Chapter 32. Notice me, Y/N

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Aizawa:"That's basicly what you are going to do this day. Good luck."

We were in front of Shoto's house, inside a limo, alongside Aizawa, Dabi and All Might. Since we have to get the parent's permissions for the dorms, we will split up and cover more ground. Dabi will come with me.


Dabi and I got out of the limo, and walked towards Shoto's house.



Dabi looks uncomfortable, like, she didn't want to be here.

Dabi:"I'm gonna pass on Shoto's father. I'll wait outside."

Y/N:"Something's wrong?"

Dabi:"N-no. Is just... I don't wanna do this one."

Y/N:"You know I'll be there, right? You don't have to worry about anything, I'll do the talking."

Dabi:"Thank you, Y/N, but please, understand... I can't enter there."

She looked so desesperate and vulnerable... what's wrong with Endeavour? What happened here?

Y/N:"Okay, wait outside. It won't take long."

Dabi:"Thank you."

I ring the Todoroki's doorbell. Big footsteps approached the other side of the door. Once it opened, it revealed Endeavour in casual clothes.

Endeavour:"The suicidal hero. What do you want?"
Y/N:"It's Jinketsu, jackass. I'm now a teacher in U.A. I came here to talk about your daughter."

Endeavour grunted, letting me in. I followed him through his house. The entire house resembled an old japanese house. He guided me to his living room. I took a place in the kotatsu, in front of him.



Shoto opened the door, annoyed.

Shoto:"No need to shout, old ma- Y/N!"

Shoto quickly sat next to me, hugging my arm. She rubbed her head on it, purring like a cat? Huh?

Endeavour:*Sigh* "Let's just get this over with... the hell you want?"

Y/N:"Simple. I came here to ask your permission to let Shoto sleep in our new dorms we are-"

Endeavour:"That's why you came here? For that stupidity? Do as you will, I don't care where she sleeps. But, you are her teacher now, so you will take responsabilty."

Y/N:"Of course. I'll take care of her."

Shoto:"I know you will, darling."

Y/N:"S-Shoto, please, not in front of your father... specially when I'm working."

Shoto:"Now I realise... I'm dating my teacher... that's kinda lewd... and hot."


Y/N:"...thanks for your hospitality, Mr. Todoroki. I'll take my leave."

Endeavour:"You better."

Shoto:"Wait, wait, wait, not a timeskip, please no-"

Timeskip brought to us by Shoto, fixing a wall.

Y/N:"Finally! It's over!"

Dabi and I were exiting Hirashi's house. All of the parents agreed on letting their childs sleep in the dorms.

Dabi:"It wasn't that bad. How many parents did we greet?"

I start walking towards U.A, while thinking about Dabi's question

Y/N:"Let's see... Endeavour.... Hirashi's parents..."

Dabi:"Ochako's parents. They were really nice..."

Y/N:"So were Sero and Momo's. By the way, didn't Momo's dad gave you a weird feeling?"

Dabi:"What do you mean?"

Y/N:"I don't know... there was something off about him..."

Dabi:"I'm sure it's nothing too important."

Y/N:"I guess."


I grab my phone, and answer the call.

Dabi:"You gotta change that ringtone..."


???:"7 days..."


Denki:"Hahaha, it's me, Y/N, don't worry! Did I scare you?"



Y/N:"Did you call me for this bullshit man?"

Denki:"Of course not! We are planning on celebrating Halloween! Remember? That holiday were everyone scare each other and dress up like monsters and stuff?"

Y/N:"I know what Halloween is."

Dabi:"Ugh, I hate that kid..."

Denki:"Guess what? Mineta and I have planned a party! Tomorrow, we will all move in, right?"


Denki:"Then, after moving in, we could buy our costumes, and be ready for the party!"

Y/N:"Sure. Are we all going?"

Denki:"Only the boys. The girls will go their own way."

Y/N:"Cool. See you tomorrow, Pika-Pika."

Denki:"Fuck off man. See you tomorrow too!"

Denki ended the call. I noticed happiness when I said yes, so I know he's really excited about this. Sometimes, he can actually think about something different besides girls...

Dabi:"I guess, you have plans for tomorrow?"

Y/N:"So do you."

We finally arrive at U.A. We keep walking to the dorms while chatting.

Dabi:"Y/N, I'm not dressing up in a dumb costume."

Y/N:"So, you are saying Halloween is dumb?"

Dabi:"Yes, it is."

Hahahaha, you fool!

Y/N:"What a shame... I thought you would be sexy dressed up as a zombie..."

Dabi widened her eyes. A lightbulb appeared on top of her hea-wait what?!

Dabi:"So, if I dress up as a zombie... you would think it's sexy, right?"


Dabi:"Okay. I'll dress up as a zombie, and you have sex with me. Got it? Yes? Cool, I'll see you tomorrow."


Dabi dashed towards the exit, only god knowing where is she going.

What have I done?!

Timeskip brought to us by Tsuyu, dressing up as Venom.

Sitting on my bed, I was trying to find something good to see in T.V, but, there was nothing to see.

T.V:"BREAKING NEWS: Man is literally to angry to di-"

Y/N:"Boring..." *Changes channel.*

T.V:"What a fucking ni-"

Y/N:"Hell no!" *Changes channel.*

T.V:"I've come here to make an announcement. Shadow the Hedgehog is a bitch ass motherfu-"



Y/N:"Door's open."

Ochako opens the door, surprising me.

Y/N:"Alredy here, Ochako? Aren't you supposed to come here tomorrow?"

Ochako quickly lays on me, smiling.

Ochako:"Yeah, but I asked Aizawa if I could move in a little more early, and he agreed."


Ochako:"I wanted to pass some time with you... by myself..."

Shit... I haven't passed time with her at all... okay, today, I'm spending more time with her.

I hug her, rubbing her back softly. Turning the T.V off, I put the remote away, focusing only on Ochako.

Ochako:"I've heared you have plans with Jiro."

Y/N:"Yeah. Tomorrow, on Denki's party, I have something special for her."

Ochako:"I see..."

Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?!

Y/N:"But, that doesn't matter now! This day, is only for you! Let's see..."

I sat up, Ochako on my lap. She curiously looked at my face, patiently waiting for my idea.

Y/N:"Oh, I know! You like cooking, right?"

Ochako:"A lot."

Y/N:"Then, why don't we bake a cake! We would be the first ones on testing the kitchen!"

Ochako sweetely smiled, liking the idea.

Ochako:"Sure! Let's go down then!"

Ochako grabbed my hand, dragging me outside my room, towards the elevator with an astounsing amount of strength. I never knew she was this strong...

Ochako:"Can the cake be made out of chocolate? Pleeease?"

Y/N:"Anything for you, dear."


Ochako was so nervous, she pressed the first floor button 5 times. She was really happy, and we are just cooking...

Have I ignored her that bad?

I hug her from behind, placing my head on top of hers.

Y/N:"Ochako... can I ask you something?"

Ochako:"Of course!"

Y/N:"Did you felt... ignored? Or left out? If you did... I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to-"


Ochako turned around, putting her finger on my lips.

Ochako:"You didn't do it on purpose, love. It's okay, I'm not angry or something." *Gives me a quick kiss* "Now, you said this day is all mine, right? Then, let's focus on having fun together, okay?"

Y/N:"Yeah, let's."

I don't deserve you.

The elevator doors opened. Ochako grabbed my hand, dragging me to the kitchen, this time, her hold was different. Instead of the excitement, she was... embarrassed?

Ochako:"W-we are going to eat the cake today... right?"

Y/N:"Yeah, why?"

Ochako:"W-well... there's something I wanted to try once we are eating it..."


Ochako:"Y-you'll see... let's just focus on baking it, okay?"

Y/N:"Allright, here we go!"

Ochako and I made an amazing cake. While doing so, we had our fun, thanking the gods I decided to put on an apron, since we made a mess on the kitchen. Both Ochako and I had chocolate on our faces, and on our aprons. The kitchen was nasty, since we thought it was an amazing idea to use throw flour to each other.

Anyways, the cake was made. And it looks really delicious!

Ochako:"We did it! And it looks great! What do you think, Y/N?"

I glance at her, noticing her cute pink apron, and how adorable she looked in it.

Y/N:"It kinda does, but..."

Ochako:"But wha- K-KYAA!"

I grabbed her hips, and lifted her up, dropping her next to the cake.

Y/N:"I think I founded what I want to eat first~"

Ochako blushed, realising what I meant.

Ochako:"Y-you pervert! I-I'm too dirty for this! I'm full of chocolate!"

Y/N:"I haven't heared a no?"


Y/N:"Fine by me~"

Not content with her approval, I assaulted her neck, leaving a hickey. Ochako moaned, enjoying the little mark I gave her.

Ochako:"I-If you're finished... could we eat the cake we made?"


Ochako weakly stands from the table, slowly making her way to the dinning room. Have I teased her too much?

I grabbed the cake, and two forks. Following Ochako, I noticed the little smile she had, combined with her red cheeks. She enjoyed that...

Ochako and I sat next to each other on our sofa. I put the dish with the cake on a table in front of us. Then, we both start eating it while chatting.

Ochako:"You know? I feel like... I'm married to you, this is our house, and we are just enjoying our life... I like this feeling."

Y/N:"I wouldn't mind making you feel like that more often. If possible, for the rest of our lives."

Ochako gasped, widening her eyes. They got a little watery, tears of happiness threatening to fall.

Ochako:"D-did you just said... what I think you said?"

Y/N:"Ochako, once all of this is over... would you-"


Y/N:"H-huh? Is there something wrong?"

Ochako:"Not at all. Is just... I want it to be a little more special. Once you confess... I want it to be a day I will cheerish for the rest of my life, so, would you mind, waiting for our graduation?"

Y/N:"Hehe, okay, as you wish, dear..."

Ochako smiled, giving me a little kiss on the cheeks. She's soo cute...

Ochako:"Hey, Y/N. A question."


Ochako:"Are you going to marry your entire harem?"

Y/N:"W-well, I don't know... I guess, I'll have to..."

Ochako:"Those are going to be a lot of weddings..."

Y/N:"Yeah... w-wow, now I realised, I'll have to marry all of you! Oh my god."

Ochako:"Hehe, this is your burden, Y/N! You signed a deal with the devil!"

Y/N:"I have no regrets."

Ochako:"Hey, Y/N."


Ochako:"You haven't done anything with our new teacher... right?"


Ochako:"You aren't planning to, right?"



Timeskip brought to us by a chibi Ochako making angry little Ochako noises.

1 day later...

Dabi:"Wake up, teacher. Time to work."

Y/N:"...five more minutes..."

Dabi:"No, wake up, now. What's on your chest? You got fat or something?"

Dabi removed the bed sheets, and widened her eyes.

Dabi:"Y-Y/N..  she's a student!"

Ochako was on my chest, peacefully sleeping, dressed in some cute pink pijamas.

Y/N:"Yeah... and two weeks ago I was one too...tch, god damnit, now I'm fully wake... ugh... Ochako, sweetie, wake up..."

Ochako:"No... please, dad, don't wake me up... five more minutes..."


Y/N:"S-She didn't mean it like that!"

Ochako:"Yeah~ like that..."

Dabi:"Are you sure about that?"


Ochako suddenly jumps from the bed, scared.

Ochako:"W-WHAT'S GOING ON?!"

Dabi:"Time to wake up, ki-"


Ochako runs to the door, and leave the room, scared.


Y/N:"You okay there?"


Y/N:"I'll take that as a yes. C'mon, let's go down and meet the other students."

I got up, still on my pjs too, and went to the elevator in the hallway with Dabi. She was in a bad mood.

Dabi:"I haven't put my makeup yet..."

Y/N:"I-I'm sure Ochako didn't mean it!"


I pressed the button to the first floor, axiously wanting to get out of here before Dabi gets angry. She's scary.

Dabi:"I'm gonna make her a zombie, permanently."

Y/N:"N-No offense, but a zombie is a zombie perma-"

Dabi:"Shut. Up."

Y/N:"Gotcha, ma'am.'


Her face changed from angry, to aroused in just a moment.

Dabi:"I like how that sounds..."

Y/N:"Dabi, it's too early in the morning!"

Dabi:"Hmpf. There's always an excuse..."

Finally, the elevator opened, letting both of us out. Everyone from Class A was alredy in, except the teacher.




Iida:"Class Representant!"



Y/N:"Where's Aizawa?"

Momo handed me a note written by him.

Momo:"He left that note for you."

Y/N, if you are reading this, fuck you.

Oh, and I'm not going to teach anything today. Something came up with the Kiryuins, and it directly links with your little exhibitionist girlfriend, Satsuki, and whoever is behind the Kamuis.

Be a good boy, and take care of the kiddos, kiddo.

With hate, Aizawa.

Y/N:*Sigh* "I hate him. I really do."

Momo:"What's wrong?"

Y/N:"Nothing too bad. Okay, everyone, listen up. Pick a room, and leave your things there. Once you all finished unpacking, we will meet here, and discuss something before buying the Halloween costumes. Move it, lads!"

Everyone salutated like if they were soldiers, and quickly went to pick a room.

Momo:"Finally, we can live together..."

Y/N:"I was talking to you too, Momo."

Momo:"O-oh... I'm on it!"

Momo left, embarrassed.

Y/N:"Dabi, are you going to talk to them any time soon, or are you gonna just stand next to me like a pet?"

Dabi:"I wouldn't mind if you treat me like one..."

Y/N:"Girl, this is just ridiculous."

Katsuki:"Hey, cheater..."

Katsuki softly grabbed my hand. It was rare, since she usually does it with quite the grip.

Katsuki:"Could you help me unpack? And we talk for a bit too?"

Y/N:"Sure. Chose a room alredy?"

Katsuki started moving towards the elevator. Dabi left, going towards the kitchen. I obviously followed Kat.

Katsuki:"I was thinking of getting one on the fourth floor."


Katsuki:"That way, I can be closer to you."

Y/N:"Makes sense."

We entered the elevator, and Katsuki pressed the button. When the doors closed, she suddenly hugged me, pushing me towards the wall.

Y/N:"Katsuki? What's wrong?"

Katsuki:"There has to be something wrong for me to hug you?"

Y/N:"No, but, it was so all of the sudden..."

Katsuki:"You... I don't get used to you getting hospitalized everytime there's a villain involved in our lifes, you know?"


Katsuki:"I just... wanted to have some time with you... that's all..."

I returned the hug, rubbing her back.

Y/N:"I understand. We can have all the time you want."

Katsuki:"As long as you help me unpack, I'll be happy. Don't need anything else."

Y/N:"As you wish."

The doors finally opened, letting us see the entire female part of the class figthing to see who gets one of the five rooms.

Ryuko:"Bitches, I lived with Y/N, it makes sense for me to get the one closer to him!"

Izuki:"I'm his childhood friend! It makes more sense that I get him!"

Eijira:"Even if I'm in the harem, I haven't done anything with him in ages! It's only fair that I get it!"

Jiro:"Well, you at least did something, I couldn't even get a date with him, so I'm getting this room, no matter what."

Momo:"Since Y/N is a teacher now, I'm the class representant. As one, I'm above all of you hoes, so fuck off."

Sheesh, didn't know she had it in her...

Hirashi:"You have 1 minute till I brainwash everyone here, and get a room."

Mina:"This is the only chance I have to have my revenge! I can't let this opportunity pass, so back away, fiends!"

Tsuyu:"Get in the line, I want him too, Kero."



While all the girls argued, Katsuki and I simply entered one of the rooms, the girls not noticing us.

Katsuki placed her various suitcases on her new bed. She had four. She was dragging four suitcases with her... she really amazes me sometimes.

Kastuki:"Y/N, could you please help me unpack the red one? It has clothes inside, put them in the wardrobe, please."

I went to open it, while chatting with her.

Y/N:"You're going to let me order your clothes?"

Katsuki:"I trust you."

Y/N:"Fair enough."

Inside, there was more than enough clothes for any situation. Winter and summer clothes, such as hoodies or T-shirts, underwear, bikinis... there was a lot of different clothes.

I put the in the drawer by categories. Underwear in one place, shirts and T-shirts in other one... I checked through Katsuki's wardrove once, and I remembered how she had her things ordered. Why did I look through her wardrove? No fucking reason.

Katsuki:"Hehe, look at this."

I turn around, and see what Katsuki had in her hands. It's my own action figure.

Y/N:"You bought that?"

Katsuki:"Yeah, I asked Mina where she bought one, and got this cutie for myself."

Y/N:"Why have that figure, when you could have me?"

Katsuki:"Well, the figure isn't fucking 10 more girls besides me, you know?"

Y/N:"Fair point."

Katsuki:"That's not all! I asked Momo to made this! Look at this!"

She got a pillow, with me on it. Wait, wha-

Y/N:"What the hell is that."

Katsuki:"Mina said is a... "Dakimakura" or something like that."

I'm gonna have some words with her.

Author notes:

Sorry boys, today's chapter will be short. I'm busy with studies, and I can't delay this chapter anymore. Next one will be it's usual length. Author out.

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