Chapter 23. BY FIRE, BY TRAINED.

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To whoever got the reference, I love you.


Aizawa:"You all have your costumes, right?"

Two days later, the class and I had to part ways, going to our respective hero agencies to begin our training. We were at the train station, waiting for our own train.

Aizawa:"Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop them or anything."

Mina lifted up her suit, a dumb look on her face.


Aizawa:"Speak clearly! It's "yes, sir" Ashido."


Aizawa:"Make sure you mind your manners with the heroes at your internships! Off with you, now."

My group, made up by Izuki, Mina, Momo, Koda, Mineta, Tsuyu and Denki goes to grab some seats. Tenya goes his own way, and Shoto stays behind, waiting for me. The other students were alredy on some seats, waiting for their train. Just when I was about to follow them, Aizawa stopped me.

Aizawa:"Be careful out there. If you make contact with 'you know who' or they find you, call me, or another hero."

Y/N:"Got it."

Aizawa nods, and leaves. Shoto taps me in the shoulder, worried.

Shoto:" 'You know who?' What was that about, Y/N?"

Y/N:"Nothing. Let's go, our train is here."

Shoto nodded, holding my hand while entering the train. Shoto sat on the seat besides the window. I sat next to her.

Shoto:"Y/N, if something is wrong, you know you can tell me, right?"

Y/N:"Yeah, I know."

Shoto:"Then, what was that about? Is someone looking for you?"

Y/N:"It's... complicated, let's leave it at that. Just so you know, I'm okay, all right? I'm not in danger, don't worry."

Shoto tightened her hold in my hand.

Shoto:"Still, if you ever are... I will protect you."

I smile, giving her a kiss in the lips as a reward.

Y/N:"Thank you. I'm counting on you."

After some minutes of looking through the window, staring at the sky, we arrived to our destination. Shoto was sleeping on her seat, her head on my shoulder. I gently shake her, waking her up.

Y/N:"C'mon, sleepy head. Time to leave."

Shoto gets up, and follows me outside.

Y/N:"Well, you know the way, right? I'll follow you."

Shoto nods, walking towards were I suppose Endeavour's agency is, while holding my hand. I decided to chat for a bit on our way there.

Y/N:"So, what do you think your father will make us do?"

Shoto:"Please, refer to him as Endeavour, not father."


Shoto:"It's okay. Honestly, I don't know. He better not be to rough on you, or I'll have to have some words with him."

Y/N:"Heh, if you do, freeze his ass for me."

Shoto:"Will do. We are here."

We stand in front of a large building. When entering, a lot of people was going around, passing papers to each other, or talking through some phones, coordinating and supporting heroes on the field. It looks like an office now that I notice.

???:"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

We turn our heads, to see what looks like a small female Endeavour. I don't know why, but something tells me she is gonna be a pain in the ass.

Female Endeavour:"If it isn't Mr. Champion himself and Endeavour's little kid! Are you here to see Endeavour?"

Y/N:"No, we are here to talk about our lord and saviour."

Female Endeavour:"Huh?"

Y/N:"Of course we are here to see him, idiot! We've selected his agency for our internships!"

Burnin:"You little- ugh, whatever. My name is Burnin! And I'm one of Endeavour side kicks! I will be your-"

Y/N:"Personal Nonsense?"

Burnin:"No, more like your personal annoyance, because I'm going to make your lifes hell, runts!"

Y/N:"Okay, listen here, Female Dumb Endeavour."


Y/N:"We are looking for him, he will train us, not you, so would you be so kind to tell us were is he? Pretty please?"


A door opens, revealing Endeavour in all his glory... if there's any.

Endeavour:"I'll take care of this from now on, thanks, Burnin."


Burnin went away, not saying anything else. She may be a hothead (heh) but she really respects her boss.

Endeavour:"Come inside, we have much to talk."

Shoto and I enter his office. He had a large table, with a big leather chair. A lot of decorations around the room, like books, a picture, and a carpet infront of the table. Endeavour sits on his chair, and looks at us.

Endeavour:"I have been waiting, Shoto. It seems you are finally ready to take the path of the mighty, huh?"

Shoto:"I have no intention of going down a path you made. I will take my own path."

Endeavour smirks, laughing at Shoto's word.

Endeavour:"Yeah, yeah. Name it what you want... what about you, Jinketsu. Why are you here?"

Y/N:"If I want to improve I must learn from the best."

Endeavour chuckled.

Endeavour:"Maybe, you aren't that bad as I suspected. Well, you should get ready. We're going out."


Endeavour:"I'll show you what a hero is."

Y/N:"A question. Where do I change?"

Endeavour:"I have a bathroom right there. Go change."

Shoto follows me, entering the bathroom, and dressing up on her hero outfit. I do the same, but after yesterday's chat with All Might, I fell uncomfortable in my clothes...

Shoto:"Ready. You?"

Y/N:"Yeah, let's go."

We exit the agency, following Endeavour. It was night alredy, the perfect time for someone to do bad things.

There was not much we could do, even if we saw a burgler, a thief, or someone attacking a person, Endeavour was always one step ahead of us, stopping the crime before we could even react.

Endeavour prohibitted me the use of Overdrive. He said, if I manage to do what I do in Overdrive without it, I will be unstoppable if I activate it. He has a point, but still...

During that night, I had a constant feeilng of being watched, but everytime I looked behind me, no one was there.

After 2 hours of patrolling the city, accomplishing nothing, we returned to the agency.

Endeavour:"Not bad. For begginers, that is. You two have potential. Y/N, there something I want you to do."


Endeavour:"Copy Shoto's quirk."

Y/N:"I need an explanation on how it works. Then, I'll copy it."

Shoto:"It's simple. I change my body temperature to create fire or ice."

Something inside my mind snaps, meaning I succesfully copied her quirk. I open my palms, and focused on creating fire on one hand, and ice on the other.

Endeavour:"Impressive. I want you to not only train your body, but to train all of your quirks. Your strenght is the amount of tricks you can pull off during a fight. Use your head for that. Shoto, teach him some tricks tomorrow. Dismissed."

Endeavour leaved, entering his office.

Shoto:"You copy quirks that fast? Amazing."

Y/N:"Yeah, but is hard to use many of them at the same time..."

Shoto:"We will think of something. Now, let's rest, tomorrow will be a long day."

I nod, following her to what it looks like our dormitory.

Shoto and I enter the same bedroom. We dress up in our pijamas, and lay in the bed, tired.

Shoto:"Goodnight, Y/N."

Y/N:"Goodnight, Shoto."


Meanwhile, not too far away from here...

North to the U.A, an agency makes his presence.

Kiryuin Hero Agency.

A new Agency inside the city. No one knew about them, but since they are heroes, there's nothing wrong with another agency.


Inside the building, a group of people can be seen, talking among themselves. One of them, is Lady Satsuki, who talked to her partners as if they were her subordinates.

Satsuki:"Inumuta, do we know the boy's location?"

The blue hair guy, now known as Inumuta, responds.

Houka Inumuta A.K.A: Kamui Hero: Haxxorz.

Quirk: Hacker.

Hacker let's Inumuta control any electronic dispositive with his mind. His brain works like a computer, so he can use it to process information, or keep it. Having a computer on your brain has it's downsides, using the quirk too much will overheat his brain, risking his life.

Inumuta:"I managed to discover more info about him. Y/N L/N. He has a "Copy" quirk. It seems he can copy the quirk he desires. About his location, besides the fact he is attending U.A, I do not know. Currently, first years are in their internships, so he won't be inside U.A for a week or so."

A boy with green hair, joins the conversation.

Uzu Sanageyama A.K.A: Kamui Hero: Daredevil.

Quirk: Sixth sense.

Sanageyama is blind, but, his other senses are incredibly improved, being able to see or detect any movement by smells, or soundwaves.

Sanageyama:"A copy quirk? Tch, worthless. I'm sure he copies anything he sees, but is unable to hurt a fly."

Satsuki:"Sanageyama, this will be the only time I'll warn you. I won't tolerate any type of disrespect towards Y/N, got it?"

Sanageyama:"I apologise, ma'am."

A little girl, resembling a child, laughed.

Nonon Jakuzure A.K.A Kamui Hero: Musician

Quirk: Music Mage.

Nonon's quirk lets her create music out of her baton. The decibels of said music, and the instruments are decided by her. If she makes a sound too strong, it could permanently deaf anyone around her, or even kill them.

Nonon:"Yeah, sit down, monkey, he could be better than you."

Sanageyama:"Shut it, kiddo. Is just, I don't understand, what does he-"

A tall muscular man interrupts him, his booming voice surprising Nonon, who didn't expect him to be that loud.

Ira Gamagori A.K.A Kamui Hero: Punisher.

Quirk: Masochisim.

Gamagori can withstand incredible amounts of physical damage. He stores said damage, and use it later on to counterattack. The more you hit him, the stronger he gets.


Satsuki:"It's okay, Gamagori. I'll explain the only thing you need to know. He is important for me. I want him. That's all. If you don't like it, I do not care."

Sanageyama:"I understand, Lady Satsuki."

Inumuta:"Ma'am, we have a problem."

Satsuki:"What is it?"

Inumuta:"It seems an student has followed us."


Inumuta:"She has a Kamui."

Inumuta shows her a photo of a girl, with black hair, dressed up in a black and red kamui. Some locks on her hair were red. The girl wields a red big scissor blade.

Satsuki:"Who is she? How did she get a Kamui?"

Inumuta:"It seems her name is Ryuko Matoi. I do not know how did she get the Kamui, but the girl managed to beat some of our bests students. She even tried to interrogate one of them. I have some audio on that."

Inumuta played the audio on some speakers inside the room.

Ryuko:"Where's Y/N L/N and Satsuki Kiryuin?!"

Student:"I-I don't know what are you-"

Ryuko:"If you don't start talking, I'll beat the shit out of you! ...shut up Senketsu!"

Student:"R-really, I don't know who is this Y/N, I promise!"

Ryuko:"Well, then tell me where Satsuki is. Now!"

Student:"I don't know!"

Ryuko:"The hard way it is then..."

The audio ends there.

Inumuta:"I don't know why is she searching you, or Y/N, but I don't think she has good intentions."

Satsuki:"Sanageyama, deal with the girl. Gamagori, you will  make sure Y/N is safe at all times. Nonon, keep an eye on "our friends" make sure they don't break our contact. Inumuta, find Ryuko, and Y/N. Don't fail me, Elite 4."

Elite 4:"Yes, ma'am."

Satsuki:"One more thing. Or top priority is Y/N's safety, and his retrieval. If it's somehow compromised..."

Satsuki:"Do what it takes to help him. Kill if needed."

Elite 4:"Understood."

Timekskip brought to us by a cloaked figure, punching some Kiryuin students in an alleyway, in search of a boy.


Shoto:"Y/N, wake up."

Y/N:"...holy shit Shoto, what hour is it."

I opened my eyes slowly, seeing Shoto on top of me, smiling. I can feel her hands on my face, caressing me.

Shoto:"6:30 A.M gotta wake up early if we don't want Endeavour to wake us".

I sit on the bed, bringing Shoto close to me. I hug her, letting my head rest on her shoulder. Her amazing smell, combined with the soft fabric of her pijama made me sleepy, forcing my eyes to close.

Shoto giggled, patting my back in an attempt to keep me awake.

Shoto:"Y/N, we gotta move, dummy. I want to stay in bed with you too, but we can't, I don't want Endeavour to get mad at you."

I sigh, realising she was right.

Y/N:"Yeah, yeah, the old man... know I wish I choosed Ryukyu or Best Jeanist..."

Shoto:"You wouldn't be with me then."

Y/N:"Heh, fair point."

I got up, gently letting Shoto in the bed, and dressed up on my hero outfit. When I was over, Shoto was alredy dressed up, waiting for me at the door.

We exit the dormitory, navegating through the Agency till we founded a cafeteria were we could grab ourselves some breakfast. The cafeteria has some robots working 24/7, so there's always someone (or something in this case) willing to take your order at any time.

After grabbing our breakfast, and finding a place to sit, I decided to lool through my phone to see how our class was doing.

Class 1-A Group Chat.

BomberGirl❤❤:"I fucking hate Best Jeanist and his haircuts..."

AlienQuennz:"I liked your cut,G. Lolz."

BomberGirl❤❤:"FUCK OFF!"

Kirby:"I thought we were supposed to do hero stuff, I've done nothing heroic so far..."

BallDude:"Lucky you, I've been cleaning Mt.Ladie's house all freaking day!"

Pikachu:"Bro, I've been cleaning too! Help me, I don't wanna be here!"

EarJack:"Suck it, Losers."

Lil'Froggy:"I stopped some pirates. Cool stuff."

Everyone, more or less were okay. I'm happy, I worry for them too much.

Shoto:"Hey, Y/N, look at this. There's a new Agency in town."

Shoto showed me an article, made 30 minutes ago. The photo was showing...

Oh no.

Kiryuin Agency...

Y/N:"C-cool, the more, the merrier."

I entered Whatssapp and looked for Aizawa's number. He gave me his number yesterday for emergency situations.

Aizawa's chat

Y/N:"Sir, you've seen the news? The Kiryuins are here."


He was offline, I just hope he sees it before I encounter someone from that Agency...

Endeavour entered the cafeteria, amused to see us awake so early.

Endeavour:"Ah, there you are! Today I have something special for the day! We are patrolling again, well, I will be patrolling, since it seems you two don't do much..."

He smirked, waiting for out reactions. Shoto ignored him, and I was to worried about the Kiryuins to give 2 flying fucks about him.

Endeavour:"Silent treatment, huh? Whatever, you better be ending your breakfast, we'll leave in 20 minutes."

Shoto gave him a thumbs up. She was staring at me, she looks like she was trying to figure something out.

Endeavour exited the cafeteria, giving us some privacy

Shoto:"Y/N, have you been in the Kiryuin Agency before?"


Shoto:"Then why are you acting like this? You've been acting differently since yesterday..."

Y/N:"Nothing, is just nothing...but..."


Y/N:"I want you to know, if we find a dangerous villain, I'll be there to save you."

Shoto smiled, nodding. I evaded her questions, for now.

I got up once I finished my meal, and exited the building with Shoto. Endeavour was outside, waiting.

Endeavour:"You took your time. Let's move, we have work to do."

Endeavour, who was leaning on a wall, moves towards a random direction. Shoto and I follow him, listening to his teachings.

Endeavour:"Most of the time, we don't have to do anything. We patroll the city, but we don't find anything, because there's nothing bad happening. Yet still, we do it. The people feels safe when we are around."

As he said this, I realised a mother, holding the hand of his little son, who was pointing at us, talking about how cool we are. I smiled, and waved at him. The kid smiled, waving back.

Endeavour:"Still, we must always be on guard. Villains usually prefers to do their thing during nightime, but a lot of them are either too brave, or too dumb, and try to cause chaos when the sun shines."

I look around, trying to find anything suspicious. There was nothing weird going on. Putting Endeavour's teachings in practice, I keep on looking for threats, no matter how safe it looked.


Endeavour boost himself fowards with his fire, flying at amazing speeds.

Endeavour:"Use your head."

Using Shoto's quirk, I used one hand to create ice and slide on it, the same way Shoto does it. With my other hand, I used fire to give me a speed boost.

Endeavour was following a car. Some thugs robbed a bank, and he wants to stop it. He was catching up with the car, and he was way ahead of me.

Use your head, Y/N!

I got it!

I use Momo's quirk to create engines on my legs, similar to Iida's quirk. I managed to pass Endeavour, and get behind the car.

I made one final boost, landing on top of the car. I aimed my palms at the wheels, freezing them in place. The car can't move.

The thugs leaved the car, aiming their guns at me. I quickly reinforce with Eijira's quirk, protecting myself from the bullets. Just when I was about to explode the thugs, Shoto appeared, freezing the guns of all the thugs.

Shoto:"Sorry, but I can't let you do that."

Thug 1:"W-what do we do boss?!"

Boss?:"Make a run for it!"

The thugs try to run, but they can't. They are all confused, till they look at their legs. They were frozen.

Shoto:"Sorry, but I can't let you that either."

I sit in the car's roof, listening to the thugs insults and mocks. I just laughed at them. It seems they were quirkless, so they pose no threat without those firearms.

Someone, loudly clapping their hands approached us. It was Endeavour, amused at us.

Endeavour:"Nice job, Y/N. You even managed to pass through me, impressive. Shoto, you still have to improve your speed, if I didn't slow down, I would have arrived sooner than you. Y/N was alone quite a while, thankfully, he had it under control."

Shoto:"I see. I'll do my best."


After turning the thugs to the police, we resume our walk, patrolling the city. After an hour, Endeavour had an idea.

Endeavour:"It seems the city is calm today. Y/N, Shoto, we are going to split. Patrol the city by yourselves. That way, we will train your solo capabilities. U.A has been focusing teamwork too much. Show me what you can do. If something goes wrong, send the location to me, and your partner."

We nod, and go our own way. I decide to patrol the central part of Musutafu, where the Arcade is. I know this place like the back of my hand, so if I have to pursue someone, I'll know where to go.

I made a turn on a street, and bumped into a girl, making her fall to the ground.

Y/N:"O-Oh! Sorry, miss, let me help you!"

I gave her my hand. She was beautiful... a little tomboyish, but beautiful nonetheless.

Tomboy:"Watch were your going next time..."

She grabs my hand, and I'll help her on her feet.

Y/N:"I'm really sorry..."

Tomboy:"Whatever...don't worry, it's fine."

She resumes her walk. I was about to, till a group of kids surrounded me.

Kid 1:"Hey, you are Y/N L/N right?! The one that won the Festival!"

Kid 2:"Dude, you are so awesome!"

Kid 3:"Please, can I have an autograph?!"

I signed his shirt, putting my name on it. Suddenly, I felt like someone was staring at me. I felt killing intent from said person. When I turned around, no one was there.

Kid 1:"Me too, me too!"

Kid 2:"Sign me up too!"

I complied, signing their shirts. The kids went away, happy. I continued patrolling the city, but this time, I had the constant feeling of someone watching me.

Tired of this person, I decided to make a turn, and enter an alleyway. I wanted to confront however was following me. The alleyway had no exit besides were I came from.

Suddenly, I hear a thud behind me. When I turn around, I saw the girl I bumped into dressed into...


Y/N:"What...what are you wearing?"

The girl blushed, closing her eyes. That scissor blade looks sharp, so I should not anger her.


Y/N:"Answers? About what?"


Y/N:"I'm telling you, I don't-"


Since the girl started to move forward, point her sword at me, I freezed her, encaging her in a block of ice. Once I melted the cube, she was unconscious, but still alive.

I can't leave her here, dressed up like that... well, I hope neither Endeavour or Shoto starts looking for me any time soon...


So cold...

???:"Ryuko, wake up!"

I hear Senketsu. He is talking to me.


I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw, was a ceiling. I was under the covers of a bed. Where am I?

Ryuko:"What happened? Where am I?"

I looked at myself, realising three things.

1. I lost the fight against Y/N

2. I'm on my underwear, Senketsu is tied up on a chair in my right.

3. Y/N is infront of the bed, looking at me.

Y/N:"Wakey, wakey, gear eyes."





Ryuko:"...fair point. And fuck you! I can't do nothing about the clothes!"

Y/N:"Yeah, I'm sure you don't. Now that wr are on the subject, the hell is that thing?"

He points at Senketsu.

Senketsu:"Oi! I'm not a thing!"

Y/N:"Then what are you, huh?"

Senketsu:"I'm a- wait, you heared me?"

Y/N:"Sadly, yes, I hear you."

Senketsu looked at me, tears on his eyes.

Senketsu:"Ryuko... he heared me! Someone else besides you hears me!"

Y/N facepalmed, sighing.

Y/N:"Okay, look, let's calm down, okay! First, I'll answer your questions, and then you answer mines, okay?"

Ryuko:"Okay, pervert."

Y/N:"Stop calling me that?"

Ryuko:"Did you kill my father?"

Y/N:"I don't even know who he is."

Ryuko:"Do you know what that is?"

I point at my sword.

Y/N:"No clue."

Ryuko:"What's Senketsu?"

Y/N:"I suppose it's a Kamui, but no idea. I have almost no info about Kamuis. The only thing I know is, they are created to people with strong quirks."

Ryuko:"Mine is fast regeneration, yours?"


Ryuko:"So, you cheat?"

Y/N:"Ugh, not another one... anything else?"

Ryuko:"Yes...WHY AM I NAKED?"

Y/N:"Senketsu was too cold, I didn't want to kill you from hypothermia."

Ryuko:"And lastly, do you know something about Satsuki Kiryuin?"

Y/N:"No. My turn. Who are you?"

Ryuko:"My name is Ryuko Matoi, a hero student from Honnoji academy. Hero name: Drifter."

Y/N:"It fits you."


Y/N:"What are you doing here?"

Ryuko:"I told you alredy, I'm looking for my father's killer. My only leads were two names, yours and Satsuki Kiryuin."

Y/N:"I have no idea where she is, I guess your Academy?"

Ryuko:"No, she moved here. I don't know why."

Y/N got really nervous. Hmm...

Ryuko:"You...know her?"


Y/N sat down on a chair, and told me everything about what he knows about the Kiryuins, ans the fact he believes they are following him.

Ryuko:"Well, I only see one solution for this."

Y/N:"Which is?"

Ryuko:"I enroll in U.A, and keep an eye on you. Once Satsuki tries to get to you, I protect you, and get my answers from her. It's a win win situation!"

Y/N:"You... protecting me... no offense, but I froze your ass back there."

Ryuko:"Idiot! You caught me by surprise! I'm stronger than I look!"

Y/N:"Yeeeahhh suuure you are... but, explain me, how are you going to enroll U.A exactly?"

Ryuko:"Y/N, I have a plan."

Timeskip brought to us by Ryuko and Y/N, marching towards U.A


Ryuko:"I no longer have a plan."

Ryuko tried to literally enter U.A by force. Obviously, it didn't work. I messaged Endeavour the situation. He understood what happened and let me go, but once I return to the agency, I must explain everything to him.

Y/N:"Did you actually think that would work?"

Ryuko:"Don't know, back in my place, it did."

Y/N:*sigh* "I have an idea."

I grabbed my phone, and messaged Aizawa to come outside U.A

I must help her. If she has information about the Kiryuins, or who killed my father, I must protect her. And in U.A, she will be safe.

Aizawa finally meets us. Upon looking at Senketsu, his eyes looks at her suspiciously.

Aizawa:"Y/N, you better have a good reason for this."

Y/N:"You told me, if I ever encountered a Kiryuin, I should call you."

Aizawa:"Now you have my interest."

Y/N:"Technically, she isn't a Kiryuin, but she knows things about them. She is Ryuko, Ryuko Matoi."

Aizawa eyes widened.

Ryuko:"I can present myself, you know?"

Y/N:"Sorry, I was trying to help..."

Aizawa:"Matoi, you say?"

Ryuko:"Yes, what's wrong with that?"

Aizawa:"Your father work with us, as a spy."

Ryuko:"Worked. He... no is no more."

She looks to the ground, saddened. I hesitated, but eventually, I placed my hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. It seems it worked a little, since she smiled.

Aizawa:"I'm sorry to hear that. Your father had one request if something happened to him. He asked us to take care of you."

Ryuko:"So... does that mean..."

Aizawa:"Yes, you will enroll U.A in Class-A, along with your friend over here. Hey, dumbass, you better take care of her, I don't think Hono Academy will like to hear one of them decided to go rouge."

Y/N:"Aye aye, sir."

Aizawa:"We will have to talk about that, Ryuko. If possible, I'd like to talk things out with them before going to the courts. I'll makes things faster."


Aizawa:"All right, come with me, we will talk about your sleeping arrangaments and such. Y/N, I guess you have places to be?"

Y/N:"Oh! Yeah, Endeavour is going to kill me..."

Ryuko steps inside U.A But before going away, she turns around.

Ryuko:"Hey, Y/N."


Ryuko:"I still don't fully trust you, but... Thank you, really. Now, I have a goal. See you around!"


Phew, crisis avoided!

Or that'a what I thought...

Timeskip by Ryuko, getting confused to see a mouse as the director.


Yup, I didn't avoid a crisis it seems...

Once I arrived Endeavour's agency, he grabbed me, brought me to his office and started scolding me.

Y/N:"Yeah, that's pretty much it."


Y/N:"Then, I'll just call-"



Endeavour sighs, and sits down on his chair.

Endeavour:"Look, we all make mistakes, but this one could have put your life in risk. I won't meddle in your own personal goals, but, if someone is after you, I want to know. You are my responsability, so I will take care of you. Besides, you are going out with my daughter, and that makes her a target, more reasons for me to keep an eye on you."

Y/N:"I understand, sir. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

Endeavour:"I'll take your word. Dissmissed."

I nod, and exit the room. Burnin was listening to everything, so once I she saw me, she smirked.

Burnin:"Oh, it seems the Champion fucked up, huh?"

Y/N:"Where's Shoto.'

Burnin:"No idea. What, you don't wanna stay here with me?"

Y/N:"No, I don't need an Endeavour wannabe to roast me."

Burnin laughed, not caring in the slightest at my words. I started walking towards Shoto's and I bedroom.

Burnin:"Well, I know how to send a message through my phone."

Y/N:"Why are you annoying me?! Am I the only one you can annoy?!"

Burnin:"No, but I like annoying you a lot."

Burnin laughed, still following me around. I managed to arrive at my dorm. I open the dorm, and Burnin decides is a good idea to enter aswell.

Shoto was laying on the bed, reading a book. She glanced at us, not interested in our antics.

Shoto:"Hello. What's the visit for, Burnin."

Burnin:"Oh, nothing special, just annoying the crap outta him."

Y/N:"Fuck you."

Burnin:"Sure, when do you want to?"

Y/N:"Right now."

Burnin blushed, not expecting that answer.


Y/N:"Heh, you should have seen your face. That was hilarious!"

Burnin gave me a middle finger, and leaved.

Y/N:"Finally! She is really annoying sometimes, jesus!"

Shoto:"Why didn't you return with Endeavour and I?"

Y/N:"Something really important came up. You'll see once we come back to U.A"

Shoto:"What is it?"

While I answered her question, I removed my hero outfit, and got into my pijamas.

Y/N:"Let's just say, we will have a someone new on our class."

Shoto:"More people?"

Y/N:"Yes. I'm gonna catch some Z's, what about you?"

Shoto:"I'll read for a while. Goodnight babe."




Two figures can be seen on a rooftop. Those figures are Gamagori, and Inumuta.

Imumuta, who was conected to an airpod through using his quirk, talked to Satsuki.

Inumuta:"Lady Satsuki, we have a problem."

Satsuki:"What is it?"

Inumuta:"We founded Y/N L/N, but he is in Endeavour's agency. Trying to retrieve him is too dangerous."

Satsuki:"Don't worry. Tomiya's plan will be launched tomorrow. Then, I will personally find him. Make sure he doesn't die tomorrow."

Inumuta:"It shall be done."


Inumuta:"Wait till tomorrow. The scumbag will launch those things into the city, then, Satsuki will capture the boy. Till then, we must keep an eye on him."

Gamagori:"What about the other heros."

Inumuta:"You alredy heared lady Satsuki's words..."

Kill if needed.

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