Stuck in Sounds

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Tick Tock
Tick Tock
There goes the clock

That sound is mocking me
I'm just trying to enjoy my tea
I'll just try to zone it out, ignore it!

Nope, not working!
The sound is hurting
I'm getting really annoyed
Annoyed I tell you, annoyed!

I went into another room
But that noise is in every room
I decided to go outside
There are no clocks outside!

Aw... peace and quiet!
I no longer want to have a riot!
No sounds, no noise.
Until I heard this awful noise

Drip drop
Drip drop
Drip drop
Drip drop

Drip drop
Drip drop
Do I have to get a mop?
Oh why can't it stop?

Drip drip
That sound makes me want to flip
I normally like the rain
But today it is just a pain

I'm growing tired of that sound
So I went inside and found a bucket of toys
I took the toys out of the bucket
Went outside and dropped the bucket

I went back inside and heard a drip, drip
Oh my god make it stop make it stop!
I grab the bucket and went to the hose
I filled the bucket halfway, some of it splashed on my nose

I carried the heavy bucket back
where I first noticed the sound coming from the shack
Then it stopped. It stopped!
Thank God it stopped!

It's time to go back to bed!

Vroom vroom
Vroom vroom
Is the sound a car makes
I sound that keeps me awake

I have an idea
A fantastic idea
I put my sweatshirt on and walk towards my car
I get in the car and start to drive really far

I drive to the middle of nowhere
Somewhere where
There will be no noise
until I hear this annoying noise

Oh no, now it's morning?
I drove all the way over here and now it's morning?

I start my car
my sweet sweet car
but it doesn't even make a sound
Oh no! It doesn't even make a sound!

I have no cell service
No freaking cell service
I'm stuck I'm stuck!!
Help me, I'm stuck!

I'm stuck! I'm stuck!
What such luck
Someone come by!
Oh why, why?

All of the noise is led to this, help!
Why did I have to be so stubborn, help!
I heard a car
not coming from far

I jumped out of my car so I could get help
So I ran towards the street yelling help, help!
Thank goodness they saw me
they pulled over and she...

She! She helped me! Thank goodness she helped me!
Instead of just letting me be
I was so full of joy
her car smelled like soy

I was happy she drove me home
She said she saw me on the news at her home,
that she saw me there and decided to help
she drove to me, on her time, to help!

"Oh thank you so much!" I said
She said I look skinny so she offered me bread
She said bye and left, I was home, home!
I thanked sounds for being in my home

Tick Tock
Drip drop
Vroom vroom
Coka-doodle-doo! Coka-doodle-doo!

This is the one I've been waiting for! Yay I finally got to post it! I Hope you liked it!

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro