A Boy Among Many

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A boy with weaponized logistics and distinctive tastes
Scans his crowd.
He sees
A short girl, whose eyes follow an object that speaks, but isn't very loud.

A tall friend, whose large heart is as big as his mind, and
A silver-haired boy, who always finds himself making jokes and following close behind.

A girl going against what's "normal", making her way through and sewing what has been torn, and
A girl, her close friend, causing everyone to smile and keeping her warm.

A girl featuring long, red hair, who can seemingly find hope everywhere, and
A thin boy who bounces round, and provides any statement with, we'll say,"hip flair".

A brother, a strong bond forged from seemingly nothing, however peculiar, and
A pair of girls sharing a name, one flowing with kindness, the other always laughing to humor.

A boy slightly younger, molded from his long friendship, yet still finding struggles and personality from himself, and
A long time friend, loyalty so strong that he'd do anything to keep a friend from being put to the shelf.

A young boy by the name of a color, offering love, compassion, and a mirror, and
A friend of the south, showing mass empathy and, if ever murky, making things clearer.

A group scattered far away, but even so providing unforgettable times at earliest sunshine, and
A long-lost, filling in an old void, no matter if times were dreadful or sublime.

While the boy scans his crowd and his mind keeps racing wildly, he
Sees them begin to approach calmly, and mildly.

After their approach, he bends over and begins to laugh with tears in eyes, and
He simply gets up, scans his crowd, and says,"Thank guys."

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