Chapter 6. Aftermath.

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After our fight has finished, Eijira and I went with All Might, watching our friends battles. Some of them were interesting, like the way Tokoyami fight. Some were... a shit show, like Shoto, freezing the villains without even entering the building.

Eijira:"I-I don't know if we could have won against her..."

Y/N:"That was predictible. Don't worry, we could've."

Eijira:"You are right! With my brute force, and your brains, we are invincible!"

I look behind me to see Katsuki on a corner, looking at herself. Is really loosing against Izuki that bad?

Y/N:"I'll be here in a moment."


I slowly walk towards Katsuki. I sit next to her, and place my hand on her shoulder.

Y/N:"What's wrong?"

Katsuki:"She has been fooling us... she had that quirk all this time... she was playing us! What does she think? That she is better than me?! Than you?! Why didn't she use the quirk against me? Does she think I'm a weakling?! Why-"

Y/N:"Enough. Izuki is not like that. Her quirk is too strong for us to handle it. She beat my throw with the softball, using her quirk on one finger. One. Finger. Imagine if she does that, with her arm. Besides, she can't control it. It's better if we don't have to deal with that."

Katsuki:"I expect that from other, but, you?Do you really think I'm that weak?!"

Y/N:"I didn't said that. What I'm saying is-"

Katsuki:"Oh, I know! You prefer Izuki, right? You think she is better than me, right?! I bet you want to-"

Y/N:"That's enough. Look, I'm tired of this shit." I got up, and look at her. "The only one that thinks that, is you. Not even Izuki thinks that. She is not trying to be better than you."

Katsuki:"Then why are you against me?! Why does she not use her quirk?! I'm capable of handling it! Your problem is, you prefer her, right?! You think she is better than me!"


Y/N:"Do you really think that?"

Katsuki:"Yes. All Might helps her, Iida doesn't focus because it's her friend, she looks down at me because her quirk is better... and you protect her... all the time... instead of protecting me..."

Y/N:"Protecting... you? Of what, Katsuki? You're the one bulling Izuki, and you want me to protect you, Katsuki? I have been with you, even after all the shit you've done and pulled. I tolerated your insults and shenanigans for quite a while. I'm tired of this."

Katsuki:"W-what do you-"

Y/N:"We are through. Once you realise what you've done, maybe... I'll give you a chance."

I leaved her, and marched to the infirmary, where Izuki should be. Katsuki tries to stop me, but can't.

1 year of this. I had enough. She doesn't learn. I tried really hard to make her stop these... acts. But, she just can't.

I opened the door of the infirmary. Izuki was on a white bed, looking at a TV. She was watching one of those shows she likes. Iida and Ochako where with her. When I opened the door, Ochako got up, and hugged me.

Ochako:"We saw your match, Y/N! It was incredible!"

Ochako separates, a big smile on her face.

Y/N:"Thank you, Ochako. I wish I could have seen yours, but, we had to prepare ourselves."

Ochako:"No worries!"

I look at Izuki. She was looking at me, a big smile on her face.

Izuki:"Y/N! I won! Ups, sorry- We won!"

Y/N:"I'm proud of you. But, try not to get wounded next time, okay?"

Izuki:"Hehe, I'll try!"

All Might opened the door. He looked at us, a smile on his face.

All Might:"Young man, I'm happy to know Izuki has great friends! But, could you let me have a moment with her, please?"

Y/N:"Of course, All Might! Let's go, guys."

Iida and Ochako followed me outside. Before I went away, All Might whispered some words to me.

All Might:"Young Bakugou's heart and feelings are hard to understand, but, she has great potential and intentions. You are the only one that can understand her. You are the only one that she trusts, more than her parents. Please, try to make things up with her."

Y/N:"...we'll see."

All Might went inside the infirmary, and closed the door.

Ochako:"What did he want?"

Y/N:"Nothing important."

After that, we walked through the school, going towards the exit.

There, Shoto was waiting for us. She does the usual when spoting me. Runs towards me, and tackles me.

Y/N:"Missed you too hot stuff."

We both stand up, Shoto hugging my arm.

Iida:"I see you guys are close."

Shoto:"He is my future husband."

Y/N:"I-I never agreed on that!"

We exit the school, and say our goodbyes to Iida and Ochako. Shoto and I went our own way.

Shoto:"Y/N. Momo said if you want to go tomorrow to her house. Katsuki can come too."

Y/N:"I'm free."

Shoto:"What about her?"

Y/N:"Don't know."

Shoto:"Is something wrong? She was acting weird when you left."

Y/N:"It's... complicated. Let's say, you are main girl from now on."

Shoto:"I'm happy to hear that, but why? Are you angry with her?"

Y/N:"Yes. Let's change the subject."

Shoto:"Fine. But, before we do, try to talk it with her. She was really sad."

We talked about our things. Shoto has... an interesting family. For what I've learned, her father is Endeavor. And it's not a great father.

Shoto:"This is my stop. We should hang out more often, you know?"

Y/N:"Whenever you want, beautiful."

She smiles, and gives me a kiss. Wait, she smiled?

Shoto:"See you tomorrow."

She goes inside. I feel the stare of someone. When I look on my right, I can see Endeavor, looking at me through a window. I think that's my cue to leave.

While I was walking towards my home, my phone suddenly rings. It was Katsuki.

I picked it. The first thing I hear, is a sob. Sigh.


Katsuki:"C-could you... come to my house? I would like to talk with you..."

Y/N:"I think you made it clear on what you think about me."

Katsuki:"Look... I'm sorry, please, come to my house... if you don't like what you hear... then you can go away, and... I won't annoy you, I promise."

...I don't know if I'm stupid, but...

Y/N:"Okay, I'll be there."

Katsuki:"Thank you. I... I love you..."

Y/N: *sigh* " too. Me too."

I end the call, and change my path towards Katsuki's house. I call my mother, and tell her I'm sleeping with Katsuki. Of course, she makes the same old joke. "Remember to wear protection". Ugh.

I finally reached her house. She was on a window, waiting for me. When she saw me, she widened her eyes, and rushed to the main door. She opens it, looking straight at the ground.

Katsuki:"H-hey... please, come in."

Y/N:"Where are your parents?"

Katsuki:"They left. It's my mother's anniversary."

Y/N:"I see."

Katsuki:"I-It's too soon to have dinner. Let's go to my room and... chat."

I nod and follow her. When I enter her room, she closes the door, and sits on her bed. I sat next to her.

Katsuki:"Look, I'm sorry about... well... saying those things. I was frustrated, and, I took it on you. I'm sorry."

I don't say anything.

Katsuki:"Is just... I want to be the best hero. Not because the glory of being number one or something like that, no. Because... after all I've done... It's the only way I think I can be with you."

Y/N:"Kat, that's not-"

Katsuki:"Please, let me finish. I... thought about it and... you're right. I shouldn't treat Izuki like that. She has her quirk, and I have mines. Maybe she is actually stronger than me, but... I don't care. I have you... and it's all that matters."


Katsuki:"So, Y/N... I'm sorry. Would you... let me be your girlfriend? Again?"

I smile and passionately kiss her. It's the first time Katsuki actually spoke about her feelings without shouting. It impressed me a lot.

Katsuki moaned, and blushed, but returned the kiss. She wasn't really good with all the feelings thing. But, she always likes when I give her kisses or hugs. She will never admit she likes affection, but, she can't deny it either.

After a while, we separate, our bodies reminding us we need to breath.

Katsuki:"I suppose that's a yes?"

I chuckle and nod. She smiles, sheding a little tear.

Katsuki:"Thank you..."

I look around for the watch in her room. It was 10:40 PM. Too soon for dinner still.

Y/N:"Hey, wanna lay down a bit? Just you and me."

Katsuki:"Please, I need it."

I nod and lay on her bed. Katsuki quickly lays on me, hugging me. She kisses my neck, while repeating "I'm sorry" nonstop. I try to calm her down by hugging her while I whisper sweet nothings.

Y/N:"Hey, I remembered. Momo invited us to her house tomorrow. Wanna go?"

Katsuki:"Sure. No problem..."

Y/N:"Izuki it's invited too."

Katsuki:"Don't care. I'm not going to start a fight or something, I promise."

Y/N:"I trust you, don't worry. Just, don't act hostile towards her, even if you don't say anything."


I look around her room. A lot of things have changed since she started going out with me. Per example, I tried to get her into videogames. She seems to enjoy fighting games or shooters, but, gets bored quickly when playing any type of puzzle games or slow paced games. She likes to blow things up... a lot.

When looking around, I see an Xbox plugged on a little television. She has a videogame on top of the console. Halo.

Y/N:"Didn't know you bought a console?"

She looks at her Xbox, and sits.

Katsuki:"I pass too much time with you, I think."

I chuckle and sit, bringing her closer to me.

Y/N:"Really? Then why don't you show me what you've learned?"

She gets that smug look I fell in love with.

Katsuki:"It's that a challenge? What's the price?"

Y/N:"Hmm... I could... do things you never experienced to you..."

Heh, I learned how to cook! My mother teached me some recipies I can show her.

She blushed, like really hard. Why?

Katsuki:"Do you... do you really mean that? If I win... you'll do that?"

Y/N:"Yeah? Why not? If you don't want to, don't worry, Momo said she was interested in-"

Katsuki:"NO! I-I mean, I really want you... challenge accepted then!"

She turned on the console, and started Halo:MCC.

She has... a weird look on her face... she was drooling. I mean, I still didn't make the food, nor she know's what I'm cooking... why then?

We made a simple slayer match. The first to get 50 kills win. Katsuki was really giving it her all. She was playing really seriously. Damm, she really wants my food...

After a long match, she won, 40-50. Close.

Katsuki:"YES! You now owe me~"

I look at the time. 11:50.

Y/N:"Mhm. But first, let's go towards the kitchen."

I turn the console off, and grab her hand, grabbing her hand.

Katsuki:"Oh? On the kitchen? Dirty boy~"

Y/N:"Where wouldn't I cook if not in the kitchen?"

She tilts her head, confused.


Y/N:"Of course! I my mother taught me some recipies! That's what I wanted to show you!"

Katsuki:"Oh... U-umm, could I change the prize, if I cook?"

Y/N:*sigh* "Okay, change the prize. But I'm cooking anyways."

She smiles, but, that smile... is... seductive...

Katsuki:"You won't regret it~"

After cooking F/F (Favourite Food) the way my mother taught me, I gave a portion to Katsuki. She really enjoyed it, but, she was staring at me, in a... weird way...

Katsuki:"I really enjoyed it..."

Y/N:"That's good to hear!"

Katsuki:"But... there's something else I want to... eat~"


Katsuki:"You'll see later..."

She giggled, looking at me, hearts on her eyes.

I have a bad feeling about this.

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