Y/N:*Cracks nuckles*

Mineta:"Denki, I hate you."

Timeskip brought to us by Mineta, completely lobotomized.

Ochako, Hirashi and the rest of the class joined us, patiently waiting for the match to begin. Mineta was on the ground, bleeding.

Tsuyu:"Who do you guys think will win? Kero."

Y/N:"Honestly... I don't have a clue."

Mina:"That's weird, it seems you always know what's going to happen."

Eijira:"Yeah, you always calculate everything in a matter of seconds. What's wrong about this match."

Y/N:"Well, basicly, all of them counters each other."


Y/N:"Shoto is a ranged fighter. She uses her ice to keep enemies at bay, and the fire to attack. Izuki is a melee fighter, using her quirk in certain moments to escape, but pretty much, relies on punches and kicks to fight."

Y/N:"On the other team, Katsuki is a melee specialist, taking fights close and personal, using her explosions to beat enemies up, and comoboing them with kicks and punches. Jiro prefers using the distance to stun her enemies."

Shoji:"They are the same duo... but their strength changes."

Y/N:"Correct. Shoto and Katsuki are the strongest in this fight, and none of them has the advantatge. Shoto can't properly use the ice against Katsuki, since she can melt it. That doesn't matter, if she can't get close to her."

Tokoyami:"So, it's not about their powers, but about their skills..."

Y/N:"Yes. The first duo to outsmart the other, and get an advantatge, will pretty much be the winner here."

Sero:"Holy- I'm alredy excited for this match!"

Ochako:"Yeah! This one is going to be a blast!" *Sits on Y/N's lap* "Right, dear?"

Hirashi:"Hey... don't leave me alone..."

Present Mic:"Combatants, enter, the arena!"

Both duos enter the match.

I just hope no one get's hurt...


Okay Izuki, calm down, remember the plan, and stick to it.

We step into the arena. Katsuki was staring at me, but, instead of her usual death glare, she was calmed, focused.


Shoto:"You two are in our way. Last chance to give up."

Jiro:"You wish!"

Katsuki:"You fooled me once, but this time, I'll beat the shit out of you, Deku."

Izuki:"No... I'll win now... and I always will win against you!"

Katsuki widens her eyes. They are now filled with rage...

No! Y/N is looking at me! I can't chicken out! I will fight-no, we will fight, and we will win!


Katsuki instantly boost towards me, mad at me. I stood in place, entering a fight stance.

I'm trusting you on this one, Todoroki...


Shoto created a wall of ice just when Katsuki was about to make an explosion, blocking the hit. I run at the wall, and just when Katsuki went through it, and punched her in the jaw, launching her away from me.

Shoto takes this chance to use her ice, moving towards Jiro. Said girl uses her quirk to try and stun Shoto, but she is too quick, evading it.

Shoto uses the ice to freeze the ground level, trapping Jiro. Just when she was about to knock her out, Katsuki exploded the ice beneath Jiro, freeing her.

Jiro rolled out of the way, dodging Shoto's kick. I went to Jiro, trying to get her from behind, but she reacted on time, side stepping.


Katsuki was alredy there, throwing explosions at me. Shoto grabbed me on time, and used the ice to get out of the way.

Izuki:"That was close! Thanks, Shoto!"

Shoto:"No need to. Did you figured out how to control your quirk?"

Izuki:"No... I just can't. If I use it, I will break my fingers!"

I grabbed her from behind, tightly holding onto her while whe slide through the ice she makes. Katsuki and Jiro were using their quirks to try and stop us, but they couldn't.

Shoto:"Okay. Go and fight Jiro. I'll keep Katsuki at bay. Remember the plan."


Shoto makes ice above them. I jump towards Jiro. Katsuki tried to explode me, but Shoto slammed her on the ground with her fire.

I almost dropped on Jiro, but she got away. I point my fingers at her feet, and used my quirk to blast a huge barrage of air towards her. I broke my finger, but it was enough to send Jiro far away from her partner.

Shoto used her ice to try and break Katsuki's gauntlets, thay way, her explosions will be less efective. She succeded.

Yet Katsuki did something we didn't expect. She had two little grenades, similar to the ones she uses.

She threw the grenades around her, making an explosion big enough to not only do damage to me and Shoto, but enough to make a big black cloud of smoke.

Shit! We didn't plan this, and I can't see Shoto!

Katsuki:"FOUND YA!"

She was behind me. Katsuki kicked me, sending me to the ground. She tried to make an explosion to finish me off, but I rolled to the side, dodging the attack.


I got up, ready to fight. She threw some jabs, easy to parry. She then used some explosions to spin, using the momentum to threw a devastating roundhouse kick. I blocked it, but it damaged my arms.


Katsuki threw more punches, pushing me towards the right side of the arena. I was getting closer to the limits.


She dropped kick me. I blocked it, but it pushed me towards a white line. If I cross it, is over.


Katsuki opened her palm, ready to throw an explosion.

Y/N:"You want to learn how to fight?"

Izuki:"Yes! My power is strong, but not only I can't properly use it, but, what if I fight an armed opponent? Or someone with a ranged quirk? What should I do?"



I duck, dodging the explosion Katsuki made.


I uppercutted her, hitting her right in the mandible. She stepped back, and got into a defensive stance.

Feint an attack. Sweep kick.

I feint a punch. Katsuki puts her arms in her head, ready to block, eating the feint. I made a sweep kick.


Now that she was in the air, she can't defend herself!


I punch her with all I got, hitting her in the stomach. Katsuki gets launched towards the other side of the arena, crossing it. Eliminated.

The smoke clears the moment I smash her. Everyone widens her eyes. I defeated one of the favourites in one single punch.

Jiro had her legs frozen, unable to move. She and Shoto were shocked to see Katsuki eliminated.

Katsuki sat on the ground, looking at her feet. No one couldn't see the expression on her face.

Midnight:"W-wow... Izuki Midoriya, and Shoto Todoroki are the winners!"

Everyone cheers for us. They were static, euforic for how this match went.

I can see Y/N. When he saw me, he gave me a thumbs up, a proud smile on his face. I made him proud...

Katsuki got up, and leaved, not saying anything.

Was I too rough?


This match was sure a surprise. Who thought Izuki would defeat Katsuki?

Kazuki had a dark expression on her face. She left, not saying anything. I got up from my seat, and start looking for her. Eventually, I reach her and Jiro's room. I hear some sort of... sobs?

Y/N:"Katsuki, dear, is me. Can I enter?"

No response.

Y/N:"I'm coming in, okay?"

I open the door. She was sitting on her bed, looking at the ground. I can see some wet spots below her face. She was crying.

I sat next to her, and hugged her. She returns the hug.

Y/N:"What's wrong, dear?"

Katsuki:"Is just... It's not fair... it doesn't matter how much I try... she always gets something out of nowhere to best me!"


Katsuki:"I now what we talked about... but... is not fair..."

Y/N:"You still have me."

Katsuki:"Yeah... can we stay like this? A little longer? I need you."

Y/N:"As long as you want."

Is me comforting the girl that losses the match the usual now?

I don't mind.

Katsuki pushes me, my back now on the bed. She hides her head on the crook of my neck.

Katsuki:"Y/N... you better win against those two."

Y/N:"There are still 2 more teams."

Katsuki:"None of them stands a chance. But, the chemestry you have with Kirby... is more than enough to beat them. Besides, you have my quirk, right? It should be easy for you."

Y/N:"I'll see what I can do."

Katsuki:"You know...I may hate how Izuki always has something to beat me... but I'm jealous of Momo."


Katsuki:"She has more in common with you. And, if you look at me, I'm just a bad girl who insults everyone in their path. I can't compare to her."

Y/N:"Maybe...but I like your... "bad girl" attitude."

Katsuki lifts and eyebrow.

Katsuki:"You do?"

Y/N:"Yeah. Specially when I manage to make you flustered. You're cute when you blush."


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