Chapter 30. Pure Evil.

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Satsuki:"So, what you're saying is... not only you failed to capture Y/N, but he almost died fighting Ryuko's Matoi enraged Kamui, and is currently taken hostage by the League?"

I can't believe this... I knew there was a chance of failing the operation, but this was something I didn't see it coming.

Inumuta:"Y-Yes, mistress, it seems the League expected us to attack Y/N, and waited for the battle to finish. The presence of the Grand Couturier, however was-"

Satsuki:"Wait... the Couturier was there?"

Inumuta:"Yes, My Lady. Thanks to her I managed to escape and-"

Satsuki:"Thanks to her, Matoi almost kills Y/N. That's the only thing that matters. She is the reason this operation ended up worse than expected."

Sanageyama:"I still don't understand why-"

Nonon:"Monkey, I think Lady Satsuki is not in the mood for your stupidities."

Satsuki:"Very perceptive, Nonon. Your new orders. Find the League, kill them all, and rescue Y/N. I will be there to assist you. Now, move."

Elite 4:"Yes, Lady Satsuki."

Hang in there, Y/N, we are coming to get you...


Where.... where am I?

I woke up, handcuffed on a wall. My body was resting on a bed, inside a very dark room. I couldn't see anything, hell, I can barely see the bed covers.

I tried to activate my quirks, but... they doesn't work. What is going on?!

???:"You are probably wondering... "why can't I activate my quirks?!" Right, Y/N?"

That voice...

Y/N:"And here I thought you cared for me, Tomiya."

Tomiya:"Well, if I didn't, I would have let you die in that forest, don't ya think?"

Tomiya slowly approached the bed, a wicked smile on her face.

Tomiya:"It's funny... during all this time, I've been working really hard to find what you wanted so I could get you with me... and look at you now... hehe~."

Y/N:"Yeah, and I appreciate it a lot. Now, if you can handcuff me, it will be-"

Tomiya:"And go where? Remember you can't use your quirks? Remember the large wound on your chest? You will die without us, so be a good kid and..."

Tomiya got on the bed, slowly crawling towards me.

Tomiya:"Pleasure your mistress for a while, okay?"

Y/N:"Oh god, please, help me."

God listened to my words, sending his most sane member to my aid.

A girl, with ponytails and a knife, opened the door, smiling widely. Her smile grew when she realised the position we both were.

Tomiya:"You better have an explanation for this, Toga..."

Toga:"I do! Your boss wants to talk with you!"

Tomiya:*Sigh* "Lucky me..."

Toga:"Don't worry! I'll take care of him while-"



Tomiya:"No. You scare Y/N. Get Dabi over here, she will watch over him."

Toga:"Awww, no fair! Why do you always treat her and KuroKuro in a special way?!"

Y/N:"Is she dumb?"

Tomiya nodded at me.

Tomiya:"I only tolerate their existance. Now, go."


Toga left the room. Tomiya went for the door, but didn't leaved without saying some words.

Tomiya:"Don't worry dear, the ugly bitch won't be here for too long~"

And like that, she left the room. I hope she isn't as crazy as those two...

I tried to break these cuffs, maybe I can escape now that there's no one here!

Yeah, I wish...

Footsteps could be heared outside the room. A girl, with burn marks on her face entered the room. She seems... happy?

The girl sat on my bed, but didn't looked at me. Instead, she just looked at the floor.

Y/N:"U-umm... hey... there?"


Y/N:"You seem... happy?"

Dabi:"Well, I rather be with a hot guy cuffed to a bed than a full pack of psychos."

Y/N:"Why you joined them then?"

She seems sane, maybe I can talk things out with her? Getting an allie will improve my survival chances.

Dabi:"I didn't had much of a choice. Either I keep struggling to survive, stealing and robbing in the streets, or I joined this people, and put a rood over my head."

Y/N:"Why not being a hero?"

Dabi laughed, as if I said the funniest joke ever.

Dabi:"Me? Kid, if I had a chance to be a hero, and gain actual money, do you think I'll be here?"

Y/N:"Don't know. You tell me."

Dabi:"Trust me, I wouldn't."


Y/N:"Well, have you killed someone yet?"


Y/N:"And, the only ones that know your existence, are the League, I, and no one else, right?"

Dabi:"Go straight to the point."

Y/N:"It sounds perfect for someone who is trying to leave their villanous past behind."

Dabi:"Stop. Is not going to work, kid. I'm not getting you out of here."

Y/N:"Getting me out of here? I alredy know I'm going to die. Tomiya will ask me to join them, I'll refuse, meaning I'm of no use for them, so, she will... disspose of me inmediatly."

Dabi:"Then, why are you doing this?"

Y/N:"Just trying to save someone from a life she doesn't want."

Dabi didn't answer.  She just stared at me, curious. In her eyes, I can she hesitation. It's working.

Dabi:"As if. Kid, stop it. Many have tried to persuade me, and it never works."

Y/N:"I alredy told you, I'm not trying to persuade you. Besides, you told me you rather be a hero, than a villain, right? What's stopping you from doing so?"

Dabi:"I can't join an academy, I can't be an actual hero. Hell, even if I could, who is willing to help me get into one?"

Y/N:"I would."

Dabi chuckled.

Dabi:"You have an interesting sense of humour."

Y/N:"I'm not joking. Think about this, a young woman with a quirk, used her abilities to save the kid captured by the League of Villains. The hero agencies will do whathever you want to get a chance of you joining them."

Dabi stared at the ground, in deep thought.

Dabi:"...I still don't get why are you helping me. I don't deserve this."

Y/N:"Well, you saved me, you haven't threatened my friends with a gruesome death, you aren't constantly trying to rape me-"

Dabi:"About that, I really want to do it with you, but only with your consent."



Y/N:"...I'm going to pretend I didn't heared that. Like I said, you look like an amazing person, who is just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Dabi:"I look like what? Have you seen my scars?"

Y/N:"I do. They make you have an... exotic and unique look."

Dabi:"Not funny."

Okay, time to use my ultimate move...

The flirt option

Y/N:"I'm into exotic girls. Specially those who aren't villains..."

Dabi smirked, chuckling again.

Dabi:"Cha, cha, real smooth."

Y/N:"I try."

Dabi sighed, making up her mind about something.

Dabi:"Damnit... this is going to end up badly... okay, I'm with you. What do you want me to do?"

Y/N:"For now, keep working for them. U.A will be here shortly, I'm sure about it. If things go south, get out of here."

Dabi:"And you?"

Y/N:"Depends. First, why can't I use my quirks?"

Dabi:"Is a drug. It seems Tomiya is alredy making friends with a yakuza, she didn't explain much. The effects should fade in 20 minutesor so, Tomiya drugged you 2 hours ago. It only dissables the quirks momentarely, so don't worry."

Y/N:"Good. If she tries to kill me once I have the quirks, we will both escape. If the drug is still disabling them, only you will get out of here."

Dabi:"What? If I'm going to betray them, I still need someone to help me get a good life. Without you, it's over for me."

Y/N:"Are you really going to risk your life for me?"

Dabi:"Can you make me a hero?"

Y/N:"I will."

Dabi:"Then, better start practising as soon as possible. I will risk my life."

I smiled. Good, I have a chance of getting out of here. For all I know, her quirk is strong. We could escape easily. I only need to hang on for some minutes.

Footsteps were heared coming towards our room.

Y/N:"You know what to do."

Dabi nodded, changing her face from happy, to dead serious.

The door is opened. Kurogiri was there.

Kurogiri:"Take the kid. It's time for him to join us."

Dabi stands up, and goes for my handcuffs.

Dabi:"Y'know, Kuro, I doubt this is going to work."

Kurogiri:"I doubt it too, but orders are orders."

Dabi threw the handcuffs away, and helped me stand up. With her help, we made our way to what seems like a bar. Dabi helped me sit on a chair, gently dropping me on it.

Tomiya:"Dabi. Put the other dose on him."


Dabi:"Pardon me?"

Tomiya:"I said, put the other dose on him. You deaf or something?"

Dabi:"I'm on it."

Dabi grabbed a dose of what I guess it's the drug from Tomiya's hand. She git close to me, and made everyone think she injected it on me. What she really did is, quickly get the vial out, spill it's contents on the ground, behind the chair, and put the vial on the device again.

After that, she gave the device to inject the drug back to Tomiya again.

Tomiya:"You took your time."

Dabi:"Next time do it yourself then."

Some type of... lizard spoke.

Lizard:"Can we get to the point alredy?! I have things to do!"

Tomiya:"Shut it, ninja turtle. After my... reunion with All for One, we came to a conclussion."

All for One? Isn't that All Might quirk, but backwards?


Here it comes. Thankfully, my quirk started working now, using Ryuko's quirk to heal my wound.

Tomiya:"You alredy saw what your... oh so callds heroes are capable of doing. Nothing else but chaos, and destruction, pain and suffering. Our plan is to make a new world, were people can use their quirks freely."

Y/N:"The hell? What do you think this is, the wild west or something?"

Tomiya:"Ah, yes. The wild west. The perfect utopia." *Tomiya gets close to me, her forehead almost touching mine.* "Join me, and I'll make sure, you can get your-"

Tomiya suddenly stopped talking. She was looking straight at my neck, her eyes widened. Did she...

Tomiya:"Dabi.... where did you inject Y/N the drug?"


I glanced at her. Dabi looked at me, and nodded. Well, time to get serious.

I headbutt Tomiya, pushing her back. Using my palms, I threw an explsion to Mr. Compress and Kurogiri, who tried to stop me.

Before the others could attack me, Dabi burned the ground, the fire slowly spreading through the building.

Kurogiri:"What are you doing, Dabi?!"

Dabi kicked Toga, launching her towards Tomiya, who dodged the human projectile. Dabi jumped through the fire she made, standing besides me.

Dabi:"Sorry, what he offers is way more interesting than the deal we made."

Ninja Turtle:"You traitorous bitch! I'll have your head for that!"

Dabi:"Come and get it, Scaly."

Dabi and I aimed at the villains, if they dare to move just a little bit, we would burn everything to ashes.

Tomiya's face was filled with hatred, her eyes focused on Dabi.

Tomiya:"Ah... I see now... this is what you wanted since the beginning, right? You wanted him all for yourself... well, I have bad knews for ya, you ain't getting out of here alive... bitch."

Dabi:"We'll see..."

The tension in the room increased drasticly, everyone was really nervous, one movement, and we could all die...


???:"Hey, the pizza is here."


Tomiya:"Who the fuck ordered pizza?!"

Ninja Turtle:"Not me."

Toga:"I don't like pizza."

Magne:"I'm not hungry."

Kurogiri:"I can't eat."

I glanced at Dabi, smirking.

Dabi:"It wasn't me, Y/N. I don't know who that is."

Y/N:"Oh, but I know."


Y/N:"The cavalry is here, love."

As soon as I said that, a giant arm punched the wall, knocking the Lizard out.

All Might:"It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!"


Magne and Toga tried to attack him, but Kamui Woods appeared, restraining them.

Kamui:"No you don't!"

Tomiya:"Kurogiri, portal!"

But Kurogiri didn't answer. He was knocked out.


Edgeshot was behind Kurogiri, who passed out on the bar thanks to his new technique. Tomiya tried to get him, but Kamui restrained her before she did something bad.

Edgeshot looked at Dabi, who lowered her guard upon seeing the heros. He tried to attack her, but I got in the way.

Y/N:"She's with us! She helped me escape! I promise!"

The heroes looked at me, confused.

All Might:"You helped young L/N?"

Dabi, intimidated by All Might, nodded.

All Might:"Thank you."

Dabi's eyes widened. She didn't expect the greatest hero to thank her.

Dabi:"N-no problem..."

All Might:"All right, now- young L/N!"


Some type of dark portal appeared below me. Dabi tried to save me, but the portal took both of us in.

We fell on some type of... destroyed warehouse. More portals opened around us, the villains falling through them. Some of them started to gain consciousness.

Y/N:"Dabi, what's happening?!"

Dabi:"I have no idea, Y/N..."

???:"My oh my... if it isn't the famous Y/N..."

Dabi and I turned our heads, to see... what can be described as Pure Evil... the aura of malice around him was enough to scare both of us... and he only spoke.

Dabi:"T-this is not good..."

Y/N:"W-who are you?!"

???:"Ah, of course, where are my manners? I'm the true leader of the League of Villains, also known as... All for One."

The other villains stood up, surrounding us. All of them were really angry.

All for one:"Shigaraki, it seems your... toy over there didn't joined you as expected. I brought it here to make him join you. But, why is one of your companions with him?"

Tomiya:"She betrayed us."

All for one:"I see. I have zero tolerance for traitors. The boy can live. The girl..."

He instantly appeared in front of Dabi, who didn't have enough time to react.

All for one:"CAN DIE!"

All for one threw a punch at her. Everything moved at slow motion...

I have to save her! I can't just stay here!


I moved in front of Dabi, fast enough to block the punch. The amount of power that punch had was enough to launch both Dabi and I towards some debris. The punch... broke my arm...



Dabi kneeled besides me, gently putting her hands on my broken arm.

All for one:"Oh my, to take such an attack, and still be alive... he really is something else..."

Tomiya:"Boss! Please, let us handle this! He... he is..."

All for one:"I know, I know... make it quick, young one... we don't have much time."

Tomiya:"Yes, sir."

The villains started running towards us, killing intent in their eyes.

Dabi:"Y/N, I'm gonna recolocate your arm, okay?"

Y/N:"Do it quIICK, AHH!"

Dabi didn't let me finish the sentence, putting my arm in the right way. We both get up, ready to fight.

Y/N:"This is my fault... if I haven't talked to you... you wouldn't have to-"

Dabi:"No time for this. I alredy told you, I'll risk my life, so buckle up, we must focus here."

Yeah, we have to-

A sudden explosion strikes the villains, sending them into the air.

All for one:"Ah, I was wondering when will you appear... All Might..."

All for One forced Kurogiri's body to create a portal, sending all the villains, except himself out of here.

All Might:"Young Y/N... get your friend, and leave this place..."

Y/N:"I would really like to, but, I don't think he is going to let us go."

???:"And that's why we are here!"

Dabi and I turned our heads... my friends, came to my rescue... even Ryu...

Ryuko:"Y/N! You are fine! C'mon, let's get out of here!"


Dabi:"Later, Todoroki. I'm with you now."

All for one:"Oh, a family reunion... how cute..."

All for one's body started to twist and make weird sounds. His body started to transform into... something really weird...

All for One:"Insolent worms, I'll make all of you a question... do you know what a Kamui is?"

His suit created red fibers. These fibers enveloped him, giving All for One a new form...

All for One:"Come, heros..."

All for One:"...I'll he happy to tell you the answer!"

All for One charged at us so fast, it seems he  was teleporting. Not even All Might managed to react on time.

All for One made punched All Might on the face, launching him towards us. Dabi dodged to the right, while I dodged to the left.

All for One:"Boo."

As soon as I stand up, he was right in front of me. All for one grabbed me, and threw me inside the warehouse ruins, were the knocked out villains are. He lifted me up like nothing.



All Might:"No... get out of here..."

Ryuko:"What?! Y/N could be-"


Dabi:"Make sure he makes it out alive."

All Might:"I promise. Now, take the kids with you, and run away from here"

Dabi nodded, and ordered the others to move. At first, they hesitated, since she was a villain, but they ended up following her.

All Might entered the destroyed warehouse, searching All for One or your whereabouts. He heared fighting noises inside the ruins, so he decided to follow them.


All for One:"HAHAHAHA! Yes, keep going! I want to see what your limit is! Keep fighting, and I may let you live..."

All Might couldn't believe his eyes, you were fighting this new form of All for one, even if it didn't seem you were winning, you managed to keep him at bay for a while.

All Might joined the fight, interrumpting a deadly blow from the villain with a punch to the cheek, giving you enough time to catch your breath.

All Might:"Young L/N, go, now!"

Y/N:"All Might... do you know what my limit with Overdrive is?"

All Might:"Why would that matter now?!"

Y/N:"The last time I trained... I passed out at Overdrive times 7... I'm currently at 15..."

All Might:"What?"

You laughed, smiling at All Might.

Y/N:"I'm... I'm not getting out of here alive, teacher."

All Might:"No! Don't say that! There's always a-"

All for One:"So... we could say, you surpassed your limits?"

All for One punched both of you, sending each of you to the ground. All Might got up as quick as he could, assaulting All for One with a barrage of punches, all of them doing nothing.

While both of them were fighting each other, All Might doing his best to dodge the attacks, you got up, incresing Overdrive for 18, and sending an explosion towards All for One.

All for One:"You know... it's actually impressive..."

All for One managed to kick All Might away, a loud crack could be heared when his leg impacted All Might's ribs.

All for One:"Even if there's no way for you two to win this battle..."

You tried to help All Might by sending fire and ice at All for One. Even if the flames and the ice you sended were bigger than skyscrapers. It didn't matter tho, since he was behind you alredy.

All for One:"You two keep trying..."

All for One punched you in the back, and then on the head, throwing you to the ground. You increased Overdrive by 19, instantly healing the wounds you recieved. You quickly kicked All for One, but he grabbed your foot, stopping the attack.

All for One:"Maybe, it could be out of desesperation..."

He started to add pressure on his hold, slowly breaking your foot. You shouted in pain, unable to escape his grasp. Thankfully, All Might recovered in time to stop him, punching him hard enough to send him some meters away from you.

All for One:"Or, maybe, you really think you can win..."

All Might rushed him, creating a tornado with his punch. All for One didn't care at all, dissipating the tornado with a simple move of his hand. After that, he kicked All Might in the chest, and used his hand to throw a fireball at him, launching him towards you.

All for One:"But, in the end... sometimes, it doesn't matter how much you try..."

All for One appeared above you two. He sended a big fireball at your bodies, but you quickly recovered, powered up by 30, and tanked the hit.

All for One:"Sometimes..."

All for One appeared right next to you, his palm on your ear. It was shining in red, which means, he is creating a fireball.

All for One:"You just can't win."

All Might tackles you, the fireball hitting his side. It was so powerful, it almost drained him from his power on one hit.

You tried to get up, but All for One placed a foot on your chest.

All for One:"Still... is a shame... Tomiya was too obssesed with you... but, did you really think I was going to let you live? The truth is..."

All for One:"The game was rigged from the start."

Y/N:"I-Indeed, asshole."

All for One:"What?"

Thousends upon thousends of debris, rocks, metal pillars, wood... whatever you could think of started to launch themselves towards All for One, piercing his body. All for One tried to move, but it was too late, some metals pierced his legs, stopping him.

You managed to free yourself, rolling away from him. You simply stared at him, looking how what was once a building, started to pile on him, suffocating him.

Silence. You couldn't hear anything. It was all over.

You slowly moved towards All Might, who was impressed at your work. He tried to get up, but he couldn't, he was too badly damaged.

Is it?

All for One:"RAH!"

All for One managed to break everything you threw at him. Hatred on his eyes, he stared at you from affar.

All for One:"I'M TIRED OF THIS!"

All for One started reuniting thousends of quirks on his hand, a black laser forming in the center of his hand.

All for One:"THIS ENDS, NOW!"

He threw the big laser at you... it was too big, you can't dodge it in time...

This is it... you can't dodged that. You will die.

But you refused.


You can't die now. Not till he is down. The laser hitted you, but it didn't damage you at all. Both All Might and All for One were shocked, not expecting you to actually survive that.

You were certain of something. Once you deactivate Overdrive, is over for you, but, you won't go out without a bang. You started to accumulate as much energy as you can in your left arm, completely covering it in flames. The flames started to go around your body, fully envolving it in fire.

All for One:"W-what?! This can't be possible!"

You thought the same. You didn't know if Ryuko's quirk saved you. Maybe, this is just a dream, and you are alredy dead... but, to you, it didn't matter. If you loose, who knows how many lives could he take till somebody stops him? If he gets stopped at all... you had to defeat him.

Everyone was cheering for you. From the people who tried to rescue you, from those that couldn't. Midnight, and the rest of your teachers, were shouting at the T.V, hoping you could win. The pro heros were watching from affar, cheering at you, All Might, who was behind you, tried to calm you down, telling you to calm down, and focus.

You... you could even hear... them.

Mom:"It's okay, sweetie, you will do just fine!"

Dad:"Remember, my son. You must save as many people as you can, whatever the cost is. That is..."

Y/N:"What means... being a true hero..."

You focused all your fire in one big laser, as big as an entire stadium. All for One created one too, trying to push back yours...


Y/N:"Overdrive. Times 400."

The laser got even bigger, obliterating both All for One's laser, and himself...

Once you stopped, there was nothing left of All for One.... you won.

Everyone roared in victory. This, wasn't just your victory, but humanity's victory. You saved everyone...

But... all good things must come to an end.

Overdrive deactivated.

Your body fell to the ground, lifeless. All Might reunited all the strength he had left, and rushed at you. He tried to wake you up, but there was no response.

He checked your pulse...


The entire world couldn't believe what they were seeing. A kid, a kid had to save them all... and he couldn't live to see it...

You saved them, you give them hope. And know...

It's their time to save you.

The Kiryuins arrive at the scene. Satsuki saw Y/N's lifeless body in All Might's arms. She almost broke down right there, but she had a plan in case you ever died.

Satsuki:"All Might..."

All Might:"...even know... you must seek a fight?"

Satsuki:"I didn't come here to fight you."

All Might:"Then?"

Satsuki:"I have a plan. To save him."

All Might:"You can't. He is dead. Unless you can bring back the dead from their graves, of course..."

Satsuki:"That's exactly what am I going to do."

All Might:"Your sense of humour is despiacable."

Satsuki:"Do you really think I'm joking?"

All Might:"...I'm all ears."

Satsuki told All Might her plan. At first, he thought she was crazy, but, if they wanted Y/N back, there was no other way. All Might accepted, and gave your corpse to Satsuki. He will take responsability for whatever Satsuki was going to do with you.

The pros arrived at the scene, just in time to Ira Gamagori gently carrying your body towards a helicopter. The pros were devastated. They came here to rescue you, and, in the end, it was you who gave your life to save them.

All Might explained Satsuki's plan to those who knew about the Kiryuins, and their special way of achieving powers. Once he returned to U.A, he explained it to Aizawa, and the other heroes aswell... but it didn't help.

All Might himself was dissapointed in himself, Aizawa couldn't get even one hour of sleep. Midnight cried all night.

And your friends... they were in a worse shape.

Katsuki, Momo, Jiro and Ochako broke in tears, heartbroken. Shoto didn't believed you were dead, you had to be alive. You had to.

Dabi, even if she didn't know you too much, was sad aswell. Just when she finds someone who doesn't see her as a tool... this happened.

Eijira, went to U.A. She wanted to talk with All Might. Maybe, he knows how to bring you back! That's why he gave you to Satsuki, right?

The rest of your friends... Tokoyami, Shoji, Ojiro... they all suffered in silence, mourning their friend, or crying on their own.

And Ryuko?

She... her mind almost broke again. She blamed herself for your death, it was too much for her to handle. She even attempted suicide, but Midnight stopped her in time, telling her about All Might's plans of brining you back.

Even if it could happen.. she cried all day. If only she controlled her rage... you would still be here...

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N's Mom and Dad, hugging his son, proud of him.


Satsuki:"I don't care, Iori. Can you do it, or not?"

Iori:"Yes, I can. The life fibers your mother introduced in him when he was young are still there, just dormant."

Satsuki:"Why are they dormant?"

Iori:"No idea, they weren't supposed to be like this. Maybe, his father managed to do it? I have no clue."

Satsuki:"Whatever. Wake them up, save Y/N."

Iori:"Wait, Lady Satsuki, there's a chance-."

Satsuki:"I know, the life fibers could consume his body, instead of giving life to him, I know. Now, do it."

Iori pulled a switch, activating a machine connected to a tube filled with liquid. Inside that big tube, you were in it.

The machine made some sounds in a frequency impossible for a human to hear. After a couple of seconds, the machine stopped.

Satsuki:"That's it? Nothing happened."

Iori:"Wait a moment..."

Something inside of you started to change. Your veins shined a crimson red. The color in your body started to appear again.

Satsuki:"Iori, what's happening."

Iori:"Lady Satsuki... I think we... we..."

Satsuki:"What, Iori? We what?"

We actually brought him back...

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