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Today, I went to Katsuki's house. Before going, I decided to test my explosions a little bit. It was very cool to make things blow up, but I got tired too quickly. Gotta train that.

When I reached her house, I ringed the doorbell and heared a ruckus going straight to the door.

She opened the door, still on her pijamas. Pink stripped pijamas.

Y/N:"Hey... cute pijamas by the way."

Katsuki:"S-shut up! Come in!"

When I entered her house, I noticed we were alone.

Y/N:"Where are your parents?"

Katsuki:"They are on a vacation so... you could... sleep here..."

Y/N:"We'll see."

When I said that, a little smile runs on her face, but it disappeared as quickly as it came.

Katsuki:"You want anything to eat?"

Y/N:"No, thanks."

Katsuki:"Okay. Then wait here, please."

She lead me to the dinning room, and made me sit. After that, she went to her room, and changed her attire.

She had a black sweater, black pants and a pair of running shoes. That black sweater is the one I gave her on her birthday.

Y/N:"You still have my sweater, huh?"

Katsuki:"I always keep all of my presents! And is comfortable too."

Y/N:"So, where are we training?"

Katsuki:"Upstairs. In my room."

Y/N:"Isn't that dangerous? I could-"

Katsuki:"Just aim through the window then, idiot."

Y/N:"Point taken."

I got up and followed her to her room. It was very clean compared to mine. I aimed my hands through the window, and opened my palms.

Katsuki:"Try to use both hands to make the explosion. It lets you control the knockback of the explosion way better than with one hand. And it's a bigger explosion too."

Y/N:"Wait, and your neighbours?"

Katsuki:"Don't worry about them, they are used to the explosions."


Katsuki:"Let's say, a little Katsuki enjoyed too much blowing up things."

I chuckled, getting a blush from Katsuki.

Katsuki:"Don't laugh, idiot. Now, test it already!"

I turned my head, and made the explosion. The explosion almost made me fall to the ground. But, I quickly recovered and avoided falling to the ground. Katsuki giggled.

Katsuki:"Hehe, that was-"

???:"Brat! Already exploding things?!"

I peeked my head through the window to see some type of old midget shouting things at us.

Y/N:"Who is that-"

???:"Hey, who are you, her boyfriend?! Tell her not to blow things up, we are trying to sleep here!"

Katsuki blushed, and looked through window, next to me.

Katsuki:"Shut up!"

She closed the window and sat on the bed, angry.

Y/N:"What was that?"

Katsuki:"That old man... he is always annoying me."

Y/N:"Well, what do we do then?"

Katsuki:"...wanna watch a movie?"

Y/N:"Sure! We can call Izuki-"

Katsuki:"NO! I-I mean, just... the two of us."

Y/N:"Oh. Okay."

Katsuki:"Sweet. Let's go down!"

Katsuki grabbed my hand and dragged me by to the dinner room. We sat on her sofa. She picked up the remote, and chose Netflix.

While she searched a movie, I can see her slowly getting close at me.

Eventually, she was next to me, looking for a movie. I can see she was having doubts about something.

Y/N:"Something's wrong?"

Katsuki:"N-no... I just- oh! I founded it!"

She then clicks on Marvel Avengers Infinite War.

Y/N:"Didn't know you like this things."

Katsuki:"Why wouldn't I? Explosions, heroes defeating villains... it's cool!"

It's the first time I see her actually enjoying something without having to try to impress me or-

Katsuki:"One day, I'll be like Thor and win against all of those villains!"

Or not...

She murmured something else, but I didn't hear that.

Well, we are just seeing a movie, right? What could go wrong?

Timeskip brought to us by Katsuki cosplaying as Thor, while Y/N cosplayed as Ironman.


All right Katsuki, calm down, we have this under control... he is enjoying the movie, and is about to end... I just need to turn around, and confess how I-

Suddenly, his phone starts to ring. He picks it up.

Y/N:"Sorry, I'll be back in a moment."

Y/N leaved the room, and entered the kitchen. I tip toed towards the kitchen, and hide behind the wall, listening to the conversation.

Y/N:"Hello, Izuki. What's wrong?"

Bitch, even without being here, you must be in the way.

Y/N:"Oh, yeah, I remember, you want to enroll U.A. right? That's nice!"

What? She doesn't have a quirk! How is she gonna enter U.A? Don't make me laugh!

Y/N:"I can't today, I'm busy. But, I could help you tomorrow?"


Y/N:"Okay then! I'll see you tomorrow! Bye bye, my little CinnamonRoll!"

I silently made my way towards the sofa.

Your...Cinnamon...Roll...huh? You don't put nicknames on me.

Y/N:"Sorry, I'm back."

Katsuki:"Something's wrong?"

Y/N:"No. Plans for tomorrow."

Katsuki:"I see."

I resume the movie. Okay, if Izuki is gonna try to steal what's mine, I have to play harder.

I placed my head on his shoulder. I blush really hard, embarassed. This could go wrong.

But it doesn't.

He places his arm around my shoulder, and brings me closer to him. I hug him, not paying attention to the movie.

Katsuki:"Y-Y/N... I'm really sorry for all the shit I've done... can I be... your..."

C'mon, say it! Are you really gonna chicken out now?!

Katsuki:"Friend? Again?"

I'm so dissapointed at myself.

Y/N smiles, and hugs back.

Y/N:"Sure! Just, try not to be so rude to Izuki, and we are cool!"

Katsuki:"I-I'll try."

Katsuki, you are the most coward person on earth.

Timeskip brought to us by Katsuki, shouting at herself, looking in a mirror.

After watching a movie, and cooking for him (he enjoys my food, by the way... hehe) we decided to call it a night. He had a quick shower, and went straight to the guest room, not before saying good night.

I was currently laying on my bed, without my pants, just in panties. It was a hot night today, so I decided to remove my pijama.

I tried to sleep, but I thought of something I didn't realised.

Y/N sleeps without his shirt on.

I don't know why this runs through my head, but it made me blush. Images of Y/N doing things to me- No! Focus! I want to sleep! Quick, count dead Izukis!

1 dead Izuki... 2 dead Izukis... yeah, it's not working.

My hand instinctively goes between my legs.

He should be asleep right now...


I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I was thirsty.

I leaved my room, and went to the kitchen, taking a glass and filling it with water. After I drank it, I went to my room, but, some weird noises stopped me.


Huh? Someone was saying my name. I went up the stairs, following the sound. I realised it was Katsuki's voice.


She shouted my name really hard.

Y/N:"Katsuki, is something wrong?"

She throwed a quick yelp. I hear some ruffling in the bed.

Katsuki:"W-why aren't you sleeping?!",

Y/N:"I was thirsty, so I drank some water... are you okay?"

Katsuki:"I-I'm okay! Just, go to sleep!"



The next day, Katsuki made me some pancakes. She was blushing the whole day.

Katsuki:"Y-you are going out with Deku today, right?"

Y/N:"Yeah. I'm gonna help her with her training."

Katsuki:"Good, good..."

Y/N:"And you?"

Katsuki:"I'll be here... you know, doing my things. After your training, if you wanna come back again... I wouldn't mind..."

Y/N:"I'll see what I can do."

And like that, I leaved Katsuki's house, and began our training with Izuki. She trains really hard, doing a lot of physical work. Thanks to dad's quirk, I can go for longs periods of times, which was amazing.

In the following days, Katsuki decided to train me on my explosion quirk. She even let Izuki join us sometimes. She doesn't like her in any way shape or form, but, she tolerates her. Sometimes.

I got better with my explosions, being way more precise, and being able to control the recoil better. Katsuki even taught me some tricks, like how to fly with the explosions, releasing quick, little explosions on my hands to boost me up.

In exchange, she wanted me to pass time with her. It seems she doesn't have too many actual friends. In school, everyone feared her, or got close to her because her quirk, which didn't help with the big ego she has.

But, she had changed around me. She is way nicer than before, and actually does things she enjoys with me, instead of trying to prove something.

Izuki, on the other hand, got way stronger than before. Her body changed. You shoulda have looked at those abs...

This made Katsuki really jealous, who tried working out a lot. She stopped just because I liked her body like that. I didn't know it was going work... hmmm....

Ojiro taught me new tricks. Not only I improved with my explosions, but with my fighting too. I actually learned how to fight with punches and using explosions to support me. I developed my own way of using Katsuki's quirk.

Instead of going for devastating explosions, I decided to make quick and more little explosions, hurting the enemy and blinding them, while I used punches and kicks to pummel them.

Ojiro and I spar a couple of times, using my new fighting style. I won more matches than I lossed. He said, is really hard to fight someone that has such an incredible offense.

It's cool and all, but I have to remember, my quirk is to copy other quirks, not explosions. So, I must try to get more quirks.

Only two days before the exam begins. Ojiro and I were really excited to enter. Izuki said she has a trump card, so, I have faith in her.

Katsuki knew she was going to make it, but, she was more excited because I was gonna be with her, than for her to actually enter U.A.

Today, I was by myself, on a lonely night, in the park. I usually go here when I want to relax.

I was walking without looking where I was going, looking at my right, a lake with some ducks there, doing duck things.

I suddenly bump into a girl, making her fall.

Y/N:"Oh, sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!"

???:"No, it's okay, really."

I give her a hand, and she took it. When I help her get on her feet, I looked at her face. She is so... beautiful...

???:"So, you usually come here, by yourself, when is so dark outside?"

Y/N:"I could ask you the same."

She giggles a little bit.

???:"I'm Momo. Momo Yaoyorozu. You?"

Y/N:"Y/N. Y/N L/N."

Momo:"Oh! Aren't you the kid in the news? The one that saved that girl?"

Y/N:"Well, I really didn't saved her... but yeah, it's me."

Momo:"It was very brave of you to do something like that. Hey, wanna talk for a bit?"


We went to a bench nearby, talking about a lot of different topics. She told me about her quirk. She can basicly create whatever she wants, as long as she knows what is made of... is similar to mines...

She is going to enroll U.A. too, saying her dream is to become a great hero one day. Like me.

Not only she is beautiful, but very smart too, being able to figure things out very quickly, or even forming plans in the blink of an eye... she is perfect.

Momo:"So, you're enrolling U.A too?"

Y/N:"Yeah. I want to become the number one hero. That's my dream."

Momo:"Heh, that's a great goal. Wanna exchange numbers?"


Momo:"Okay, give me your phone."

I unlocked my phone, and give it to her. She places her contact there. I changed her name to "Kirby". You know, since she needs to eat a lot for her quirk to work and such.

I send her a WhatsApp to make sure she type it right. Momo recieved it.

Momo:"Well, I gotta go, it's too late." She got up "See you on the exam, Copycat."

Y/N:"Yeah, see you there."

She left. I start going back home, thoughts of her on my mind.

The next day, it was simple. I trained for the last time with Izuki, both making sure we were ready for our exams. After that, I went to Katsuki's house to spend some time there.

While we were watching a movie, I recieved a call. It was Momo.

Y/N:"Oh, sorry. I'll make it quick."

Katsuki:"No problem. Take your time."

I went to the kitchen, and picked it.

Y/N:"Hey there Momo!"

Momo:"Hey." She giggles "I see you're happy I've called."

Y/N:"W-Well, I-I..."

Momo:"I'm joking, don't worry. Hey, this is our last day till the exam. Wanna go this afternoon somewhere? And know each other a little bit more?"


Momo:"Good. I'll send you the location. Meet me at 4 PM?"

Y/N:"4 PM it is then." I look at the location."Wait, isn't this that restaurant near the big supermaket?"


Y/N:"I-I don't know if I have money for-"

Momo:"Don't worry, I'll pay. Money isn't a problem."

Y/N:"Okay... see you there then. Bye!"

Momo:"Bye bye~"

I end the call, and went back with Katsuki. She was in a bad mood. What happened while I wasn't here?

She resumed the movie, without saying anything else.

Katsuki:"Do you like someone?"


Katsuki:"I said, if you like someone. You know what I mean."

Y/N:"I have feelings for someone."

Katsuki:"Do I know the bi- I mean, the girl?"

Y/N:"You do."

Momo is very beautiful, but, she is just a friend. With all the time I passed with Katsuki, I started to feel things for her. It's so cute to see her so angry at me liking someone.

Y/N:"What about you?"

Katsuki:"No one."

Y/N:"So, you wouldn't mind if I date Izuki, per example?"

She widens her eyes.


I turned around, and looked at her.

Y/N:"And what if it's you the one I want to date?"

Katsuki blushed, and turned around. She whispered something. She thought I didn't hear it, but I did.

Katsuki: *Whispering* "That would be great..."

I turned her head, and make her look at me. Thanks god her parents are shopping right now...

I start closing the gap between us, getting close to her.

I expected her to punch me, or to blow me up. Instead, She closed her eyes, and got ready for a kiss.

I move forward and kiss her. She is...surprisingly sweet and gentle.

After a while, I separate myself from her. Katsuki was a blushing mess, looking at the ground. I hug her, and look at her straight on her red eyes.

Y/N:"It's you the one I like. I love you- hey!"

She tackled me, hiding her face on my torso.

Katsuki:"Then you better treat me with kisses all days! And don't do weird things with other woman! And you must cuddle with me all day! And you absolutely can't pass more time with Deku than me! And-"

Y/N:"It's that your way of saying "I love you" Kacchan?"

Katsuki:"...I love you too, idiot."

Katsuki had a little smile on her face. I brought her closer to my face, and kissed her again.

After that, we just cuddle, watching the movie.

Who knew the dragon could be tamed?

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