Chapter 34. Lady Satsuki's needs

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Y/N:"Now... you know what to do. Talk. NOW!"

Spinner suddenly started to laugh, like if I said the funniest joke on earth.

Spinner:"I won't talk... but there's one thing I can say... you should get prepared, for doomsday..."

Y/N:"What are you talking about?"

Spinner:"You'll see..."

A door was opened by force behind me. Ryuko, along with Midnight and All Might entered the warehouse, sweat running on their foreheads thanks to my flames heat.

All Might appeared right next to me, making a huge wave of wind around the warehouse. The wind extinguished the flames, the warehouse was engulfed by darkness once again.

All Might:"I see you caught a lizard."


All Might:"I'll take care of this, kiddo. Go back with Midnight, you should rest."

I nodded, dissapointed by Spinner's answers, yet, that "doomsday" he mentioned caught me off guard. The hell does it mean?

I walked towards Nemuri and Ryuko. As soon as I was near them, they hugged me, worried sick for me. Ryuko had dried tears on her face. Sigh...

Midnight:"Are you alright?"

Y/N:"Yeah, he didn't had a chance against me. Still, didn't get what I wanted... I think I told you two to not follow me."

Ryuko:"You really thought we would stay behind after what we saw in those recordings?!"

Y/N:"Not really."

Midnight:"He said anything?"

I turned around, looking at Spinner. He was handcuffed, and currently being dragged outside by All Might.

Y/N:"Just nonsense and insults. The usual." *Sigh* "It was a waste of time..."

Midnight:"You'll find your answers, Y/N, I'm sure of it, but try to rest a little to. Please?"

Y/N:"Fine. Lead the way."

Doomsday... huh?

Timeskip brought to us by Ryuko scolding Y/N for escaping, while the boy completely ignored her.

Two days later...

Spinner got captured and arrested, moving him to Tartarus, a high-security prision away of civilisation, were dangerous villains are. Still, the rest of the League of Villains were oddly silent... no sudden attacks, no sudden events... like if they never existed to begin with...

This world is better without them anyways...

Currently, we are at the gym. Aizawa wants to teach the students "ultimate moves" for a preparation exam between schools, and the requirements for them to participate are those ultimate moves. Sadly, since I'm not a student anymore, I won't participate. It looks like fun, and it's what I need right now.

Sitting on a bench nearby, I stared at my friends doing their moves. Izuki started using her legs more often, throwing really powerful kicks, deadly enough to destroy rocks Cementos created to test our moves. Katsuki concentrated her explosions, doing one much smaller, but it was so strong it actually penetrated through an entire pillar of rocks. 

AP shot she called it.

Little bt little, they all created their own moves. One catched my eye tho, it was Ryuko's Ultimate move. She managed to transform Senketsu into different forms, like one with blades on her feet and hands, or another one showing less skin, with armour all around herself.

Whenever she was transforming, she always glances at me, and smirks.

Is she trying to impress me?


Dabi sat next to me, looking at our friends doing experimenting with their moves, trying to create powerful moves.


Dabi:"They haven't founded special moves yet?"

Y/N:"Some of them have." 

I point at Tokoyami, who is enveloped in Dark Shadow, using him as some type of armour. Dark Shadow's arms engulfed Tokoyami's arms, giving him access to his claws. Tokoyami's weakness were melee focused combatants, such as Eijira. With those claws, he can fight them easily.

Y/N:"Others are on the right path."

I point at Izuki, figuring out she can fire waves of wind with her hands.

Y/N:"And others founded too many..."

I point at Ryuko, who's just making weird poses while changing into different outfits she's creating.

Dabi laughed. She never does...

Y/N:"What about you?"

Dabi:"I have more my own techniques aswell, don't worry about that. You?"

Y/N:"Overdrive works as my Ultimate move. Besides, I can spend the time watching them experiment with their quirks, and I'll learn something. Like Katsuki's AP shot. That's quite interesting..."

Dabi figured out what was I really doing.

Dabi:"Cheeky bastard, you're letting them create new moves for you to copy."

I smirked at her.

Y/N:"Well, my quirk is copy, after all."

She giggled a bit. We continued looking at the others, seeing some of their new improvements. Momo managed to create thosuends of pillars around her body at high velocity, destroying anything nearby her. She copied my move.

Dabi:"Well, well, well, it seems you have competition."

Y/N:"Momo, that's my move!"

Momo grinned, shouting back

Momo:"You copied our quirks, it's the least we could do!"

The others started copying my moves too. Ochako used her quirk to trap a pillar of rocks with bigger rocks, similar to the move I pulled against All for One. Shoto used combined her fire with punches and kicks, similar to the way I fight. Eijira tested her kicks too, finding new ways to fight.

I was proud of them. They are improving at a fast rate. Heh, I'm talking like an actual professor, even if one week ago I was a student still.

Aizawa:"Y/N, come over here for a moment please. You too Ryuko."

Aizawa called both Ryuko and me. Before getting up, Dabi made sure she was going to check on the rest. Walking to Aizawa, I noticed his weird mood. He does not look happy, nor angry. I can't read his emotions...

Aizawa:"Satsuki needs your attention, Y/N."

Ryuko:"What?! What does that bit-"

Aizawa:"Silence. Don't raise your voice, the others could hear."


Aizawa:"It seems she needs help with something related to her mother. I can't send anyone else besides you right now, they are busy at the moment."

Y/N:*Sigh* "How much time am I going to be away?"

Aizawa:"A week or two."

Ryuko:"What?! I'll go with him!"

Aizawa:"No, you have to go through the preparation exam."

Ryuko:"I don't care about that! I'm not letting him alone with her! I'll go!"

Aizawa:"I can't let you-"

Y/N:"It's okay, let her."

Aizawa stared at me, for a couple of seconds. Then, he resumed the conversation.

Aizawa:"If she goes with you, she will become your responsability. Which means, you'll have to take care of her."

Ryuko:"I can fight on-"

Y/N:"I will. What about the exam?"

Ryuko:"HEY! I'M HERE YOU-"

Aizawa:"She will have to go to the Provisional Hero License Course, along with those who fail the exam."

Y/N:"Ryuko, are you truly okay with this?"

Ryuko:"Yes, I don't give a damn about the exam, I just want to make sure he's okay."

Y/N:"Ryuko, I appreciate what you're doing, but you should not become my shadow. There will be a time where you'll have to walk your own path, you know?"

Ryuko:"I'm already doing it, my path just seems to connect with yours."

Senketsu:"That's quite deep for someone as you, Ryuko."

Ryuko lightly pinches her outfit, making poor Senketsu shout in pain.

Y/N:"Okay, as you wish."

I patted her head, making Ryuko smile in content.

Y/N:"When do we leave?"

Aizawa:"Right now."

Ryuko:"W-wait, now?!"

Aizawa:"I'm sorry."

Y/N:"It's okay. Let's go, the Kiryuin awaits us."

Aizawa and I started to walk outside the gym, Ryuko behind us.

Y/N:"What does she wants from me exactly?"

Aizawa:"No idea. I suppose she founded a lead or something. I told her not to put you in danger, specially since you've been resurrected not long ago. She said you won't have to fight anything."

A limousine was waiting for me and Ryuko. She sprinted towards it, getting inside.

Y/N:"I still don't know if I should trust her... part of the incident was her fault."

Aizawa:"To be fair, if the Elite 4 captured you, none of this wouldn't have happened, so blame it on them."

Y/N:"Fair point."

I sat next to Ryuko, who hugged my arm as soon as I sat down. Aizawa waved at me, and signaled the driver to start driving.

Ryuko:"Satsuki sure has money... look at this limo! It's sooo cool!"

Ryuko had a goofey smile, it was so cute, I couldn't resist myself, I had to pat her head again. Not like she cared, since her smile grew.

Y/N:"Hey, Ryu... I'm sorry..."

Ryuko tilted her head, confused.

Ryuko:"What for?"

Y/N:"I ruined your halloween party, and your exam. I'm sorry."

Ryuko:"Hey, don't worry, I rather be with you than being on a party with a perverted little gremlin, or a dumb exam. Besides, I have more fun with you."

She said that in a rather... interesting tone.

Y/N:"Ryuko, you do realise we are going to Satsuki's, right?"

Ryuko:"Imagine doing it in her-"

Senketsu:"Ryuko, I do not recommend annoying Lady Satsuki at all, specially since she seems rather infatuated with Y/N."

Ryuko:"Ugh, I forgot about that. The bitch suddenly likes you. What a way to express her love..."

Y/N:"She... is a weird one, that I give you."

Ryuko:"Weird? Remember she fought us? And the forest? More than weird she's a psycho..."

Y/N:"Hey, watch it, remember she saved my life. She's our ally now."

Ryuko looked at me suspiciously, as if she was trying to figure something out.

Ryuko:"Why are you suddenly protecting her? It's there something you want to tell me, Y/N?"

Y/N:"What? No, there's not."

I can't tell her about the dormitory thing. She won't take it well... like, at all.


The driver stopped. He looked at us, and told us to go out. We were on the embassy already. We went inside the building, Satsuki was there, sitting on a couch, waiting for me to arrive. She looked at Ryuko, unamused. The feeling was mutual tho, since Ryuko glared back at her.

Satsuki:"I only asked for your presence, Y/N."

Ryuko:"Sorry, but I'm not leaving him alone with you."

Satsuki:"You're not the best suited to "protect" him, Ryuko. Specially after last time..."

Ryuko looked at her, her eyes filled with hatred. She clenched her hands, and closed her eyes, trying to calm down.

Ryuko:"I'm not like that. I've changed, now, let's stop talking about me. What the hell do you want from him?"

Satsuki stood up, and signaled us to follow her. We went to the same room of yesterday, where Iori was looking at some cameras. The cameras show footage of the streets of our city, nothing too special.

Satsuki:"Lately, we've been noticing less and less criminal activity around the place."

Ryuko:"That does not seem like a problem to me."

Satsuki:"The thing is, the criminals aren't getting arrested either. They are just... dissapearing."

Ryuko:"Maybe they got scared? All for One it's out of the game, and All Might and Y/N are still around."

Satsuki:"We thought that aswell, till we saw this. Iori, please."

Iori pressed a button, a new recording appearing on screen. Three thugs were talking to Tomiya and Kurogiri. After a couple of minutes, she give them some weird outfits with stars, and took off on one of Kurogiri's portals.

Y/N:"Those uniforms..."

Satsuki:"They are made with life fibers."

Ryuko:"Wait, are those like Senketsu?!"

Satsuki:"No, Senketsu and Junketsu are way more advanced than those uniforms. They only increase the wearer's strength and speed a little."

Iori:"But it's still an increase. Maybe one of them it's not much of a trouble, but hundreds... the heros would be overwhelmed in a couple of seconds, specially if they are organised."

Y/N:"So, what do we do?"

Satsuki:"For now, I want you to patroll with me, see if we can find those two before they recruit more troops to their group. If we want to beat my mother, we will have to do it from the bottom"

Ryuko:"I'll go too."


Ryuko:"Why the sudden change of heart?"


Ryuko:"A couple of weeks ago, we were enemies. You tried to kidnapp him, multiple times. Now, you help him?"

Satsuki smiled, and placed her hand on my cheek.


Satsuki:"I only wanted him. After all, he's the one I truly love. You already know that, right, Y/N?"

Y/N:*GULP* "U-um, yeah, I do."

Ryuko:"H-Huh?! What is she talking about, Y/N?!"

Satsuki grabbed my hand, dragging me outside.

Satsuki:"Let's say, we had an... interesting encounter. Now, let's go, I called you here to help me patroll around the area to try and find some leads to those two."



Timeskip brought to us by Ryuko and Satsuki, having a staring contest, Y/N in the middle of it.

Ryuko:"You haven't answered my question!"

We were on the streets of Musutafu, looking for any suspicious activity. Satsuki was on my right, holding my hand, looking around the place. Ryuko was on my left, hugging my arm protectively, staring at Satsuki, waiting for her to answer.

Satsuki:"You fool, can you low your voice? I don't wanna make a scene."

Ryuko:"Well, I'm in the mood for some fighting right now! Specially when you had an "encounter" with my boyfriend!"

Satsuki:"If I'm well informed, he isn't "your boyfriend" right? He's on a harem. So, he isn't yours."

Ryuko widened her eyes, and hugged my arm tighter.

Ryuko:"T-that's besides the point! It's not like he can just flirt and bang any girl he wants to! He's on a relationship! Well, on various relationships... okay, on a lot of relationships, but this harem must have a limit, right?"



Satsuki:"If you're finished, I'd like to continue our patroll. In silence."

Ryuko grunted, and started looking around, trying to find anything suspicious.

Y/N:"What are we looking for exactly?"

Satsuki:"Anything out of the ordinary. At this rate, many of the criminals work for my mother, so if we found one, I'm sure we will find some leads to her."

Ryuko:"So, we find an asshole, beat him up, and go home? Cool."

Satsuki:"That's a childlish way of putting it, but yes, that's the plan."

Y/N:"So, we have to do what a hero usually does."


After that conversation, we patrolled the city in silence, not saying anything else. The girls stopped holding me, taking the patroll more seriously than earlier. Eventually, we heared a scream and some explosions on a shop on a street nearby.

Ryuko:*Transforms* "Freaking finally... I was getting bored."

Satsuki:*Transforms* "Let's go."

I got into Overdrive, and protected reinforced myself.

Y/N:"Lead the way."

Satsuki and Ryuko sprinted at high velocity towards where we heared the scream. I climbed a building, and went supported them from the rooftops.

A boy with white hair, dressed up in one of those uniforms was robbing a shop. He is running inside an alleyway. The boy seems to be capable of running at high speeds. Not like it mattered, the moment he entered that alleyway, it was over for him.

I created a wall of ice at the end of the alleyway. He almost crushed on it. He turned around and saw Ryuko and Satsuki walking towards him. They can handle this on their own, so I called the police while they beat him.

Boy:"B-back away you whores! I'll kill both of you!"

Satsuki:"Quite the mouth you have there."

Ryuko:"Oh, this guy is so dead!"

They both unsheathed their weapons, intimidating the boy. Once I the police were on it's way, I dropped down, landing behind the boy.

Y/N:"Hey, let's be quick, okay? The police is on it's way."

The boy turned around, startled by my voice. Once he saw me, he screamed and fell on his butt.


Satsuki:"Then talk. The uniform you're wearing. Where did you get it?"

Boy:"I-I don't know his name! A weird guy made out of black and purple smoke gave me this if I worked for him! It's the truth!"

I can see he isn't lying. He's far too scared to think for a facade. Unless, he's a good actor...

Y/N:"You know, it has been a weird week for me, and I'm not in the mood for interrogations, so, you better tell us the truth, or the police won't find anything left of you when they arrive. WHERE IS HIM!"

I ignited myself, intimidating him even more.

Ryuko:"That's so hot."


Boy:"I-I promise! I don't know! They only gave me this uniform, and made me swore I would work for them! I was testing the uniform on that shop, that's all!"

Ryuko:"That means they have to be nearby!"

Satsuki:"I doubt it. They used Kurogiri's portals move around the city, I'm sure they used them to escape too."


Police eventually arrive, arresting the boy. When we went outside the alleyway, people started eyeing up and down Satsuki and Ryuko, whistling at them, and cheering. Ugh.

I created a blanket, and put it around them, covering them.

Ryuko:"You know we can just go back to our uniforms, right?"


Satsuki:"Thanks, Y/N, you're a life saver."

She patted my head, making me blush a little. Still not used to her showing me her affection...

Y/N:"No problem."

Ryuko:"I-I mean, thanks Y/N! Y-You really helped me out!"

Y/N:"Yeah, yeah, whatever."


I turned around, looking at a detective, dressed in a trenchcoat.

Naomasa:"Greetings. I'm Naomasa Tsukauchi." *Shows his Police badge* "I'm investigating the sudden disapearance of various criminals around the city. I see you're working with Lady Satsuki over here, so I suppose you'd know something about the disappearances?"

I glanced at Satsuki, who faintly negates with her head. Naomasa takes notice of it, making it harder for me to lie at him.

Y/N:"We know someone has been recruiting those criminals, we don't know who, or why. That's why we were patrolling, to find some leads."

Naomasa:"I see. If you ever find anything, it would be helpful if you share that information with the police. Here." *Hands me his phone number* "Here's my number, call me if you find anything."

Naomasa glances at Satsuki, turns around, and goes towards the police car where the boy is being held hostage.

Satsuki:"That man is going to be an annoyance if want to keep things between ourselves."

Ryuko:"A pain in the ass..."

Satsuki:"Alright, we founded nothing. Let's go back home, it's getting late."

A blue and red light appeared inside the blanket. They gave me the blanket, now back on their usual uniforms.

Ryuko's stomach started making sounds. The moment Satsuki and I turned at her, she blushed, embarrassed.

Ryuko:"I-I wouldn't mind getting something to eat..."

Satsuki:"There's food back at home. But, try not to eat everything."

Satsuki and I started walking towards the embassy. Ryuko glared at Satsuki, angry, as always.

Ryuko:"What do you mean?! You know nothing about my appetite!"

Satsuki:"I can imagine it."


Ryuko:"Oh, you're laughing?! It's funny to you?! Well, you're not getting more lovey dovey stuff from me then!"

Y/N:"C'mon Ryu, it was a joke!"

Ryuko pouted, giving me her back.

Satsuki:"Don't worry Y/N, if she doesn't give you "that" stuff, I can."

Satsuki hugged my body, caressing my torso. Ryuko widened her eyes, and threw herself at me, hugging my body too.

Ryuko:"I made up my mind! I take back what I said!"

Satsuki:"Okay, since it seems none of us are backing down, let's do a little bet..."

Satsuki's eyes were... weird. They have a sadistic look on them. I don't like this...

Satsuki:"On my embassy, I have an arena I use to train. You and I will have a "friendly" spar. Whoever wins... gets Y/N during this week."

Ryuko got serious, and nodded.

Y/N:"Wait, aren't we getting a little too-"

Ryuko:"No. This is gonna be payback for what you've done."

Satsuki stopped smiling, looking at Ryuko not as a friend, but as an enemy.

Satsuki:"I couldn't care less about what I've done to you, I only fight to get finally what's rightfully mine, without annoyances in the way, such as you."

Ryuko:"...I fight for something greater than that."

Satsuki chuckled, laughing at Ryuko. We stopped walking at this point, they were looking at each other, barking nonsense

Satsuki:"Greater than my ambitions? What? Passing an exam with perfect score?"

Ryuko:"I'm gonna protect... None of your business."

Satsuki:"Whatever. See you at the arena, Ryuko."

They resumed our walk, not saying anything else. In fact, they didn't even care if I was following them or not. 

Y/N:"Hey, wait up!"

Timeskip brought to us by Satsuki and Ryuko, staring at each other intensely.

After eating on Satsuki's embassy, we went straight to the arena. The dinner was rather arkward. No one said anything while we eated, those two stared at each other, anxious for their fight. When we arrived at the arena, Ryuko stopped in one end of it, and Satsuki on the other one.

I sat on the on the stands, waiting for the two to begin their fight. I was worried, I didn't want Ryuko to get her ass handed, after all, Satsuki is really powerful, and she has Overdrive...

Both of them had their kamuis activated, weapons unsheated

Satsuki glanced at me for a second, and grinned.

Satsuki:"Don't worry, I won't hurt her. Much."

Ryuko:"I'll be fine, Y/N. Watch me wipe the floor with this BITCH!"

Ryuko charged at her, using the thrusters on she created to get really fast to Satsuki. She stood her ground, patiently waiting for Ryuko to come. Once she was too close, Satsuki moved to the left, dodging Ryuko's attack.

Satsuki tried to slash her back, but Ryuko was fast enough to react, turning around and parrying Satsuki's attack. She threw a roundhouse kick followed up by a thrust with her sword. Satsuki ducked and parried Ryuko's attacks, leaving the poor girl undefended. She took the chance and kicked Ryuko on the chest, sending her flying towards a wall.

Ryuko managed to recover before hitting the wall, but Satsuki was already there. She made an upward slash, cutting making a nasty wound on Ryuko's torso. She grunted a bit, and used the momentum she gained from that slash to kick her on the mandible, stunning Satsuki a bit.

The wound started to regenerate, but Ryuko was sweating hard. Her regeneration quirk tires her out a lot. Still, she lunged at Satsuki as if nothing happened to her, throwing a quick slash, but Satsuki ducked, and counterattacked Ryuko with a knee to the gut, forcing her to her knees.

Satsuki was about to finish the fight with a thrust on her back, but Ryuko blocked the attack, and followed it with a scissor kick, throwing Satsuki to the ground. She tried to stab her, but Satsuki grabbed the blade before it hitted her.

They both started to apply force on the blade, struggling. Ryuko was starting to take the advantage, the balde dangerously close to Satsuki's stomach.


Satsuki punched Ryuko on the face and took the scissor blade with her. Ryuko got up, but Satsuki was faster. She got up, and placed the blade on Ryuko's neck.

Satsuki:"I win."

Ryuko didn't said anything, she just looked to the ground, defeated. Satsuki dropped the blade, and retrieved hers.

Ryuko:"You cheated."

Satsuki:"Are you gonna say that the next time you face Tomiya and her people?"

Ryuko didn't respond, and fell to her knees, again. She sighed, accepting her defeat.

Ryuko:"Good fight..."

Satsuki widened her eyes a bit. She had a faint smile, and answered back.

Satsuki:"You too, you had me on the ropes. I'm hoping we get another chance at this. And maybe, next time..."

Ryuko smirked, and nodded. Well, in the end, it all ends well I guess?

Satsuki:"And now, time to claim my prize."

Oh no.

She walked towards me, grinning from ear to ear. Once she was on the grades, she grabbed my hand, and dragged me somewhere...

Y/N:"I'm getting annoyed of being dragged like a muppet, Satsuki..."

Satsuki:"Quit whining around, you're gonna enjoy this."

Y/N:"Huh? Why? Where are we going anyways?"

Satsuki:"To my room."

Y/N:"What for?"

Satsuki glanced at me, her eyes show lus- oh crap.

Satsuki:"To satisfy my needs, my dear Jinketsu."

Satsuki opened the door leading to her dorm, and threw me to her bed. She quickly undressed, getting on her underwear. I blushed slightly, enjoying the view.

Satsuki:"Like what you see, Y/N?"

Y/N:"Not gonna lie, I do, but I think we shouldn't do this, Satsuki, we-"

Satsuki:"I love you, Y/N, you know that."

She got on top of me, caressing my body. She slowly moved her head to my ear, and whispered:

"I want to be yours, Y/N. Don't you wanna make me yours?"

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