✿ 𝘔𝘖𝘖𝘕𝘚 24 - 26 ✿

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Billowscales and Oaksplatter trudged through the dense undergrowth of the forest, their senses alert for any signs of danger or prey. As they rounded a bend in the path, their eyes fell upon a heartbreaking sight—a queen lay motionless on the forest floor, her fur matted and her body still. Oaksplatter's heart sank at the sight, and without a word, he hurried forward to inspect the fallen cat. Beside her, the plaintive cries of her kits filled the air, their tiny voices echoing through the trees. Billowscales knelt beside Oaksplatter, his expression grim as he surveyed the scene,
"She's gone," he murmured, his voice heavy with sorrow. "But we can't leave these kits out here alone." With gentle care, the two toms gathered up the mewling kits, cradling them close to their chests. The kits, sensing the warmth and safety of the two warriors, quieted their cries slightly, though their eyes remained wide with fear and confusion,
"We'll take them back to camp," Billowscales declared, his voice firm with resolve. "They'll be safe there."
Upon their return to camp, Billowscales and Oaksplatter were met with concerned gazes from their clanmates as they carried the orphaned kits through the entrance. Without hesitation, they made their way to the medicine den where Lakeblossom awaited, her fur tinged with a mix of worry and determination,
"Lakeblossom, we found these kits in the forest," Oaksplatter explained, his voice gentle but urgent. "Their mother... she didn't make it." Lakeblossom's eyes widened in sympathy as she stepped forward to examine the kits. With practiced skill, she carefully inspected each one, checking for injuries or signs of illness. The kits, though frightened and confused, remained surprisingly calm in her presence, perhaps sensing the gentle touch of the medicine cat,
"They seem to be in good health for now," Lakeblossom observed, her tone thoughtful. "But they'll need someone to care for them until they're old enough to fend for themselves." She said. Oaksplatter was curled around two kits, Billow being around the other three. Billowscales and Oaksplatter exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the weight of the decision that lay before them. It was clear that they couldn't simply abandon these helpless kits to fend for themselves in the unforgiving wilderness,
"We'll take care of them," Billowscales declared, his voice resolute. "We'll raise them as if they were our own."

— Ripplekit, Primrosekit, Frostkit,
Boarkit, and Talonkit join the clan

Nightmallow's yowl of pain echoed through the forest as the vicious fox trap clamped down on his front paw with brutal force. The sharp teeth of the trap sank deep into his flesh, causing blood to well up around the wound. With every movement, a sharp jolt of agony shot through his body, making it nearly impossible to think straight. Alone in the depths of the forest, Nightmallow's pained cries pierced the stillness of the air. His heart pounded in his chest as waves of agony surged through his body, threatening to overwhelm him with their intensity. With trembling paws, Nightmallow struggled to free himself from the cruel jaws of the trap, but the metal teeth held fast, digging deeper into his flesh with each futile attempt. Blood trickled from the wound, staining the forest floor crimson as he fought against the searing pain.
Desperation gripped him as he realized he couldn't break free on his own. Panic welled up inside him as he frantically scanned the surrounding trees for any sign of help, but the forest remained eerily silent, save for the distant call of a lone bird. Summoning all his strength, Nightmallow let out another guttural cry for help, hoping against hope that someone would hear his plea and come to his aid before it was too late. But as the minutes stretched on, he began to fear that he was truly alone, trapped in a nightmare from which there was no escape.
As the night wore on, Nightmallow's strength waned, and exhaustion threatened to pull him into an uneasy slumber despite the searing pain in his paw. Each passing hour felt like an eternity as he waited in agonizing anticipation for the first light of dawn to break through the dense canopy above. With each shallow breath, he felt the cold embrace of the forest tightening around him, enveloping him in an eerie stillness that seemed to amplify the throbbing ache in his injured paw. The minutes stretched into hours, and the darkness seemed to deepen, casting long, twisted shadows that danced eerily across the forest floor.
As the soft light of dawn filtered through the trees, Cozyspots stumbled upon Nightmallow's haggard form, his paw ensnared in the cruel jaws of the fox trap. With a sharp intake of breath, Cozyspots hurried to his comrade's side, his heart sinking at the sight of Nightmallow's obvious distress,
"Nightmallow, by the stars, what happened?" Cozyspots exclaimed, his voice laced with concern as he carefully examined the trap's grip on Nightmallow's paw. With steady hands, he worked to pry the metal teeth apart, his movements swift yet gentle as he sought to free his friend from the agonizing trap. Despite the pain etched across Nightmallow's face, he mustered a weak smile of gratitude as Cozyspots worked to release him from his predicament. With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew palpable, the urgency of the situation driving Cozyspots to redouble his efforts to free Nightmallow from the trap's merciless grasp. Finally, with a determined wrench, Cozyspots managed to pry the trap open, freeing Nightmallow's paw from its iron grip. With a sigh of relief, Cozyspots carefully lifted Nightmallow onto his shoulders, his heart heavy with concern for his injured comrade.
Together, they made their way back to camp, Cozyspots supporting Nightmallow every step of the way. As they emerged from the depths of the forest, the camp came into view, a beacon of safety and solace amidst the untamed wilderness. With a sense of profound relief washing over him, Cozyspots guided Nightmallow back to the safety of camp, where Gladebranch and the rest of the clan stood ready to offer their assistance.

— Nightmallow was heavily
injured by a two-leg trap

The clan gathered in the heart of the camp, anticipation hanging thick in the air as they awaited the apprentice ceremony. Serpentstar's commanding presence soon drew all eyes to her as she stepped forward, her gaze sweeping over the eager faces of the young cats gathered before her,
"Fogkit, step forward," Serpentstar called out, her voice carrying with it a sense of authority and pride. With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, Fogkit bounded forward, her eyes shining with determination as she awaited her new mentor, "Turtlecurl, you have proven yourself to be a skilled warrior and a loyal member of our clan. I entrust Fogkit's training to you. May you guide her with wisdom and patience, helping her to grow into a strong and capable warrior," Serpentstar declared, her words ringing out with a sense of reverence and respect. Turtlecurl stepped forward, her expression filled with determination as she accepted the responsibility placed upon her shoulders. With a nod of gratitude to Serpentstar, she turned to Fogkit, her gaze encouraging,
"Fogkit, from this day forward, you shall be known as Fogpaw. May you walk the path of a warrior with courage and honor, always striving to uphold the values of our clan," Serpent declared, her voice ringing out with conviction as she welcomed Fogpaw into the ranks of the apprentices. Next, Serpentstar called forth Vinekit, her gaze unwavering as she addressed the eager young cat,
"Vinekit, step forward," she commanded, her voice carrying with it a sense of authority and purpose, "Claystripe, you have shown great courage in seeking to join our clan. I trust that you will mentor Vinekit with the same dedication and commitment that you have shown in your own journey," Serpentstar declared, her words resonating with the weight of tradition and honor. Claystripe stepped forward, her expression filled with pride and determination as she accepted the responsibility of mentoring Vinekit. With a respectful nod to Serpentstar, she turned to Vinekit, her gaze filled with warmth,
"Vinekit, from this day forward, you shall be known as Vinepaw. May you embrace your training with diligence and perseverance, honoring the legacy of those who have come before you," Serpentstar proclaimed, her voice carrying with it a sense of pride and assurance as she welcomed Vinepaw into the ranks of the apprentices.
Serpentstar beckoned Shadowkit forward, her voice ringing out with authority and pride,
"Shadowkit, step forward," she commanded, her eyes fixed on the young cat with a mixture of admiration and expectation. With a determined stride, Shadowkit approached the clan leader, his heart pounding with excitement and anticipation, "Celandinechest, you have proven yourself to be a skilled and dedicated warrior. I trust that you will mentor Shadowkit with the same commitment and devotion that you have shown in your own journey," Serpentstar declared, her words echoing with the weight of tradition and respect. Celandinechest stepped forward, her gaze unwavering as she accepted the responsibility of mentoring Shadowkit. With a nod of gratitude to Serpentstar, she turned to Shadowkit, her eyes shining, "Shadowkit, from this day forward, you shall be known as Shadowpaw. May you embrace your training with courage and determination, honoring the legacy of those who have come before you," Serpentstar proclaimed, her voice filled with conviction and assurance as she welcomed Shadowpaw into the ranks of the apprentices.
Celandinechest started to think of ways to better communicate with her new apprentice. Talking wouldn't do much for him, so she had to get creative. Next, Skipkit was called forward, his heart racing with excitement as he approached Serpentstar,
"Skipkit, step forward," she called out, her voice resonating with authority and pride. With a confident stride, Skipkit made his way to the center of the gathering, his eyes shining with determination, "Conifershard, you have proven yourself to be a fierce and loyal warrior. I trust that you will mentor Skipkit with the same dedication and strength that you have shown in your own journey," Serpentstar declared, her words carrying with them the weight of tradition and honor. Conifershard stepped forward, his expression filled with pride and determination as he accepted the responsibility of mentoring Skipkit. With a respectful nod to Serpentstar, he turned to Skipkit, his gaze filled with warmth and encouragement,
"Skipkit, from this day forward, you shall be known as Skippaw. May you embark on your training with determination and perseverance, always striving to uphold the values of our clan," Serpentstar proclaimed, her voice ringing out with conviction and assurance as she welcomed Skippaw into the ranks of the apprentices.

— The clan welcomes Fogpaw,
Vinepaw, Shadowpaw, and Skippaw

Poddrizzle and Celandinechest strolled together along the winding path that led to a secluded spot where they could watch the sunset in all its glory. The sky was painted in hues of orange, pink, and gold, casting a warm glow over the landscape as they walked side by side, their hearts filled with anticipation and excitement. As they reached the perfect vantage point, Poddrizzle paused and turned to face Celandinechest, his eyes shining with affection and sincerity,
"Celandinechest," he began, his voice soft yet resolute, "I have something important to ask you." Celandinechest looked at him, her gaze filled with curiosity and warmth,
"What is it, Poddrizzle?" she asked, her heart fluttering with anticipation. Taking a deep breath, Poddrizzle reached out and gently took her tail in his,
"Celandinechest, we have been through so much together, and I can't imagine my life without you by my side," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "Will you be my mate?" Celandinechest's eyes widened in surprise, her heart pounding with joy. She felt a rush of warmth and happiness flood through her as she realized what Poddrizzle was asking,
"Yes, Poddrizzle," she replied, her voice filled with love and excitement. "I would be honored to be your mate." With a smile that lit up his face, Poddrizzle pulled her close, pressing his forehead against hers in a tender gesture of affection. Together, they watched the sunset, their hearts filled with love and happiness as they embraced the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

— Poddrizzle and Celandinechest
have become mates!

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As the moons passed, Cloveheart's belly swelled with the promise of new life. Finally, the time came for her to give birth, and she retreated to the safety and comfort of the nursery, surrounded by her fellow clanmates and the gentle presence of Gladebranch, the medicine cat. With each contraction, Cloveheart's determination and strength shone through, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as she brought her precious kits into the world. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement as the other cats looked on, offering words of encouragement and support to the young queen. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the first kit made its appearance, a tiny bundle of fur and warmth nestled in Cloveheart's loving embrace. One by one, the other kits followed, each one more beautiful than the last, their mewls filling the nursery with the sweet sound of new life.
As Cloveheart gazed down at her newborn kits, her heart swelled with love and pride. Mudbeetle stirred from his slumber as he felt a gentle nudge at his side. Opening his eyes, he saw Cozyspots, his friend and fellow clanmate, standing before him with an excited gleam in his eyes,
"Come on, Mudbeetle," Cozyspots said, his voice tinged with excitement. "You've got kits waiting to meet their father." Surprised and elated, Mudbeetle quickly rose to his paws and followed Cozyspots to the nursery, his heart pounding with anticipation. As they entered, Mudbeetle's gaze fell upon Cloveheart, his mate, who lay nestled among their newborn kits, her eyes shining with love and pride.
With a soft purr of excitement, Mudbeetle approached Cloveheart and their kits, his heart overflowing with emotion at the sight of their tiny, squirming forms. Tenderly, he leaned down to nuzzle each one, his heart swelling with love and pride as he greeted each new addition to their family. He settled down beside Cloveheart and their kits, Mudbeetle knew that his life would never be the same again. As Mudbeetle and Cloveheart gazed down at their precious newborns, they knew that each kit deserved a name as unique and beautiful as they were. After much thought and deliberation, they finally settled on the perfect names for their four bundles of joy,
"Let's name them Sablekit," Cloveheart suggested, her voice filled with warmth as she looked down at the firstborn. "Their fur is as dark as the night, just like a sable." Mudbeetle nodded in agreement, a proud smile spreading across his face as he admired his kit. "Sablekit it is," he murmured, his heart swelling with love for the tiny kit nestled in his arms. Turning their attention to the next kit, Cloveheart gently stroked the soft fur of their secondborn,
"How about Bumblekit?" she suggested with a smile. "They're as busy as a bee, always buzzing around." Mudbeetle chuckled softly, his heart warming at the thought of their energetic kit. "Bumblekit it is," he agreed, his eyes shining with pride as he looked down at the spirited kit. Moving on to their thirdborn, Cloveheart's gaze softened as she admired the delicate features of their daughter, "Valleykit," she whispered, her voice filled with reverence. "She's as serene as a quiet valley, yet full of hidden beauty." Mudbeetle nodded in silent agreement, his heart swelling with love for their precious daughter,
     "Valleykit," he repeated, his voice filled with pride as he looked down at the gentle kit in his arms. Finally, they turned their attention to their fourthborn, a tiny bundle of fur nestled close to its siblings. "Ploverkit," Cloveheart suggested, her voice soft and tender. "Like the graceful shorebird, always soaring high above the waves." Mudbeetle smiled warmly, his heart overflowing with love for their youngest kit,
     "Ploverkit," he agreed, his voice filled with affection as he looked down at the tiny kit in his arms. With their names chosen, Sablekit, Bumblekit, Valleykit, and Ploverkit would grow up strong and proud, surrounded by the love and warmth of their family. And as Mudbeetle and Cloveheart watched over their newborns, they knew that their journey together was just beginning, filled with endless adventures and boundless love.

— Mud and Clove welcomed Sablekit,
Bumblekit, Valleykit, and Ploverkit
into the world! They are the first
clan-born kits of PosyClan

As Turtlecurl nervously approached Burnetshreik, her heart fluttered with anticipation and hope. She had been harboring feelings for him for moons, and now, she finally mustered the courage to confess,
     "Hey, Burnetshreik," she began, her voice tinged with nervousness. "I... I have something I need to tell you." Burnetshreik turned to face her, his expression curious yet kind,
     "What is it, Turtlecurl?" he asked, his tone gentle. Turtlecurl took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart,
     "I... I've been wanting to tell you for a while now," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I really like you, Burnetshreik. I've liked you for a long time." For a moment, there was silence as Burnetshreik processed her words. His expression softened, his ears flicking downwards,
     "Turtlecurl, I... I appreciate your honesty," he began, his voice filled with kindness. "You're a wonderful cat, and I'm flattered that you feel that way about me." Turtlecurl's heart soared with hope, but Burnetshreik's next words dashed her expectations. "But..." he continued, his tone awkward yet sincere, "I don't feel the same way. I'm sorry, Turtlecurl. I hope you understand." Turtlecurl felt a pang of disappointment, but she managed a small nod, forcing a smile onto her face,
     "Of course, Burnetshreik," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "I understand. Thank you for being honest with me." Burnetshreik offered her a sympathetic smile, his gaze filled with regret,
     "You're a great cat, Turtlecurl," he said softly. "I hope we can still be friends." Despite her disappointment, Turtlecurl nodded, determined to remain strong,
"Yeah, of course," she replied, her voice steady despite the ache in her heart. "Friends." As they parted ways, Turtlecurl couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and embarrassment. But deep down, she knew that she would eventually find someone who cherished her just as much as she cherished them. And until then, she would cherish the bond of friendship she shared with Burnetshreik, grateful for the memories they had created together.

— Turtlecurl confessed her
feelings to Burnetshreik,
but was rejected

As Sandyfang prowled through the dense undergrowth, her senses alert for any signs of prey, she caught a faint rustling in the bushes ahead. Instinctively, she crouched low, eyes narrowed as she silently approached, muscles coiled and ready to strike at a moment's notice. Suddenly, the bushes erupted with movement, and a dark shape lunged out at her, claws extended and teeth bared in a menacing snarl. Reacting on pure instinct, Sandyfang sprang into action, meeting her assailant head-on in a whirlwind of fur and fury.
Their battle was fierce and intense, each cat fighting with all their strength and determination. Sandyfang dodged and weaved, landing several well-placed blows on her opponent, but not without receiving her fair share of scratches and bites in return. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Sandyfang managed to drive the rogue off, her fur bristling with adrenaline as she panted heavily from the exertion. But as the adrenaline began to fade, she felt a searing pain in her tail and realized it was heavily bleeding from the rogue's claws.

— Sandyfang had her tail mangled
by a rouge

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Poddrizzle cautiously picked his way through the forest, his senses on high alert as he navigated the still-lingering aftermath of the devastating flood. The once-familiar landscape had been transformed into a maze of fallen trees, debris-strewn paths, and treacherous pitfalls. With each step, he scanned his surroundings for any signs of danger, his ears twitching at the slightest rustle of leaves or snap of twigs. The memory of the flood's destructive power weighed heavily on his mind, a constant reminder of the need to remain vigilant in the face of nature's unpredictability.
Despite the passage of time, the scars of the flood were still evident everywhere he looked. Trees lay uprooted, their twisted branches reaching skyward like gnarled fingers clawing at the heavens. The ground was littered with debris, remnants of the once-thriving forest now reduced to broken fragments scattered haphazardly across the landscape. But amidst the devastation, signs of life began to emerge. Tender shoots of green pushed their way through the debris, nature's resilient spirit refusing to be extinguished by the flood's fury. It was a testament to the enduring strength of the forest, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was always hope for renewal and growth. As Poddrizzle continued his exploration, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer power and beauty of the natural world around him. This awe was slowly cut short as he felt his world slip.
Poddrizzle's heart raced as he stumbled on a slick patch of bark, his paws flailing for purchase as he fought to regain his balance. But it was too late—the ground gave way beneath him, and he tumbled headlong into a tangle of fallen trees. The impact knocked the wind from his lungs, and pain shot through his body as he felt the weight of the dead trees pressing down on him. He struggled to free himself, but the debris held him fast, trapping him in its unforgiving embrace.
With a sinking feeling of dread, Poddrizzle realized that his tail had been caught beneath the fallen trees. He gritted his teeth against the pain as he tried to wriggle free, but the pressure on his tail only increased, sending waves of agony shooting through his body. Desperation clawed at him as he fought to free himself, the panic rising in his chest like a tidal wave threatening to engulf him. He called out for help, his voice a desperate plea in the vastness of the forest, but there was no response—only the rustle of leaves and the distant chatter of birds mocking him from above.
Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as Poddrizzle struggled against the weight pinning him down, his strength waning with each passing moment. But just when he felt himself slipping into despair, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching—a welcome echo in the silence of the forest. With a surge of hope, Poddrizzle redoubled his efforts, pushing against the debris with all his might as he called out for help once more. And then, just as he felt himself beginning to lose consciousness, he saw a figure emerge from the shadows—the silhouette of a cat racing towards him, their eyes filled with concern and determination. Celandinechest,
"Cel..." Relief flooded Poddrizzle as he realized that help had finally arrived. With renewed strength, he pushed against the debris one final time, and with a mighty heave, he felt himself break free from the crushing weight that had held him captive. As he lay panting on the forest floor, his tail throbbing with pain, Poddrizzle looked up to see the concerned face of his rescuer looming over him. Gratitude welled up inside him as he realized that he owed this cat his life—a debt he would never forget. The pretty white she-cat fussed over him as he slipped in and out of sleep. He was drained from his fight with the logs. Celandinechest made sure to get him home and looked at. She never left his side.

— Poddrizzle's tail was crushed
by a falling tree

Vinepaw's keen senses detected the faint rustle of movement near the camp entrance. Curiosity piqued, she padded over quietly, her ears pricked forward to catch any stray sounds. As she drew closer, she spotted a group of kits slipping out of camp, their eyes bright with excitement and mischief,
     "Hey, where do you think you're going?" Vinepaw called out, her voice firm but not unkind. The kits froze, their guilty expressions giving them away before they could even respond. Ripplekit, Primrosekit, Frostkit, Boarkit, and Talonkit exchanged nervous glances, their ears flattening against their heads as they realized they'd been caught red-pawed. With a sheepish shrug, Boarkit stepped forward, his gaze meeting Vinepaw's with a mixture of defiance and apprehension,
     "We were just... exploring," he mumbled, his tail twitching nervously behind him. Vinepaw arched an eyebrow, unconvinced by his feeble excuse,
     "Well, it's not safe out there on your own," she admonished gently. "Come on, let's get you back to camp." With a resigned sigh, the kits followed Vinepaw back to camp, their heads hanging low with shame. But as they reached the camp entrance, Vinepaw paused, a mischievous glint in her eye, "Wait here," she instructed, disappearing into the shadows for a moment. When she returned, she was carrying a small pile of smooth stones, each one glinting in the moonlight,
     "Since you're so eager to explore, how about you each pick a rock to take back to camp as a souvenir?" Vinepaw suggested, her tone light and teasing. The kits' eyes lit up with excitement, their disappointment at being caught momentarily forgotten as they eagerly inspected the stones before making their selections. With their newfound treasures clutched tightly in their jaws, the kits followed Vinepaw back to camp. As they settled back into the safety of the nursery, their hearts brimmed with excitement and anticipation, they knew that the night's escapade would be a memory they would cherish for years to come.

— Vinepaw catches Ripplekit,
Primrosekit, Frostkit, Boarkit,
and Talonkit sneaking out of camp

As Eggbark and Hailmoor engaged in a lively discussion about battle strategies, their voices mingled in the crisp morning air. The two warriors exchanged ideas and debated tactics with fervor, their eyes alight with determination,
     "Maybe we should try a flanking maneuver next time," Eggbark suggested, his gaze focused intently on Hailmoor. "It could catch the enemy off guard and give us the upper paw." Hailmoor nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful as she considered his proposal,
     "That could work," she mused, her tail flicking back and forth in excitement. "But we'll need to be swift and coordinated to pull it off." Just then, a mischievous glint appeared in Hailmoor's eyes as she flashed Eggbark a playful grin. "You know," she teased, "we could always test out our sparring skills right here and now." Eggbark's eyes widened in surprise at her suggestion, but he couldn't help but be intrigued by the idea. With a flick of his tail, he accepted her challenge, his competitive spirit rising to the surface,
     "Alright then, let's see what you've got," he replied, a playful gleam in his eyes. Without further ado, Eggbark and Hailmoor squared off in the center of camp, their movements fluid and precise as they exchanged blows in a friendly sparring match. Their claws flashed in the sunlight as they traded swipes and feints, each warrior testing the other's skills with calculated strikes and nimble footwork.
     As the spar continued, the other cats in camp gathered around to watch, their cheers and encouragement filling the air. Eggbark and Hailmoor's playful banter echoed through the clearing as they danced around each other, their movements a testament to their strength and agility. As the sparring match between Eggbark and Hailmoor reached its climax, it became clear that Hailmoor had the upper paw. Her swift movements and clever tactics allowed her to outmaneuver Eggbark time and time again, landing a decisive blow that left him momentarily stunned.
     From the sidelines, Burnetshreik watched the match unfold with keen interest, his eyes fixed on Hailmoor as she danced gracefully around Eggbark, her every move calculated and precise. Despite his attempts to remain composed, Burnetshreik couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for Hailmoor's skill and agility. As Hailmoor emerged victorious from the match, a triumphant smile gracing her features, Burnetshreik's ears burned with embarrassment. He found himself at a loss for words as he watched her bask in the cheers and applause of their fellow clanmates, his heart fluttering with a mixture of admiration and uncertainty. Caught up in his own thoughts, Burnetshreik couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps there was more to his admiration for Hailmoor than just friendly rivalry.

— Eggbark and Hailmoor spar

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