I'm sorry

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This is dedicated to one of my favorite authors she had recently lost her fiance and unborn twin girls her name is Demoness15. Ma'ma I am sorry for your lost you are forever in my prayers.


Smile and keep them in your heart
That's what they tell us who have lost what is dear to us
But what they don't know it's how much it hurts to smile
To know that we will never hold them in our arms again
Never hear their voice again
Feel the warmth of their presence near us
To see they're face light up with amazement and happiness
To wipe their tears away
To hold them and tell them it's okay
The times we share with the ones we love we will never get back
We know that they will be lost in the sea of time
Even though we are still trying to get by
We want to look back and see
The good times we shared with them
Will always be
We mourn the lost of our loved ones
Cry when no one watches
Tell them we are okay
When we ourselves are dying inside
Keep moving on they say
But we never do
We don't forget the things they do
The words they spoke
The laughs shared
The moments that remind us why we live

That's why I dedicate this to all of those who have lost someone close to them. A mother, father, sister, brother, child, friend, aunt, uncle, grandparent anyone this is dedicated to you. I'm sorry i know how it feels, though I never personally meet her, cancer took her away from me before I could. She died before my 13th birthday and all I have left to remember are 13 birthday cards.😖😖💔💔 may those who have pasted rest in piece. Grandmother Windy I miss you. Demoness15 your two children and fiance may they rest in price and wait for us in the afterlife.

Edited (08/23/2017)

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